Septem ber 14. 1945 PORTLAND INQUIRER Joe Louis Sees Alaskan Champ Potential Threat FOKT RICHARDSON. Alaska — “Willie Brown is a 'n a m e w orth rem em bering w hen you’re think ing of heavw eight fighters in post-w ar A m erica,” Technical Sergeant Joe Louis rem arked here recently. W hen the Brown Bomber m ade his tour of Alaska and the A leu­ tians, he boxed exhibitions at ten of the posts w ith P riv ate W il­ lie* Brown, and at the com pletion of his tour, flatly said th a t the N egro heavyw eight’s left hand was practically unstopable. Brown, who gives his home as 1542 Jones street, San Francisco, C alifornia, has been stationed at an A leutian base w ith a Q u a rte r­ m aster unit for tw o years. He was presented w ith a huge sports­ m anship trophy by Yank, the A rm y W eekly, for w inning the A laskan D epartm ent heavyw eight cham pionship. At the com pletion of Louis’ tour of the A laskan D epartm ent, he was asked if W illie Brown held any promise, and if he thought Brown was a good enough boxer to en ter the p ro ­ fessional field. “One y ear of a m a­ te u r boxing under a good tra in ­ er w ith proper handling, and W illie could be a contender for the heavyw eight crow n. H e’s a fine boxer, and has a n atu ral left hand," the Brow n Bom ber replied. W hile Louis’ bouts w ith Brown w ere, of course, strictly ex h ib i­ tion, Joe th rew a few of his w ell- know n left hooks at W illie d u r ­ ing the last one. It was, he said, to find out w hether or not W illie could take it. A fter the fight, he told the A laskan D epartm ent cham pion th a t he had "taken a punch th a t knocked plen ty of others o u t,” explaining at the sam e tim e th a t he had throw n it hard because of his personal in ­ te re st in the 21-year-old ring promise. OUT OF ADAM'S HAT THE BRONX.NEW YORK,WAS STOLEN rioht from uNDfa THEA/ERV HOSES rut Joe Waterman Turns Attention To Future Ring Champions Now that Joe Kahut has definitely proven his right to the title of heavyweight champ of the State of Oregon, (and maybe some other places too) by his fifth round K.O. of wiry A1 Jordan, Joe Watterman turns his attention to other and more pressing matters. The more pressing matters being the youngster of the squared circle from whence come the future champions. In other words Joe W a t e r m a n is going to put on a Talent Show come Friday night, September 21st. GREENBERG A NATIVE O f of Page 5 N .v . YANKEES BY JEAN OU&JC, DETROIT TIGER SCOUT. MMtTV BRILL WENT TO NOTRE . DAME '• AFTER FAILING TO MAKE THE TEAM AT r fenn 4 . — HE SCORED 3 - touchdowns A POR THt IRISH A6AIHST. N S £ / ALMA M ATfR. ITJ, T w HORTON S mith , THOUGH A TEAM MEMBER. VHASN’T USED IN THE 1 9 3 7 RVDER CUP MATCHES, BUT I WON THE BRITISH OPEN QUALIFY­ ING MEDAL THE n e x t WEEK V// u w SC O R E D OVERTIME GOALS FOR BOSTON IN 3 GAMES TO ELIMINATE fME r a n g e r s PROM THE 1939 STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS -7H E RANGERS HAD OWNED H/N\ S/X YEARS BEFORE f Jones Defeats Hager on Mat Colored R ufus Jones, em ploying head b u tts and body presses, took tw o stra ig h t falls from Tex H ager in the m ain ev en t of M onday n ig h t’s w restling card at the L ab ­ or Tem ple. Joe Lym an, a recen t arm y dis­ charge, defeated G orilla Poggi in th e sem i-w indup, one fall to none, and Buck D avidson w ent to a fall apiece draw w ith G eorges D uessette in the opener. - Park Bureau To Begin Fall Programming The recreational facilities u n d er direction of th e B ureau of P ark s and Public R ecreation in th e o u t­ door areas w ill continue as long as w eath er perm its u n d er p art- tim e supervision but follow ing the opening of the schools for th e new term fall program m ing w ill b e­ gin in the indoor com m unity re c ­ reatio n centers. O rganization for team play in football, softball, volleyball, badm inton and o th er gam es will tak e place in S ep tem ­ ber. Scheduled gam es and class instruction are due to begin early in O ctober. G U ILD S LAKE KILLING TO BE THOROUGHLY AIRED (C ontinued from page 1) nesses. F earlessly outspoken in his criticism of th e handling of the m a tte r by both the city of P o rt­ land and th e original illing by th e d etectiv e is Rev. G eorge W. Brow n, G uilds Lake m inister. He stated , “From my in v estig a­ tion, I believe police w ere w rong in th e ir handling of th e situation. From m y questioning of Jones fam ily, I am convinced Jo n es b e ­ lieved the police w ho w ere knocking at his door to be ro b ­ bers w ho intended harm to him and his fam ily.” More searching investigations have been carried on by Mr. D avid Robinson, outstanding P o rtlan d A ttorney, m em ber of the In te r-rac ia l C om m ittee and Mr. G eorge Thom as of the P o rtlan d Council of Churches. LEO "The Lion" TURNER 'Old Man of 33 Wins Discus In row weight who is the pride of the I I ■. 1 %, L arry C aputo fistic stable. O thers on th e bill, now being arran ged, LeHAVRE, France — A lthough include Dick W agner, Oregon he h asn ’t had a discuss in his youngster, G ene hand for four years, C laude W al- C ity - ’s to rn ad ic -------° -----* ------- ton of D enver, now an A m erican ° ns0n» V ancouver s young Ne- Red Cross club director here, re- if.r ? ’ *s im proving w ith every cently won th e discus th ro w in a and sev eraI o thers of the huge Inter-A llied track m eet in kids w ho have been m aking such London. In addition, by placing ®reat fights on recen t auditorium th ird in shot-pt he b ro u g h t in j boxin£ cards. th e points w hich decided th e -------------------------------------------------- m eet in favor of the A m ericans. . “lousy” b u t it w as 17 feet bet- A g rad u ate of the U niversity of te r th an th e second contender, Colorado, C laude W alton was a by v irtu e of C laude W alton’s ta k - teach er of physical education in ing third, th e final stood a t 107 the Chicago P a rk district before a GI, could do. The last event com ing overseas for the A m eri- of th e m eet w as th e sh o t-p u t and can Red Cross alm ost th re e years to 106 in favor of th e A m ericans, ago. C laude W alton doesn’t know “I d id n ’t expect to find m yself w hen h e ’ll see his D enver hom e in the m eet,” he explained. “I a t 3015 C aliofrnia stre et again, w en t over as coach for th e C han- If he can be assigned to th e Red nel Base team of GIs. In England, Cross ath letic program for the a Special Service officer suggest- A rm y of O ccupation, he m ay ed it m ight be a good idea if I stay over an o th er year. B ut he took part. I figured I couldn’t desn’t th in k h e ’ll go in m uch be any ru stie r th an a lot of o th e r for com petitive sports -in th e fu- people.” i ture. C laude W alton thinks his throw “I’m g ettin g to be an old m an,” of 147 feet th re e inches w as he explains, at 33. JUST RIGHT SHOE REPAIR SHOP Ladies & G ents Shoes R epaired 326 N. W. 5th Ave. THE FASHION Cloak & Suit Co. fit GOODMAN & BADER Jewelers 618 S. W. W ashington St. Portland, Dresses - Milinery Coats - Suits Shop Where Style and Quality Blends "The Friendly Store" Exclusive But Not Expensive 936 S. W. W ashington, cor. 10th PATRONIZE OUR A D V E R T I S E R S SEELIE SAMARRA Bill B ettis form er M arine Corps boxer will tu rn “P ro ” on th is card and w ill be best rem em bered as the 1945 Golden Glove W inner of the state of Oregon. B ettis did weigh alm ost 300 pounds b u t he has lost a lot of this useless poundage under the train in g of Jack Crim, form er tra in e r of Leo “The L ion-’ Turner. A nother Golden Glove ch am ­ pion to join the pro ran k s on th is card w ill be little Joe Clemo, Oregon flyw eight cham pion, w ho wil fight as a b antam w eight in th e m oney ranks. Who w ill oppose Clemo is a question, b u t W ater­ man is considering p u ttin g the Irish-M exican lad w ith D uane Hoag, little p erp etu al m otion fighter from W ichita, K an., if Hoag will m ake some sort of w eight for Clemo. Still another a m ateu r glove- slinger to tu rn pro on W ater­ m an’s “ta le n t” .card is “B ig” Bill Carnegie, young N egro h e a v y - NANCE'S BAR-B-Q 31 N. E. CHERRY CT. Good Meals Served All Hours Home Cooking Our Specialty DINNERS — BARBECUE SANDWICHES Oregon BE. 6868 EAst 9044 D avid N an ce, Prop.