Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, September 14, 1945, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    fo r th e p ro m p t and continuous
m ovem ent of flid food in bulk.
B u il d e r s
L a d le s
S u its
C le a n d in g ’ a n d P r e s s in g ;
317 N . W . 3rd A v e.
Four navy heroes and a heroine of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor line up to receive the
navy unit com m endation ribbon aboard the U. S. S. Solace, navy hospital ship, in Portland
harbor Tuesday. From left are Lt. Alva John Jones; Lt. Marjorie von Stein, navy nurse; A r­
nold George Leidtka, chief com m issary steward; Fred T. B lackw ell, cook third class, and
George Puckett, cook first class. The ship's crew stands at attention in the background.
5 on Solace Given Awards for Work ODT Revokes
At Pearl Harbor, December 7,1941 Order for Negroe
Cab Drivers
T he ghosts of P earl H arbor
w ere recalled T uesday m orning
in the peaceful sunshine of P o rt­
la n d ’s h arb o r as five crew m em ­
bers of th e navy hospital ship
U. . S. Solace w ere decorated w ith
th e navy unit citationti!4 Vz9cLa
th e navy u n it com m endation rib ­
bon for th e ir w ork d u rin g th e
Jap a n e se sneak a tta c k which
started a w ar now ended.
The five w ere m em bers of
th e crew th a t m ade up “rescue
p arties in m otor launches and
boats th a t w ere quickly d isp atch ­
ed to th e U. S. S. A rizona and
o th e r strik en ships,” stated the
citation read by Capt. L. D. W hit-
grove, navy supervisor of ship­
building here in P o rtlan d .
“They braved flam es and e x ­
plosions to rescue th e b u rn ed and
in ju re d from th e decks and blaz­
ing w a ter alongside”, th e citation
by N avy S ecretary Jam e s Forres-
ta l said. “T hey un h esitatin g ly
risked th e ir lives d u rin g rep eated
trip s u n d er th e sam e perilious
conditions, each tim e re tu rn in g
to th e Solace w ith boats fully
laden w ith injured and dying.
W orking to th e point of ex h au s­
tion, th e e n tire staff, doctors,
n u rses and corpsm en, rendered
v a lia n t and self-sacrificing service
th ro u g h o u t th is extrem e em erg en ­
A b rief ta lk by Com. E dw ard
P eterson, captain of th e Solace,
recounted the ship’s record since
P e a rl H arbor. It handled w ound­
ed a t G uadalcanal, N ew G uinea,
H ollandia, T araw a, the A dm iralty
K w ajalein,
Eniw etok,
Saipan, G uam , Peleliu, A nguar,
Iw o Jim a, K erem a R etto, and
O kinaw a.
Those decorated w ere F red u
Thom as B lackw ell, Negro, 22, cook
th ird class, St. Louis; A rnold Geo.
L eidtka, 49, chief com m issary
stew ard, of R ochester, New Y ork;
G eorge W illiam P u ck ett J r, Negro
22, N ashivlle, Tenn., cook first
class, w ho has served aboard th e
Solace since h er com m issioning
since A ugust 9, 1941, and has
not had leave d u rin g th a t tim e;
Alva Jo h n Jones, 34, N orth Ston-
ington, Conn., w ho was chief sig­
nalm an a t P e a rl H arb o r and was
appointed lieu te n an t (jg) May 1,
1943, by th e presid en t; and a
navy nurse, t. M arjorie E. Von
Stein, C learville, Pa.
The ship will leave P o rtlan d
h arb o r W ednesday for San F ra n ­
cisco, th en presum ably, w ill go
to P earl H arbor.
W illiam s A ve. at K nott St.
tra n sp o rta tio n in th e fa r n o rth - !
ern te rrito ry a t th e end of th is ,
m onth.
2. R evocation of A d m in istrativ e
F l o w e r s
O rd er ODT 4, effective im m edi- ;
“As n e a r as your p h one”
ately. The o rd er delegated to I
ODT d istrict and regional offices
2617 NE U nion A ve—G A 1181
th e pow er to req u isitio n used
3. R evocation of A d m in istrativ e
O rd er ODT 5, effective im m edi­
NO. 1 O. E. S.
ately. T he o rd er set up th e p ro ­
cedure for th e suspension, r e ­ M eetings 1st W ednesday each
m onths 8:00 p. m.
call, cancellation or revocation of
certificates of w a r necessity, a j P r n c e H all Tem ple, F. & A. M.
116 N. E. R ussell St.
procedure no longer applicable
D ollie Paries, W.M.
I since th e certificate of w a r neces- |
G askin, S ecretary
sity program w as abolished on
A ugust 16.
4. R evocation of A d m in istra ­ D ah lia Tem ple No. 202
tive O rd er ODT 8, effective im ­
L B. P. O. E. W.
m ediately. The ord er provided
th e p rocedure for th e rev iew of
and 3rd T uesday
12504 N. W illiam s Ave., 8 p. m.
certificates of w ar necessity.
*» i
Mrs. L eth e Peck, D a u g h ter R uler
5. R evocation of G en eral O rd er ________________________________
ODT 48, effective im m ediately. G o l d e n W est 844. GUOF
The o rd er restricted th e tran sfer, |
¡or change in service w ith o u t ODT M eetings 2d & 4th T uesday 2:30
116 N. E. R ussell St.
approval, of fluid food m otor _ .
„ „
B . ,,
1, ,
, . ,
. i P rin ce H all Tem ple, F. & A. M.
ta n k vehicles. The o rd er w as is- T
I ,.„ j T
10i- .
Jo sep h in e M orrison, M. N. G.,
[sued Jan . 17, 1845 to conserve M rs. A n n ab elle H arris, N.G. Sec!
such eq u ip m en t and to provide _ _ _ _ _ ________________________
New Spring Full
Drape Suits and
Stanley's Clothes Shop
435 SW. W ashington St.
DeMars Grocery
Order Your Xmas Cards Early
Your Name Embossed or Printed on Beatihil
Cards or Folders
25 ca rd s.................... $1.75 Asst. No. P-273
20 ca rd s.................... 2.45 Asst. No. X-290
Do you feel yourself slipping? Oo you only
"d re a m " about the man you used to b e? Are
you troubled with nervous debility— impaired
vitality— certain weaknesses?
Better do something about It Start to
strengthen, tone up end invigorate the organs.
Learn why hundreds of other men get good
results from NU-VITOL, e new, powerful pep
tonic. Let N U-VITOL put sing in your step
end sest in your soul. Be e ,rwolf" again.
Sold only to men who want something eitra
good and ere willing to pay for it. Tablet
form. Price $2.SO. Don't tend any money
now. Pay postman $2 50 plus postage when
delivered. Or, send $2.SO now and we'll pay
Lee Drug Co.
Mt Kltco N. Y.
Others Up to $6.70 in Lots of 25
• • •
i %
Brings That "otd feeling" Back Again
Large Selection to Choose From
Just Phone or Send a Postal—Salesman Will Call
Madam Blanch
Portland Inquirer
2736 N. E. R odney
P hone WE. 7220
9 A. M. to 7-30 P. M.
(near Broadw ay) Portland. Or.
i m
E xcelsior L odge No. 23
F. & A. M.
Why Suffer Pain Of
Rheumatic Miseries?
A drastic
ODT ord er lim iting th e m ileage
of 82 Negro tax icab o p erato rs on ; If you are just dragging you r­
I C hicago’s South Side w as re-
self through life w ith aches
v°k e d by th e O ffice of D efense
and pains caused by rh eu m a­
T ran sp o rtatio n last w eek as th a t
tism , arthritis, n eu rtitis and
agency rem oved controls in sev­ neuralgia, D ESA LG IN T A B ­
eral fields of tran sp o rtatio n .
LETS w ill bring you happy r e ­
The N egro operators w ere giv ­ lief.
The superior doctor-
en relief from Special O rder ODT prescribed rem edies com bined
TC-1, u n d er w hich th ey w ere
req u ired to reduce th e ir m ileage safe, effectiv e. Take as d ir­
by 30 p er cent, and cooperate to
ected. and th ey M UST help
g u aran tee e ffi^ p n t u tilization of you — m an or w om an— or your
equipm ent. The ord er w as o rig ­ m on ey
inally issued on A pril 24, 1943.
Ju st
m ail your
A t th e sam e tim e, ODT a n ­ nam e and address. P ay Post-
th e
anm $1.25 w hen he d elivers
am en d m en t of a nu m b er of oth er your b ox of D ESA LG IN T A B ­
orders including the follow ing:
LETS. Or send -1.00 n ow w ith
order and save 25 cents. Don't
lose precious tim e in n eed less
su fferin g of p ainful hands,
Just arrived-
arms, race, shoulders, back,
legs, feet.
C O . , D ept.
S- l , 1217 S. Long A ve., H ill­
side, N. J.
W illiam s A ve. & K nott St.
F resh V egetables Daily
We W elcome Y our P atro n ag e
A T . 8981
BLENDED W H ISKEY 86 proof,.
6 0 % grain neutral spirits.
Schenley Distillers Corp., N-Y.C.
M eets ev ery 2d and 4th M onday
a t 8:00 p, m.
P rin ce H all Tem ple, F. & A. M.
116 N. E. R ussell St.
Boise S train , W.M.
L. R. B lackburn, S ecretary
P hone T R inity 1857
BiUy W eb b L odge 1050
L B. P. O. E. of W .
M eets ev ery 2nd and 4th W ed.
8:30 p. m.
2504 N. W illiam s, n e a r R ussell
W. L. Shine, E x a lte d R u ler
O liver E. Sm ith, S ecretary
Enterprise L odge No. 1
F. & A. M.
M eets ev ery 1st and 3rd M onday
8:00 p. m.
P rin ce H all Tem ple, F. & A. M.
116 N. E. R ussell St.
C harles R aw lins, W. M.
Jam e s L. W asson, S ecretary
NO. 16 O. E. S.
M eets ev ery 2nd and 4th T hurs-
R o b erta B lackburn, W. M.
M arie B. Sm ith, S ecretary