A u g u st 24. 1945 P O R T L A N D IN Q U IR E R Arts and Craits Serve Buddy's Orchestra WSA Praises GI's Through Red Cross Lauded by Columnist Morale Of Merchant Seamen P ag« 3 in ev ery key city along the A t­ lantic coastline. On Labor Day, H iram has secured Cam den, New J e rse y ’s C onvention Hall for a dance de luxe w ith, of course, Buddy Jo h n so n ’s O rchestra as the attractio n . P. S. Now th a t is the stu ff you really gotta w atch! NICE—It was ra th e r a strange Buddy Johnson, c re ato r of th e picture, one you w o u ld n ’t expect popular lullaby, “Baby D on’t You to see on the R iviera now th a t it C ry ” and oth er Decca hits is c u r­ has been tu rn e d into a soldier- re n tly ap p earin g on a lim ited W ASHINGTON—The discipline ur. playground. and m orale m aintained by A m eri­ Buddy Johnson m ade a m e te ­ A ny o th er day it w ould have can m erchant seam en, whose oric rise in a n u m b er of B ro ad ­ seem ed pleasant and interesting, ran k s include m ore th an 10,000 w ay hot spots, an ex ten siv e to u r N egroe m aritim e w orkers during w ith couples m illing aro u n d the of E uropean capitals and w ith the w ar, w ere com m ended in a dance floor of the G I restee-hotel, rep o rt by th e W ar S hipping A d­ the once-fashionable H otel Ruhl th e acclaim of em in en t m usic m in istratio n ’s C om m ittee on of Nice. G irls w ith corsages and critics, et al. A t B arney G allan t's in New C rew D isciplinary M atters m ade G I’s scrubbed and b u rnished public this w eek a fte r tw o years w ere m oving to th e tea-dancc York C ity, w here Buddy an d His rh y th m of th e o rch estra. B and com pleted a long en g ag e­ of study and observation. By Ted Yates m ent, crow ds w ere tu rn e d aw ay B ut th ere, ju st back of the S taff C orrespondent The com m ittee said th a t it had found no indications of broad dance flor, in plain view in an n ig h tly and only th e p ressu re of NEW YORK (IPS) Anne Brow n conflicts of interests betw een of­ alcove th a t used to be th e sw ank advance booking com pelled him the b eau tifu l and talen ted concert ficers and seam en. O nly three- bar, you could see a dozen or so to end his popular ru n there. star w ho has ap p eared in a series te n th s of one per cent of m is­ soldiers in deep concentration. It was w hile playing a t this w ell- of A m erican Negro Music F esti­ conduct cases reported concerned They seem ed oblivious to the know n night-spot th a t Louis So­ vals in Chicago, St. Louis and econom ic questions and disputes poise and gaiety. S everal w ere bol, p o p u lar colum nist of th e D etroit (in spite of th e fact th a t York Jo u rn al-A m erican , arising out of collective b a rg a in ­ bending over d raw in g boards, a New she w as th e victim of w hat m any ing m atters, and th e re have been couple w ere using easels, others along w ith the H earst N ew spa­ term H ollyw ood’s "sm ear cam ­ no strik es of m erchant seam en w ere w orking at tables: w eaving, pers, w as a guest one evening. paign" on Race stars) is booked since P earl H arbor, the com m ittee carving, m odeling and tooling Sobol’s popular and w idely-read solid for a series of concerts in (colum n had this to say a few days various m aterials. reported. th e U nited S tates and C anada up P rincip al source of difficulties A round th em hovered four in ­ later: to and th ro u g h th e w in ter season “. . . We ran across a new star on shipboard are “clashes of p e r­ stru cto rs—all F rench— all look­ of 1946. Miss B row n has inform ed sonalities, individual intrasigence, ing very m uch th e w ay a F rench in the m aking, "V elocity” J o h n ­ h er m an ag er A lb ert M orini in incom petence and neglicence,” a rtist is “supposed” to look. The son. He w rung m elodies, new and New Y ork th a t she is especially the com m ittee stated. A b re a k ­ p ain ter w as tall and w ispy w ith a old out of a tiny b a tte re d piano. anxious to ap p ear at colleges and dow n of m isconduct cases re p o rt­ Van D yke beard and a curled His playing will m ake you w eep in stitu tio n s in various sections of ed to WSA show s absence w ithout gray m ustache. The setching w ith ecstatic ap p reciatio n .’’ the co u n try to exclusive N egro B uddy is popular pianist and leave and failure to join ship con­ teach er w ore a smock and a beret. audiences because often m usic stitu te th e most freq u e n t causes. The healthy-looking, brig h t-eey ed he plays and sings his big hit lovers a re denied th a t privilege The com m ittee found th a t the girl in a colorful pin afo re was num bers, "T h at’s T he S tu ff You w hen Jim Crow law s are in e x ist­ tra d itio n a l m eans of enforcing thesculptor. The place w as filled G otta W atch" and "B aby, Don't ence. discipline in the M erchant M arine, w ith w orkers, all co n cen tratin g You C ry ’’ along w ith o th e r favor- I C om m unity groups interested th a t is, fines deducted from the as though th e re w e ren ’t a dance ites w hich he has o rig in ated and recorded for Decca, such as: in p resen tin g one of th e stars of o ffen d er’s pay based upon e n ­ ; going on five y ard s aw ay. “Porgy and Bess” m usical opera tries in th e sh ip ’s log, had not The ex p an atio n was sim ple. It "Please, Mr. Jo h n so n ,” “Stop for a w o rth y cause w ould do well proved en tire ly satisfactory, but w as th e A m erican Red Cross P re te n d in g ” and “L e t’s B eat O ut Some L ove.” T hese w ere the to contact Mr. M orini at his of­ it pointed out th a t these m ethods craft studio in the R uhl Hotel. tu n es th a t sk y ro ck eted him to fice: 119 W set 57th St., New had been supplem ented since F eb ­ The m oving sp irit b ehind this York, N. Y. ; fame. ru a ry 1943 by th e M erchant M a­ w orkshop is A m erican R ed Cross The fact th a t th e erstw h ile H iram Johnson, B u d d y ’s b ro th ­ rin e H earing U nits of the U nited N egro w o rk er Am y Booth of St. er, by th e w ay, is one of th e n a ­ sta r of “Porgy and B ess” and the S tates Coast G uard. The pro­ Louis, M issouri. A ttra c tiv e Mrs. tio n ’s leading prom oters. He has film “R hapsody in B lue”, th e epic cedures adopted by these units, Booth is th e w ife of A rm y C ap­ successfully booked “nam e b an d s” on G eorge G ersh w in ’s life in th e re p o rt states, provided a m ore tain A rth u r H. Booth, a form er w hich film m ak e-u p m en in th e effective d e te rre n t against dis­ chem ist w ho is now a chem ical cinem a cap ital sm udged up Miss cip lin ary infractions th a t fo rfeit­ W h en in Portland w arfare officer serving in New B row n’s good-looks, w ants to play ures of w ages or even fines or im ­ Stop a t the G uinea. B efore th e w a r the the solid S o u th ’ is a slap -in -th e- prisonm ent in crim inal prosecu­ Booths m ade th e ir hom e on H ick­ face to S en ato r B ilbo w ho has tions. ory S tree t in St. Louis, w here been shooting his m outh off in a The W SA C om m ittee on Crew Mrs. Booth ta u g h t school and very un-A m erican m anner. D isciplinary M atters was created w orked on th e P a rk s and P la y ­ J a n u a ry 11, 1943, by Vice A dm iral ground P ro g ram of th e Y.W.C.A. E m o rty S. Land, USN, R etired, In h e r spare tim e she w as a G irl S tric tly M odern UNITED TAILORS d eterm in e th e policy of th e WSA Scout leader, and in terested h e r­ 310 N. W. FLANDERS ST. B u ild e r s o f L a d le s an d M e n ’s W ar Shipping A dm inistrator, to S u its self in b allet dancing and music. K elly Foster, O w ner and w ith respect to discipline on v es­ W E M A K E D R A P E S U IT S C aptain and M rs.-Booth are g ra d ­ M anager sels u n d er its control. It is com ­ C le a n d ln ? a n d P ressin g ' u ates of L incoln U niversity in posed of one re p re se n ta tiv e each Phone BRoadw ay 9260 317 N . W . 3rd A v e . A T . 8981 Jefferso n City, M issouri, w here from the Ship O perations, M ari­ they met. tim e L abor R elations and Legal D ivisions of WSA. "Ann Brown Desires To Sing for A ll-” , Mr. Bilbo!! Royal Palm Hotel One of the n ew est an d m ost popular of th e young crop of bandleaders “T aps” M iller, com ­ poser of a n u m b er of h it tunes “Hole T ight,” “W ham ,” and “Hot Dog” to nam e a few, last w eek signed a m anagem ent contract w ith Moe Gale. M iller’s Band w ham m ed ’em a t th e Apollo T he­ a tre last w eek, incidently. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CARLLE R. VICKERS. DDS. 1471 N. E. W illiam s C ourt P o rtlan d , O regon V E rm ont 4208 O nly N egro W ASH IN G TO N — N egro fam i­ lies, along w ith o th e r fam ilies living u n d er over-congested hous­ ing conditions, m ay gain some m easure of relief by tak in g a d ­ vantage of H-2 housing p rio ri­ ties recently program m ed in v a r­ ious localities th ro u g h o u t th e n a ­ tion for housing developm ent th ro u g h p riv ate finance to re ­ lieve shortages incident to w ar congestion. Dr. B. T. M cGraw, housing an aly st in th e ad m in is­ tra to r’s office of th e N ational Housing Agency, pointed out this week. In some localities w here it a p ­ peared th a t th e u n its could be quickly constructed, a portion of the priorities proram m ed has been specifically reserved to ac­ com odate Negroes. In all oth er localities, th e e n tire H-2 quota of p riv ate priorities program m ed are open to any eligible applicant w ithout reg ard to race, in-m i- grancy status, or w ar em ploy­ m ent. As th e applications filed for priorities in each locality are b e­ ing considered by th e Federal Housing A dm inistration in the order of receipt, Dr. M cGraw pointed out th a t p riv ate builders who are p rep ared to construct hom es for ren t or sale to Negroes as well as in d iv u al N egroes and o th e r m inorities w ho a re fin a n ­ cially p rep ared and w ish to to build a hom e at this tim e, should file application at once before all H-2 housing p riorities have been tak en up in th e ir ocality. T he Deep R iver Boys, one of A m erica’s fav o rite q u artettes, a ft­ e r a p p earin g on th e A m erican N egro M usical F estiv al program w ith Lionel H am p to n ’s O rchestra and A nne Brow n, th e popular singing sta r of concert, screen stage and radio, are booked for a to u r of theatres. Eddie Vinson, the p o p u lar blues singer w ith Cootie W illiam s O r­ chestra, wil d eb u t w ith his ow n ork early in O ctober u n d er G ale, Inc. m anagem ent. HAVE YOU DONATED TO THE UNITED NEGRO COL­ LEGE FUND? Moe Gale Signs "T aps" Miller P o rtla n d ’s Urge Negro Housing Under H-2 Program D entist WYATT W. WILLIAMS Atlorney-at-Law 523-4 L um berm ens Bldg. 320 S. W. 5th Ave.—AT. 6871.. _ Home Phone: SUnset 6260 — Portland's Only Negro Lawyer BEAUTY SUPPLIES and Barber Supplies JACOB MILLER 515 S. W. Third Ave. MILLER & TRACEY F u n eral Directors 714 S. W . 2 0 th P la c e P o r tla n d , O r e g o n BR. 2691 BOND'S HOME FURNISHERS T ry s t a g g e r i n g y o u r h o u r s o f t r a v e l ! A COURTEOUS FRIENDLY STORE QUALITY MERCHANDISE T h e re ’s no g ettin g around it, buses and trolleys do fill up faster . . . from one end to th e other, during th e p opular m orning and evening rid in g hours, you'll fin d if q u ick er and m uch m ore com fortable, w hen you follow the staggered hours program of irav el. A nd for the shoppers, please rem em b er to plan your trip hom e before th e eveing rush begins. A NEW . . . JUST RECEIVED . . . SELECTION OF DAVENOS DAVENPORTS WITH CHAIRS TO MATCH BREAKFAST SETS TABJ£ LAMPS . . . MIRRORS ARE HERE FOR YOU — CHARGE IT IF YOU WISH — John D. Bond Co. AT 0763 514 S. W . Third Ave. ___________________________________________________________________ M oki Way for War Effort O Mako Room for Each Otkor 1944 PORTLAND TRACTION COMPANY