Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, August 24, 1945, Image 1

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Club. Fraternal and Social
This is YOUR N ew spaper . . .
so help m ake it yours by
sending in these happenings
Oregon’s ^ egro IVeekly
W a . * >
O r,
Subscribe to YOUR
Progressive Negro
Local Woman Photographer First in History
To Fly With Paratrooper Battalion on Mission
Editorial -
President Truman
Photographs Men
In the event that you missed seeing it we present for
To Seek Extended your earnest consideration, page 3 of the Sports section of On 'Jump' From C-47
the Oregonian, Monday, August 20th, 1945. Spread over
Social Security a space of four columns and 13 inches in length are two Transport Plane
pictures that every Negro in the area should see. The cost of
W ASHINGTON— Specific rec­
om m endations to Congress which
m ay extend Social Security pro­
tection to hundreds of thousands
of Negroes not now covered by
th e legislation w ere prom ised by
P resid en t T rum an in a statem ent
on the ten th an n iv ersary of the
Social Security Act, A ugust 14.
“B ut w hile we have m ade pro­
gress we still have a ong w ay to
go before we can tru th fu lly say
th a t our social security system
furnished th e people of this coun­
try adequate protection. T h ere­
fore we should lose no tim e in
m aking our social security act a
m ore perfect in stru m en t for the
m aintenancee of economic secur­
ity throughout the country.
“I expect to present to the
C ongress specific recom m enda­
tions looking tow ard this objec­
A lthough m ore Negroe w orkers
are covered by the Social Security
Act now than at any tim e in his­
to ry —due largely to th e ir record
w ar plant em ploym ent—a large
number of Negro w oikers are
included in the 12 to 15 m illion
persons not protected by the act.
These peope are em poyed m ainly
on farm s, dom estic service, non­
pro fit institutions, m aritim e ser­
vice and governm ent.
Negro Aces May
Now Buy
Surplus Planes
W ASHINGTON—R eturned v e t­
eran s of the fam ed 99th F ighter
Squadron and th e 332nd F ighter
G roup, as w ell as o th er w ar v e t­
erans, m ay now purchase a ir­
planes and related p arts from
G overnm ent surpluses, the S u r­
plus P roperty Board announced
this week, as a result of two
am endm ents to existing re g u la ­
The SPB am ended R egulation
No. 7 (effective Ju ly 1) which
perm its veterans to purchase m a­
te ria l and equipm ent to set th e m ­
selves up in th eir ow n business
or profession.
H eretofore, the
regulation excepted aircraft.
U nder th e am endm ent, v e te r­
ans m ay now purchase planes on
a F ederal Agency No. 1 priority.
(C ontinued on page 7)
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this much space in the Oregonian at their regular Amuse­
ment Hates would be $240.24. We choose the Amusement
Rate for this is the only classification under which this
picture could have been published. Amusement for a cer­
tain group of white people whose only claim to superiority
is the color of their skin and they must have something oc­
casionally to boost their ego and place the Negro race in
a position of ridicule.
Never before has so much space been given to Negro
activities in the columns of the local daily papers. There
have been events of both local and national interest that
have hardly been noticed by the Oregonian. I cite one
case, the launching of the Tuskeege Victory at the Oregon
Shipyard which drew all of eight inches in the columns fo
the Oregonian. History was made in the burning of the
mortgage at the Zion A.M.E. church, St. Philips built a
Parish House. Both of these momentous occasions together
were allot a space of 2 columns by 3 inches. We know sev-
eral people who have tried unsuccessfully to get pictures
of social events in Negro life published in the Oregonian.
On one occasion about a year ago a w ell known Portland
resident was to be married at a local church. The PORT­
LAND INQUIRER requester permission to photograph the
affair but was told by the coming bride that ^rangem ents
had already been made for pictures. Requests for one of
the pictures was answered with the statement that there
may not be enough to go around. One of the papers men­
tioned by the lady to which a picture was to be sent for
publication was the OREGONIAN. We personally know
that the picture was sent. We also know that the picture
was NOT published. Maybe had the bride and groom con­
sented to pose with a watermelon the Oregonian would have
published the picture.
The Oregonian in publishing a picture of this kind
(Continued on page 4)
j ___________
Margaret C. Robinson of Marbeth Studios makes 750 mile
flight with 555th Paratroopers Battalion.
Mrs. Margaret C. Robinson, staff photographer for the
PORTLAND INQUIRER made photographic history this
week. She was the first Negro woman photographer to fly
on a mission with Paratroopers. Mrs. Robinson, who lives
at 2423 E. Burnside street, was included as photographer
on a party that went to the Pendleton Army Air Base to do
pictures and a story of the members of the 555th Infantry
Paratroopers Battalion. Permission had been granted the
Portland Inquirer by the Commanding Officer of the 7th
Area Service Command of Fort Douglas. While the party
which included besides Mrs. Robinson, Miss Dameice
Crockett (member of Launching Party of Tuskeegee Victory)
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Faulk (Portland Inquirer) were
at dinner with the officers of the Base Command, the
Battalion was alerted and orders issued to prepare to leave
for a dangerous fire area at 5:30 on Wednesday morning.
\ i
G. I. Finds Mother Go Back to School,
Thru Red Cross Dr. Caliver Urges
ZAMBOANGA, M indanao, P.I.
W ASHINGTON—¿Citing recent
—A m other and h er son, seper- scientific technological and social
ated for 20 years, soon will be developm ents as evidence of the
reu n ited through th e efforts of im portance of educations in the
D uke M ontgom ery, 1041 E. 216th m odern w orld, Dr. A m brose C ali­
street, New York City, Red Cross ver, Senior Specialist in the E du­
field director w ith th e 93rd “Blue cation of Negroes, U.S. Office of
H elm et” division, th e only all- Education, this w eek urged all
Negro division in the Pacific.
Negro high school children to r e ­
rn to school and finish th eir e d ­
The soldier, a riflem an w ith the
368th In fan try Regim ent, was an
in fan t w hen his fa th e r deserted
Endorsing th e Back-to-School
his m other and took him to O kla­ D rive being sponsored by the O f­
homa. W hen th e fath er died, the fice of E ducation and the C hild­
five-year-old child w as placed in re n ’s B ureau, U. S. D epartm ent
an orphanage w here he rem ained of Labor, Dr. C alver addressed
u n til he was 17.
his appeal to the more than 275,-
“I d id n ’t know w here to sta rt 000 N egro stu d en ts in high
looking for my m o th er,” th e schools in 17 o u th ern states and
soldier explained to M ontgom ­ th eD istrict of Colum bia, and to
ery, “and in a few m onths I was sim ilar Negro stu d en ts in all parts
of the country.
in th e A rm y.”
“Recent developm ents in m any
M ontgom ery w rote to all th e
of activ ity —scientific, tech ­
Red Cross ch ap ters he felt m ight
m ilitary and social—
be able to help. A m onth later,
th e im portance of
he received a rep ly from th e
New Y ork C ity C hapter, giving education for everyone.” Dr. C al­
the m o th er’s address and includ­ iver said, “The fact th a t g en eral­
ing a rep o rt on h er h ealth and ly ‘th ere is now need for so m any
to know so much*, w hile am ong
w elfare.
egroes so little is know n by so
The com m anding officer a p ­
proved an em ergency furlough m any, m akes education for them
a ‘m u st’.
for th e eager G.I.
Said M ontgom ery: “I had a
The w ide educational gap b e ­
p a rticu lar in terest in this. I was tw een o th e r citizens and Negroes
in th e sam e orphanage m yself on all levels and in all fields r e ­
as a child.”
q uires th a t a g re a ter n u m b er of
P rep aratio n s w ere m ade and
! I th e th re e big C-47 A rm y T ran s­
p o rt planes w hich m ade up th e
‘task force’ took off a few min-«
Utes before 6:00 a. m. on th e W ed­
nesday m orning. TT. j first
ended at B ellingham , W ashington
| ju s t th re e miles from th e C an-
ad ian b o rd er about 8:00 a. m.
D uring this trip Mrs. Robinson
photographed several forest fires,
and th e m en of th e plane in
w hich she was riding. L a te r th e
planes took off for the second
leg of the flight for the purpose
of dropping the P aratro o p ers and
th e ir supplies at th e scene of one
of th e forest fires.
Some of the pictures ta k en by
Mrs. Robinson on th e trip of th e
m en and th e ir constant b ru sh
w ith d eath w ill be published by
the P o rtlan d In q u ire r in th e is­
sue of A ugust 31st.
T he story and p ictu res w ere
m ade possible by th e splendid
w holehearted cooperation of C ap­
tain W illiams, C om m anding Of-
| ficer of th e 555th P aratro o p ers
and his staff of v ery fine officers,
all Negroes. The PO RTLA ND IN ­
QUIRER w ill tak e great p leasu re
MARGARET C. ROBINSON 1 f "d “ ° i der, “ “ h“nor
_. . „
the w ork of these fine N egroes
First Negro woman Photog to .
. ,,
. .
... ,
_. know n to th e read in g public,
fly on mission with Army Air
Forces pictured in flying togs
loaned for the flight by Capt.
Williams, Commanding Officer.
555th Inf. Parcht. Baft., Pendle­
ton. Ore.
This picture was taken by
Newscameraman at Bellingham,
Wash.. Air Field.
Redmond Air
Base Placed On
Inactive Lists
Signs New Drummer
PORTLAND, Ore., A ugust 17—
Hq F o u rth A ir Force announced
today th a t R edm ond A rm y A ir
Field, a satelite base of P o rtlan d
j A_ ^ A ir Base w ould be placed
B uddy J o h n s o n last w eek
signed H arold A ustin, form erly
w ith Cecil Scott’s O rchestra, to a
Jong te rm contract. A ustin re-
places G eorge Jen k in s who got a
on an inactive statu s effective on
pink slip.
or about A ugust 20. This sub-base
them be provided m ore and b e tte r which has in th e past has been
education th an in the past. E very a site for tra in in g pilots for com-
Negro youth, p aren t and citizen bat, has recen tly been on a r e ­
has a stake in the Back-to-School duced statu s w ith a sm all con­
cam paign; and th e schools are tin g en t of p ersonnel an d m a te ­
obliged to re n d e r an educational rial. The personnel and eq u ip ­
service designed to meet life’s m ent a t Redm ond A rm y A ir Field
needs and to assure more personal at th e p resen t tim e w ill be tra n s ­
satisfaction and social b e tte r­ fe rre d to P o rtla n d A rm y A ir
m ent.”