August 17. 1945 PORTLAND INQUIRER Page 5 Championship Straggle to Go 15 Rounds Kennedy-Kahut Bout Likely to Be Sellout Friday Negro Track Star Victorious In Over Seas Meet Gainesville or LaGrange, both in Ga., never competed against a more remarkable sprinter than the Negro leatherneck. “He’s built like a plow mule,” he said, “but runs like a thorough bred racehorse.” His “rooting section” included Commander George C. Griffin, former Georgia Tech track coach, who refereed the meet; Navy Lieutenant Alex McCaskill, who played on the Georgia football team with Hunnicutt and later coached at Athens High School; Navy Lieutenant Gene Ransom, end on the Atlanta Boys High eleven of 1934; and Marine Ser­ geant Ernie Harwell, former At­ lanta sports writer and WSB ra­ dio announcer, now sports editor of Leatherneck Magazine. With the heavyweight Cham­ SOMEWHERE IN THE PACI­ pionship o f Oregon at stake and FIC (Delayed)—William Oliver two of the bosi heavies in the Hunnicultt still boasts much of Northwest doing the honors, the the flash he displayed on the Friday night bouts at the auditor­ University of Georgia track and ium give every indication of being gridiron, but even a Georgia a sellout. The first bout in Port­ cheering section could not help land sinve VJDay will bring to­ him overtake Marine Corporal gether “Moose” Kennedy of Van- Edward N. ^Greenidge, a Negro couver and Joe Kahut of Wood- sprint star, in the Central Pacific burn. They are very few that Mary-Navy track meet. need to be reminded of the last The Macon soldier, a private time these two battlers met. It i first class, had to be content with was a knock down and drag out second place in the 100-yard dash, affair with Kennedy on the floor third in the 220, and the know­ ni"e times before the end of the ledge that he “pushed” the Mar- bout and Kahut all but K.O’d in | ine phenoenon to one Pacific- the seventh round. Kahut finally service record and a tie for an­ other. won by a technical K.O. in the ninth round but it was nip and Hunnicutt, who would like to r«'s Vo e-o ' N \ . tucky until the last punch was be back at his coaching job in MOOSE” KENNEDY thrown. various acts are of almost pro­ Friday’s predictions include fessional standard by the time everything from a draw to a K.O. the big show goes on. The cir­ in the first round in this 15- cus is directed by Ray Dennison rounds of legal mayhem. Every­ of the park bureau’s recreational body and his brother have said staff. they are going to see one of the which promises to be one of the best Joe Waterman has ever A number of entertainment JUST RIGHT staged. Kennedy has blood in his Willie Joyce still has a perfect features, open to the public eyes and is out ofter revenge. He record in the Garden, despite his without charge, are announced SHOE REPAIR SHOP has won the right to a retur" loss of a decision to Tippy Larkin by the Bureau of Parks and Pub­ match by two very short K.O.’s of Friday night in ten spirited lic Recreation for this evening Ladies 4 Gents Shoes Repaired il* Messrs. Mike (Irish Giant- O’- rounds. Every one of his fights and the coming week. 326 N. W. 5th Ave. Grady and George Tracy. He has been a good and exciting one. “Puss in Boots,” the pageant promises to do the same with the His loss Friday night by a un­ that has become an eagerly Woodburn Walloper. Kahut has animous decision was traceable awaited summertime event spon­ - N to O S W - e ll T o u r Home UNITED TAILORS not had a bout since the last to Larkin’s superb boxing, his sored by the park bureau’s rec­ W I> e the N eed T im H e ouses In the Colored B o n d e rs o f L a d ie s and M e n ’s Kennedy fracas because of a advantages in reach and the fact reational division, is to be pre­ B olts broken hand caused by the noggin that Willie “went” for everyone sented this evening and Satur­ C all M r. B D u is rn tr s, ic t BR. to SeU 5519 fo r fre t W E M A K E D R A P E S U IT S of aforesaid Kennedy. It is all of the Tip’s tricks. A crowd of day evening at 8:30 o’clock in B U R N S fc a T p W p ra E is T E a l N — R e a lt o r « C lean d in g and P r e s s in g healed now and Kahut promises 13,451 dumped more than $60,- the main part o( Laurelhurst C orn er 5th and Oak 317 N. W. 3rd Are. AT. 8981 to put Mr. Ken"edy in the land 000 into Uncle Mike Jacob’s till. park. It will be a costume af­ of nod in short time. Our pre­ At 1 3 8 Tippy was a boxing fair in six episodes with the diction is, barring toe-holds and stylist from way back. Joyce at dances of villagers, gypsies, fair­ wrist loc”s, it will be a helluva 137 Vfe seemed a trifle slower than ies, forest fawns, dwarfs, butter­ O U T OF fight. usual but that might have been flies, water-lilies, fireflies and A D A M 'S HAT The bout scheduled to go 15 a comparative appearance because various animals contributing to rounds or less will have a great of Larkin’s tempo. the colorful scenes. Feature roles supporting card. The first bout The bout developed just as the will be taken by Colleen Weaver, tí amld ¡XL will go on at 8:30 P. M. and form chart said it should even Caryl Brown, Louise Wright, tickets are on sale at the J. K. though HILTON Walsted, Jean May, Joan most of the so-called “ev- Grace Gill Co., 5th and Stark St. and Joyce D’Arcy, J e a p n c perts” (including this scribbler), Carroll and Tillie Wichensheiser. picked Joyce, blinded no doubt Edna Kennedy is general di­ by the glitter of the Gary boy’s rector the pageant and will winning streak. Larkin’s big act as of commentator. The groups weakness is a china chin. Ob­ of children having part in the viously against a not too violent spectacle have been trained by betler he figured to take charge, the recreational directors at the which he most emphatically did. different park playgrounds. The amazing thing about Joyce’s too, promises to performance was that he, a very be Entertaining the dance demonstration at smart boxer, went for dozens of the park bureau’s Civic recrea­ Larkin’s feints but even more tion building on S.W. 13th av­ ioBBy J o n e s amazing was that he permitted enue between Jefferson and AUTOMATIC WATER TURNED IkiS T R IC K Larkin to stage late spurts in sev­ Main streets, the evenings of HEATERS f ir s t m a n t o w n t h e AND TW O B E T T E R eral rounds to win the stanzas af­ August 21 and 22 at 8 o’clock. OIL HEATERS BAiTlSH ANO USLAMTEUR | W ITH HIS FAMOUS ter Joyce had established definite The different dance techniques GOLF TITLES ROT» IN GAS RANGES 'fcR A N D S LA M * OF THE SAME VEAR (l9 ll) superiority in the early part of the pupils of Faye Knox and WOOD AND COAL 1930-W/7VW//VG BOTH the heats. Referee Ruby Gold­ O K U TOURNEYS TOO f RANGES Ashrow have been stein voted 7-3 while Judges Joe Jeannette KITCHEN WARE learning in dance Angello and George Lecron both cources have the been summer built into W o L awson found by a margin of 8-2 PV program titled “Ages ef Wo­ a 10 Day Special tabbed Larkin winning 6-3-1. L HOSE I T T VICTO L E R IES Used Records men.” Pre - school rhythmics, W 15c each Hit of the show was the box modern creative, ballet and tap IN THE 1 9 3 4 B R IT­ ing wizardry of California Baby will be demonstrated. ISH AND U .S . A M A ­ Convenient Location THESE ARE Gonzalez who lathered Pedro The bi-annual presentation of TEUR. T o u R N lE S , TH E ONL/3 2633 N. WILLIAMS AVE. Firpo with a stream of leather. the park bureau sponsored Barr GOLPEAS MADE HIM t h e S ad Charlie Smith’s explosive kayo Brothers’ circus is calendared for MAN EVER. 1b W IN 3 EVER OP To THE MU POUR of Alfonso Malacara in 0:29 of the August 23 and 24 at Peninsula BOTH IN ONE Y E A R ./ MAJOR J. AO** CROWNS GOLF S‘ second in their scheduled six was park. These two evening per­ a sparkler too. formances will be preceded by THE a circus parade the day before, Wednesday, August 22, and a program at Victory Center. The line of march for the parade 2272 N. Interstate Ave. will be down S. W. 6th avenue from Jefferson, north to Oak, 31 N. E. CHERRY CT. east on Oak to 4th and back on Portland's Leading 4th to Jefferson. Good Meals Served All Hours The circus is one of the most Home Cooking Our Specialty Colored Hotel Jewelers important events of the park bureau’s summer programming 618 8. W . W a s h in g to n St. DINNERS — BARBECUE SANDWICHES and rehearsals, which bring to­ P o rtla n d , O regon M U rd o c k 9533 gether best talent from all dis­ EAst 9044 David Nance, Prop. tricts of the city, go on all B E . 6868 through the vacation weeks teh Joyce Loses Bout PARK BUREAU But Still Popular ACTIVITIES With Boxing Fans I Mail Your Subscription Today ASHFORDS Home Furnishings MEDLEY HOTEL GOODMAN & BADER NANCE'S B A R - B - Q