PORTLAND INQUIRER Pag« 8 resid en t m asters bent on e x ­ try who will have th e nerve, GEORGIAS GOVERNOR ploiting S o u th ern resources and guts, and Christian fortitude, like DENOUNCES PREJUDICE the young governor from A la­ S o u th ern w orkers. (C ontinued from page 1) bam a; this w as erroneous and M ake th e South genuinely in the South can be traced to big ­ otry in office and out. He gave prosperous, so th a t th ere is eco­ in ad v erten tly placed; I w as re ­ concreate exam ples of acts of nom ic o p p o rtu n ity for every citi­ ferring then, to th e aforesaid es- his predecessor, Gov. Talm age, zen, w h ite and black, and th e tem ed and capable G overnor of as a rabble rouser. F u rth e r on in tw o races w ill live on friendly G eorgia, Mr. A rnall. We agree w ith both Mr. A r­ term s. T he low incom e of the this interview he said: nall and Hon. M arshall Fields, South is responsible for the The South has suffered w ith editor from Chicago, 111., w hen squalid housing and in ad eq u ate inferiority. She has been h u m b ­ they say th at education w ill be ly g ratefu l for the crum bs from diet, the disease and high m or­ the N o rth ’s table. T he average ta lity ra te of th e Negro citizen. m atters w ill be ad ju sted .” We A m erican an n u al incom e at th e The ten m illion N egroe citizens the m edium by w hich racial tim e of P e a rl H arbor w as $604. of th e South are not a special, m ust look to the younger g e n era ­ In the South it was $314. The sep arate problem , any m ore th an tion to solve same. We cannot average N egro incom e w as con­ they are a special and sep erate expect any degree of success or siderably low er. No plan to cure resource. They are p a rt of the any concrete action from th e th e South of its ills w ill succeed South, and th e ir economic w el­ “Uncle Tom T ype” of our group, w hich does n o t m ake th a t d iffer­ fare is p a rt of th e section’s eco­ nor from the h y d ra-p red ju d iced e n tial its first order of business. nom ic w elfare. T hey are en titled bourbon elem ent of th e w hite As long as a large segm ent of to d ecent housing, decent cloth­ race, whose m inds are w arped and who w ill not listen to re a ­ our population is so fa r dow n the ing, good schools. son. It's Not Good—It's Bad econom ic scale, the South w ill G overnor A rnall is a young It isn ’t good to see a state p lu n ­ not thrive. college m an w ith vision, fo re­ The so-called race question is dered openly by a political mob. an econom ic one, not social. P ay the governor going to the p en i­ sight and the courage to be re a ­ the N egro good w ages for his te n tia ry as a com m on thief, p re ­ sonable, fair and im partial. We need m ore of his kind. w ork give him the oppo rtu n ity sently to be w elcom ed back on to d em onstrate his own capacity his release w ith a testim onial May God continue to raise up cham pions for us who will fight to learn, w ork and earn, give dinner. It isn’t good to h ear the our battles and rem ove the b a r­ scream s against abolishing the him his C onstitutional rights and riers th a t th w a rt oui progress. you have solved this distorted so- poll tax, coming from politicians called race problem . O nly th e w ho are afi aid th a t th e men dem agogue tries to m ake p o liti­ overseas fighting for th e ir right HOUSE SAVES FEPC MEASURE cal capital and social equality, of to scream m ay vote them out of (C ontinued from page 1) racial in term arriag e. L e t’s not sinecures. It isn ’t good to hear talknig about S tates’ past tw o weeks, re tu rn e d to his confuse ourselves and the issue people Rights, w ith o u t any m ention of desk and got in a tw o-m inute w ith such absurdities. A nd le t’s against th e C o l m e r m ake v ery sure th a t those w ho S ta te ’s R esponsibilities to th e ir speech for one reason and an o th er try citizens and to our common am endm ent on th e last day of arg u m en t on the bill. He re ­ to confuse us w ith such clap­ country. B ut th e South is w aking up. vised and extended his rem arks tra p do n o t stop us of th e South in th e job th a t lies im m ediately We like th e sw eet sm ell of m ag­ for th e Congressional Record. Said Rep. Pow ell: nolia blossoms and honeysuckle ahead. “I th in k we are going to do and gardenia, and th e song of the The South can help herself! She can and w ill w hen she fin ­ m ockingbird, "but th e new South ourselves a grave injustice if we ally refuses to be exploited and regards them as pleasures not confuse w hat is before us now to exploit. F or years, the South, as opiates. We like the dream s w ith a perm anent FEPC. D espite th ro u g h h er G overnors C onfer­ of stately m anor houses, of heres speeches of some of our col-j ence has petitioned the In te rsta te of in corruptible g a lla n try wooing leagues, we are still at w ar, and C om m erce Com mission to rew rite w om en of m elting b eau ty w hile it is a b itte r w ar. M en are still; th e banjos stru m happy, h a u n t­ going to die before w e w in i t j h er constitution. G eorgia’s new constitution w ill ing p lain tiv e m elodies from the w ith a com plete victory. “If a tem p o rary FEPC has w rite into h e r fu n d am en tal law snow -w hite cottonfields. T hey are been of assistance to us d u ring nice dream s, to w hile aw ay the th e prohibition against th e al­ the p a st four years, we m ust by read y discarded poll tax. It w ill hours betw een m aking th e tu r ­ place b u t tw o qualifications upon bines tu rn or terracin g the new all m eans continue it. We are th e rig h t of all G eorgians to vote: pastures. B ut the new South is going to need th e 100 p er cent, th a t they shall be a t least eigh­ w aking up and is going to w ork cooperation of every A m erican teen y ears old and th a t they in a w orld of re a lity to achieve citizen, N orth and South, to w hip fascism in th e Pacific. be lite ra te enough to be able to h er p ro p er destiny. T he re st of the country is u n d erstan d w h a t th e y ’re voting slow to realize this new em o­ on and about. M uch of th e bad governm ent tional m a tu rity of the South. th a t w e’ve had in the South can We are still g reatly m isu n d er­ be traced to bigotry and in to l­ stood. We can t expect not to erance, in office and out. In any be, perhaps. B ut we are tellin g MILLER & TRACEY society plagued by poverty, th ere you. In m y editorial in last w eek ’s F uneral Directors are those living at a bare subsis­ tence level w hose an tip ath ies can issue, u n d er caption “A New 714 S. W . 20th Place Portland, Oregon be fanned into flam ing h atred of B reed of ogs N eeded” I said, “We need a new breed of c iti­ BB, 2691 those of another race, w hom they zens in those p arts of the coun- see as com petitors. T he e n tire racial problem in |ll!!llllllllllilllliniUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllll!^ th e South is economic, a t its EAT WITH US roots. “The Race P roblem ,” You are a lw a y s spelled w ith capitals, is som e­ w elcom e— th in g else again. It is an in v en ­ tion of unscrupulous dem agogues, AUTOM ATIC WATER u sually scalaw ags serving non- HEATERS OIL HEATERS WILLIAMS AVE. G AS RANGES VARIETY STORE WOOD AND COAL O pen evenings for your RANGES 3 " convenience K ITCH EN WARE we never close" Williams A ve. at Knott St. Mail Your Subscription Today ASHFORDS The KEYSTONE LUNCH Home Furnishings Short Orders our sp ecialty DeMars Grocery W illiams Ave. & Knott SL F resh V egetables Daily We W elcome Y our P atron ag e A. E. MOSER W h en in Portland Stop at the Royal Palm Hotel Strictly Modern 310 N. W. FLANDERS ST. K elly F o ster, O w ner and M anager h o n e B R oad w ay 9260 I 1621 N W illiam s A ve. | I Mrs. H azel Johnson, | I M an ager 10 D ay Special U sed Records 15c ea ch Convenient Location 2633 N. WILLIAMS AVE. WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER CLEANING & PRESSING SHOPPE MEDLEY GA. 8850 HOTEL 2278 N. Interstate Avenue BROWNE and SPICER, Managers em ploym ent for service m en are positions as local board clerks, in charge of th e details of price control and ratio n in g in various com m unities. T h ere are also posi­ tions for investigators w ho help stam p out black m ark et o p era­ tions and check on violations th a t im pede price control and ratio n in g program s. The agency is especially desirous of em ploy­ ing v eteran s w ho have had bus­ iness experience or who have w orked in w ar agencies before th ey en tered the service. V eterans can get inform ation on how to apply for an O PA job at any O PA regional or d istrict office or local board. T hey can also get this inform ation at any regional or b ranch office of the U nited tates Civil Service Com­ m ission; any secretary of the board of the U nited S tates Civil Service Exam irter located in any first or second class post office; the v eteran s’ division in the n earest U nited S tates Em ploy- m ent Service office, or any v e t­ e ra n s’ organization. A nother im p o rtan t step in the agency’s program was the a p ­ p ointm ent of v eteran s’ advisers in all its regional and d istrict offices and in the national office. In each of th e 93 OPA district offices, Mr. Bowles directed the estab lish m en t of O PA v eteran s’ advisory com m ittees to discuss and plan w ith district directors: 1. Ways of m aking price and re n t control and rationing m ore effective. 2. W ays of m eeting special v e t­ e ra n s’ problem s. 3. Increased em ploym ent for re tu rn e d service men in O PA in full cooperation w ith the Civil Service Commission. Y. W. C. A. 834 S. W. B roadw ay UNITED TAILORS Builders of Ladles Suits and Men’s WK MAKE DRAPE SUITS Cleanding and Pressing' 317 N. W . 3rd Ave. AT. 8981 BARGAINS IN HOMES FRANK L. M cGUIRE—3 houses F irst and Pacific—ju st across th e Steel bridge. All 3 bedroom , 6 room houses w ith full cem ent basem ent w arm a ir pipe furnace. M ust all be sold a t once. If you have tw o friends th at w ill buy th e adjoining hous­ es, we are open to do business. One house is $3650, one $2990, and th e other $2900. R easonable term s down, balance less th an rent. Ask for A-194, A-198, F-178. FRANK L. M cGUIRE—$2890, $35 per m onth buys. Why pay rent? H ere’s a fine, 5 room hom e—reception hall, liv ­ ing room, dining room, m odern kitchen, bath. 2 airy bedroom s w ith floored a ttic th a t can be m ade into an o th er bedroom. C em ent basem ent. Large lot fru it, flow ers, shrubs. Call or see J. D. M orris only AT. 7171. FRANK L. McGUIRE—$8500. Four 5 room ap artm en ts, each w ith bath. 2 garages. On K erby S tre e t n e ar K nott. This p ro p erty can be handled for reasonable paym ent down, balance less th an rent. Ask for A-58. FRANK L. M cGUIRE—$3200 furnished. 2 bedroom, 4 room, double ra k e shake. Full cem ent basem ent w arm air pipe furnace, hardw ood floors. K nott stre e t near A lbina. Ask for A-189. Also, house adjoining on th e corner, $3300 furnished. 5 full room, com plete plum bing, full cem ent basem ent, autom atic oil hot a ir pipe furnace. Ask for B-189. J. D. M orris, AT. 7171. FRANK L. McGUIRE— Furnished, 3 bedroom home. Only $3300 buys this on your own term s. 6 room (3 bedroom hom e)—full cem ent basem ent oil furnace. C om pletely fu r­ nished w ith good fu rn itu re. Also has a sleeping porch. A real buy. Come in and see how easy you can own this home. We w ill help you m ake the dow n paym ent, easy term s on balance. Call J. D. M orris only—AT. 7171. FRANK L. McGUIRE]—H ere’s a real hom e—very attractiv e, rak e shake on a corner lot. Close to B roadw ay bridge on East ide. V ery clean and attractiv e. 5 full rooms w ith 2 large bedrooms, hardw ood floors, linotile kitchen, lots of bult-ins. Full cem ent basem ent w ith autom atic gas furnace, lau n d ry trays. A ttached garage. R easonable down paym ent, only $40 per m onth. Total price $4950 and w orth every cent of it. Call by phone for J. D. M orris only for ap p o in tm en t to see—AT. 7171 or drop in at F ran k L. M cG uire’s, 328 S. W. W ashington and see this and others. FRANK L. M cGUIRE—$3250. A lbina H eights, 3 bedroom, 6 room home. C orner lot—sitely property. Close to E m an­ uel hospital. G arage. 421 N orth K nott. R easonable pay­ m en t dow n, balance like rent. Ask for B-193. FRA N K L. M cGUIRE—Nice incom e plus a p artm en t for ow ner. P ro p erty has five room a p artm en t w ith bath dow n. L arge, 2 room ap artm en t w ith b ath up. In 50x150 lot. Good condition and only $3500—term s. Call AT. 7171, Mr. M orris ask for A56. U-NeeK Cor. Williams A ve. & Russell St. O PEN FROM 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. OPA ANNONCES NEW BENEFITS FOR VETERANS (C ontinued from page 1) Try our VALET SERVICE Frank L. McGuire “AM ERICA’S LARGEST HOME 328 S. W. WASHINGTON ST. SE LL ER ” A T w altr 7171