Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, July 13, 1945, Page Page 8, Image 8

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Page 8
(C ontinued from page 4)
th e ir feelings. W ith th e w orld shrink ng in size because of im ­
(C ontinued from page 1)
proved com m unications, colored peoples ev ery w h ere are becom ing
crashed am ong the 34 planes more and m ore conscious of discrim inations practiced against
parked on the flight deck ready them .
for take-off. The crash started
It is dangerous stu p id ity for the w hite race not to realize
large fires am ong th e B unker th a t the upw ard surge of th e colored races for th e ir place in
H ill’s planes before the Jap an ese the sun w ill not be too long denied. The race problem is the
plane skidded over the side into w orld’s n ex t headache unless the present w ar produces racial
the w ater. His bomb passed th ru justice.
the flight deck and out the side
H ow ever, not all of th e w hites’ refusal to see th is question
of the ship, exploding in th e air in its proper light comes from stupidity. P a rt of it comes from
before it hit the w ater.
sheer cupidity. W hite im perialistic nations, eager to ex p lo it colored
Seconds la te r a “J u d y ”, a sin ­ peoples, are anxious to re ta rd th eir social advances as long as
gle -engine dive bom ber type, possible.
sped in on th e ship from astern.
W hite C hina and India alone rep resen tin g n e a rly a billion
The plane w as struck by a five- people, one can foresee w h a t w ill happen w hen th e y are fully
inch shell, and sm aller projectiles aroused in a racial struggle.
from the B unker H ill’s a n ti-a ir­
And aroused th ey certainly w ill be, for th e Jap a n e se are
craft batteries, but it continued vindictive. Even though thoroughly defeated and p erh ap s d em ili­
its attack and dropped a 500- tarized, Jap a n will seek not only vengeance b u t also oppo rtu n ity
pound bomb, w hich p en etrated to escape h er punishm ent by increasing her cam paign to arouse
the after flight deck and e x ­ th e w orld’s colored m illions against the w hite race.
ploded in the gallery deck im ­
If she can show those colored peoples w ho w ere loyal to the
m ediately below.
This plane U nited N ations’ cause th a t they have been bilked of th e justice
crashed on the flight deck a t the prom ised or hinted in exchange for th eir rejection of J a p a n ’s
base of the island stru ctu re.
pleas for a racial jihad, she can foster a h atred w hich could rock
th e world.
T he day has come w hen w hite leaders m ust do m uch m ore
TO DINING CAR EM PLOYEE than periodically u tte r pious m outhings about m an ’s brotherhood.
The colored w orld now w ants to see some real progress in racial
(C ontinued from page 1)
C ourt. Mr. Bland and Mr. Lee
Yet, until th e racial intolerances of the B ritish D om inions can
Shephard, 3228 S. W. F irst Ave., be eradicated, th ere is sm all hope th a t B ritain w ill tak e a positive
dining car w aiter and cook on stand for racial justice, although, as head of th e w o rld ’s g reatest
the S. P. & S. R. R., w ere am ong em pire, she can practically m ake or unm ake th e situation.
the m ost serious in ju red a t the
In th e U. S. w e find a strang e paradox. W ith th e m ajo rity
tim e of the w reck, both being
badly burned about the body as
the resu lt of being scalded w hen
a stove in th e observation diner
tore lose, releasing steam under
F uneral arran g em en ts w ere in ­
com plete as w e w ent to press.
of A m ericans sincerely interested in ju stice for oppressed peoples
outside th e nation, they refuse justice to colored m inorities w ithin
the nation.
Much of th e colored w orld looks to the U. S., as dem ocracy’s
leading exponent, to lead th e m arch against racial p reju d ice; yet
this nation cannot constantly do so w hile it practices racial in ­
justice itself.
The solution to racial intolerance lies in tru e religion. C h risti­
an ity teaches th a t m ankind is one great fam ily—b ro th ers united
u n d er G od’s com m on fatherhood. It teaches the u n ity of this
fam ily, not a sep aratism based upon skin color. Yet it m ust be
adm itted th a t m any of the countries w hich show th e g reatest
racial in tolerance call them selves C hristian.
A theistic com m unism , spreading its vicious tenacles into ev ery
nook and cranny, recognizes and practices th e racial eq u ality of all
men. despite b elittlin g m an ’s d ig n ity in m any o th er ways.
Believing th a t th e p u d d in g ’s proof lies in th e eating, th e
oppressed and h u m iliated colored m illions m ay decide th a t an
ideology w hich denies God, b u t w hich offers th em re lie f from
racial d iscrim in atio n “ is p referab le to a doctrine w hich teaches
God’s fatherhood of all peoples b u t w hose avow ed follow ers all
too freq u en tly fail to practice it.
C hristians w ho practice racial intolerance or fail to tak e a
positive stan d against it are slackers in th e arm y of th e C hurch
M ilitant a t a tim e w hen h isto ry ’s m ost crucial b a ttle is being
waged to d eterm in e w h e th er th e sp iritu a l or the pagan conception
of life w ill ru le th e world.
“War—the unlimited exercise of brute force—can be
made the mother of civilization by those who practice Mu-
subi (Shinto rite).”—Tatsuo Kaiwai in “The Goal of Japa­
nese Expansion.”
" T od ay th e w h o le w o r ld is
s la v e r y a n d h u m a n fr e e d o m . . .
and th e C h r istia n id e a l. W e c h o se
C h ristia n id ea l." — F r a n k lin D e la n o
d iv id e d b e tw e e n h u m a n
b e tw e e n p a g a n b r u ta lity
h u m a n fr e e d o m a n d th e
R o o se v e lt.
Funeral Directors
S . W . a o th P l a c e
P o r tla n d , O regon
lew elers
618 S . W . W a sh in g to n
P o r tla n d , O re g o n
B E . 6868
S t.
Corner of S. W. 4th and
Washington in Downtown
Portland. . . ATwater 7171
FR A N K L. M cGUIRE—N ew, 5
room , 2 bedroom bungalow ,
h eater. P a in t good. Q uick p o s­
session. 4 blocks to school, 1
block A lb erta car. O nly $3500,
easy term s. C all Mr. M orris,
AT. 7171, ask fo r H 190.
M odern 3, 4, 5. 6. 7 and 8 room
homes, fu rn ish ed or unfurnished;
sm all down, easy m onthly pay
m ents. See Mr. M orris w ith F ran k
You are alw ays
L. M cGuire, 328 S. W. W ashing-
FRA N K L. M cGUIRE—7 room, 4
bedroom m odern home—re c ep ­
tion hall; living room, d in in g
room; k itch en ; lau n d ry trays.
P a in t good. C irculating h eater
included. Q u i c k possession.
P aved street, sidew alk, con­
nected to sew er. C all Mr. M or­
ris AT. 7171, ask for D-244.
"we never close"
Short Orders our
I 1621 N Williams Ave. |
I Mrs. Hazel Johnson. |
M anager
O pen evenings for your
W illiam s Ave. a t K nott St.
DeMars Grocery
W illiams Ave. & K n o tt St.
U nder New M anagem ent
We W elcome Y our P atronage
When in Portland
Stop a t the
Royal Palm
S tric tly M odern
310 N. W. FLA N D ERS ST.
K elly F oster, O w ner and
M anager
Phone BRoadw ay 9260
Frank L. McGuire
We Will Help You With the Down Payment
This Beautiful Home Conveniently Located
FR A N K L. M cGUIRE—6 room, 3
bedroom hom e—living room ;
din in g room, m odern k itchen,
m odern plum bing, fu ll cem ent
b asem en t; w ired for range.
Easy term s. Q uick possession.
Cal IMr. M orris, AT. 7171, ask
for A-223.
FRANK L. M cGUIRE—8 room,
m odern home— 5 bedroom s;
m odern plum bing ¡wired range,
full cem ent basem ent, saw dust
furnace. Sm all down, easy
m onthly paym ents.
Close to
stores, school. C all Mr. M orris,
AT. 7171, ask for D-235.
FRANK L. M cGUIRE—5 room, 2
bedroom — m odern plum bing,
furnace, fireplace, w ired for
range, gas w ater heater. P aved
street, cem ent sidew alk. Sm all
down, easy m onthly. Q uick pos­
session. Close to school, church,
bus. Call Mr. M orris, AT. 7171,
ask for F-243 .
FRA N K L. M cGUIRE—5 room, 2
bedroom m odern home — full
cem ent basem ent, furnace, g a r­
age. P av ed stre et;
cem ent
w alk;
connected to sew er.
H ardw ood floors, electricity,
gas. C orner lot. Q uick posses­
sion. 1 block to bus.
down, sm all m onthly paym ents.
C all Mr. M orris, AT. 7171, ask
for A-238.
FR A N K L. M cGUIRE—4 room, 2
bedroom bungalow — furnace;
fu ll cem ent basem ent. Close to
church, school, stores. O nly
$3200, easy term s. C all Mr.
M orris AT. 71T1, ask for A -189.
A ll m o d ern c o n v e n ie n c e s in c lu d in g a u to m a tic e le ­
v a to r, h a r d w o o d flo o r s, a u to m a tic g a s h e a t, a tta c h e d
g a ra g e. A b e a u tifu l d o u b le r a k e s h a k e h o u se o n a
co rn er lo t. 5 fu ll ro o m s w ith lin a tile k itc h e n a n d
c o m p le te b a th . S m a ll d o w n p a y m e n t, b a la n c e as
r e n t. C all A T . 7171, a sk fo r M r. B u r n s or M r. D a v is.
Come into Frank L. McGuire’s, located at 4th
and Washington in downtown Portland, and let us
explain how easily you can own your own home in
the fastest growing city in the west. Yes, we help
you make the down payment—w e’ll put you in a
home of your own. You may sell at any time you
should want to move or leave the city 'and your
equity will be a nice little nest egg for you. Let
us know how much you can pay down and how
much you want to pay per month and w e’ll help
you. Call or see Mr. Burns or Mr. Davies only,
AT. 7171.
If you own a house and desire to sell or trade
it in for a better home or income property, we can
work out a deal for you. Call Mr. Burns or Mr.
Davies, AT. 7171.
FR A N K L. M cGUIRE—M odern,
6 room, 3 bedroom hom e; f u r ­
nace. Q uick possession. Close to
school, bus, stores, church.
Screens and shodes. C om plete­
ly furnished. C all Mr. M orris,
AT. 7171, ask for H-222.
FR A N K L. M cGUIRE—7 room,
m odern- home— 4 bedroom s;
full cem ent basem ent; m odern
plum bing; furnace; w ired for
ran g e; hardw ood floors. Two
garages. O nly $4250, easy term s.
C all Mr. M orris, AT. 7171, ask
for B-95.
FRA N K L. M cGUIRE—6 room,
m odern hom e — 3 bedroom s.
P av ed street, sidew alk. V acant
—im m ediate possession. Close
to school, church, stores. W alk­
ing distance over tow n. C ajl
Mr. M orris AT. 7171, ask for