Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, July 13, 1945, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    Pag« 7
for a luncheon and m atinee, hon­
Off For The Southwest
Mrs. Eva Lewis Johnson, nee oring Miss Annie Ewing, from
Brown, sister of Mrs. M ildred St. Louis. Mo..
By Ann Morrison and
' H arris, 1521 N .Cottonwood Ave.,
Mrs. Lula W illiams is being
Heleona Searcie
V anport C ity, left S atu rd ay for welcomed
home again after
Texas. She expects to m eet her spending several w eeks sight-
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fields, ac- husband, who has been over- seeing and visiting friends in
Chicago, 111.
com panied by Mrs. John D. Mit- sea» *n Houston, Texas.
chell, Mr. Freddie M itchell and Supply Sergeant
Mrs. Ricks of 47 N. San Rafael
Mr. Prince W eaver, all of R ich­ Returns From Vacation
St., has as houst guests for a
m ond, Calif., m otored to P o rt­
Supply E ergeant R. E. Mosely, few days Mr. and Mrs. Jam es
land last Sunday to spend the of Ft Lewis, W ashington, who FIani«a n - from D enver, Colo.
w eek end w ith Mrs. Fannie Mae
Among the many visitors over
has been on a furlough through
Ross and fam ily, 13 N. E. T illa­
week end w ere: Mr. S.
M issouri, O klahom a, Texas, Illi- ^
m P.
mook St:
nois and C alifornia, re tu rn e d to f- r ,,,ln ', ,r » m For‘ W ort^ Tf x '
Mrs. Ross is a sister of Mrs. Portland Friday in his b eau tifu l
E A rtist, from B erkley,
New Buick car. He was th e guest C alif - and from far aw ay St.
The visitors w ere royally e n ­ of Mr. O tto Bible of 21 N E. Pau1’ M lnn- came M r' Jam es
tertain ed w hile here by her sis­
H alsey St., w hile here, who W alker.
te r and friends and w ere seen at
T he , , B ethelite
C lub held its
show ed him a splendid tim e. He
the various night spots about was kept busy filling social en- m« n,h,l>'1
Monda/ e v an -
tow n. They left praising the hos­
gagem ents d u ring his en tire stay >"*• J “ l)'
pitality shown them and said
and left statin g th a t he had th e Mrs. M ary T urner, 6535 N .E.
they had a grand time.
G rand avenue.
tim e of his life on th e trip .
All of the men are em ployed in
A fter th e it business session
defense work in Richmond.
th e hostess served d ain ty refresh ­
Eastward Bound
Mrs. Odessa Scroggins, wife of m ents to th e mem bers.
Kroas' Candy Superintendent
Mr. C larence (Duke) Scroggins,
\ l r s . L. Bostic of Chicago, 111.,
Showered by Employees
11309 N. D Ave., E ast V anport, was th e honored guest.
Mrs. Lottie Mae Powell, n e e left last M onday for a 30-days va-
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es W ilson
L everett, of 13 N. E. Tillam ook, cation. W hile aw ay she expects are the proud parents of a -b a b y
recently m arried, now superin- [to visit Chicago, 111., K ansas City, daughter. The young lady arriv ed
ten d en t of the C andy D epartm ent Mo., parts of O klahom a and Cin- b rig h t and early Sunday m o rn -
ing, Ju ly 8.
at the K ress’ 5 and 10 cent store cinnati, Ohio,
Mrs. M ary D. Dunn of 2228 N.
here, was given a surprise show er
Motored to Seattle
illiam s Ave. and a p a rty of
by the em ployees of her D epart
M essers C arlis Pollock, 2406 N.
spent Sunday a t Seaside.
m ent last week.
. . . .
Cottonw ood, and Mr. J. B lank-
On th e sick list this w eek w ere
M any __.__j
beautiful and useful B
gifts ¡m an, 1516 *T
n ottonw ood, , , Van-
N. C
reported the following:
w ere received.
port, m otored to Seattle, Wash.,
Mr. C. Jam ison of 4022 S. E.
last Sunday for a w eek end visit.
Husband Gives Wife
. . . . . .
. H olgate Blvd., im proving: Mr.
They rep o rt a (b,g tim e) and ^
sh ep h ard i Mjss E rncstinc
Surprise Birthday Party
th a t they enjoyed th e trip im
Cooper, Mr. C ornelious Young;
Mr. Roger B. M orris, of 2403 mensely.
w as rem oved to th e home of
N. Cottonw ood Ave., V anport
son, Mr. Marion Young.
C ity, gave a sw ing shift surprise Entertain Singers
Mr. M elvin G raham , form erly a
b irth d ay p arty in honor of his
M r- ar»d M rs Jessie C ulbertson,
of Portland, and who
wife, Mrs. G ertru d e M orris, Mon- No---------- N - Cottonw ood, en ter-
few m onths ago to live
day night.
i tained Rev. F. F. B illups and a
retu rn ed here W ed­
A very lovely and appetizing ^ew
h*s Pa rty. th e K ansas
repast was served and drinks:
City Gospel Singers, last Sunday nesday from O klahom a. He in ­
C ards and dancing w ere the a fter they unexpectedly dropped tends to resum e w ork here. His
in on them for a su rp rise visit. wife is in Louisiana w ith re la ­
m eans of am usem ent
* * and en ter-
The singers are ap p earin g here tives, bu t w ill be here soon.
tain m en t.
Mr. W illie (L ittle Bill) H arris,
th e air and at d ifferen t ch u rch ­
following Q u e s ts w ere
V anport City, left for his fo r­
home, M uskogee, Okla.,
H onored guest,
Sarah Bo­ They are real e n tertain ers anr^
gus, Mr. G rady A tfyas, Mr. and th e ir singing is enjoyed by all. w h ere he w as a form er tru sted
em ployee of G reer M eat M arket.
Mrs. C. A. Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Chicago Bound
Mrs. C hristine Kelly, wife of
T. Childs, Mr. and Mrs. Jack D.
Mr. H ow ard P ettiford, fo rm er­ Mr. C harlie K elly, of 11309, Apt.
Solomon, Mr. and- Mrs. D: H. ly em ployed at a ship y ard here,
Ram bo, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sm ith. a resident of the Royal Palm 10116, East V anport City, arrived
Mr. H enry Jam es, m anager of Hotel, left this w eek for Chicago, in th e city S atu rd ay w ith five of
the P ortland Black Socks base­ 111., his form er hom e for an in ­ th e ir eight children, ranging
from 1 to 8 y ears in age.
ball team ; Mr. D. J. H aynes, definite stay.
This is Mrs. K elly’s first triD
Mrs. L. Lewis, Mrs. H. R obin­
Mrs. Selesta Johnson, accom ­
O regon; h er husband has been
son, Mr. and Mrs. R. Corbin, panied by h er little g ra n d d a u g h ­
in th e shipyard here
and Mrs. P. Terry.
ter, Fiehazie C rate, spent the
for q u ite a w hile. T hey w ill move
F ourth of Ju ly in Y akim a, Wash.,
Overseas Veteran On
th e o th er children at a later date,
visiting Mrs. Jo h n so n ’s m other,
60 Days Eurlou^N^
as th ey expect to m ake P ortland
Mrs. M able H arris.
th e ir fu tu re home.
Mr. W illia m ^ ro lle y , Stew ard
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. B aker, 6535
1st Class, U. S. N avy, w ho has
N. E. G rand Ave., has as th e ir
been in the South Pacific and
guest for a few days Mr. and
w ho m iraculously escaped death
F a iries
Mrs. L. Bostic, from Chicago, 111.
th re e tim es, is back in Portland
Mrs. Bostic is a niece of Mrs. W hen th e first baby laughed for
on a sixty-day furlough.
th e first tim e, his laugh broke
In a conversation w ith a re ­
Home for a sum m er tim e visit into a m illion pieces, and they all
p o rte r of the P o rtland In q u irer
all the w ay from P ittsb u rg h , Pa.,
Mr. T alley told of three tim es cam e our own Miss M aggie S h ep ­ w en t skipping about. T hat was
w hen suicide Jap planes attacked pard. H er m any friends w ill see th e beginning of fairies.—J. M.
th e ir ship and how he narrow ly to it th a t Miss Sheppard w ill not B arrie, The L ittle W hite Bird.
escaped death on each occasion; have a dull moment.
w hile he was relu c tan t to talk | Mrs. A nnie Lay of Los Angeles,
attack s it was Calif., is here visiting h e r son
bro u g h t out th at five planes w ere and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. I. J.
in one of the b attles and three Lay and h er grand daughter,
of them w ere shot down.
Tim e is O ur Business
little Jo an Dell Lay.
Mr. Talley served 21 m onths
Mr. Lonnie Boyd, b e tte r know n
overseas and was in tw o in v a ­ as the great bender, is still giv ­
Licenced Watchmakers
sions in the A leutian Islands and ing th e public splendid e n te r­
Expert Repairing
o th e r places.
tain m en t at th e D ude Ranch.
He expects to spend a p a rt of
5 to 10 day service
Mr. Boyd is an acrobat and con­
his furlough here and the other to rtio n ist and ju g g ler p ar e x ­
420 S. W. W ashington
Br. 6442
p a rt in W ashington, D. C.
Society News
"Babes Meal Planning Corner"
2736 N. E. Rodney Ave.
Portland 12, Oregon
Serve outdoor* fo r inform al summer sociability
Dainty sandwiches—Orangeade Cake, as luscious and refreshing as it*
name—frosty pitcher of iced lemonade—here are the “makings” of a
feast for family and friends out in your own shady back y a rd ! Travel­
ing fo r fun is out this summer, so plan fun a t home this easy way!
A recipe for cherishing is Orangeade Cake, so moist and tender,
with the real flavor of fresh oranges—so packable in picnic basket, fish­
ing hamper or lunchbox. Clip now for keeps!
D ry Ingredients
2 cops sifted cake flour
1 teaspoon soda
1% cups su g a r
1 teaspoon s a lt
1% teaspoons b ak in g pow der
% cu p S p ry
( w ith a ta r tr a te pow der,
1 tablespoon g ra te d
use 2 *4 teas poo ns )
o ra n g e rin d
L iq u id In g red ien ts
Yi cup sour m ilk
Vs cup o ra n g e juice
2 eggs, unbeaten
i cup n u ts, very finely c u t
Sift flour, sugar, baking powder, soda, and salt into mixing bowl. . . .
Drop in Spry and grated orange rind. . . . Add sour milk and beat 150
stro k es.. . . Scrape bowl and spoon often throughout entire mixing. . . .
Add eggs and beat 250 strokes. . . . Add orange juice and beat 150
strokes. . . . Add nuts and blend—25 strokes. . . . Bake in Spry-coated
10 x 10 x 2-inch pan in moderately hot oven (375® F.) 35-45 minutes.
TOPPING: P lace U cup su g a r, cup o ran g e juice, X tablespoon g ra te d o ra n g e rin d
an d 2 tablespoons lem on ju ice in a bowl an d w arm o v er oven w hile cake is baking.
P o u r over cake as soon as rem oved fro m oven. Serve in sq u ares.
O CT .
stamps become good Aug.I
sta m ps
The Time Shop
Oklahoma Society Matron
Vacationing in Vanport
Mrs. W. J. Owens, w ife of A tty.
W. J. Owens, deceased, of M us­
kogee, O kla., arrived in the city
last S a tu rd a y m orning, accom ­
panied by Mrs. M. N esbit and
little d a u g h ter; she is visiting
re la tiv e s and frien d s in V anport
Mrs. O w ens has an o th er sister,
Mrs. T aylor at 1833 N. E. F irst
Ave., P ortland.
She w ill be here for an indef­
inite stay.
Windy City Lady
Honored With Luncheon
On last F riday afternoon, Mrs-.
Em m a N elson’s home at 205 N.
E. 11th Ave., w as a scene of a
lovely tw o-course luncheon in
honor of Mrs. Lew is Bostick from
Chicago, 111.
Six guests enjoyed th e affair.
Mr. W. B. B row n and Mrs. R.
F. M orrison sp en t the 4th of
Ju ly ou t on Bowie Farm , at
Eagle C reek, Ore.
Mrs. W illis Reed of 57 N. C h er­
ry C ourt was hostess last w eek
N«xt stomps b«com« good Aug.l
Cozy Inn
■ ■■■ I
66 NE B roadw ay
1 I 2 I 3
F ried C hicken
M innie T u rn er, Prop.
1 ------------- 1 ------------ 1
P riv a te P arties O ur Specialty
11 A. M. ’til 2 A. M.
R eservations M Urdock 3430
! I
A 16
i_______ i
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