Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, July 13, 1945, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Paqe 6
Sorority Takes
Leading Part In
4th Celebration
Beta Psi Delta P h eta Sorority
is contributing its co-operation
w ith and active su p p o rt of local
civic agencies in th e recent 4th
of Ju ly celebration, a rran g ed I
through th e V anport H ousing
A uthority and R ecreation associa­
Very outstanding in th e p arade
w ere cars sponsored by the A m ­
erican Red Cross, T he Colored
C itizens Tax League, and The
Beta Psi Delta P h eta Sorority.
These organizations, though not
i directly connected w ith V anport
City, certainly ex h ib ited th e sp ir­
it of co-operation and help to
mellow th e harshness w rought
i by w ar and prejudices.
Beta Psi D elta S o ro rity had
, tw o large posters on e ith e r side
: of the “Stream line Black B uick”
(donated by a resid en t of Van-
port) w ith G reek insignia and
ch ap ter nam e in sorority colors.
Front carried “C en ter F iv e” —
C om m unity No. 5).
Back of car had th e m usical
poster, cleverly arran g ed w ith
staff and cleft signs and notes
and letters, form ing th e w ords, !
InlailN >• T a d Ymlmi P u b l i c a t i o n !
P A T F L O W E R S , the king of the Ivories who five times s week (at
7:45-8:00 p.m.) broadcasts nightly over N. Y.’s radio 8tation W N E W .
Appearing frequently at the Stage Door Canteen and at various camp
The car, sponsored by th e Tax
shows, Flowers was photographed by our staff lensman as he "ganged-
League, and the o th e rs in the
up” on the keys with his Bach-to-Boogie rhythms. The way this boy
parade, w ere properly and a rtis t­
studies the piano as he trips the fantastic is something— look at him,
ically decorated.
he’s got something! A protege of the immortal Fats’, Flowers Is mak­
rapid strides.
The p arade and program w ere
enjoyed by all.
tw o children.
“M ine,” he a n ­
nounced, strik in g his chest.
He Had a Good Friend
“But y ou’ve been w ith us here M odern 2 bedroom s. Large living
A n aged Jap an ese
serv an t i alm ost 20 y ears,” protested his
room, u ltra m odern. K itchen,
proudly displayed to his A m er- em ployer.
full basem ent. Furnace. Floored
ican em ployer pictures he had
“Yes, yes, me know ,” the Ja p
a t t i c . Immediate possession.
ju st received from Ja p a n of a reassured him. “Me got good
Price $5350. Easy term s. Call
very nice looking J a p doll and friend in Tokyo.”—C ontributed.
F ran k L itw iller, AT. 9888.
^ iin iiiiiiiiiiiim iin iiu itiiiir n n N H u iiiM iiiiiiiiiH ittiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiH iiiiiiijim n iiiH n im iiiii
2272 N. Interstate Ave.
Portland's Leading
Colored Hotel
M Urdock 9533
Ten men in a conference may
add up dumber than any single
one of them.
That is the trouble with having
government control of EVERY­
Portland's Most Exclusive Nile Club
The Dude Ranch
§ P. M. to 2:30 A. M.
Dinners... Dancing
Cover C harge After 10:00 P. M.
50c week nights—80c Saturdays and Holidays
NOW . . . 2 Weeks Engagement . . . NOW
Beginning Monday, July 9th
You have heard their Records—Now see and hear them in
person. Latest Recording "Everything About You
Appeals To Me" and the popular
"How Come".
You lose the wisdom, the in­
itiative, the vitality, the vigor
of individuals acting individually.
Let’s keep the American sys­
tem of encouraging everybody
to grind his own axe effectively,
and let’s use the government only
to prevent the few unscrupulous
from grinding their axes to cut
other people’s throats.
* k
Phone TRinity 3967
k ifliiiiiiiiiiH n n iiiiu iiu iiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiittttm iiiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiim tiiiiiiiiiitin w tim in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiu u iiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiin iin m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM ittiiiiiiM im iiiiiiiiiF iiiiiiirt
liu illiliu j
O ne of the season’s highlights
w as the grand birthday p arty for
H arold Flow ers of 9705 S. E. Ash
street. The p arty was given for
Mr. Flow ers by his m other, Mrs.
M adalyn Flow er at the hom e of
Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Daniels,
6410 S. E. 60th ave. The group
of young folks gath ered th ere for
a fine evening and had one d e ­
licious birth d ay cake and ice
cream helped m ake up th e r e ­
freshm ents. Music by th e fam ous
Ransom D aniels Jr., w ho as
everyone knows, can really tickle
th e piano keys.
Mrs. D aniels w as assisted in
serving by Mrs. B. Daniels, Mrs.
E. R ichardson, Miss H. Searcie.
IP S PU lut ê
Mr. Flow ers recqived m any
Reginald Beane, who is currently
gifts of ties and socks, various appearing on Broadway in the new
o th er presents, including a gold dr amat i c hit, “ Foxhole In T h e
cameo ring, a gift from his m o th ­ Parlor."
er. Among those present w ere: bas been residing w ith h er sister,
Naomi Daniels, M attie McCain, Mrs. Jessie Daniels, of 6303 S. E.
Joe Searcie, Dolores M iller, Ro­ 61st avenue. She w ill visit her
sie M cSwain, N ancy Shephard, sisters, Mrs. T aft H arris, Mrs.
Omega Searcie, K athleen Miller, R.uby Sm ith, and Miss Ellen
A rt Shephard, Joe Johnson, Jo P earce of th a t city. She hopes
Searcie, and G eorge Fitts.
to re tu rn in th e n ear future.
Omega Searcie and H arold
A lovely tim e was had by all
both rendered lovely selections who w ent to the beach on Ju ly
w ith th e ir trum pets, accom panied th. The group consisted of the
by R. D onaldson at the piano. W ill Johnsons of 2302 44th ave.,
E veryone w ished H arold lots of th e Joy M cSwains of 2205 S. E.
luck and happiness.
9th ave., Mrs. Effie Lee and
Seam an G eorge Fitz spen t a d au g h ter L illian of 6315 S. E.
few days in tow n last w eek, vis­ 62nd ave, Mr. and Mrs. M. M c­
iting his wife, Mrs. A nna Fitz Sw ains of 6. E. 3rd ave., and
and th e ir sm all son -^ffeor g e 'jfr. th e ir d au g h ter Rosie. Mr. C lar­
T heir home is located a t 54 N. E. ence Rose w ho pust arriv ed from
G raham street. He has retu rn ed O m aha, N ebraska, also Mr. M.
to his station a t G reat Lakes, 111. Irv in g of Los Angeles. The group
E veryone is glad to h e ar th a t b reak fasted in N ew port
Lieut. D onald H epburn is in th e m ade th e ir rounds to several o th ­
city. Lieut. H epburn is the son e r beaches. All w ere glad to get
of Mr. and Mrs. David H epburn back to tow n in th e evening. A ft­
of 4235 N. G antenbein street.
er all, the m osquitoes and sand
Before going back to F o rt O rd w ere not so bad.
he plans to visit his brother, Cpl.
W inton D. H epburn, w ho is con-
fined in the hospital at Ford Ord,
C alifornia. Lt. H epburn says th e y BrOWIl Dots UK3V
are planning a new address un
E veryone in tow n seem s to be
know n to him a t present.
Mrs. A nna Fitz of 54 N. E. G ra talk in g about Dots. T here are
ham is a convalenscent p a tien t at dots here and dots there. And it
th e Good S am aritan hospital. | seem s th a t “D eek” W atson, a
Mrs. Fitz has been ailing for \ fo rm er m em ber of th e original
some tim e, but is m uch b etter i *nk Spots, b rought out “the dotted
s tu ff.” Deek, aw e’ll hav% you
R obert Johnson, youngest son know , now has his own q u artet,
of Mr. and Mrs. N ill Johnson of the B row n Dots.
2302 S. E. 44th avenue, phoned
So- w hen y ° u h ear folks talk of j
his p a re n ts from San Francisco Brow n Dots, rem em b er you’ll see
th a t he w as being tran sferred . and h e ar a blend of the best in
R obert is a seam an in th e navy, rh y th m ic harm ony.— Ted Yates.
taking his boot tra in in g in G reat
Lake, 111.
Mr. C larence Rose has retu rn ed
to P o rtlan d after going back to
Om aha, N ebraska to visit his sis­
ter, w ho passed aw ay w hile he I
was enroute there.
The W om en’s Sew ing Circle
m et at the hom e of Mrs. Effie
Lee at 6305 S. E. 62nd a v e n u e :
on Tuesday, J u ly 10.
The Shiloh B ap tist S&inday
school held th e ir S unday s.choo)
picnic Ju ly 4th a t B arton, Or^-Lj
gon, at the hom e of Mrs. Ida
Thompson. E veryone enjoyed th e
sw im m ing and good picnic food
—about 44 persons w ere present.
Miss Ada Pearce, and niece,
little G eorgia Mae D aniels,_ left
Benjamin Franklin once wrote,
for Los Angeles, C alifornia. Miss
“An assembly of great men is
P earce for the past few m onths
the greatest fool upon earth.”