Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, July 13, 1945, Image 1

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Club, F ra te rn a l and Social
rhU in YOUR N ew spaper . . .
•o help m ake it your* by
sending in thewe happenings
y * A
cm •Cl
Oregon '% ^\egro W eekly
Education Stressed by Chicago
Editor to Overcome Racial Prejudice
> j • - — • > i
Urban League Official
U ri
~ * i
* I V ^ i V
Urban League
Industrial Secretaries
Map National Program
T he H onorable M arshall Field, publisher of the C hicago Sun
and New York P. M . addressed a d in n er p a rty here T uesday
DETROIT U P S —In d u strial sec
j retan e* from 25 U rban League
evening as a m em ber of th e board of th e A m erican Council of
cities m et here Last w eek to out
Race Relations.
line a program designed to a s­
Among the m any things th a t Mr. Fields told his ap p reciativ e
sist Negro w orker* to ad just
audience w ere th e following:
them selves to changes grow ing
“E ducation is th e best m eans of producing b e tte r race re la ­
out of the tran sitio n from a w ar
tions am ong all peoples of the e a rth .”
to a peace-tim e econom y. The
He denounced discrim ination in housing and em ploym ent and
, effects of cutbacks in industry,
told how in m any cities these w ere causes of tension am ong
| th e re tu rn of th e v eteran to ci-
m inority groups.
j vilian life, ex p lo rin g new job
He told his w hite audience th a t they w ere responsible, in a
possibilities, and stren g th en in g
large degree, for m any of these racial conflicts, because of th eir
labor union relationsships w er
neglect to interest them selves in try in g to solve these problem s
am ong the item s discussed in
He said th a t he was deeply concerned ab o u t th e a ttitu d e of
this w orking conference.
Em ­
w hite persons, th a t if tension sta rts in one place or an o th er they
phasis was placed on the in creas­
can get out of control very quick- i ---------------------------------- — -
ing need for in te rp re ta tio n to
m anagem ent of th e w ide range
Mr. Field inform ed his audi-1
PORTLAND— Edw in C. Berry. E xecu tive Secretary of of skills laten t am ong the several
ence th a t he was interested in all
recently organized Portland Branch of Urban League. m illions of Negro w orkers in this
m inority groups, th e Japan ese,
Marshall Field, Chicago M illionaire New spaper publisher,
Negroes, Jew s, etc. He stated
The n atio n al significance of
fu rth e r th a t he feels th a t race r e ­
owner of P.M.. spoke here under sponsorship of Urban this conference is revealed in the
lations a re im proving only be­
fact th a t W illow Run had just
cause the general public is b e­
P h o t o b y M «'* K n b tn n o n
announced the dism issal of 60,-
com ing m ore aw are of the s itu a ­
000 w orkers, C urtis W right had
indicated th a t its St. Louis plant
Mr. Fields has been in terested
would close J u n e 30, and the
in race relations since th e Field
W alsh K aiser sh ip y ard s in P ro v i­
foundation, w hich started w ith
dence planned an 80 p er cent re ­
child care problem s, has becom e
duction in all dep artm en ts.
A N egro sailor .w ho fought ¡ington, D. C.
a co n trib u to r to the C ouncil on
R ichard B. Jefferso n , th e In-
C raw ford was one of a num ber
fires for m ore th an five hours in
Race R elations.
stria l S ecretary of th e St. Louis
spite of te rrific h eat and sm oke, of N egro seam en included am ong
In an in terv iew upon his ariv al
League, w ho served as
one of th e 170 naval heroes the heroes and easualtiesof the
here T uesday he com m ented th a t
ch airm an o f th e confer-
tocom m ended
decoration for j ifS S B u n k er Hill« w h icv'
“An A m erican D ilem m a”, by
; e n e £ Said in open In* th e *>ro-
! brav ery in th e fight to save th e , tu rn ed into a raging inferno on
G u n n ar M yrndal, is th e best book
PO RTLAND — Mrs. Aldena USS B u n k er Hill, w hich w as set 'M ay 11, 1945, w hen tw o enem y ceedings: "We rep resen t here a
on race relations he has read and
Negro population of some tw<j
B. R unnels, A dm inistrative afire by Jap a n e se suicide plane suicide planes crashed h er decks
he calls it “m agnificent".
illion persons, and th e econom ­
of the Portland ; attacks, the N avy D ep artm en t re- off O kinaw a and started fires ic secu rity of ev ery one of them
He states th a t “S tran g e F ru it), assistant
th a t w ere fed by exploding am ­
l i vealed th is week.
by L illian Sm ith, is a splendid Chapter Urban League.
m unition, w hich riddled decks, depends upon th e kinds of jobs
novel, b u t not as appealing and
m ay becom e available.
— P h o t o b y M. C. U o b i n s o n ! to q u it or give aw ay to the flam es b u lk h ead s and blasted the sh ip ’s w hich
liked as o th er books, especially
Wise in teg ratio n of this g reat
some of those w ritte n by Negro Field foundation, to sta rt th e job are cred ited w ith m aterially aid ­
of w o rk ers w ill do m uch
Included am ong the survivors
of collating th e inform ation and ing th e e ffo rt to control the ra g ­
a n o th e r
of th e d isaster in w hich 375
Mr. Fields expressed
t h e experience so fa r on h an d as to ing fires,” is 20-year-old H erb ert
ra te them
m em bers w ere killed or died
th o u g h t th a t R ichard W rig h t’s ju st how to go about attain in g Joe C raw ford, stew a rd ’s m ate,
from w ounds and 19 m issing, was will alm ost certain ly spell eco­
“Black B oy” w as am ong the best peace b etw een th e racial ele­ first class, USRN, w hose parents,
nom ic d isaster.”
Mr. and Mrs. D ouglas C raw ford, an o th er N egro-Seam an, !9-yr-old
books com posed recen tly by N e­ m ents.
The conference recognized th e
C laym on Holes, stew a rd ’s m ate,
M arshall Field in his address live at 92 S S treet, S. W., W ash-
gro w rite rs and w as w ell liked
for encouraging schools
first class, USNR, w hose p aren ts
and praised by N egroes all over T uesday n ig h t on th e w ork of
reside at Salerno, Fla. A com ­ and o th e r ed u catio n al in s titu ­
th e council, and in his questions
th e country.
tions to keep a b re a st of changing
plete list of N egro crew m em bers
C om m enting upon Mr. F ield ’s and an sw ers a fte r th e address,
occupational dem ands, and of
recom m ended for aw ards w ill be
v isit and ta lk here the O regonian em phasized th is p ractical a p ­
stream lin in g tra in in g procedures
released by th e N avy D epartm ent
proach, citing as an exam ple the
of J u ly 12, had th is to say:
An atta ck w as p la n ­
M aster Sgt. Jo h n P. C am pbell
council’s m an u al on police p ro ­
ned on th e policy w hich has
P roud v eteran of ev ery Pacific
Mr. Field on Race R elations
cedure, w hich has now been was re tire d from th e arm y a fte r
m eant exclusion of N egroes from
invasion and cam paign since, the
W hat appeals to one about th e
30 y ears’ service a t a cerem ony opening of th e C en tral Pacific of­ a n u m b er of basic occupations.
program of th e A m erican Council the country. The council, in o th er held a t th e P o rtlan d a ir base r e ­ fensive m ore th an a y e ar ago, th e The p a rtic ip a n ts w ere unanim ous
in th e feeling th a t openings m ust
on Race R elations is its practical w ords, has m ade a nation-w ide
cently. H e plans to e n te r th e Essex-class c arrie r has a rriv e d at be sought in business en terp rises,
approach. T he woods are fu ll of
th e P u g et Sound N avy Y ard,
organizations cam paigning
for ods so fa r as th e han d lin g of race postal service in P o rtla n d soon. B rem erton, W ash., for repairs. in g o v ern m en tal agencies, and in
various racial m inorities, and for difficulties is concerned and has Sgt. C am pbell enlisted in 1911, H er b attle scars m ark h er as the all o th e r ty p es of occupations,
all racial m inorities so fa r as com piled it in usable form . A nd being assigned to th e 9th cav al­ m ost ex ten siv ely dam aged ship w ithout referen ce to w h e th er N e­
th a t is concerned. B ut it has re ­ th e sam e w ill be done in o th er ry a t F o rt D. A j Russell, now F ort ev er to e n te r th e Y ard, w hich groes have tra d itio n a lly found
jobs in these areas.
m ained for th e A m erican council, fields, such as education an d in ­
W arren, n e ar Boston, Mass. F ol­ has h an d led such am bitious Jobs
w ith su b stan tial support from th e du stry .
as th e recen tly -rep aired USS S a­
T h at apeals to us as a splendid low ing six years of service he
ratoga. She ran k s second only to
and logical d e p a rtu re from th e
th e USS F ran k lin as a surviving
n am e-calling w hich has d o m in at­ France. In 1919 he re tu rn e d to
casu alty of th e w ar.
ed m ost race relatio n s in th e past, th e U niited S tates and civilian
In h er 58 days and n ights of
and still does. The g re a t m ajo rity life. Tw o y ears later he enlisted
consecutive action, h er planes had
of people, w e th in k , have no sym ­
Mr. Joseph L. B land, 6217 S.
stru ck a t Iw o Jim a, Tokyo, the
p ath y w ith th e persecution of he w as assigned to th e q u a rte r­
87th avenue, who, to g e th e r
m inorities. B ut w h erev er th e big- | m aster corps.
hd C b- o
eighteen o th e r persons w ere
The 25th in fa n try
division wa.
0 c; a>
ots get sta rte d a com m unity
M any of th e B u n k er H ill’s in ju red in a tra in w reck, Sunday,
<n seem s confused as to how to e x ­ claim ed St. C am pbell from 1938
(D c?
w ere supporting M arine J u n e 10, died T uesday m o rn in g ,(
to 1942,-w hen he was assigned
K' C/i b 4
•d ercise its m ajo rity feeling. Mr. to C am p Pinedale, Cal., w here he and A rm y ground advances on J u ly 10, as a re su lt of said in ­
pfl • •• ¡0
ö ^
Field is to be co n g ratu lated on received his prom otion to m aster O kinaw a w hen a single-engine juries.
P' • r !
The accident o ccu rred w h en
H- t n
0* using his g re a t influence and sergeant. L ate in 1943 he was a s­ Jap an ese fig h ter plane, know n
0 1 H M M'
of th e G reat N o rth e rn fre ig h t
?» w ealth in su p p o rt of th e m o v e­ signed to th e P o rtlan d arm y air
O w o'
s crashed into an S. P. & S.
base. In 1925 he w as ju dged th e close to th e w a ter on th e s ta r­
m en t to provide p ractical plans
r r te- jn
h ighest e x p e rt sw ordsm an in th e board q u a rte r. W hile still a ir­ train , loaded w ith p leasu re seek ­
b y w hich we can g u ard against arm y and w as selected as th e borne, it dropped a 500-pound ers going to Seaside n e a r th e St.
t h e n Jo h n s bridge an d G uild L akes
ou tb reak s an d h an d le th em if a rm y ’s o u tstan d in g a th le te in delayed action bomb,
(C ontinued on page 8)
(C ontinued on page 8)
tra c k and baseball.
c H j
th ey come.
Negro Sailor Fire Fighter Decorated
For Conspicious Bravery in Action
Masler Sergeant
Gets Retirement
Railroad Accident
Fatal to Dining
Car Employee
a> o