VICTORY CENTER ALL-COLORED BOND SHOW THRILLS AUDIENCE WANTED Club. F ra te rn a l and Social News This is YOUR N ew spaper . . . so help m ake it yours by sending in these happenings orn an Oregon's c?\egro Weekly ncjfUirer PORTLAND. ORE., JULY 6. 1945 VOLUME 1 Park Owner With Black Jack Orders Picknickers Out of Park "So This Is Am erica" Exlaims Band Leader W ednesday. J u ly 4th, several car loads of jolly 4th of Ju ly picnickers, as has been th e ir custom for years, left for V iking P a rk for th e ir an n u al outing. YOUNG NEGRO ACTOR SCORES IN REPUBLIC'S ‘BIG BONANZA’ T hey drove to th e park and the lady at th e gate accepted the usual fee, fifty cents for each c ar entering. All w ent well and th e p a rty proceeded to unload. J u st th en a m an appeared w ith a black jack in his pocket and inform ed all present th a t he was th e new ow ner of the p ark ; th a t he had paid $10,000 for the p ro p ­ e rty and th a t w hen he purchased it th e re w as a clause stipulated in his contract th a t “NEGROES W OULD BE BARRED FROM SAM E.” He th en ordered all to leave and refu n d ed th e en tran ce fee paid. In this p a rty w ere several p e r­ sons well know n here. The leader of The B anjoski B and, of Se­ attle, W ash., w ho had ju st re n ­ dered, free, a program at an All C olored B end B ally, at V ictory C enter, Tuesday, and m em bers of his band, Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard Payne, Mrs. M ert Barno, and husband, Mrs. Essie M ae J o h n ­ son and husband, and m any o th ­ ers, w ere in th e group w ho w ere ordered out. T hey proceeded to another p a rk to finish th e ir celebration. T he lead er of th e B anjoski’s band rem ark ed : “So this is A m er­ ica on th e 4th of Ju ly ; y esterd ay I did m y little b it to help the cause; tom orrow th e y w an t m e to give an o th er free concert a t a shipyard, b u t today, Independence day, J u ly 4th, in P o rtlan d , I am driv en out of a place w here I go for one m om ent of rest, to eat, to bathe. This is even denied me, and those w ho are p resen t.” “So this is A m erica.” R etu rn in g hom e those ejected m et several o th er cars loaded w ith p leasure seekers enroute; th ey stopped them to save th em from m eeting the new ow ner w ith his black jack and his insult. Those of you seeking pleasure are w arned to stay aw ay from V iking p ark or you w ill m eet th e m an W ITH TH E BLACK JA CK . Subscribe to YOUR Progressive Negro Newspaper PRICE 10c N um ber 40 NEGRO VARIETY PROGRAM GIVEN GENEROUS APPLAUSE For the first time Victory Center held an “All Colored Bond Rally.” Tuesday last at noon. Mr. Charles Garrett was “Master of Ceremonies”, and he was really charming and did an excellent job and was master of the situation from the start of the program until the finish. Entertainment was furnished bv several well-known celebrities. Banjoski and his famous Jazz band rendered several lively latest creations, all of which were enjoyed and each selection was applauded by the audience. F.E.P.C.: A Challenge To Democracy Extension of R em arks of HON. DAVID I. WALSH of M assachusetts in the S en ate of th e U nited S tates Mr. WALSH. Mr. P resid en t, I ask to have inserted in th e A p­ pendix of th e C ongressional Rec­ ord an article en titled “FEPC: A C hallenge to D em ocracy,” by R ath er R ichard J. Roche, p u b ­ lished in Am erica, A pril 14. T h ere being no objection, the (C ontinued on page 8) Murder Suspect Nelîbedr-fo n n tir Roomer Arrested P articu larly im pressive, and one w ho was given th e longest and most outstanding praise and applause was the drum m er, Mr, A rth u r “Long G oodie” A ustin. He is a wizard and m aster of th e d ru m s and one of the best th a t has appeared in this city. All the o th er m em bers of the band perform ed splendidly. Miss Susie A nderson, th e noted torch singer, in h er sw eet and m elodious voice rendered “S en tim en tal Jo u rn ey " and as she sang she really stirre d your sentim ents. You could notice a boy or girl, man or wom an, sec­ retly and silently reaching for the hand of his or h er m ate, w ith a gentle speeze as th eir sen tim en ts had been aroused. T h — ,m m m f t " Ben Steen, w ho re a lly cap tiv ated his au d ien ce in th a t rich, stro n g TED YATES PUBLICATIONS and e n ch an tin g b arito n e voice, The talented young Negro actor, Cordell Hickman, best remembered O tto Johnson, V ancouver, Wn., w ith “P riso n e r of L ove”. for his excellent work in “The Biscuit E ater,” is featured in Republic’s sh ip y ard w orker, was a rre sted in Ben has a m illion d o llar voice rip-roaring melodrama, “The Big Bonanza,” which stars Richard S eattle, W ash., F rid ay by Sgt. and his notes are clear-h is voice Arlen. shown here, Robert Livingston, and Jane Frazee. O. K. Robinson, of th e P o rtlan d rich, and his stag e ap p earan ce Police Dept., and was placed in graceful and charm ing. ja il for questioning in connec­ Loud and continued ap p lau se t s w ith th e b ru ta l m u rd er of was given him. Mrs. Ina May B lackw ell, of 522 P riv ate Joseph B rooks of the N. Ivy St., w ho was killed some Air base w as th e m ain speaker tim e ago, th e exact d ate u n ­ and he delivered a m ost p o in t­ CHICAGO, 111.— D eclaring “a blood. He feels th e full b urden of know n, but police believe th a t it ed and in trestin g speech-stress­ W ar Bond driv e typifies th e s p ir­ all th e necessary bu t annoying was Sunday, J u n e 10. ing the necessity of purchasing it of th e com m on m an in w ar reg u latio n s w hich so encroach The body w as found in a pool bonds and urging all to do th e ir tim e,” A ssociate Ju stic e Hugo upon fhe custom ary freedom s of of blood in th e kitchen of her part. B lack of th e U nited S uprem e all of us. He w orks long hours hom e; she was clad in only a pair At the end of the cerem ony C ourt lau d ed th e p articip atio n and sacrifices vacations. A nd b e­ of pajam as and bedroom slip­ Mr. C harles G a rre tt purchased a of th e A m erican N egro in th e cause his freedom was at stake pers. $500.00 bond and o thers th en W ar Bond program , and o th er he has borne these burdens ch eer­ The w om an h ad n ’t been seen purchased bonds. w ar activities, in an address fully, cooperatively, and w illin g ­ for several days and th e body On th e platform was Mr. Joe m ade before C hicagoans, w ho ly. W ithout th a t cooperation our w as discovered by Mr. Floyd C rane, lead er of “The Joe C rane p u rchased $5,210,000 w o rth of v ictory could not have been Eastm an, 527 N. Ivy St., a fte r he B an d ”, who a few w eeks ago W ar Bonds to a tte n d th e South achieved. noticed th a t a light had been perform ed for an all colored C en tral A ssociation’s W ar Bond “A w a r bond drive typifies the* b u rn in g in Mrs. B lackw ell’s hom e bond rally a t Sw an Island sh ip ­ D inner a t the M orrison H otel last sp irit of th e common m an in w ar for several days. y ard and gave such a creditable Tuesday evening. tim e. These d rives are o ur o p ­ D etectives said they found 19 perform ance. Mrs. C rane w as C om m enting upon th e W ar p o rtu n ity to do som ething ex tra stab w ounds in the h e a rt area, also there. Bond pro g ram of th e South C en­ to help o ur arm ies in th e field. w hich m ight have been in flict­ We co n g ratu late all the p a r­ tra l A ssociation, Ju stice Black A v o lu n ta ry bond drive is one of ed by a knife, ice pick or a sim i­ ticipants on th e program . It said, “Y our group th u s rep resen ts th e m ost significant activities of la r weapon. was really a tre a t as w as voiced th e asp iratio n of th e great mass D em ocracy at w ar. It presents an Johnson, 31, w as a form er room ­ by all. of th e com m on m en and w om en o p p o rtu n ity for each one of us to er, according to th e P o rtlan d po­ of all w alks of life in A m erica say to ourselves: ‘I u n d erstan d lice. A receipt for re n t m ade out tow ard to leran ce and u n d e rsta n d ­ w h at th is w a r is about. Of my by Mrs. B lackw ell was found in ow n free w ill I w an t to help the the house. ing. The detectives also claim ed “It is no t idle fla tte ry or idle co u n try of w hich I am a p art. I Follow ing the tre n d tow ards w ill assess m yself as heavily as th a t Johnson was seen th e re on rom anticism for m e to say th a t fu ller utilization of all av ailab le it is th e effo rt and con trib u tio n I can, as my co n trib u tio n to the th e probable day of th e slaying and th a t he left th a t n ig h t on a m anpow er, th e Office of Price of th e com m on m an in civil life com m on cause.’ ” A dm inistration has increased th e P au l Robeson, in tern atio n ally tra in for Seattle. which m arks th e g re a test civilian nu m b er of N egroes em ployed in No relativ es of the deceased assetof th e U nited S tates in the know n signer and actor, w ho was its field offices by m ore th an 54 b attle ag ain st those enem ies one of th e guests of honor at th e w om an have been located here w hose enem ies w hom w e have auspicious affair, sang several as yet, bu t a b ro th er in C alifor­ per cent d u rin g th e last year, an conquered and th e enem y w hich selections. O th e r' en tertain m en t nia and one in S eattle have been analysis of field rep o rts by Miss F rances W illiams, special assist­ we still fight. For th e com m on for th e evening w as furnished by contacted. The m u rd ered w om an carried an t to A d m in istrato r C h ester * m an w ar is a series of sacrificies. th e large all-colored N avy o r­ chestra from th e G reat Lakes a m oney belt on h er person at Bowles, indicated th is w eek. L ike all o thers he is left lonely O PA ’s nine regional and 93 N aval station. all tim es, b u t it w asn’t found on w ith his sons gone to b attle. He d istrict offices have 114 N egro R epresenting the national of­ h er nor in th e house a t th e tim e bears th e b ru n t of th e d isru p tio n professional w orkers, 905 clerical of civil life. He pays his tax es; fice of the T rea su ry ’s W ar F i­ of th e killing. nance Division a t the din n er Johnson is being held on in ­ w orkers and 231 u nskilled w ork- he m akes no spectacular profit. (C ontinued on page 8) vestigation as w e go to press. He buys his bonds. H e gives his (C ontinued on page 8) United States Supreme Court Justice Black Lauds Negro Bond Buyers 0PA Officials Increase Negro Employees Hd CE O P» o C c t- CD I-1 c t- p D c t- ct* H 03 • 4 P {0 H fct p* 03 Ir* m H CO H ** o' c cf t2j * ÿ tar CD Ç8 H H H*<1 a o * " H d CD H- H O 0) I CO • in m to U r p* »