Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, June 29, 1945, Image 1

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Club. F ra te rn a l and Social
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Jî n a u ir e r
Oregon's '!h (fgro fVeekly
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Progressive Negro
Number 39
Portland Inquirer Celebrates Anniversary
Negro Publication Flourishes
Despite Action of Adversaries
By Chesley E. Corbett
FOR A LL TIME! This is th e dis-
tinction held by M eh arry ’s 1920
den tal graduates. The class, w hich
has pledged $10,000 of the $200,-
000 stu d en t dorm ito ry fund, w ill
hold its reu n io n at the g ro u n d ­
b re a k in g cerem onies at N ash­
ville in S eptem ber, 1945. D efying
any o th e r class, m edics included,
to b e at them , th is group has al­
read y sent th e alum ni tre a su re ’-
Sitting: Dr. G arlan d Haynes, Ala., Dr. I. A. Haywood, Chicago,
E x -ald erm an , C leveland, Ohio, 111., 5300, Dr. D. K. Jen k in s, C o­
Dr. W. J. D ow dell, Bessem er, lum bia, S. C., $500, Dr. J. B. Rob­
Ala., Dr. C .E. “R ed” Bomar, inson, C leveland, Ohio deceased.
O range, N. J., $500, Dr. R. B
Not in pictu re: Dr. C. O. H enry,
Taylor, O km ulgee, O kla., $500. president, T yler, Tex., $500, Dr.
Standing: Dr. B enny A tkinson, T. M. Johnson, S h rev ep o rt, La.,
G riffin, Ga., $100, Dr. A llen Phil- $500, Dr. E. A. R oett, Chicago,
lips .Houston, Tex., Dr. M arshall I $300, Dr. W. R. H enry, P hiladel-
G ilm er, Tuscaloosa, Ala., Dr. i phia, Pa., $30, Dr. L. R. Hill, To-
W endell Sims, F o rth W orth, T e x ., j ledo, Ohio, $300, and Dr. J. K.
Dr. H enry Goss, Chicago, Illin o is,! Ryan, B arnw ell, S. C., $25. (A tlas
$500, Dr. J. C. W hite, A n n is to n ,' N ew sphoto Service).
One year ago, yesterday, Friday, June 28th, 1944, the
first edition of the PORTLAND INQUIRER was published
in the city of Portland, Oregon. The appearance of this real
newspaper on the streets and in • the mail was the signal
for action by a group o morons within the ranks of the race
to prevent further publication of this weekly. Their action
took the form of false arrests, malicious lies, whispered
campaigns that could not be traced to their source. Malig­
nant rumors spread among the Negro population supposedly
race conscious Negroes, went out of their way to go to
merchants to tell them that they were wasting their money
in advertising with the PORTLAND INQUIRER, all to no
avail. WE CONTINUED TO PUBLISH. The baby was grow­
ing and was suffering all the pains of growth among narrow
minded, selfish, mercenary people that any worthwhile
venture among Negroes suffers here. Our head was above
the crowd and we could be seen more easily and furnish
a much better target than the rank and file. In spue of the
objection and lies voiced by this now proven minority of
our race, we continued to publish. We were very much
elated by the fact that the opposition was led by one who
has never done anything constructive for his race and earns
his living through underworld channels even today. Since
that was the kind of opposition we had, WE FEEL PROUD.
The public continued to read
th e P o rtlan d In q u irer, we w ere
giving our race the prestige of a
real new spaper. We w ere and
C ath erin e V an B uren, outstan- still are challenging anyone and
who does
soprano, has
re- everyone
m g Negro
. , just
_ things inL.ii-
tu rn e d frorn a TJSO Cam p T our of* (<a l to the w elfare of our people.
By Lewis A. H. Caldwell
This m orning, J u n e 20, 1945, th e Save th e FEPC R ally a t I the South Pacific for w hich she We shall continue to cham pion
F o r A tlas N ew s Service
by a solid b i-p artisan vote of 14 Tow n H all tonight w ill have t h e ! cancelled h er A m erican concert the cause of rig h t and freedom
to 4 (only S o u th ern ers voting effect of arousing th e com m unity j to u r for 1944-45, scheduled to
Som ething u n h eard of in the
open a t Jo rd a n H all in Boston of o u r people. T here is no one
against) th e S enate C om m ittee on
(C ontinued on page 8)
history of N egro E ducational in ­
last N ovem ber. She sang th e role too big, tough or too im p o rtant
A ppropriations pu t back into the
stitu tio n s is c u rre n tly
takin g
“The S tra w b e rry W om an” in for th e P o rtlan d In q u ire r to e x ­
W ar
A gencies A ppropriations
place up and dow n th e length
w in ’s “P o rg y and Bess” pose his actions w hen the oc­
Bill th e $599,00 re q u ire d to keep
b re a d th of these U nited
over 100 tim es w ith the cast of
th e FE PC going a fte r J u n e 30,
casion dem ands. A n ything th a t
States. A lum ni of M eharry m ed­
16 N egro m en an d w om en com ­
and u n til th e P e rm a n e n t FEPC
ical college in N ashville, T ennes­
prising th e first o p e re tta u n o t to is w o rth w h ile am ong o ur people
Bill is enacted. This w as a re ­
see, have pledged them selves to
be sent overseas. She also a p p ea r­ sh all be m ade public and we
sounding rev ersal of th e Subcom ­
raise $200,000 by S eptem ber, ’45,
ed as soloist in th e additional shall “hew to th e line and let
m itte e ’s rejectio n of th is item by
to build a badly needed stu d en t-
a 4 to 4 vote yesterday. It follow ­
P o rtla n d ers w ere shocked last 100 concerts th e groups gave for th e chips fall w here th ey m ay.”
alum ni dorm itory on the cam pus.
ed d irectly upon th e heels of:
S unday to learn o f th e d eath of th e arm ed forces on the New
T he cam paign began last J a n u a ry
O ur circulation has grow n
C aledonia, G uadalcanal,
1. A trem en d o u s m ass m eeting once of th e old er resid en ts of th e
and th e aw akened alum ni have
C ity of Roses, Mr. K idd C. M or­ H ebrides and F lorida Islands in beyond o u r fondest expectations.
alread y
fo rw ard ed m ore th an held in New Y ork C ity ’s Tow n
th e past six m onths.
The public is beginning to a p ­
H alls th e evening of J u n e 19, u n ­ gan, 9823 S. E. A nkeny S treet.
$65,00 to th e tre a su rer.
The young a rtist says th a t high
p reciate our stand, and is show ­
P resid e n t of th e general alu m ­ d e r th e auspices of th e Council
six th y ear and had been a re si­ ran k in g ofifeers atten d ed the
ing an increased in terest in our
ni association is Dr. J. W. A n d e r­
dent of P o rtla n d since 1927. He num erous receptions held to hon-
son, ’85, of D allas, Texas, who, pressive ro ster of sp eak ers u rg ­
articles and tellin g o th ers of
(C ontinued on page 8)
succum bed fbllow ing a com para­
incidentally, leads all c o n trib u t­ ing ap p ro v al of th e app ro p riatio n
w h at we are saying.
tiv ely sh o rt illness o f th re e
ors w ith $2,000. He is follow ed and en actm en t of th e p erm an en t
In last w eek ’s issue w e e x ­
by Dr. M artin L u th er W alton, bill. T hey include:
O lder resid en ts of P o rtlan d
posed the Jim Crow policy of
’18, of Thom asville, Ga., w ho has
S en ato r D ennis C havez, (D. w ill re m e m b er Mr. M organ as
alread y paid $1,000.
L ipm an and Wolfe Co., w hich
N ew M exico), C o-Sponsor of S. th e ow ner of a re s ta u ra n t around
Those w ho have co ntributed 101; R ep resen tativ e C harles M.
w as eagerly read and devoured
1930, located a t N. W. 6th Ave.
$500 include Drs. F. P. Lytes, L aF o llette (R. In d ian a),
Co- and F lan d ers street. He was la te r
By Anna Morrison
by th e public. W e feel proud th a t
P ine Bluff, A rk., J. F. Taylor, Ma- Sponsor of RH. 223; B ishop G.
P o rtla n d er m et and paid h o ­ we have received hun d red s of
a cook for th e S o u th ern Pacific
bile, Ala., G. H. S tarke, Sanford, B rom ley O xm an, P resid e n t F e d ­
R ailroad. A t th e tim e of his d eath mage to tw o of O regon’s m ost m essages of co n g ratu latio n from
Fla., L. C. S tarke, D eland, Fla., eral C ouncil of C hurches of
Mr. M organ w as building a home distinguished new residents, Mr.
S. A. R eddick, Colum bus, Ga., C h rist; F a th e r Jo h n L aF arge, S.
on th e site w here he had resided and Mrs. E dw in C. B erry, last o u r read ers com plim enting us
Sunday. The gala affair, held in upon our stand and urging us to
for th e past th re e years.
(C ontinued on page 8)
C atholic W eekly; R abbi J. X. Co-
The fu n eral w as held last T u es­ th e b eau tifu l A uditorium of the continue the “good w o rk ”.
hen( C hairm an, Com m ission of day at th e M iller and Tracey new P a rish H ouse of th e St.
We shall continue to cham pion
Econom ic D iscrim iniation, A m er­ F u n eral hom e and in tern m en t P hilips Episcopal C hurch. N. E.
cause of th e oppressed.
ican Jew ish Congress; P e a rl S. w as a t Rose C ity C em etery. Rev. | K nott and R odney streets, was
hj CD o
tak e this m eans to th a n k
Buck( A u th u r and D irector of the J. J. Clow of Mt. O livet B aptist w ell atte n d ed by m any of P o rt­
O O ct C
4 H d-t)
E ast-W est A ssociation; A nna A r­ church officiated and Mrs. B ar lan d ’s notables. T he affair given those w ho have stood by us and
« t
c f
nold H edgem an, E xecutive Sec­ bara H u b b ard S ullivan w as th e by th e P o rtlan d b ranch of the ask you to continue to aid and
H M Ö 4
assist us by tellin g o th ers ab o u t
•• ÇD
W re ta ry , N ational C ouncil for a soloist.
U rban League in honor of Mr.
o u r plans and program .
P e rm an en t FEPC.
P’ H g
Mr. M organ leaves a w ife and and Mrs. B erry also served th e
O H* tr1
To those w ho have ad v ertised
2. R elease at this m ass m eeting dau g h ter, Mrs. C h arlo tte M. Rin- purpose of giving P o rtlan d ers an
cn c f oo H*
us, and especially to you
o p p o rtu n ity to m eet th e officers
of fo rth rig h t su p p o rtin g s ta te ­ go to m ourn th e ir loss.
n* oo o '
and board m em bers of the U rban who have h en t us A n n iv ersary
m ents of P resid en t H arry S. T ru ­
tat P
League.. Mr. B erry is E xecutive C ongratulations, we express our
© N
The fam ily of the late Kidd S ecretary of the P o rtlan d branch. m ost sincere appreciations and
9» of th e A m erican F ed eratio n of
C. M organ w ishes to th an k
?» Labor, and P resid e n t
P hillip
H ostesses th ro u g h o u t the a fte r­ thanks. This is Y our P ap er! W ith
a h >
noon w ere M esdam es Em m a W al­ your help we expect to ex p an d
M urray of th e C ongress of In ­
- Hj
kind expressions of sym pathy ker, M aryland A llen, Eva M inor, and in the very n e a r fu tu re hope
d u stria l O rganization. Follow ing
© o
are ex cerp ts from th e ir s ta te ­ and th e lovely floral offerings. Ida M cClendon, H orace W illiams, to have a tw elve page w eekly;
w ©
Signed Mrs. M amie M organ B etty C arden, E arl W inslow, and we can and w ill if you, “The
m ents:
Mrs. C h arlo tte M. Ringo.
P u b lic”, w ill do y o u r p a rt.
J u lia Sm ith.
President Truman: “I hope th a t
Alumni Assure Senate Committee Reinstates
Meharry's Dream F. £. P. C. Appropriation
Soprano Returns
From So. Pacific
Old Resident
Dies Following
Short Illness
Urban League Sect
Honored at Parish
House of St. Philip