PORTLAND INQUIRER Pag» S Friday Boxing Card Promises Real Action Leo "The Lion" Turner Challenges Proctor s Victor, Roy Miller in Ring B a s e b a ll x J im —' C rO W 7 Tickets will go on sale Thursday morning at the J. K. ^ Gill Co., 5th and Stark for one of the best boxing cards _ . . . . . , . . . . . , , , j . i . of J. Davis ir. the New York Joe Waterman , has produced here. t In a desert of , gocxl j . talent _ iA _ Acting 7, upon . the initiative , . . Councilman Benjamin j «*«*» j . jr . me i^ew i o w ... . . . j • i . . . . C“ Y Council unanimously adopted a sweep.ng resolution condemning jimcro Dractices Waterman seems to alwavs succeed in bringing a mighty . . . . . . . . s J racro pracuces , , , .. . ... . , , *i of big league baseball teams. good show' to the Auditorium. There have been some real; lulus as anyone who witnessed the last tw’o boxing shows _ , .. ... . .. , .. _ „ * . . , . . .____f , . . The resolution, which urged action by the Mayor s Comm ttee on Unity and the will agree. But when a guy asks to permit himself to be C4 n ni . , ... * _ . „ . y ” S J . ... * • . • t, lt State Commission on Discrimination, called upon the Dodgers. Yankees, and Giants to battered all over the place and Waterman gives him that , . ...... . .. . . .. . A , . F 6 accept their responsibility to the people of this country and to employ the best available chance, w’ell you gotta hand it to the guy that is really players without regard to race. tops. Who did the requesting for C "Whereas.” the resolution said in part, "as a national sport and pastime, the con­ legal mayhem? None other than « * “ I lC illU lL C ip duct of professional baseball clubs is a matter of intense interest and concern to the our own Leo “The Lion Turner. R p T H T fl entire population of the United States . . . it is the responsibility of baseball clubs" to He bounced into the ring so A I C f w I l l u llv v U lU fast following the 10th round SlQff Sergeant Charles B. see to 11 that ihe best available players in the country be employed to play on these pro- LT n nf PmrHpr” Prnptfir hv __ _ __ fnccinn/vl ♦¿wtmc K.O. of “ “Powder” Proctor by i j Kopp, of Greensboro. Ga.. a Mar- fessional teams, Roy Miller that no one knew ine Corps Combat Correspondent just w'hat he wanted. It was an OAHU, T.H. (Delayed)—A five- The City Council which "has consistently condemned and opposed practises of ‘on the spot’ challenge to the yard handicap probably cost Mar- discrimination" urged "managers and owners of baseball teams of this city to abandon winner. Arrangements were ine Corporal Edward N. Green- discriminatory practices . . . in the hiring of players for their respective teams." made and Friday night will ridge a record for the 220-yard I dash in the Hawaiian Amateur Athletic Union’s recent track and field meet. The husky Negro, 22, of 1356 Clinton Street, New York City, came in a scant yard behind Robert Sovetts of the Navy, whom he granted a 5-yard head start. Green ridge was credited unof­ ficially with lowering the Ha­ waiian mark of 22 seconds. So- vett’s time for 215 yards was 21.8 seconds. Greenridge won the 150-yard handicap in 14.5 seconds giving the Fleet Marine Force track­ men one of their six firsts and helping them to cinch third place behind the Navy and the Hono lulu Army-citywide aggregation. It was the first meet of the season for the Benedict College alumnus, who copped the nation­ al junior 220 in 1941 and ran second to Marine Harold Davis in the national 220 of 1943. He packs 190 pounds on a 5-ft., 8in. frame. Copies of the resolution were sent to the Brooklyn Dodgers. NY Giants. NY Yank­ ees and Mayor La Guardia. Boxing Team Chalks Moose' Kennedy To Famous Southwest Up Great Record Appear in Smoker At Athlete Vactioning PEARL HARBOR T. H.—One H lld s O n H o ilS C In Portland of the greatest records ever es- -l, A1VTr,rvTT, , r,T, , T , , ! VANCOUVER, Wash., June 19. tablished by an armed forces A smoker featuring a„ exhlbition boxing team has just been chalk- bout by “ Moose” Kennedy and ed up by the all-Negro squad 10 amateur events will be held from Naval Ammunition Depot, Thursday night at 8 o’clock in the Hudson House gymnasium. Oahu, T. H. Jim Coffel, boxing head of the From the opening lounds of recreation association, and Fred the Navy Tournament of Cham­ Williams, project services advis pions, conducted throughout the er for Hudson House, are in Plans are underway LEO "The Lion" TURNER entire Hawaiian area, the boxers charge. of this remarkable team fought to hold smokers at the dormitory see two of the best scrappers gymnasium regularly, Williams their way through the best op­ on the coast tie up over the ten reports. ponents the scores of station in round route. Leo has gone un defeated the entire year. Roy the area could send against them. BLACKSOCKS WIN OVER Miller is undoubtedly one of Coming up to the finals with ASTORIA NAVY AIR PORT the fastest and hardest hitters Vanport Blacksocks beat Astor­ the astonishing number of seven to breeze through Portland. It’s fighters still victorious over all ia Navy Air Port Sunday, June a natural, folks, and the winner round decision to Mickey Pease comers, four of the seven went 17. The final score was 8 to 5. after breaking his hand in the on to win titles in the light­ Batteries for the Blacksocks is anybody’s guess. L’l Abner comes back to the second round of their bout. weight, junior welterweight, and were Lockheart, pitcher, and wars following a two round KO James meets the popular Marine middleweight classes. By virtue Pepsicola, catcher. For Navy of Johnny Davis two weeks ago. Johnny Gates in a ten rounder of these victories, the four will Air Port, Bren, pitcher, and Since then Li’l Abner has got on Friday night also. fight the Army champions for Whitlow, catcher. This card really promises the Pacific Ocean Area titles. himself a wife. Maybe Leroy Durst who he meets in another plenty of action. Everybody on In the bantamweight class, Ed­ ten rounded will be his wed- tap packs a knockout punch and ward (Tiger) Brown, seaman lc, we bet that more than one of and an ammunition armed guard ding gift. Everybody remembers Man­ these naturals end via the KO of 1922 Highland Street, Baton uel James who lost a close ten route. Rouge, La., claimed the crown. Weir (Harry) Hart, seaman lc and barracks master-at-arms, of ¡H arold SL 52 Spring St., Delaware, Ohio, HILTON vanquished a Marine opponent to take the lightweight title. William Squalls, seaman first OF class and barracks master-at- E ngland arms, from Jacksonville, Fla., scored the most spectacular vic­ tory, leaving a Marine junior welterweight hanging on the ropes in a technical knockout to take the championship in the 140-pound class. Bennie B. Deans, coxswain, an ammunition motor dispatcher, of 100 Waverly Ave., Newark, N. J., breezed to victory in the mid­ first ' man to win the I dleweight bout with his usual BRITISH ano USAMATtUR [ GOLF TITLES BOTH IN display of ring craftmanship. (With Additional Shift Premiums) THE SAM E V ÏA R 0 9 » ) Deans was the 1942 Golden Gloves national champion in his weight, and last fall won the Central Pacific title here. This aggregation of champions is coached by James Weeks, chief specialist (athletics), of Dallas, Tex, a former lightweight THESE ARE who fought such ring personali­ THE ONLY 3 (4th and S. W . Jefferson St.) ties as Tony Canzoneri, Tony GOLFERS EVER To WIN Herrara, Lou Vines, A1 Green­ 3 OF THE FOUR field, and others. At one time he M A JO R G O L F J.K CROWNS /< coached the University of Okla­ homa boxing team. Mr. Raymond Von Lewis has just returned to Portland from Texas college, Tyler, Texas, to spend the summer months with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Trammell of 1226 N. Larrabee Ave., before returning this fall. While a student at Texas col­ lege, Lewis played halfback on the college football team. The Texas college Steers, with their ace players, won all games ex­ cept one to Wiley college. The Steers play in Atlanta, Go. Negro Educational Center of the South and other cities. With the final games in the flower bowl in Jacksonville, Fla. The Blacksocks would like to book a game with any strong club in this area. They will travel up to 220 miles. For in­ formation see Henry James, 2619 Cottonwood, Apt. 1492. OUT OF A D A M 'S HAT HELP WANTED HALE Ship Scalers. . 1.08 to 1.21 per hr. Buffers . . . 1.20 to 1.25 per hr. Sand Blasters. 1.20 to 1.40 per hr. Apply Room 3 Basement of Labor Temple Local Union No. 1404 @OBBy JONES TURNED This TRICK AND TWO BETTER WITH HI S FAMOUS 'fcRANDSLAM- OF 1930-W//V/V//Vfl BOTH o kh tourneys roof Wo L awson LITTLE WHOSE VICTORIES IN THE 1934 BRIT­ ISH AND U.S. A M A ­ TEUR TOURNIES, MADE HIM the B ad MAN EVER 1b WIN BOTH IN ONE Y E A R /