Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, December 08, 1944, Page Page 8, Image 8

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P «f* I
saving us with tlu ammo you are
“ Me, I just went on about my
business of looking for a deeper
foxhole,” grinned Hall, who made
nine trips to the lines in eight days.
Seaman First Class James Key
With the city-wide table tennis
The High School Girls’ League
20, of 5047 So. Parkway,
No. 1 have basketball games sched­ tournament played Monday and
(Delayed)—Two hundred Negro
Chicago, has a souvenir of one trip
uled for the coming week. Monday, Tuesday at the Montavilla Center
Seabees, grimy and weary from 2 across the exposed airport, ^e was
Dec. 11, the Galloping Gals play in the limbo of past-events, those
days of unloading ships under ene­ carrying one end of a stretcher
Sac ret Heart at 7 p. m. and the who follow the sports events under
my fire, were lined up on the beach when a Japanese machine gun
Bobby Sockers play the ^shamrocks supervision of the Bureau of Parks
killed the Seabee on the front end.
at 8:00 p. m. at Girls Polytechnic and Public Recreation are looking
school gymnasium. Arleta’s team forward to coming events. Next
“ I want volunteers for stretcher Nichols’ canteen was pierced by 2
and the Devil Demos meet at the
bearing on the ridge tonight,” an bullets.
“ Left me without water,” he
same place for a game Thursday nation swims to determine entries
officer was* telling them.
mourned at the dressing station
night at 7. League No. 2 has games for the city-wide tournament cal­
And 200 Negro Seabees stepped
where he delivered the wounded
scheduled also. The Teddy Wonders endared for Dec. 27, for girls, and
out as one.
Marine by himself two hours later.
and Comets meet Wednesday, Dec. Dec. 29 for boys. The Buckman
Seaman First Class George E.
13, and the team from the Civic school pool and the Civic Recrea­
Jenkins, of 350 East 53rd Street,
Recreation Center will play the tion Center’s plunge are being
battalion, that landed immediately Chicago, was carrying ammunition
Southerners. Both games are to be used for practice.
behind assault waves of Marines across the airport when he saw a
played in the gym at Girls’ Poly­
here und has been working night Marine fall, hit by a sniper, Sea­
technic school, the first at 7, the
day since. They unload ships, man Jenkins brought in the wound­
second at 8 p. m. Thursday’s event
ammunition and heavy sup­ ed man. Moving an inert victim
will be the Thunderbolts vs. Torna­
the beach dumps, carry several hundred yards by yourself
dos at Girls Polytechnic school at
ammunition to the front lines, and is a difficult task.
8 p. m.
bring back wounded. On occasion
This coming Sunday, Dec. 10, the
Seaman First Class Leo Mc­
The City Women’s Basketball
Guyrinder Abner to you may
have filled in as frontline
7-man football teams of the 29th
league has games listed for Tues­
mean absolutely nothing. To a lot troops, and for more than a week Dowell, of 588 East 53rd Street,
U. S. Army Engineers and North
day and Thursday, Dec. 12 and 14, Pacific Dental college will play at of people, “ Li’l Abner” may not they have been going forward to Chicago, a neighbor of Jenkins,
was another Seabee who had his
to be played at Grant High school the field at 80th and Tillamook sts., mean a thing. But to everybody drag in wounded marines.
companion shot while carrying a
These Seabees had seen no action
gymnasium. Linnton Box and Wis- beginning at 10:30 a. m.
who visited the Civic Auditorium
stretcher. McDowell simply placed
until Peleliu. Then they joined the
co clash Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. At
last Friday, the words “ Li’l Abner”
| his buddy on the stretcher with
assault. They had more than 100
the wounded Marine and dragged it
8:30 p, m. the WAC team meets
No gnashing of teeth over nuts mean 143 pounds of simon pure
casualties in the first week, many
to the first aid station— an ordeal
with the Red Wonders. Thursday’s this fall, Mrs. America, for OPA fighting guts.
received during the landing when |, 1-
lasting more than an hour.
games are between Jantzen and tells us the nut crop is expected to
When this paper went to press Japanese artillery and mortar fire
Mach. Mate 3rd Class Emory L.
Lind & Pomeroy, playing at 7:30, be 15 per cent above last year, and
a week ago the name of this young was ripping the coral reef, others
of 686 Post Office St.,
and Benny’s Fine Foods team and that’s 47 per cent above the aver­
fighter was practically unkonwn. from mortar fire on the beaches
Altus, Okla., heard there was a
Van Barracks at 8:30 p. m.
, age.
To a few of his friends, most of and among the supply dumps, and
wounded man on the edge of the
East Vanport, where he lives, and still more from enemy fi a at the
airport Despite continuous sniper
a very few outsiders, he was just front.
fire, he went and got him.
another “ kid” with the desire to
On the beach they had to handle
Seaman Second Class Leroy Mo­
put on a pair of gloves.
That the heavy ammunition and vast
ses heard a Jap in a foxhole yell­
chance came last Friday night at stores of other supplies to the vari­
ing for help. Moses and two Navy
the Civic Auditorium when one of ous dumps. Here they were also
corpsmen went out. One pharma­
the principals in a prelim jenigged endangered by mortars, by snipers,
cist’s mate was shot by the
on a bout. “ Li’l Abner” was pressed and, on occasion, by Jap machine
screaming Jap who was in turn
into service against ring-wise and gunners who came to life behind
killed by Moses who then went
tough little Eddie Weller, as clever the front lines. Once, they were
down and helped in a wounded
a puncher as ever fought in a pre­ even charged by three enemy tanks.
lim. Eddie finally got the nod in
When a mortar shelL set fire to
Seaman First Class Jimmy Shea-
the bout but before he won, the a large ammunition dump, 50 Sea-
rard, o f 200 Ray Street, Anderson,
crowd had sensed the rising of a ebes
started moving the shells.
S. C., also heard Japs yelling.
new star in the fistic heavens. They had to be called off when the
“ Sounded as if they were call­
“ Li’l Abner” had hit Eddie every­ exploding ammunition pinned down
ing muster,” he said. “ Then one
where but under the bottom of his everyone on the entire beach.
Jap called dowm: ‘We see you
feet almost at will during the first
When ordered to carry ammuni­
throwinng flares— we’re coming.’
three rounds. Then Eddie’s experi­ tion up to the front lines, volun­
But they didn’t.”
ence began to take the lead, but teers took so many cases forward
“ I guess the boys have a right
Li’l Abner made such a showing that a Marine infantry officer told |
| to lie proud,” said Lieutenant Com-
that he gets another change to meet them, “ Knock it off. We just want |
j mander Berry. “ They got into the
Eddie tonight.
enough ammunition for the night I
I habit of volunteering so much that
This time we are looking fbr We don’t need the entire dump.”
; when we had to bury some long-
When a stretcher detail was
some real fireworks, if the “ kid”
dead Japs, two dozen Seabees
has not let the praise he has re­ needed to go down into a draw j i stepped out before I had time to
ceived all week go to his head. If in front of a heavily fortified ridge I tell them what they were volunteer­
he forgets to duck, Eddie Weller to bring out wounded at midnight, ing for.”
be right there to take advan­ 16 Seabees volunteered.
The Negroes are enormously
tage of it. But this time Li’l Ab­
ner will have had experience, this proud of the record their unit has ;
Individual feats are gen- 1
will be his SECOND time in the made.
Stenographer-Typist, capable of
ring and he will have had all of a erously recounted by others. T h e! taking dictation. Must have had
week to train. The last time— or battalion is high in morale and ex- | experience in office
Phone or write Portland Inquir­
should I say the first time — his cellent in achievement.
er, 2736 N. E. Rodney Ave., City
training consisted of a walk from
Seaman First Class Edw. Scgtt,
12; WE 7220.
Vanport to East Vanport and not a 20, 313 Dickenson Street, Freemont, |
Male Help Wanted
fast walk at that.
Ohio, was on the lines four times
Pin Setters— 12 Boys or young
There will be four other bouts on as a stretcher bearer. The second i men for Day or Night Shift. Top
night he was in a foxhole with a j rates paid. No experience requir­
this Talent Show:
ed. Phone or write Portland In­
Bout 2. Sailor Jack Huber vs. Marine officer when four Japanese
quirer, 2736 N. E. Rodney Ave.
Dave Johnston, heavyweights who started moving in. When the Ma­
W Ebster 7220.
tip the scales around the 200 pound rine fired, one Jap fell and played
mark. Huber has won three in a dead for a time. Then he attempt­ WOMAN— Middle-aged housekeep­
row here, while Johnston has been ed to flank the position while the
er wishes room, board and sala­
in hard training for this scrap. Hu­ other three came on. Seaman Scott
ry. Small home, no children, no
ber is in the coast guard, Johnston got two of them, the Marine o f f i - 1 laundry. Call Br. 1908 after 5
p. m.
cer accounted for the others.
is a rigger at Swan Island.
Seaman First Class Lemon Jack-
Bout 3. A “ Natural” deveioped son, 26, of 712 East Alabama St., j
from the last card. John L. Sulli­ Florence, Ala., was pinned down
van fights Mike Terry, of Bagley in his foxhole near the front lines.
Downs. The Irish boy from the He had ammunition to get forward
Northwest Marine Works has a and he was irked. He deliberately
real fight on his hands with the showed himself to draw Jap fire
young Negro who knovked out Don (this is the story of others—not
Bout 4. Tre likeable “ Speedy”
Then “ I just shot up in a tree
Cannon swings into action agaiif and there he was,” said the Sea­
with Buddy Hoffman, of Seattle, as bee.
the opponent. Hoffman is no chump
Seaman First Class Henry Hall,
as he holds a decision over Eddie of 2215-A Cass Avenue, St. Ixiuis,
Mo., thanks an unidentified Marine
savipg his life. A Jap was mov­
Authorized Adam Hat Agency
land fight fans. Eddie Whartor, ing in on Hall and the Seabee’s
lithe young Negro, tangles with rifle jammed. A passing Marine
we rs
Sailor “ Babe” Spanola, of the na­ knocked o ff the Jap, but shrugged
Washington Near Fourth
vy. They are welterweights.
away the Negro’s thanks with
Open Friday Evenings
All bouts are six-rounders.
“ That’s okay, you guys have been
Swimming Meet
Basketball Teams Scheduled For
To Have Busy Week December 27,29
HI '-fk ’
Engineers v. Dental
College Sunday