Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, December 08, 1944, Page Page 6, Image 6

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U. S. Soldiers
Overseas Urge
“Back to School
N.C.C.P.T. BACKS Liberty Ship to
V. D. CAMPAIGN Be Named For
The nation-wide c a m p a i g n Colored Seaman
Daughter Elks
To Hold Election
In Januarv.
When baking bread, why not
bake banana nut-bread. Now there
is a real treat to put in the family
The names of several Negro mer­
That Dahlia Temple No. 202, I. lunch boxes. Wc should be seeing
chant. seamen who lost their lives B. P O. E. W. will hold election s few more bananas on the markets
as a result of direct enemy action of officers at its first regular meet­ soon, too, for the removal of cer­
are included in the latest list of ing of the new year, was announced tain shipping restrictions is expect­
names assigned for the last 100 this week by the Daughter Ruler, ' ed to increase civilian supplies.
Liberty ships under the present Mrs. Letha Peck. All members of However, bananas will be coming
construction program, the United this temple are requested to be into the country via New Orleans
States Maritime Commission an­ present and members of other tem­ as west coast ports become more
nounced this week.
ples who are visitors here or liv- and more clogged with military
Names of the 1#0 heroes selected ; ¡ng here are invited to be present. personnel, so prices here may be
from 722 known dead on the of­
The meeting will be held at the higher to reflect cross-country
ficial casualty list to the American Elks Hall, 2504 N. Williams Ave. shipping costs.
Merchant Marine represent men of
all grades and nearly every State
ami Territory. Selection of theae
names was made not only to honor
this group of men, but also the
more than 5,000 merchant seamen
listed as missing or prisoners of
war, commission officials said
The first group of 22 names as­
- »
signed to hulls on the ways in five
southern shipyards included the
Wrap around style robes that
name of James Kyron Walker, who
cut full and tailored for
was second cook on the SS Gulfar-
smartness. Warm all - wool
merica, torpedoed on Apr. 10, 1942.
robes in attractive shades of
maroon or navy, styled with
Walker was bom in St. Thomas,
shawl collar, neat pocket and
Virgin Islands, January 25, 1910,
wide self belt. Sizes, small,
and enlisted in the Merchant Ma­
medium and large.
rine services from Baltimore, Md.
Records of the Maritime Commis­
All Elastic
sion do not list his family. Instead I
of next in kin, Walker listed a
friend, Mrs. Fanny Morse, of 2554
At $J.50 pr.
McCulloch Street, Baltimore, as the
person to be notified in case of
Assignment of names for the re­
maining 78 Liberty ships will be
announced at an early date.
The SS. James Kyron Walker
will bring to fifteen the total of
Liberty* ships named for Negro
against venereal disease ha* the
A GIs thoughts turn to learning, full cooperation of the National
aa well aa fighting, when he ia Congress of Colored Parent* amt
Teacher*, according W Mn. Anna
More than half of the enroll­ M. P. Strong, of Marianna, Ark.,
ments with the United Staten Arm­ who represent* thi* organisation
ed Forres Institute, a correspond . on the National Women’* Advisory
ence school sponsored by the Army Committee on Social Protection.
“Meet Your Enemy—Venereal
and Navy, are from service men
Disease,'' is a new booklet prepar­
and women overseas.
by the Social Protection Divi­
In addition to the quarter of a
Office of Community War
million men and women enrolled
Federal Security Agency,
for self-taught courses with the
Institute, 500,000 students are at the request of-and in consulta­
studying in off duty classes, ob­ tion with the National Women’s
taining books provided b y the Advisory Committee on Social Pro­
tection. Mrs. Strong is also a mem­
Most GIs are “cracking their ber of the Executive Committee of
books’’ in the hope that their di­ the N. W. A. C. ami played an im­
plomas will help them to better portant part in drafting its reso­
jobs when they come back to civili­ lution which declared ghat members
an life, und they urge boys and of this women’s committee support­
girls at home to follow their ex­ ed the social protection program
ami would work together to achieve
In fact, a number of overseas its objectives which an* to prevent
soldiers have recently written back and repress prostitution and sexual
strongly endorsing the current promiscuity.
Mass blood testing for syphilis is
drive of the U. S. Office of Kduca-
of the important steps in a
tion and the Children’s Bureau to
encourage school-age children to venereal disease control program,
according to “Meet Your Enemy—
return to high school this fail.
Disease.” Public health
T-5 Janies Richmond of King­
are prepared to offer
ston, Pa., for example, says: “I
quit after 3'^ years of high school i their services which include diag­
and went to work, and boy, am I nosis and treatment of persons with
sorry now! Youngsters should stay ' venereal infections, irrespective of
in high school and finish up a job race, legal residence, or ability to
—the way men overseas are finish­ pay for such services.
ing theirs. You wouldn’t want a
Millions of Americans of all ages
doctor to give you nine-tenths of a and levels of economic life have
prescription and walk away, would syphilis and gonorrhea, the two
you ?”
most common venereal diseases,
Pfc. Clayton Emkey of Balti­ says “Meet Your Enemy.” How­
more adds: “I have two younger ever, these diseases can be cured
sisters who are working now, and One difficulty lies in locating in­
I am telling them to go back to fected individuals, placing them un­
school this fall and finish. I never der treatment and keeping them
finished school and I know how under treatment until they are cur­
much it held me back.’’
ed or no longer able to infect oth­
Finally,’ Cpl. Kermit Greason of ers. “Meet Your Enemy” goes fur­
Atwood, Kan., has this warning for ther to assert that finding and
the thousands of young boys and treating infected persons is not
girls who may be wondering enough. Better understanding of
On Sunday, December 3, Richard
whether to leave jobs for school the problem, mobilization of re­ Moffatt, the only colored student
this fall: "Any boy who’s in high sources, and a concerted attempt to on the campus of Lewis and Clark
school now had better finish right bring about safe, healthful and so­ College, sang the solo part of the
away. Because if he doesn’t finish cially desirable living conditions Negro spiritual “Poor Little Jesus”
before he’s drafted, or before he are needed as basic protection on the Council Choir hour. Richard
takes a full-time job, chances are against venereal disease.
is a Freshman student from Mis­
he never will. That goes for girls,
“Meet Your Enemy—Venereal sissippi, now residing with his par­
Disease,” deals specifically with ents and a sister, who attends high
the main source of veneral diseases school, in Vanport. He is a voice
and ways of combatting them. It is student of Mrs. Maud B.'hlman of
concerned primarily with social the faculty of Lewis and Clark Col­
protection, which is defined as “the lege. The depth of feeling with
prevention and repression of pros­ which the selection was rendered
Christmas gifts and decorations titution and sexual promiscuity as was commented upon by many of
will be subject of the craft chat to a means of controlling venereal dis- the radio audience. Richard may go
be given by Frances Werschkul at ease.
a long way up the road to farpe and
Central library Thursday morning,
The National Women’s Advisory fortune if he continues making
Dec. 7, at 10:30 o’clock, and of the Committee on Social Protection such rapid progress as he has made
radio broadcast she will make over was formed in June 1943, when a while on the campus. He wil appear
KBPS at 12:15 p. m. the same day. group of representatives from the again on the College music pro- j
Mrs. Werschkul heads up the arts leading women’s organizations in grams so you will want to watch
and crafts dases, sponsored by the the country met with Charles
the Christmas concert notices in
recreational division of the park Taft, then Director of the Office your daily papers.
Richard is quite versatile since
of Community War Services, Fed­
eral Security Agency, to discuss he is also an accomplished pianist.
DAHLIA TEMPLE No. 202 this country’s venereal disease It is a common sight to see stu­
problems and the steps that were dents gathered about him in the
I. B. P. O. E. W.
being taken to meet them. The Student Union room while he plays
committee was appointed by Mr. any number requested.
presents a
Taft, and has since acted in an ad­
visory capacity to the director of Layrite Linoleum Laying Co.
the social protection division.
12 9
Lewis and Clark
College Student
Xmas Gifts Chat at
Library Dec. 7th
Big Attendance
At Rec. Centers
December lath and 16th
2504 N. Williams Ave.
(Near Russell St.)
On Exhibition:
on Tuesday evening, January 2nd,
at 8 »'clock.
Reports turned in to Miss Doro­
thea Lensch, director of the recrea­
tional division, Bureau of Parks,
show that 9,821 persons, children
and adults, used the indoor play
centers in November, while the rec­
reational equipment was used by
over 235,700 persons, and there
were over 22,000 spectators at vari­
ous events—tournaments, games,
boxing, smokers, dances, etc. spon­
sored by the park bureau.
Expert installations of all floor
coverings and drainboards.
2305 N. E. Union Ave. WE. 6361
Narrow and wide lisle webs
with clip or button on ends,
regular and extra l o n g
lengths. Assorted attractive
p a t t e r n s and colors from
which to choose.
Men’s Better Quality
All Wool
Coat Sweaters
♦All sizes 38 to 44
♦Colors Navy, Brown,
Heather, Oxford
T^HESE are all wool—
A lamb knit S w e a t e r
Coats with full button
front — two pockets —
double elbows and styled
with V-shape neck — all
sizes 38 to 44 in navy,
brown, heather and ox­
ford—a famous make at
an attractively low price.
N. Broadway and Williams
Open 9 a. m. to 10 p. m.