PORTLAND INQUIRER Pm** S STU D Y GROUP ! Center To FORMS BRANCH Sponsor Chorus The Allied Racial and Minorities Studies Group has formed a branch here, with Mr Oliver E. Smith as executive secretary. The purposes of the group are to support bona- fide inter-racial groups, associa­ tions and leagues registered local­ ly or with the Social Science In­ stitute nationally. To expose and boycott “ Wildcat” or “ Dues Col­ lecting” non-representative organi­ zations. Vhe national office of this inter­ racial group publishes a pamphlet monthly on the types of associa­ tions organized, especially to dupe the Negro, this pamphlet also in­ cludes the names of organizations and the people connected with them. There will also be a pam­ phlet issued locally. The A. R. M. S. G. is a non­ partisan, non-profit organization and does not deprive its members of their political belief, and is a safeguard against unscrupulous people and their henchmen. JIM (§®(B[DEW GOT L E S S THAN $ 9 A ROUND FOR FIGHT/NG P E T E R JA C K SO N IN 1891 Round of Card Games Announced „■JU % Sorority Dance Here Dec 4 for TOYS I he Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Dance is going to be the dance of the season. This group of civic- minded young ladies are giving residents of the community an op­ portunity to dance with a purpose. Their dance which will be held at Norse Hall on December 4th is for the purpose of raising funds to create a permanent loan fund for the benefit of young college girls who need assistance. Their spirit of generosity has as its basis the whole-hearted intent of these girls to see that other members of their race have an opportunity for train­ ing such as they themselves pos­ sess. Everyone can help them in their laudable ambition by attending and making this affair a financial suc­ cess. Joe Crane and his Orchestra are scheduled to play for the dance. POWERS FURNITURE CO. S. W. THIRD and YAMHILL ST. Mr. Roger Baldwin of the Civil Liberties Union is scheduled to speak in Portland on Friday, Dec. 1, at the City Club on the “ Negro Question.” Dr. DeNorval Unthank is the only colored member of the City Club. If fruits and nuts figure prom­ inently in your holiday menus, make not o f these recent price changes. Ceiling prices of bananas grown in Panama, Costa Rica, Guatamala and Honduras have been lowered about a cent a pound. Florida tangerines are up about a cent a pound and packed cranber­ ries will cost about three cents more per one pound can. New ceil­ Editor’s Note: Here is an op­ ing prices for filberts are from two portunity for Portlanders to meet to three cents a pound higher for some of their new neighbors. Let’s those in the shell and nine cents all go to these card parties. higher for the shelled nuts. Mickey McCafferay’s Orchestra is scheduled to play for a dance at the East Vanport Recreation Cen­ ter on Saturday, December 12. Mrs. Mary Cummings, director of the center, announced that the ad­ mission charge will be low and the profits, if any, will be used to buy a mimeograph machine for the cen­ ter and mats for the gymnasium. Powers Noted Speaker Here On Friday A gay round of Bridge, Whist and Pinochle parties of interest to Vanport adults has been announced by Mrs. Julia Smith, director of Community Center Number 6. The card parties are to start Friday, December 1st, at the center lo­ cated on North Cottonwood. There is no fee and refreshments are free. Dance to Be Held A t East Vanport M Community Center Number 7, Vanport, will sponsor a Chorus of Mixed Voices from ages 12 to 20. Anyone who wishes to join may apply for a tryout to Mrs Me Rill at the Center. Anyone wishing to take on the job of directing the Chorus may also apply to Mrs. McRill, as no director has been selected as yet. Girls from the ages of 10 to 15 who are interested in Home Nurse Training can apply to any Com­ munity Center in Vanport. Classes are now in session. , Each Community is forming its Own Basketball Team and any boy or girl interested, can joint by ap­ plying at any of the Centers. A ceiling price of $6.50 a pair has been set on two types of men’s army service shoes which have been declared surplus by the army and will be sold to civilians as work shoes. A Ration Stamp will be re­ quired for them. Both types have leather soles, one with a leather tap over the sole and the other with an outside rubber top over the sole. The are russet tan with straight tip and bellows tongue. NEW T A LE N T COMES TO V. B. A . In keeping with his promise to bring the best talent possible to Portland, “ Charlie” Garrett has done it again at the Voters Benefit Association. Topping an already brilliant array of fine entertainers he has spared no expense in bring­ ing to Portland qqe of the West Coasts best Pianists, Don Ander­ son. Many people here either know or have heard of this ivory tickler and know he is a piano player of no mean ability. He has been rank­ ed with the best of them, the great “ Fats” Waller, Teddy Wilson, “ Father” Hines and others. As a piano petter he really has some­ thing on the ball. His first appear­ ance at the Voters Benefit Asso­ ciation will be Saturday night and we will give odds that after Port­ land hears this former son, there will be standing room only. Don’s piano playing ranks second only to his lovely wife’s singing, also part of the “ Show” at V. B. A. She croons those soft sweet numbers between the regular Floor Shows. Just ask “ Sue” to sing your favorite number and you are do to hear it as you possibly never heard it sung before. Both “ Sue” and Don are here as the result of a promise by Charlie Garrett to give Portland a real Night Club. To those who have not seen it, take it from me, you are missing out on something. A Night Club with an authentic Eastern at­ mosphere and the best to be found in the Pacific Northwest. Smoker In Vanport Friday Community Center Number One will be the scene of a Smoker on Shoes made after Dec. 1 of a cer­ Friday evening and the public in tain quality of pigskin, and con­ general is invited. There will be 8 taining no other leather may be amateur bouts and one for all. One sold ration free. This type of pig­ of the contestants in the bouts is a skin, known to shoemakers as “ ba­ young colored fighter who looks con rind,” is mostly for women’s like he has real championship stuff and children’s shoes, and for re­ in him. He is Jack Davis, 19 years inforcing canvas gym shoes to im­ old, 160 pounds. According to his prove their wearing quality. ^trainer, Ed Lewis, he is the real McCoy. R ETU RN ENGAGEM ENT R E -D A T E D BY POPULAR DEMAND LUCKY MILLINDER and His Orchester CLASSIFIED FEMALE HELP WANTED DISHWASHER— 5 day Week, (40 hours) Monday through Friday. Hours 12 noon to 8 p. m. 58c an hour. Some cleaning. See Mrs. Stark, YWCA, Broadway and Taylor. BEacon 6281. Stenographer-Typist, capable of taking dictation. Must have had experience in office routine. Phone or write Portland Inquir­ er, 2736 N. E. Rodney Ave., City 12; WE 7220. Male Help Wanted Pin Setters— 12 Boys or young men for Day or Night Shift. Top rates paid. No experience requir­ ed. Phone or write Portland In­ quirer, 2736 N. E. Rodney Ave. WEbster 7220. FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMAN— Middle-aged housekeep­ er wishes room, board and sala­ ry. Small home, no children, no laundry. Call Br. 1908 after 5 . p. m. AN S. D U K E PRESENTATION Thursday, Dec. 7 McElroy’s Ballroom FOURTH & MAIN SMARTNESS Authorized Adam Hat Agency “Not Better But the Best” D A V ID ’S ” ear Washington NeAr Fourth Open Friday Evenings