Pag* 7 PORTLAND INQUIRER Society Doings Turkey NKW CI FAVORITE Daughter Elk« report several O v e r c h a r g e s member» on the sick list, including ______ Mrs. Marion Brown, Mr». Jason Following an OPA checkup which Fontane, Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. , . , . . . . . j revealed sales or turkeys at above Li Hard Evans. The Daughter Elks are also plan- C(iilinK pri<:e8’ oI OPA ning a Carnival and Dinner to he administrator's treble d a m a g e given about Dec. 15th. ! claims for one and one-half times RATION CALEN D AR (Clip and keep for handy reference) Negro Seabees Get ‘Pat on Back’ Major General Rupert us, former Commanding General j of the 1st Marine Division, commends Negro Sea bee bat­ talion for service during land­ ing on Peleliu. the amount of the overcharges has Mrs. Randolph of 2407 N. Wil­ been made by a local truck peddler liams Ave. entertained the Usher, , A Board of Mt Olive Baptist Church ' an‘‘ ° ne retaU market' M,8B Ce'eIia recently. P- Gallagher, OPA attorney, re- —---- — ported Saturday. Pr«»cessed Foods: Book 4— Blue stamps A8 through Z8 and A5 through W5 valid in­ definitely. Meat, Butter, Cheese: Book 4— Red stamps A8 through Z8 and A5 through P5 valid in­ definitely. Sugar: Book 4. Sugar stamps 30 through 34 val­ id indefinitely, 5 pounds each. Sugar stamp 40 valid through Feb. 28, 1945 for 5 pounds home canning only. For more canning sugar apply local board using spare stamp 37. Shoes: Loose Stamps Invalid Book 3 — Airplane stamps 1-2-3 | Va.liri indefinitely. New stamp valid Nov. 1. Gasoline Coupons: Not valid unless endorsed. “ A ” 13 expires Dec. 21. Each coupon worth 4 gallons. Stoves: Apply local board for purchase certificates for oil, gas stoves. Wood, Coal, Sawdust: Delivery by priorities based on written statements of needs. Fuel Oil: Current coupons valid through August 31, 1945. Not more than 14 per cent of season’s rations should have been used to date. Price Control: Refer inquiries and complaints to price clerk at local board. Rent Control: AH rented dwelling units must be registemi, and changes in ten­ ancy reported. The Seventeenth Special U. S. Naval Construction Battalion, a Negro unit of Seabees, has receiv­ ed a “ Well Done!’’ and a Letter of Commendation from Major General William H. Rupertus, U. S. M. C., The Younger Youngsters had a Guy G. Foreman, peddler, 2800 S. Commanding Officer of the First grand time at a party given by E. 122 St., and George’s Food Mar- Marine Division during the landing Mr. and Mrs. Fay Gordley last ket, pear 72nd on Sandy paid $62.52 on and accupation of Peleliu Is- Sunday for their son Tyrone, age 1 and $32 70 respectively, in settle­ land in the Palaus, for helping re­ 7, at their home 2202 N. Flint Ave., ment of treble damage claims. lieve a shortage of ammunition on Portland. ______ On November 21 Foreman bought (jtcluiivr IPS Phot • the first lines during the night of JEAN P A R K S , the enchanting D-Day. Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Bibs of St. a truckload of dressed Grade A girl bandleader who is slated to The letter, addressed to Lieut. Louis, Mo., stopped in Portland en turkeys, weighing 2,779 pounds, make her debut with an all-girl or­ Commander Moses E. Berry, U. S. route from Seattle, Wash., to their from an Eugene processor at 42c, chestra, is the new favorite of the Gl's. At this early date Miss Parks NR. ., of 3621 lis t St., Gulfport, home to visit a life-long friend, one cent above ceiling, and resold has been forced to hire two secre­ Mississippi, Officer in Charge of Mrs. A L. Randolph o f 2407 N. some of the turkeys to a Portland taries to answer her soldier-sailor- the Battalion, follows: marine mail. They write in, of Williams Ave. Mrs. Bibs is on the Market at 4 3 4 c a pound which course, for autographed photos of “ On the eve of departure from staff of the St. I^ouis Argus. the/ new pin-up doll. this area, I wish to inform you of G. I. Harry Daniels has been was 1 4 c a pound above the price the excellent manner in which eve­ home on furlough for three weeks he paid. Because he did not qualify NEW FOOD STAMPS DUE under the regulation for the whole­ ry member of your command per- and returned to his station He has _. ., , formed the various duties during been visiting his wife and parents saler’s mark-up, this 1 4 c consti­ rive more blue ration stam ps,!., . . . . .. - , tuted an administrator’s treble . , „ v ! the landing and occupation o f Pele- who are residents of Portland. used for processed foods, become ™ i i- ,. , damage claim which Foreman set­ ,,, j liu. The unloading was accomphsh- vahd on December 1, Willard Case,' , , ., . . . , , . , tled for 1 4 times the amount of . _ _ . . . . . | ed by the untinng efforts of the Mr. Benjamin Langston, of 74th , , ... , „ - the overcharges or $62.52 which he district OPA food rationing repre-| shore party in which members of Avenue, has joined the Armed For­ sentative, announced today. paid to the U. S. Treasury. your command played a vital part. ces. Blue stamps X5, Y5, Z5, A2 and George’ s Food Market, which The cooperation and complete un­ bought 67 of the turkeys sold 4844 each worth 10 points—a total derstanding exihibited throughout Mrs. Eunice Collier, who was the pounds to another local market at ° f *^0 points will be good begin- the assault phase by your com­ house guest of Mrs. Grace I^Bell 48c a pound, or 4 4 c a pound over n' n8 Dec. 1 and may be used in- mand was no small factor in the for the past month, has returned the ceiling. As a result, George’s definitely. success of this operation. You de­ to her home in Arkansas. No other stamps are expected to Food Market settled administra­ serve a “ Well Done” in every re­ tor’s claim for $32.70, one and one- be validated for processed foods spect.” until January 1, 1945, Case indi- The former Rose Mary Swartz, half times the overcharges. Major Genera« ICupertu» at pres­ cate«l A number of complaints involv­ 328 N. W. 5th Ave. and Mr. Geo. ent is Commandant, Marine Corps Boston, 328 N. W 5th Ave., were ing further overcharges are await­ THE School, Quantico, Virginia. PRICES MODIFIED ON ing investigation, Gallagher sa'd. married on Friday, Nov. 17. The activity report of the bat­ FRESH SNAP BEANS talion showed that the first sec- A 20 cent per bushel reduction in Mr. and Mrs. Oliver E. Smith Rice of 2809 N. Cottonwood, Van- the adjusted f. o. b. base price for ^on ° f the 17th Special Battalion entertained Mr. and Mrs. Keith port, were married on Saturday, all fresh snap beans except those landed with the First Marine Divi- Johnson and their son Teheran, Nov. 18. produced in California, for the ®on on Peleliu at Hlhour plus 2 on Mr. George Taylor, a seaman, for­ They were part of the 2272 N. Interstate A re. month of December, was announced D-Day. merly of Portland, now in the Mer­ shore party, but, while engaged The Literary Research Club will today by W. H. McCargar, district chant Marine, and Mr. and Mrs. meet at the home o f Mrs. Mary OPA food price specialist, effective primarily in that duty, on the first Guy W Holmes at dinner in their Brown on Friday evening. night responded to a call for vol­ Dec. 1. Portland’s Leading beautiful home on Thanksgiving Correction: Mr. and Mrs. Irving j The new adjusted ceiling price unteers when a shortage of am Colored Hotel Day. Pmctor announce the birth of a will be 04.60 per 28-pound bushel, munition was reported in the for- baby girld, Lolita Maria, on Nov. f. o. b. country shipping point, Me- ward lines. Miss Kimha Lee Avritt of 339 22nd. Mother ami baby are doing Cargar said. Practically the entire 17th car­ MUrdock 9533 fine. N. Cherry and Mr. Abraham J. This reduction is made on the ried ammunition to the front and basis of a more complete report by brought wounded back. The Sea­ the Department o f Agriculture, in­ bees also, the report said, took For your convenience we are open dicating that the Florida hurricane part in the fighting on one of the FRIDAY and SATURDAY Evenings Uhtil 8 P. M. reduced the snap bean crop to 50 fronts when the Marines became FREE INSTRUCTION per cent of the 10-yearjaverage in- shorthanded in that sector. Part of WILLIAMS AVENUE VARIETY STORE stead of to 48 per cent, as indi- the 17th manned 37 mm. guns, and 2652 N. Williams, Comer Knott cated by early reports. 1 did what ever else was needed. M ONDAY, 2:3 0 to 4:30 P. M. PERSONALITY PORTRAITS Latest of Fluorescent Lighting Very Reasonable Clayt Green Photo Service 415 Raleigh Bldg. 204r> N. W . M ARSHALL STREET BE. 7455 Portland, Ore. Medley Hotel ICE SKATING AND HOCKEY ICE ARENA (Sellwood Bits or 23rd Car) AS NEAR AS YOUR PHONE Membership Cards available at Park Bureau. City Hall LA 7027 SKATE REN TA L, 15c Deliver)- Once a Day Open to Boys and Girls over 12 years old The Flower Mecca 6126 N. E. Halsey St. Gwen and Vye Hooker, Owners (1 Bio«# South of Broadway) AFTER THE “ SHOW” AT V. B. A. Enjoy some Delicious Shop Now' For Christmas J. and M. B A R - B - Q and Fried Chicken Dinners 522 N. B R O AD W AY Neat Interstate McCORDS SERVICE & GARAGE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE a r- *• \ Overhauling — Body and Fender Service Washing and Polishing — Lubrication Brake Service Williams and Weidler Manager McCords Solid gold earrings . . 14K and 10K . . . pierced ear and screw types. . . . Distinctive styles, assorted stones. Now Compacts and dainty H e a r t Lockets. Some stone set . . . others with emblems. Values to $8.95. Now 3.95 3.95 Rhinestone Bowknot. Many other lapel pins . . . assorted stones. Values to 24.04. Now Costume Bracelets, sterling silver link, solid or stone-set bracelets. Val. to 19.50, now 1.50 to 12.95 1.50 to 12.95 Plus Federal Tax RED BALL TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Long Distance Hauling, Packing, Crating and Shipping 2211 NE Union Ave. Tel. TR 4320 RISBERG TRUCK SERVICE Contract and Commercial Hauling VE. 4143 Day Music Co. FOR GOOD USED PIANOS Terms 1123 SW Washington, Portland Headquarters for Men’s Allwool English Drape Suits STANLEY’S CLOTHES SHOP 435 SW. Washington St.