Pag« 6 NEGRO A SS’NS. SUPPORT 6TH W A R LOAN PORTLAND INQUIRER H ER E’S W H A T I S A Y ! Labor Advisor Student Nurses At Harlem Hospital Named Sir: How’d you like* to earn a decoration from Hitler or Hi- Three girls in starched blue-and- Leon M. Erickson, until recently white uniforms with insignia on general chairman of the System rohito? Here’s the way you work it. You don’t have to join The cities of Boston, Buffalo, their sleeves, and clean white Board of Adjustment at San Fran­ the German Army or the Jap Army. You don't evén have to Chicago anti Durham, N. C., are cisco, has been named assistant re­ aprons—these are typical cadet planning large rallies next week to gional labor relations advisor for blow up an American war plant. nurses, students in training at the the Portland, Seattle and Spokane promote the sale of war bonds in It’s easier than that. All you have to do is follow the line i Harlem Hospital, 136th Street and OPA districts, with headquarters in connection with the Sixth War the Germans and their stooges are handing out in this coun­ Portland, Charles R. Baird, region­ Lenox Avenue, New York City. Loan Drive, William Pickens, chief try. All you have to do is swallow the race-bunk. That’s what al administrator of the Office of Each wanted to take an active of the International Section, War the Germans want us to do. They figure that if enough of part in the war effort. Each re­ Price Administration, San Francis­ Finance Division, announced on us talk this race-bunk, we’ll get to fighting among ourselves. garded nursing a worthy profes­ co, announced today. Monday. “ Mr. Erickson is an outstanding That’ll weaken us so much that we’ll lx? easy pickings the sion. Their answer to both was the The Ministers Alliance of Mas­ Cadet Nurse Corps, administered spokesman for organized labor,” next time— even if we should win this time. sachusetts will sponsor the Boston by the Public Health Service of the Baird stated, “ and will be in a po­ Listen, brother. In this man’s country you can marry the show on December 1 with the co- Federal Security Agency. Such pa- sition to develop closer cooperation girl you like. You can pal around with the folks you like. You operation of Carl T. Banks, deputy ¡ triotism, coupled with the realiza- of organized labor groups with manager for the state, and Ben- ¡ tion that their future would be se- OPA in holding down the cost of can pray in a Church of your own choosing. Okay. Hut that jamin Seldon, of the interracial cure, has motivated approximately living and warding off inflation doesn’t mean that one kind of Church is better than another. staff. Mr. Pickens will speak. | 2,000 Negro girls to join the corps which is the greatest potential It doesn’t mean one kind of people is better than other. The Chicago demonstration on since it was established over a menace to the working man’s stan­ I^et’s look at the record. December 5 will be the $1000-a- 1 year ago, the public Health Service dard of living.” Here’s what science knows. It doesn’t say maybe. It Knows. Erickson was with the Southern plate dinner which the South Cen- said. tral Association is holding at the ' Enthusiastic and quietly earnest Pacific Railway Tn various capaci­ There are no “ superior races.” There are only people who Morrison Hotel. Major Udell Tur- in turn, Armentha Elliott, of Dal- ties in Portland from October 1922 for a time happen to be luckier or better situated than other pin, of the Illinois W’ar Finance las, Texas; Charmaine Young, of to February 1929. In that year he people. Committee, is assisting. New Castle, Pa., and Priscilla Car­ was named chairman of the System “ American Negro Day” will be ter, of New York City, outlined the Board of Adjustment, handling ""There are no “ inferior races.” There are only people who sponsored in Buffalo on December ; routine of a cadet nurse’s day, and grievances for the Railway Broth­ have had bad luck, or poor education, or maybe live in a tough 6 by the Erie County War Finance discussed their plans for the future. erhood arising out of application of climate. Committee and the Negro citizens Miss Elliott, 20, explained that rules, pay rates, working condi­ For example, there’s no such thing as a “Jewish Race.” of the city. During the last drive ■ their day started at 6:30 o’clock, tions and enforcement of employ­ There are Negro Jews, there are Chinese Jews. If you be­ Brig. General Benjamin O. Davis “ but it’s about 7 by the time I’m ment contracts. On April 1942 he left Portland lieve in the Jewish religion, you’re a Jew. That’s all there addressed a large crowd on a sim- buttoned into my uniform.” Chapel ilar occasion. Mr. Pickens will and breakfast— and then they go to serve as general chairman of is to it— although Germans want you to believe different. the System Board of Adjustment at speak this time. j on duty anti to classes. Examine a man’s brain. It tells you nothing about his The Durham effort will come i “ Of course, the subjects differ San Francisco, a post he maintain­ “ race.” Test his blood. It tells you nothing about his “ race,” sometime during the first week in in each class program,” Miss Car­ ed until now. Erickson will also (Healthy blood plasma can save the life of any wounded sol­ December, according to Eu Mer- ter, 25, added. The only senior of serve as assistant to Joseph M. rick. He is being aided by J. L . i the three, the white cap she wore Casey, regional OPA labor rela­ dier of any color.) Figure this one out. It’s funny, isn't it, that the two peoples Henderson and J. S. Steward, all of was rounded, while those of Miss tions advisor, headquarters in San Francisco. the Negro War Finance Committee. Elliott and Miss Young, both fresh­ on this earth who are responsible for the fact that decent A native of North Dakota, Erick­ There is great rejoicing here, man, were pointed. Americans are suffering and dying today — The German son is 42 years old, married, and Mr. Pickens said, over the splendid For a definite number of weeks, people and the Japanese people— are exactly the two people meeting held by the Virginia State depending on school requirements, has five children. who believe in “ race superiority” and “ race inferiority” and Negro Teachers from November 2# the freshmen spend the major por­ to 24 at Richmond. “ We were able tion of their day in classes. Their want to be equipped to go as high who are out to murder everybody who doesn’t agree with them. to reach into every comer of Vir­ very limited duties on the wards in the profession as I can.” Psychiatry and plastic surgery ginia through this contact with the are closely supervised. At the end So— if you want to lx* a German or a Jap stooge, you know­ teachers,” Mr. Pickens said. “ It of a six-month period, freshmen at are Miss Elliott’s special interests. how to go about it. Just get out in the street or talk to your should be fruitful during the cur­ the Harlem Hospital are presented In either of these fields she plans neighbor and preach race prejudice. rent War Lban campaign.” with their caps, and they officially to do rehabilitation work. Hitler will bless you. Hirohito will applaud you. In fact, The composite opinion of these go “ on duty.” you’ll l>e a damned g