PORTLAND INQUIRER Pare 4 would not have been so rapid or sure. Without associations such as the Urban League there would be no appreciable benefits realized from the initiative and ability o f the trained Negro. A great organization and a milestone on the road of progress is the establishing o f an Urban League in Portland PORTLAND INQUIRER Ralph H. Faulk, Editor Published Each Wednesday By Portland Inquirer Publishing Co. 2736 N. E. Rodney Ave.— Phone WEbeter 7220— Portland, Oregon VAN’ PORT OFFICE: 2410 N. Cottonwood, Apt. 505—WE. 1534 BAGLEY DOWNS OFFICE: 145-F Wintler Dr., Vancouver, Wn. Guilds Lake, 4437 N. W. 44 Court AT. 4733 One Year by Mail ______ __ __________________ _____________ $5.90 Six .Months by Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . $2-50 Personal, Club, Local and Church News must reach us Tuesday. Preceding Publication Date. Young People’s . Page SAM’S THANKSGIVING JUMP Last Thursday, “ Thanksgiving,” Mr. Samuel Wilkinson gave a small jump for a few of his friends. It was a very unique affair, which turned out to be quite a success. Once more the drawbacks of wartime shortages have been The kats jumped to the finest of overcome by the pressure of necessity in the opening of a music which lasted from ten till Recreation ('enter on the East side. The new center is located ' one-fifty-nine, (ahem) Everyone had a fine time and the drink was in the Buddhist Temple of the Japanese on Benton Avenue, plentiful, ami oh, yes, so was the it is convenient for all on the East side of the river who wish food, (ahem, ahem!) to make use of its facilities. This Recreation Center can be­ come the real center of community life in the area. It is n ot ' TRI ETHERS, just for the young folks, it is for the grown-ups too. There CONGRATULATIONS are rooms that can be used for all kinds of activities including 1 wish tw take this °P P o r t u n it y to tell you about an interesting trio cards, sewing, dramatics, dancing and just plain chatting. „ , ,, . . . . ! of young men who have taken Port- Athletically inclined persons can indulge to their hearts con- land by Btorm in the pa8t couple tent. It may not be the best equipped center in town, but it • 0f months. This trio or group,' can at least fill the g a p until the war is over and a b etter 1 known temporarily at least as the one can be built. So come on out and use this Recreation “ Trieteers,’’ is comprised of none TH E COMMUNITY CENTER j (enter in any way that you want. If you feel like teaching; other than aur own Richard 1>arker» rightly deserves; but J e ffs other four men came in sixth, ninth, six­ teenth and eighteens to nudge Ben son out by one point. This is the way the schools num­ bered or placed: Jeff 50, Benson 51, Roosevelt 82, Franklin 111, Com­ merce 122, Lincoln 164, and Grant ( failed to enter a complete squad. 'rime n OO Benson won the junior meet with 4- counters. Grant had 50, Lincoln 91 and Jefferson 93. Bill De Laroy won in 12:32 while Chuck Grafcg of Jeff took fourth with around a 12:47. M AIL IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY CHURCH OF GOD 2518 N. Williams and Russell Rev. O. F Brown, Pastor. Services— Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Evening Worship 8 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wed. 8 P. M. Prayer Meeting, Tues. 8 P. M., at Vanport. something you know to someone else, here is the place. I f , bul Theodore Bur you want to learn something from someone else, this is th e ! m tenor Their littie trio 8tarted place and all in a place especially for the purpose in a chum­ at Jefferson Hi school where by popular demand they have been my atmosphere and best of all it costs nothing. Golden West 844. G.U.O.F. touring the different musical Meetings 2nd and 4th Tuesday 2:30 classes there and receiving high I p. m , 2504 Williams Ave., Mrs. praise. These talented young men | Josephine Morrison, M. N. G. Mrs. TH E URBAN LEAG U E will soon be seen and heard at a Annabelle Harris, N. G. Sec. The National Urban leagu e has formed a Portland branch Jefferson Assembly; they also sang and is one of the most outstanding advancements in the at Bethel A. M. E. phurvh and by Excelsior Lodge No. 23 history of Oregon for the Negro, As a branch of the National popular demand will again render a F. & A . M. Association and a subsidiary o f the Council of Social Agen­ number, I believe, on the second Meets every 2nd and 4th Monday Sunday in December; so if you It 8:00 p. m. cies it brings to Portland the advantages of precedent in other 2504 Williams Avenue don’t w’ant to miss a treat, be sure K L. Culp, W. Master localities and mentalities trained in the field of social rela­ that you’re there to hear them. L. R. Blackburn, Secretary tionship. You’re doing fine, fellows, so be Phone TRinity 1857 As an instrument of good for the Negro race, it has no sure and keep up the good work, ENTERPRISE CHAPTER peers. Past i>erformances in the larger cities that have gone ’cause we’re all pulling for you. No. 6, O. E. S. through the j>eriod o f readjustment now facing Portland have Meetings 1st Wednesday each SENDS BEST WISHES provyn the worth of the Urban League. No organization quite month 8:00 p. m. Mr. Eugene Fuller, now vaca­ 2504 Williams Ave. compares with it in the field of employment, or housing con­ tioning in Stockton, California, re­ Mrs. Elise N. S. Reynolds, Secretary ditions or the many branches of its endeavor, including re cently sent word to all of his friends that he’s having a swell Billy Webb Lodge NoTlÖ50 search. time, but hopes to be back in Port­ L B. P. O. E. of W . Portlanders old and new should welcome the Urban League. Meets every 2nd and 4th Wed. land at least by Xmas. Though there was some opposition to the establishing of an 8:30 p. m. 2504 N. Williams Av. (Russell St.) Urban League here by a few misguided people, the real DOTTIE’S HOP W L. Shine, Exalted Ruler friends of the Negro race ignored these morons and did every­ Edwin Phelps, Secretary Charming Miss Dorothy Hilliard thing in their power to have a branch established here. More had a small hop last Saturday and more we hope to see that sort of thing happen. Portland which those who attended said was Enterprise Lodge No. 1 .F . & A . M. will always be a backwoods town with no appreciable civic really fine. The records were most Meets every 1st and 3rd Monday advancement if left to these people and their cohorts who fine and athough some don’t agree, 8:00 p. m. Dottie still says that her record “ I 2504 N. Williams Ave. want nothing but the opportunity to operate dives and dumps Wonder” is the finest thing on the W. H. Bowers, W. Master tor their own gain and the degredation of the community. coast, (smile). Those who attended James L. Wasson, Secretary Ask these people what they have done for the civic better­ were as follows: Misses Ruby and ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ment of the community in which they live. Ask them what Joy Brock, Juliet Hilliard, Gladys Mt. Hood Chapter No. 6 their contribution to the life of Portland has meant in the Baker, Gertrude Williams and Ben­ Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday, business world, the professional world or to improve living nie Gragg; while on the made side 8 p. m. Mrs. Roberts Blackburn, W. we have: Chuck (Baron) Gragg, conditions and you will readily see the why o f outsiders and William (Count) Hilliard, Brown­ M.; Mrs. Marie Smith, Sec. Visitors the need for an Urban League. • ing Allen, Seth Hillard, Sam Wil­ from other Eastern Star chapters always welcome. This is part of the planning for post war security which kinson and yours truly. the colored population needs. Without associations such as this the advancement of the Negro in the Eastern States GI GRAVES STOMP The Better Book and Bible House Scott Building, 3rd Floor 420 S. W. Washington BIBLES, SCRIPTURE GREETINGS, BOOKS SACRED MUSIC, MOTTOES, ETC. K. L. Eichenberger, ivigr. BE. 2588 Since last week seemed to be the week for jumps, hops, and stomps, Mr. William (registration card) Graves Jr., also joined in and thru himself a little get-to-gether last Friday night. The hours ranged from around 9:30 till— ; — so nat- cherally everyone had a fine time. Those seen strolling in and out were: Beria Bruce, Myrtle Wilfont, Maurice, Soumson (the jitterbug), Trvens, Gibbs, etc. Everyone ap­ peared to have knocked themselves out and had one gay ole time. VISITORS Last week-end we were honored with quite an array of visitors: Mr. Browning Allen and Mr. Lawrence Campbell in from U. of O., and our own Private I-C Bob Gragg, looking better than ever. A . R. ZELLER CO. ESTABLISHED 1904 F U N E R A L DIRECTORS Williams Ave. TR. 1155 Between Knott and Stanton DAY or NIGHT JEFFERSON TAKES CITY November 22, Jefferson High school’s “ cross-country” team at Rocky Butte galloped to a 50-51 over the favored Benson team in the city meet. Petterson of Jeff took first place honors which he 831 S. W. Sixth Avenue Y . W . C. A . 834 S. W. Broadway Film Rentals and Projection Service Evangel Picture Service 420 SW. Washington St. Portland, Ore. 406 Scott Bldg. Be. 2588 CHURCH DIRECTORY CATHOLIC CHAPEL OF THE LITTLE FLOWER Inter-radal 21 N. E. Broadway Rev. Jerome M. Schmitz, Chapl. Miss Doris Reynolds,* Catechist SERVICES: Sunday, Mass and Sermon: 9 o’clock A. M. Wednesday, Novena Devotions: 8 o’clock P. M. MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH Rlev. J. J. Clow N. E. First Ave. and Schuyler Portland, Ore. ORDER OF SERVICES: 9:45 a m. Sunday School Mrs. Marie Smith, Supt 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship 6:30 p. m. B. Y P. Felowshilp conducted by Lenworth Miner 8:00 p. m. Evening Worship BETHEL CHURCH. A. M. E. N. McMillen and Larra bee Portland, Oregon ST. PHILIP’S CHURCH Episcopal Vicar L. O. Stone N. E Knott and Rodnay Portland, Oregon 7:45 a. m. Communion Service 10:00 a. m. Church School 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer Thursday 9:00 a m. Commun­ ion Service. • COMMUNITY M. B. CHURCH Rev. H. C. Cheatham, Pastor 845 Cottonwood Street Vanport City, 17, Oregon AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL ZION CHURCH Rev. J F. Smith 2007 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Oregon PEOPLE’S COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH N. E. 74th and Glis&n S t Rev. R. E. Donaldson, Minister SERVICES: Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. B. Y. P. U. Meeting 7:00 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1205 Hathaway Drive Burton Homes Vancouver, Wash. Rev. J. W. Brown, Pastor All Nations Church of God in Christ Elder James S. Lomax, Pastor. Multnomah and Williams Ave. ORDER OF SERVICES Tuesday and Thursday: Evan­ gelistic Services 7:45. Wednesday: Prayer Meeting at 7:45. Sunday: Sunday School 10:00, Morning Service 11:45, Y. P. W. W. 6:30. Evening Service 8:00. Williams Ave. Church of God in Christ Elder Claud L. Lampkin, Pastor 2504 N. Williams Ave. ORDER OF SERVICES Monday and Friday: Evange- istical Services 7:30. Wednes­ day: Bible Band 8:00. Sunday: Sunday School 10:00, Morning Service 1^30. Y. P. W. W. 6:30. Evening Services 7:45. COME ONE! COME ALL! Mrs. Lampkin, Reporter. UNITED CHURCH MINISTRY Force and Broadacres Vanport City Sunday School: 9:45 A.M. Worship: 11:00 A.M. Worship: 8:00 P.M. Inter-Denominational Services Rev. Leslie Denton, Minister CHURCH OF GOb IN CHRIST Rev. B. M. McSwain, Pastor. 1207 S. W. Front Ave. Portland, Oregon SERVICES: Morning Worship 12 noon. Evening Worship 8 p. m. % Every Tuesday and Friday evening 8 p. m. Radio Broadcast every Sun­ day morning at 8 a. m. over KWJJ. HOUSE OF PR A YE R 2205 S. E. 10th Ave. . SERVICES 8:00 a. m. Radio Broadcast 10:30 a. m. Sunday School 12:00 Noon Morning Worship 6:3 Op. m. Young People’s Meet. 3:00 p. m. Evangelistic Services Wednesday, Friday and Satur­ day, 8:00 p. m., Evening Wor ship.