Pag« 2 PORTLAND INQUIRER either friends or foes expected. cellations, improved utilization und Naturully, the faster and thicker careful screening of needs by the they pour it on the Germans ami Manpower Priorities Committee, the Japanese, the greater are their there is still un overall manpower needs for the wherewithal to follow up the advantage they huve gained. | deficit in that area, with minimum Three athletic amateur events PRIZES FOR It’s up to us on the home front to requirements In “ must" plants to- are scheduled for the near future at XMAS DECORATION supply them with the power behind tulling about 20,000. A $25 war bond will be awarded Vancouver housing authority com­ the knockout blows. Philudelphiu likewise remains an first place winners in each of four munity centers. “ That is now our happyv tusk housing project Christmas decora­ area of serious labor shortuge de­ A boxing show will be held De­ But when production schedules are tion contests this season, the proj­ cember 5 at Bagley Downs under spite recent improvement. “ Must” ect services department of the Van­ the direction of Harvey Haynes, Paul V. McNutt, Chairman of the stepped up to meet this buttle puce, production establishments require couver housing authority announc­ recreation worker, and December War Manpower Commission, said they are telescoped into a shorter 14,250 workers. Workers are New manpower about ed today. 18, Jack Henderson will stage a today that “ a manpower situation period of time. # * * particularly needed for shipyards Separate contests will be held at similar show at the McLoughlin of the utmost seriousness” con­ problems are thus created. “ Shortages of facilities and und foundries, WMC. reports. McLoughlin Heights, Ogden Mead­ Heights center. A wrestling show, fronts the country, not so much in needed components for new prod­ ows, Burton Homes and Bagley produced by Ivan Jones, will fol­ terms of total number of workers Newark’s labor requirements for ucts require«! in large volume stund low December 19 at the Heights needed but rather in terms of the Downs. “ must" production total about 10,- difficulty of recruiting them in cer­ in the way of attainment of many Entries will be judged on orig­ gym. 000 with those of shipbuilding the Admission to the three shows tain critical areas for super-critical of the scheduled goals in the criti­ inality and effect or Christmas at­ most urgent. mosphere. Lighting is not necessa­ will be a gift for a convalescent war programs, such as ammuntion. cal items. Numerous technical diffi­ Mr. McNutt said that in each of culties block sharp increases in the Of an estimated total require­ ry. Decision of the judging com­ soldier or 50 cents for the pur­ ment of 200,000 workers for ur­ production of specific items needed. these three areas “ must” produc­ mittee will be final, and entries chase of a present. gent war production, the need for These problems are now hampering tion needs were ubout half the to­ must show proper thought and half of them is critical, Mr. Mc­ production of such items as heavy tal labor requirements In ull three work to be considered eligible for BAGLEY DOWNS artillery, artillery ammunition, areas there is an extremely small the contest. Approximatelly 175 youngsters Nutt said. While they are not need­ labor supply, despite declines in aerial bombs and airborne radar. Persons wishing to enter the con­ took part in the football kicking ed every place in every industry, “ Transportation «lifficulties in munitions employment during the test must notify the department by and passing contests held Friday at they are most urgently wanted in year. Smuller critical areas are in December 18. Entries will be judg­ the Bagley Downs Grade School un- specific localities. Wherever any- the theatres of war, changes in de­ much the same situation, he de­ ed between December 11 and De­ der the direction of Harvey Haynes, one hears an appeal for workers for sign dictated by combat experience clared. cember 22, and awards announced recreation worker at the Downs a job which he can fill, it will be and many other factors contributes most helpful to the war effort if to constantly fluctuating produc­ Discussing “ must” items in which December 23. Bonds will be pre­ community center. there are critical shortages, Mr. __ . , . . . . . . - [ he will seek one of these jobs, un- tion requirements. The picture is sented winners December 26. Winners in the junior division of j . , . . . .... . „ , , less he is already on urgent war never quite the same from week to McNutt said a shortage o f about Persons living in the Heights will the kicking contest were Ronald production, the WMC chairman week.” 17,000 workers in foundries and call 3620, extension 41, to leave Borger, first, Charles Barber, sec­ said. Of the 69 larger market areus forge shops caused special concern addresses; Ogden Meadows, the ond, and Eric Leland, third. In the liste«l us critical by the WMC he because their products are basic Mr. McNutt mentioned spefically personal services office at 3540; senior group for the same event, particularly Chicago, components of a large number of Burton Homes, project services of­ winners were Bobby Vest, Ralph seven “ must” production lines mentionel which present critical manpower Phila«lelphia, Newark, Baltimore, military end products. The lag in fice, 3646, and Bagley Downs, proj­ McGrady and Russell Vickers. problems — foundries and forge Akron, Mobile, San Diego, Seattle, production of some of these, such ect services office, 3696. Football passing winners for the shops, shipbuilding, heavy artillery Waterbury, Conn., Springfield and as heavy trucks, is largely attribut­ Final judging will be made by junior division were Charles Bar­ ammuntion, radar, cotton duck and Decatur, 111., Fort Wayne, Ind., and able to the failure of foundry in­ a selected committee of the main­ ber, Robert McGrady and Billy tent twill, heavy field artillery and the Hampton Roads area of Vir­ dustries to meet requirements, he tenance departments of the proj­ Roberts, and for the senior group, gun carriages, and dry cell batte­ ginia. Areas such as Bridgeport, pointed out. Production has shown ects, of the project services depart­ ries. Hartford, Wichita, Beaumont, and improvement recently. ment, and from tenants on the four Ralph McGrady, Howard Thompson The shipbuihling industry will “ The basic recruiting difficulties Galveston, which had been very and Russell Vickers. projects. arise largely from the fact that tight since the beginning of the need at least 50,000 workers on most of the places where men are war period, have moved into less “ must” jobs by the end of the year, A film entitled “ The Negro Sol­ Organizations wishing musical, needed are in already very tight stringent classifications as a result Mr. McNutt reported. Failure to dier” , an authentic war department dramatic and dancing acts for club manpower areas. Therefore, fewer of program reductions and success­ meet recent sharply increased production, showing colored troops programs in the Vancouver area, workers are available,” Chairman ful manpower mobilization, Mr. schedules in the most urgent part in action, was shown Tuesday at of the maritime shipbuilding pro­ McNutt said. “ The jobs to be filled McNutt pointed out. 8 p. m. at the Bagley Downs com­ may learn of prospective entertain­ Chicago, Philadelphia and New­ gram-combat — loaded transports are often difficult, and some of ers by calling the talent bureau at munity center. them are relatively low-paid. This ark, which were late in coming in- and cargo vessels — has necessitat­ Preceding the film was stage the recreation association head­ very difficulty places a special re­ j y a r program, have develop- ed an 80 per cent speed-up over the show featurL.j outstanding Negro quarters, 3210 extension 11. sponsibility on all of us to seek out etf>erious manpower shortages this rate in September, when produc­ soldier singers and musicians from Department heads of the associa­ work in this most critical produc­ year, said Mr. McNutt. Although tion as a whole was about one per the Portland Army Air Base. Chicago’s total labor needs have cent better than schedule. tion have listed outstanding talent tion. The program is sponsored by “ This statement describes some been considerably reduced in recent with the bureau, and arrangements American Youth for Democracy, of the special jobs which must be months as a result of contract can- and the Vancouver Inter-racial may be made to entlist entertainers filled. Local newspapers and radio TERRACE GROCERY FOR for various local programs. Council. will tell you of others which the A N D M ARKET United States Employment Service Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables lists.” VISIT Choice Meats Mr. McNutt said that some of MRS. BEAVER’S the shortages spring from a cause W. C. Rieder, R. T. Borcherding that is a matter of national self- Thurman and 28th Ave. congratulation. Br. 5513 Portland, Oregon 2733 N. E. Rodney Ave. “ They grow out of our successes (Near Knott St.) We deliver Tuesdays and on every front on which we and Saturdays nearest in our allies are fighting,” he declar­ For Appointments Phone GA. 4783 your needs CROQUINOLE OUR ed. “ Eisenhower, Nimitz, MacAr- 25 S. W. THIRD AVENUE (Comer Ankeny Street) SPECIALTY thur and their collègues have been setting a faster pace than CLARK CO U N TY N EW S M ANPOW ER SHORTAGE SERIOUS Smart Coiffeurs Portland’s Onlv Store Selling M EN’S FULL D R A P E SUITS Beauty Salon United Exchange Store Portland’s Most Modern Restaurant TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS WE HAVE Kindly send in your subscription payments. We do not have Agents to send to your homes. A Check or Money Order will do. But, seed your money in to our office, please. PORTLAND * INQUIRER, 2736 N. E. Rodney Ave. Portland 12, Oregon. Trunks PHOTOGRAPHS OF ALL KINDS * PARTIES — INDIVIDUAL — PRESS In your home or Our Studio • + Call WEbster 7220 *36” PACKING TRUNKS *30” SMALL STEAMER TRUNKS, Moderately Priced. Also Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Smith, Owners and Proprietors *Ladies’ 2 and 3-piece Air­ plane Luggage in Matched Sets. Williams Avenue Grille *Ladies’ 18“ O’Nites and Cosmetic Cases. ♦Men’s Two Suiters with Matching Pieces. ♦Men’s Bags O’Nite and Club We also carry a Complete Line of Ladies’ and Men’s Bill Folds and small Leather Goods. TRY OUR CONVENIENT LAY AWAY PIJAN. SHOP HERE FOR XMAS OREGON FR ATER NAL ASSOCIATION 1412 N. Williams Avenue ROYAL PALM CAFE 337 N. W. Third Ave. at Flanders HOME COOKING A SPECIALTY Hospitality Distinctive Atmosphere We specialize in Home-Cooked Meals SOFT DRINKS — MUSIC N. William« Ave. at Weidler Mr». M. JS. Williams W H E R E THE YO U N G ER SET GATHERS BIRD’S Portland Luggage Co. Soft Drinks — Ice Cream — Sandwiches — Music 1003 S. W. Washington St. Comer 10th Portland, Ore. 2013 NORTH W ILLIAM S A V E N U E