I v Pag* 1 PORTLAND INQUIRER Society Doings RATION CALENDAR himself. And before you hop into (Clip and keep for handy your car to drive to the store, ask reference) your neighbors to share the ride. Mr. J. W. (iroHH of 4224 S. £ Turn-about is fair play, you know, Glenwood Street has returned to so you will be able to get ip an Processed Foods: Portland from a trip to Merced, extra hit of shopping when they Book 4—Blue stamps A8 through California, where he buried bin on­ give you a lift. The five minutes Z8 and A5 through W5 valid in­ ly brother, Rufus Gross. Mr. Gross it may take to arrange a car pool definitely. will 1 m * in Portlund only a few Williams Avenue USO prepared might very well save the life of an Meat, Butter, Cheese: weeks, visiting friends, as the con­ a turkey dinner with all the fixin’s American fighting man. 'Remem­ Book 4—Red stamps A8 through tents of his brother’s will necessi­ for service men in the area on ber, gasoline powers the attack. Z8 and A5 through P5 valid in­ tates his return to Merced. Thanksgiving Day. If you’ve been worried lest an definitely. The death of his brother Rufus Book 4. Perhaps Thanksgiving dinner, insufficient supply of sugar would Sugar: leaves Mr. Gross the only surviv­ Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of 112 N. 1044, Sugar stamps 30 through 34 val­ seemed incomplete in your prevent you from maintaining your id indefinitely, ing member of the Gross family Page Street announced the birth of home because each. there was no turkey, reputation as an expert wielder of Sugar stamp 5 40 pounds and sole heir to the family pos­ a baby girl on October 26th. Moth­ deliciously gold-browned, through to be the cookie cutter when Christmas Feb. 28, 1945 for 5 valid sessions. _ Though Mr. J. W. Gross er and baby are doing fine. pounds home placed in front of the official fam­ baking time rolls around, take canning only. For more canning is a Portlander, most of the family ily carver. Be cheered with the heart. Sugar stamp 34 in war ra­ sugar apply local board using holdings are in Merced, California thought that the bird which might tion book 4 became good on No­ spare stamp 37. where he will return in the near Mr. and Mrs. John Proctor of have graced instead vember 16 for 5 pounds of sugar. Shoes: Loose Stamps Invalid future 2054 N. Williams Ave. announced added a touch your of table, home to the This is in line with OPA’s policy Book 3 — Airplane stamps 1-2-3 the birth of a baby girl on Novem­ Thanksgiving dinners of our fight­ of validating a sugar stamp . . . valid indefinitely. New stamp valid Mrs. Armstead Mall of 1618 S. ber 1st. Mother and baby are re­ ing men and women. Although tur­ good for five pounds . . . . every Nov. J. E. Clinton Street, left this week to ported doing fine. key production this year is ex­ two and a half months. Sugar Coupons: Not valid unless pected to be the largest on record, stamps now good indefinitely are Gasoline endorsed. the biggest part of the supply iB numbers 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34. “A” 13 expires Dec. 21. Each going to the armed forces. Con­ coupon FRKE INSTRUCTION trols were relaxed on November 5 Are the smokers in your family Stoves: worth 4 gallons. by the War Food Administration huffy because the cigarette short­ Apply local board for purchase to permit some sales to civilians, age is making them puff-less? If certificates oil, gas stoves. but there just weren’t enough to so, here are a few salient facts Wood, Coal, for Sawdust: MONDAY, 2:110 to 4:20 I*. M. go around this Thanksgiving How­ which may serve to soothe ruffled Delivery by priorities based on ever, WFA gives out the good news nerves and perhaps improve their written that the situation will be much im­ dispositions. First of all, OPA has Fuel Oil: statements of needs. proved for Christmas and New announced that rationing of ciga­ Current coupons valid through Years. Thus you may yet “get the rettes is not contemplated. OPA August 31, 1945. Not more than 14 201.') N. W. MARSHALL STREET bird” before the holiday season is and WFA agree that this would per cent of season’s rations should (Sellwood Bus or 2.‘Ird Car) over. And at prices substantially ' be completely impractical. The have used to date. unchanged from last year. Light present shortage in some areas is Price been Control: Memlx*rship Cards available at Park Bureau, City Hall turkeys are costing about a cent due in part to shipments of large Refer inquiries anil complaints to less per pound and medium and quantities . . . especially the better SKATE RENTAL, 15c clerk at local board. heavy birds about a cent more per known brands . . . to American price Rent Control: Open to Boys and Girls over 12 years old soldiers and sailors overseas. Then, pound than a year ago. too, more people are smoking more All rented dwelling units must be registered, and changes in ten­ And here’s some interesting in­ cigarettes under the strain of war­ ancy reported. , formation for price-conscious Mrs. time conditions here at home. America. Your grocer will soon re­ Hoarding is another contributing ) ceive, if he hasn’t already, a sup­ factor. You can do your part to NEW SUGAR STAMP VALID plemental ceiling price list which help ease the situation by buying Sugar stamp 34 in war ration Enjoy some Delicious includes all those dry grocer items only for your current needs. book 4 is good for buying five whose prices have been changed pounds of sugar now, Willard since the current lists were issued and Gase, district OPA food rationing last August. If, when checking the representative, announced today. price of a purchase on the regular Like sugar stamps 30, 31, 32 and 522 N. BROADWAY Near Interstate quarter list, you find an item 33, the new stamp will be good in­ priced higher than you expected, definitely for buying 5 pounds of glance at the supplemental list, sugar, Case explained. Since March posted next to it, to see if the 16, 1943, the OPA has been validat­ price has been changed or an item ing one sugar stamp—good for 5 c o r d s s e r v ic e g a r a g e added. pounds—every two and one-half months, he said. ( OMPLETE A UTOMOTIV E Just 25 shopping days till Christ­ Sugar stamp No. 40, validated mas . . . and here are a couple of SERVICE February 1, 1944, is good for buy­ suggestions to go along with the ing 5 pounds of home canning su­ very unoriginal, but by no means Overhauling — Body and Fender Service gar through February 28, 1945. unimportant one to “do your shop­ Washing and Polishing — Lubrication ping early.” First, the post office ; Brake Service department has set a deadline of PERSONALITY PORTRAITS Latest of Fluorescent Lighting December first for mailing of out- Williams and Weidler Manager McCords pf-town parcels. That is, to guaran­ Very Reasonable Clayt Green Photo Service tee their arrival before St. Nick 115 Raleigh Bldg. BE. 7455 Portland, Ore. join her husband Corp. Armstead Mall in Philadelphia, (.'pi. Mall was formerly stationed at the Portland Army Air Base but was lately transferred to another base. Me is at present on furlough. The Literary Research Club met at the home of Mrs. Blanche Brown, 112 N. Hancock St., last Friday afternoon. Most of the members were present, business of importance was transacted Mrs. America Meets the War ICE SKATING AND HOCKEY ICE ARENA t AFTER THE “SHOW” AT V. B. A. J. and M. B A R - B - Q Fried Chicken Dinners M C & < AS NEAR AS YOUR PHONE V mes Sensational LA 7027 COSTUME JEWELRY SALE Make W ay for W ar Effort © Make Room for Each Other 1*44 PORTLAND TRACTION COMPANY The Flower Mecca 6126 N. E. Halsey St. (1 Block South of Broadway) continued by popular demand ! They’re Out in Front in Battle! Let’s Be Out in Front in Bonds! The cost of invasion of Germany is tre­ mendous . . . both in human lives and in lollars. Some are paying in battle, others in bonds. Only through use of your money have the Yank armies been so well equipped . . through bonds purchased in preceding war loans. But the battle of Europe is not over yet and the actual invasion of Japan not yet begun. You have bought generously, but this time double and redouble your pur­ chase of war bonds. Make the 6th War Loan Irive mark the end of Hitler’s power . . . and bring Japan to its knees! Delivery Once a Day RED BALL TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Shop Now For Christmas Solid gold earrings . . 141C and 10K . . . pierced ear and screw types. . . . Distinctive styles, assorted stones. Now 3.95 t Rhinestone Bowknot. Many other lapel pins . . . assorted stones. Values to 24.04. Now 1.50 to 12.95 Open Friday Evenings Compacts and dainty H e a r t Lockets. Some stone set . . . others with emblems. Values to $8.95. Now 3.95 Costume Bracelets, sterling silver link, solid or stone-set bracelets. Val. to 19.50, now 1.50 to 12.95 Plus Federal Tax / / Long Distance Hauling, Packing, Crating and Shipping 2211 NE Union Ave. Tel. TR 4320 RISBERG TRUCK SERVICE Contract ami Commercial Hauling VE. 4143 Day Music Co. FOR GOOD USED PIANOS Terms 1123 SW Washington, Portland Mail Orders Filler Headquarters for Men’s Allwool English Drape Suits STANLEY’S CLOTHES SHOP 435 SW. Washington S t