Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, October 27, 1944, Image 1

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Club, Fraternal and Social News
Hiia ia YOUR Newspaper . . .
so help make it yours by send­
ing in these happenings-
Oregon*s ^ f g r o
Published each Friday
W eek ly
Governor Dewey Answers
Queery of Negro Press
A L B A N Y , N. Y .— Governor Thomas F. Dewey made an­
swer today to three separate and similar inquiries concerning
his attitude on the problem of securing equal opportunity and
justice for the Negro citizen and also concerning his attitude
on the September address of Assemblyman Irving M. Ives,
made in Saratoga, New York, before the annual convention
of the New York State Industrial Union Council.
These inquiries were recently made to him by Carl Mur­
phy for the Baltimore AFRO AM ERICAN, Ira F. Lewis for
the Pittsburgh COURIER, and C. B. Powell for the New York
A copy of the letter which Governor Dewey sent to Mr.
Carl Murphy follows:
October 21, 1944
Mr. Carl Murphy, President
The Afro-American Newspapers
O r P O A n ^ K in v a r r l
Left *°
K*b»h H. Faulk. Editor Portland Inquirer; Ralph
628 North Eutaw Street
' “J c c R O n O m p y a r Q
take. Republican National Committeeman; Congressman and
Mrs. I.o»ell Stockman, sponsor of the S. S. Granville; Mr*. George Gerlinger, National Republican
Baltimore 1, Maryland
ommittecwoman; Judge Mm. H. Harrison of Chicago, III; Mr*. Arthur A. Cox, Republican Pre­
Dear Mr. Murphy:
Committeewoman, and Mr*. Ralph H. Faulk at the launching of the S. S. Granville, an APS.
1 have your kind letter and am
Orville “ Hoppy” Jones, leader
happy to be able to advise you that
bass singer of the famous 4
1 am familiar with and have ap-
Noted Jurist G u e s t at by step tour of the Oregon introduced to several members of
proved the ideas and program set ] nk Spots, died last week in New
la u n c h in g s a v s N e g r o e s Shipbuilding Company of Km- the Launching Party and officials
forth in Assemblyman Ives’ states- York City, following an attack of
.» i
• ‘ , .i i , .• ser Inc., and on the last day of the yard.
A r e R e tu r n in g to F old o f of hi9 ,'U y helv
manlike speech before the annual cerebral hemorhage. Jones took
At the launching ceremony, Mr.
convention of the New York State suddenly ill Tuesday about six o’- Republicans
w as the guest of Congressman Bauer, superintendent of the Ore-
Industrial Union Council on Sept, clock in the evening and died 12
liomer D. Angeli and Lowell gon yard, officiated.
A quartet
7, 1944, at Saratoga Springs. As hours later.
He had previously
Judge William H. Harrison stockman at the launching of from the Guard Department, Kai­
you know, Mr. Ives is Majority spoken of not feeling good
toj came to Portland as a guest of t|u, twenty-first AP 5 (Attack ser Co., sang and Congressman
Leader of the Assembly and Chair- friends while in Washington , D-i the Republican Party in what Transport)
ansport) at the Oregon
Uregon Stockman spoke on the use of the
man of the New York State Com­ C., but With the code of the theatri- proved to b - a historv making Shipyard. Mrs.Stockipan spoil- AP5 in the in
invasion. He •compli-
Against Discrimination cal world, “ thfe 9h o* mud go/on,” visit. W hile 'here JudgeMlam- so led the launching ¿ f t!W A P I „tented the wo
rkers of Kaiser Co.
created by the Legislature at my he continued to perform.
son was the scheduled speaker 5 ¿jie $ g Granville.
and told them that their yards were
Jones was 39 years old aqd oneI at the Elks Hall, 2501 Willi-
Never before in the history the only ones in the country keep­
1 am happy to say that not only 0f the original 4 Ink Spots. He is p e r Grade School Auditorium 0f the Oregon Shipyard has a ing up to schedule. Having just
do I endorse the conception and survived by his widow and four jn Vanport City; also to a Negro been so honored,
completed a trip to the battlefronts
proposals presented by Mr. Ives of children aged 6, 5, 4 and 3. With small but enthusiastic group
The party, including Congress- of the world, Congressman Stock-
New York State, but further, see the death of “ Hoppy’ comes the at the Elks Hall, 250» W illi- man Angell, Judge Harrison and man gave a brief resume of the
no reason why they cannot be ap- breaking up of a world famous Ne- ains Ave. and the Guest friends, arrived at the yard and conditions as he had fourni them.
plied similarly to the nation at pro quartet.
It is rumored that Speaker at a Republican Fo- were introduced to Mr. Hal Babbitt, He especially emphasized the speed
Deek Watson, former leader, quit ru m at the Mount Olivet Bap- Public Relations representative of with which the wounded received
All our people are entitled to the aggregation some weeks ago. tist Church, Portland.
the Kaiser Company. After an ex- medical attention, resulting in a
know before casting their ballot my Bernie Mack was inducted into the
T h e h on ored C h ica g o ju-1 tended talk with the Kaiser offi- correspondingly low death rate.
position on these issues of such vi­ Armed forces and that leaves only ^
wag con<Ju cted on a step cial, the Judge and his party were
(Continued on page 7)
(Continued on page 6)
tal importance to all Americans
and particularly to the colored Am­
erican citizens.
Let me make it very clear that • 1 j
believe that there is no “ Negro m 1 •
1T . w a s in evidence in the Powell- 1 etched too deeply in him the spirit
Problem” which can be solved sep­
O las
1 e an
eis se Speaks campaign but the regular | of discrimination and segregation
arately from the problems which
Metely as Dupes Ready foi Democrats didn’t realize it. B u t‘to- to make him really useful for the
face all of our people. Americans,
New Deal Scrap Heap.
; day, they tell me, the Democrats “ new order.”
whatever their color or creed, want
Called at Request of Kaiser
j are convinced that their interests
It is said that efforts were made J
jobs and the number one peacetime
Co. to Add to Record Evi­
ST. LOUIS — Once outside of can best be served by helping con­ to use Walter White for the same
problem for America is to get jobs New York, away from the striden­ tribute to their own defeat this
Not Already Submit­
purpose, but he woke up early, and
for everyone at a wage level suffi­ cy of the electioneering of the op­ year, hoping to survive as leaders
in recent weeks he has been swing­
ciently high to provide a decent position, one begins to get a clear in their individual communities in
ing back to a neutral position. The
standard of living. I am pledged to picture of the way the presidential order to fight another day.
The FEPC hearing held in the
plan was to use conservative lead­
a national policy designed to pro­ campaign is shaping up. The at­
Studio Room of the Multnomah Ho­
In New York this talk is soft- ers like Tobias and White to smear
duce full employment at a high mosphere grows unclouded and the
tel October 18, 19, 1944, was call­
The more radical ele­ Governor Dewey. For a time White ed at the request of the Kaiser Co.
wage level. I am confident that the wave of sentiment iat Governor pedalled.
bit, but he soon got wise. Dr. To­
full opportunities which this great, Dewey at once becomes apparent. ments are using the regular Demo­
and held before Malcolm Ross and
bias not only bit, but is said to have
rich country of ours provide will It is certain that, if things con­ crats by pointing to their common
Charles Houston, members of the
swallowed the bait and hook.
enable it to achieve full employ­ tinue to go the way they are out cause . . . the election of Roose-1
. ,
. . , . FEPC.
| As I reported on my last trip
ment without the sacrifices of the this way, New Yorkers, who rely
Jack O. Murray, personnel direc­
velt, but they don’t dare say what throUf?h the West, it ig amazing
freedom, security or justice to exclusively on what they hear in
tor, testified Mr. Edgar Jr. Kaiser
which every American is entitled. their home town, are in for the disposition is going to be made of how different the noise is once you was in Washington, D. C., and stat­
the regulars after the election.
get outside of New York.
(Continued on page 4)
ed his inability to be there and that
surprise of their lives, come No­
of either yard was no dis­
vember 7.
Weston is slated to oust Dickens mosphere is charged with Roosevelt crimination due to race, creed, col­
West of the Hudson River, too, in the 11th Assembly District, and sentiment, but that is not true in
or or national origin, a meeting
you learn things about New York that Ferdinand Smith is to bounce! any other of the 25 states I have
was called by Murray and Hoffman,
that New Yorkers don’t know about Herby Bruce in the 12th A. D.
visited in the past month. Out fnis Oregon; Halleck, Vancouver; Hann,
Assemblyman Hulan Jack is the way . . . that is from Philadelphia Swan Island on Oct. 6 to discuss
For one thing, you learn that the only regular Harlem Democrat who on west to Seattle, down to Los An­ the President’s Executive Order
Democrats are working like the has any chance of being held over geles, and back to St. Louis, the to familiarize all superiors o f the
devil to defeat Roosevelt, because by the new regime which is to take spirit is the same . . . Dewey for order and all contact class forbid­
they know if he wins, backed by over in Harlem if Roosevelt wins. President.
ding discrimination. Murray cited
the PAC and the American Labor
Dr. Channing H. Tobias, who be­
Besides, persons in the know in­ that due to housing facilities less
Party leadership, that old line longs to the old school, but who is
sist that there is a tremendous un­ Negroes are employed at Oregon.
Democrats are done for.
When asked by Houston whether
being used to give some dignity to dercurrent in New York City which
Sidney Hillman, not Robert Han- the new push, is doomed to the will burst forth on Election Day, the Boilermakers Auxiliary had
negan will be the de-facto National scrap pile after the election, ac­ producing an avalanche of votes anything to do with this situation
Chairman. In Harlem, Herbert cording to reports. The opinion is sufficient to swamp the opposition. Murray said, Kaiser Co. dealt
Bruce, Fred Dickens and Jimmy that his long years as an exponent Out here people are convinced that strictly with International and that
r-1£: G
Pemberton, even Clarence Neal are of the hush-hush policy of the nothing can stem the Dewey tidal Internal Union affairs were no
ft. CO rd
slated for the dump h ap in the YMCA o f which he is senior secre­ wave, which they declare already concern of theirs.
wake of the Roosevelt victory. This tary for work among Negroes, have has reached the flood stage.
(Continued on pa&e 6)
® O O
Leader of Famed
Ink Spots Dies
in New York