Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, October 20, 1944, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Nurses Home
For Tuskegee
Ralph H Fsulk. Brft'ti'r
P ii N« i * m I K *rh *
Portland Inquirer Publishing Co.
N. R RWee> A n -TWar WW»t#r ' Ml- -Part I ami. tinryew
VANPORT OFFICE 2410 V Cottor.wood. Apt 50.V \k K l.**34
BAGLKY DOWNS OFFTCE: 1*5-F WinUer Dr., Vanoou^r. Wn
(M f i« a r Irr Mai:
5 :.
Maaalw In Mail
j : ,
Personal. Huh. latrai and Church New* must reach us Tuesdax
f*mr<iinp Publication l'aie
\n silo!ment of $248.820 fnr the
construction of n Nurse* Home
»nd I ramme facilities st Tuskeree
Institute, Ala . x* a* included in
Federai VA «xrk* Tjnds totaling near-
l> $3.000.000 allctod this week for
trainine, child care and recreation
facilities in ear-industry center»
and areas near military establish
The allotments were ma.ie by
Rami Snwder, Assistant Federal
Works Administrator, following
Presidential approval.
Grants and loans amountine to
$2,184.581 n-ere made for the con­
struction of 20 nurses’ homes at
hospitals in 16 states to provide
livtne an*! trainine quarters for an
aggrrgat.* of 1,445 student nurses
The hospital* have been certified
by the t l S. Cadet Nurse Corps for
student-nurse training
The total
»oat of the projects is 13,174,528,
of which the applicants are to fur-
11 "»
K.UHAKI) WlNftLDW, Kditor
Y ou no doubt remember my ar­
ticle about "after school dancea" at
Jefferson 111, well, the students
have decided to stop all the confu­
sion and ill-feeling by simply not
going to them At an explanation
to what happened this article ap­
peared in the "Jeffersonian”, the
school paper;
For those of you who are quick
on the first xliime, I would rec­
ommend a brisk esine of “ Pok-
Keno" as administered by Misses
Kilby and Joy Brink. I,«st Sunday
P M several of the youneer Port*
'a " '1
* ° l together for one of
these occasions, which turned out
to lie quite profitable for a certain
young man whose name yours truly
will not disclose st the present. I
wish to commend the Brocks on
at least being original, for Aeldom
is their a card party or the likea
of it; always so it seems it has to
lie a jump or hop, there should be
mom originality such as ths
Brock's Pok-Keno party. Kveryon#
enjoyed himself—at least so it
"Several students, by way of the
In the comme election « f*r as mo>t people xeem to know,
Jeffersonian box, ami the well-
there is only one prr*on to he elected. All that the average
known grapevine,’ have criticised
man «an ts to know is— who are you for? Usually he mnuts
the request that couples do not jit­
terbug at school dances.
v»hat presidential candidate are you come to \ote for. Hut.
This request is not an attempt
let us for the moment forget the men who are running for
to prohibit student, from taking
part in the dancea
All Portland
the Presidency and take a look at s>me of the other people
public schools permit only those
on the ballot.
dances at their school function,
It was at a shoe show she saw
For instance, there are two United States Senators to he
which have been named suitable by
shoes soled. Since she saw shoes
the American Association of Mas­
elected. There are two State Senator* to he elected, thirteen
soled at the shoe show she showed
ters of Dancing. Jitterbugging is
shoes saw soled at the shoe show.
“tate representative* to he cho'-en. several judges, a county
X1.03**.!* 4 <. The larger allot-
not on the list of suitable dances.
ment* were:
Since she showed shoes she saw
There are many reasons why jit­
assessor. assorted county commissioners and other state and
soled at the shoe show she sold
St. Luke’s Hospital, Kansas City,
countv officials to he elected hv the vote of the people. Hut Mo., $516,360; Tuskegee Institute, terbugging is not suitable for high the shoes she showed that she saw
school dances. For one thing, only
every one seem s to have forgotten that there is anything ■ *--**>20; Warren A » andler Hos- a few couples jitterbugging could soled at the shoe show.—A .N. Me-
pital, Savannah, Ga , $157,950; St.
hut a presidential election going on.
Patrick*. Hospital, Missoula, Mont., easily make it impossible for the
rest of the couples to dance be­
It is of utmost importance to the Negro to know who is $163,617 and Emanuel Hospital,
cause o f the greater amount of
Portland, Ore., $149,850
Y’ our reporter is sorry to report
floor space jitterbugging steps re­
interested in their welfare locally. It should Ire of just as
The I»s Angeles, Calif., Child
due to illness Mrs. Elizabeth
much interest to the Negro to know who among vi.e candi* Can* Service received a Federal quire. Also some of the jitterbug­ Carden has been confined to her
ging steps are more movement
dates think the vole of the Colored man worthy of his atten­ contribution of $641,412 to help than is considered lady and gentle- ^on,e f° r a couple of weeks but
pay the operating cost of war nur­
she is doing somewhat better now.
tion. There are thivse among the candidates who are not in­ series and <hild care centers. Pre­ men-like for young people
The first moment that jitterbug­ Mrs. Carden is one of the moat
terested in bringing their name before the Negroes of this viously the applicant was givér
ging is accepted by the National active members of our fair society
city and county. It may mean that their conscience will not U,100,9H. In frederal funds.
Dancing association it will be per­ so natcherally we all wish her a
speedy recovery. ‘‘GET WELL
permit these people to ask for the vote of people whom they
1 *ie. Massillon
Hospital mitted at Jeff dances. Until then,
Association was allotted an addi- students are asked to confine their SOON.”
have done nothing to assist. It may mean, as in the case of tional $ 100.000 toward the cost of dancing to other steps.”
that Democratic nominee for the state legislature, that they constructing and equipping a 40-
Md anrstl' homo
The DecatuS-
The Bethel A M. E. dramatic
hold the Negroes in such contempt that they feel they would (I „ } , nd Mju.on County Hospital GET-TOGETHER AT G E K llE ’S
I^ast Saturday night Miss Ger- 1 club had its first meeting for ths
l»e stooping U h » low if they asked for the Colored vote. Or it Association was given $30,768 to-
trude Williams had a small li’l get- new season at Bethel Church last
may mean as in the case off the National Democratic I*arty wartl thf con*truction ‘ ° 8t* oi * to-gether at her home on Ganten- Friday and for those of you who
; nurses' home.
didn’t attend you missed a great
that they do not think they even need your vote. Whatever
bein. When I say small group I
treat. The truth of the matter is
the ca.se, if they do not make a bid for your vote, then you Chance to Live Promised by Dewey mean small group, for only three that refreshments were served and
be too proud to give them your vote.
(Continued from page 1)
couples attended, Miss Ellen Wooda, all those present enjoyed a regu­
Governor Dewey has promised a Miss Constance Maney, Miss Ger- lar social hour or two. (Even you,
The relative merits of Mr. Dewey or Mr. Roosevelt will
complete over-hauling of the exist- trude Williams, Mr. George Davis, Seth). All of you members who
be either hampered or aided by the men your vote send to
didn’t attend please try to be pres­
ing confused and complicated tax Mr Charles Gragg esq. and yours
congress. Your immediate welfare in your city, county and
ent and on time at the next and
laws and creation of a basic law truly. Some fine refreshments were all of the following meetings. Big
state will be governed by the men your vote put in the state
which will remain simple and gen- served, but of course some of the things are being planned for the
legislature, the county offices and your city government.
orally stable. In his Tuesday night smarties had to be hojs and ask future so if you don’t wish to be
Once more the Republican nominees are committed to a speech, Governor Dewey demon- for seven or eight course meals. left out of them be sure to attend
program in your county and your state that will be for the strated again his remarkable grasp As the saying goes, “ IT’S NOT the meetings.
best interest to the Negroes. No Republican candidate has of the many problems that confront THE QUANTITY, BUT THE
found it necessary to use the story of a Negro and a W ater­ the nation, and at the same time | QUALITY THAT COUNTS,” so
melon to illustrate a point. No Republican candidate has found
outlined his program for solving natcherly everyone had a gay ole
it necessary to insult the Negroes present at any gathering them.
i time at Gertie’s.
in order to show his contempt for the Negro in general. They
nave shown that they respect a person for his ability and
have invited him to meet and confer with the people who
When one is driving around on Peck, is much improved and able
hold the highest position in the ranks of the Republican
a Saturday night, they never k'now to be home from the hospital. He
Party. Pictures from all over the country prove this. SHOW what they might run into. These
expects to return to work soon.
US ONE PICTURE OF ROOSEVELT OR TRUMAN W ITH people thought they might take in
A GROUP OF NEGROES. These are among the things that the dance that is usually held every
Mrs. Lula Herbert was given a
Saturday night at the Recreation surprise party last week by her
prove who is who in the life of the Negro.
Hall at Bagley Downs in Vancou­ Daughter Elks. She was presented
ver, Wash., but instead they ran in­ with a beautiful set of dishes as a
to a private birthday party. Mrs. gift from the Temple. The party
Fret! rick Dunn entertaining her was given at the home of Mrs.
husband, Fredrick Dunn who was John Evans.
There were twelve
celebrating his birthday. They were guests, all Daughter Elks. The
gathered around a piano, Mr. Dunn evening was spent in playing cards
playing and the guests singing old after which a delicious repast was
familiar songs. When their voices served. Everyone had a grand time.
needed a little resting, then they
exercised their feet with a little
Mrs. Henrietta Marshall who hps
dancing. They had a long table in
ill is improving nicely now.
the center of the room covered with
a beautiful tablecolth and napkins, Her Daughter Elks and many
but we had to leave before the re­ friends wish her a speedy recovery.
freshments were served. In fact we
were uninvited guests who just
Mrs. Lula Harris of 4056 N.
walked in thinking we were in the Williams Ave., was host at a love­
dance room. Among the guests in­ ly luncheon on last Tuesday. Her
vited were Mr. and Mrs. Fred honored guest was Mrs. Lewis,
Johnson, Mr| and Mrs. Brewer, Mr. mother of Mrs. Hepburn. Her other
and Mrs. Comfort, Mr. and Mrs. guests were Mrs. Hepburn, Mrs.
Stevenson, Mrs. Melissa Jones, Mr. Hopkins, Mrs. A. L. Randolph. A
B. T. White and Eddie Kruss. Mr. very delicious menu was served
Mrs. Dunn live at 1304 A and everyone had a lovely time.
Whipple St., Bagley Downs. Mr.
Dunn is a welder on the day shift
Mrs. A. L. Randolph entertained
Efficient. Progressive
in the Vancouver Shipyard.
the Fellowship Club of Mt. Olive!
Baptist Church at her home last
We are very pleased to hear that Monday night. Mrs. F. Fletcher ia
Mr. Peck, husband of Mrs. Letha president, Mrs. H. Cross, secretary.
Paid Adv.
The Savoy
New and Modern
313 S. Main Street, Vancouver, Washington