Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, October 13, 1944, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    Pag« 7
Lucky Millinder Was
Alias Punjub Millandy
T op O P A Prices
5th and W ashington and
Columbia Sts.
V A N C O U VE R , W A SH .
P h . : Vancouver 5fi or Portland At. 5151
Stenographer-Typist, capable of
taking dictation. Must have had
experience in office routine.
Phone or write Portland Inquir­
er, 2736 N. E. Rodney Ave., City
12; WE 7220.
Couple— Cooking, housework, man
general handyman, gardening,
some driving. Call At. 3477. Ref.
Cxclutivf IPS Photo
NEW YORK (IP S ):—Lucky Mil-
llnder is fond of the luxurious
mode of living and once balked at
staying over at a dilapidated hotel
because the town’s other inns dis­
criminated against the colored race.
So he wrapped an expensive towel
around his head—pinned in what
appeared to be a
ruby right
in the center—and mar.hed stiffly
into the town’s swankiest hotel, fol­
lowed by a similarly decorated
lackey (his valet) who announced
Punjab Millandy. Indian potentate.
Millinder stayed a week, was fussed
over and petted, until one night, a
rumpus was heard in his room, and
attendants came dashing up and
broke in. Millinder was asleep but
shouting in his sleep and tossing
about. He was cussing in good old
unmistakable Harlemese—and the
masquerade was over.
Beauty Operators Wanted
Out of State License good. La Vivi-
anne Beauty Shoppe, 524 North
Broadway. MU 9912.
Male Help Wanted
Pin Setters— 12 Boys or young
men for Day or Night Shift. Top
rates paid. No experience requir­
ed. Phone or write Portland In­
quirer, 2736 N. E. Rodney Ave.
WEbster 7220.
Courtesy Photo-Art
Female Help Wanted
Couple or Two Girls — Cook and
Experienced 2nd Maid, or Handy­
man, gardening and some driv­
ing. Ref. required. Call ATwater
Left to right: Mr. Oliver; Governor John W. Bricker, Republican Vice-
presidential Candidate, shaking hands with Ralph H. Faulk, Editor of APARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE
he Portland Inquirer; Mr. Joe L. DeCarzo, Mr. Eugene Moseley, Port­ 3 UNITS, 3 bath and kitchen are
land business men; Mr. James W. Kennedy, Mr. G. Abner, Rev. James
easily converted, 2yk banked lots
W. Kennedy, Republican Committeeman; Mr. Richard Harris, Portland business man; Mrs. Ralph H. Faulk,
for 1 or 2 families, on the comer,
business manager Portland Inquirer, and Governor Earl Snell, Governor of the State of Oregon.
affording privacy. An ideal close
in home with income. Write B-6,
Police of Portland. It then led on ( stated, “ The unfortunate thing is
Porland Inquirer, Portland 12,
to an argument with the “ Delta that these men who are capable of
Contrary to our usual policy of Rhythm Boys,” which gave them j drawing Two to Three Thousand EXPOSES M ISTREAT­
publishing the name of the writer the opinion that they were not wel­ Dollars weekly had to be subjected MENT OF SOLDIERS
nel, both enlisted and commission­
of any letter we print, we are print­ come. One of the Rhythm Boys said to such insults and their lives
Grant Reynolds, Administrative ed, are some of the un-American
ing this letter minus the name of —and I quote— “ We come here to threatened (a gun was drawn by
Assistant of the Washington Office practices which make Huachuca the
the sender. This is done for ob­ do a treat for the soldiers and you this member of the Civilian po­
most infamous camp in America.
vious reasons, Although the person want to beat us up for it. It’s not lice) after doing a bit of charity of the National Association for the This condition is made more shock­
Advancement of Colored People,
who sent this “ Letter to the Edi­ that we have to come here but work and on the corner where the
has resigned his post in order to ing because Huachuca is the botfle-
tor” did so in good faith and we that you want us and I’ll be damn- USO is located.” He pointed out
be free to protest against the mis­ neck through which the only Negro
are sure with an idea of helpingj ed if we ever come back to this that it could have happened on any
combat divisions, namely: the 92nd
corner but that at any rate they treatment of Negroes in the Armed and 93rd, have gone to the fighting
to cure such conditions as prompted place.” Unquote.
the writing, we withhold the name
I believe that since Portland are sorry it had to happen here.
Mr. Reynolds said it is his feel­ fronts, namely: the 92nd to Italy,
to protect the writer from harm, doesn’t have much entertainment
We agree with the writer, Port
ing that “ On November 7th, Amer­ and 83rd to the South Pacific.”
both socially and physically.
of its own and that it is hard for land does owe the “ Delta Rhythm
Mr. Reynolds is now associated
us to get outside entertainment Boys” an apology and a public one ica will have its last opportunity with the Baltimore Afro-American
Oct. 5, 1944.
to correct the gross injustices to
Portland Inquirer,
that the least we can do is to make at that.
the Negro soldier, by voting to put i for which he will write articles con-
Portland 12, Oregon
them welcome and happy. I really
in office a Republican Adminstra- j cerning the mistreatment of Ne­
believe that Portland owes the Del­
Dear Editor:
groes in the Armed Forces.
On Sunday, Oct. 1, 1944, the
Mr. Reynolds, a Congregational
servicemen and civilians of Port­ their ignorance.
Minister, served two years as a
Sincerely yours.
land, Oregon had the privilege of
Mr. Irons has organized the captain of Army Chaplains. As a
B. E. M.
being entertained by the famous
Portland Chapter of the Elite So result of his own Army service
“ Delta Rhythm Boys” at the Wil­
As soon as we read the above cial Club. He was assisted by a and through information and com­
liams Avenue USO.
letter, we started trying to get the staff of fine young men. They have plaints received by him in the
After the performance a dis- : exact facts of the matter. We found olanned a nice program for the Washington office of NAACP, he
turbance began to grow up between j out that the affair did no occur winter and want all members to at has become an authority on the
a youth of Portland and a Civilian within the USO. As one official! tend regular.
widespread abuses to which Negro
troops are subjected.
He served as chaplain at Fort
Huachuca, Arigona, the only camp
in the United States at which ex­
clusively Negro troops are station­
ed where, he states, “ 30,000 troops
are maintained in a condition of
degredation and cruelty.
“ Fort Huachuca is generally re­
ferred to as being a combination of !
the horrors of a prison camp and |
a military camp in Africa where
black colonials are trained. Long
sentences meted out to Negro sol­
diers as a result of false charges,
unprovoked assaults by white of­
ficer upon Negro enlisted men,
segregation of Negro officers into
squalid quqarters, attempted sui­
cide by Negro soldiers because of
intolerable conditions, statements “ N E W I N D U S T R I E S
by the commanding general refer­
—M O R E J O B S *
ring to his 14,000 “ niggers” , jeer-
ings by the colored troops of their
Pd. Adv. Ray Garner, Chm. Bowes (or
division commander, and the main­
Com m., 404 Morgan Bldg., Portland
tenance of a white supremacy caste
system over all the Negro person-
A Letter to the
Benson Hotel P
Vanport City News
City Commissioner
Exclusive IPS Photo
ERSKINE HAWKINS and his celebrated Orchestra is the hit attraction on a stupendous tour of
one-nighters. Yes, siree! The 20th Century “Gabriel” is keeping the dancin’ fools cool, but definitely
in a frenzied stage with his swing numbers. Jimmy Mitchell and Effie Smith are the featured vocalists.
ERSKINE HAWKINS, “ The 20th Century Gabriel
Glasses to Fit 1ÍOU
brings his Orchestra to
McEIroy’s Ballroom, Thursday, October 19
A Presentation of S. DUKE
510 S. W . Yamhill St.
Dr. A. W . Sheehan