Page 2 PORTLAND INQUIRER Portland’s Most Modern Restaurant ROYAL PALM CAFE 337 N. W. Third Ave. at Flanders HOME COOKING A SPECIALTY Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Smith, Owners and Proprietors GEORGE OLSON’S BR0ADWILL PHARMACY Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Lunch at Our Fountain N. B R O A D W A Y AN D WILLIAM S Closed Sundays Open 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Acme News Pictures, Inc. Governor Thomas E. Dewey, Republican nominee for President o f the United Stutes, it being con­ gratulated by Mrs. Ora Lee Scraggs, head o f the Fillmore branch o f the Dewey-Bricker Campaign Committee o f San Francisco following a conference with Negro leaders o f northern California at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco last Thursday. Mrs. Scraggs is also president o f one o f the Republican Women's Councils, whose efforts are being directed towards piling up a victorious vote for Governor Dewey. Governor Earl Warren o f California is shown at left o f Governor Dewey. Others in the picture are, left to right: James L. White o f Oakland, Mrs. Bessie Osborne o f Berkeley, Mrs. Emma J. Lewis, W. Henry Lashley, president o f Cosmos Club of San Francisco, James Foreman o f San Francisco, Governor Dewey. Attorney Ivan Johnson o f Los Angeles (behind Mrs. Scraggs), Mrs. Ora Lee Scraggs, Mrs. Marie Brooks and Mrs. Mabel Ritcherson. broadcasts over KEX are also • Appointments of Negroes PUBLIC LIBRARY OPENS MUSIC ROOM available to the public. Made by Governor The record collection includes i Thos. E. Dewey classic and standard symphonic i Williams Avenue Grille Hospitality : Distinctive Atmosphere We specialize in Home-Cooked Meals SOFT DRINKS — MUSIC N. Williams Ave. at Weidler Mrs. M. S. Williams W H E R E THE YOUNGER SET GATHERS B IR D ’S The Music Room on the 3rd floor of the Public Library has an out­ works, chamber music, opera and While District Attorney of standing collection of music books, vocal selections, and songs and New York County: spirituals sung by Marian A nder-! Soft Drinks — Ice Cream — Sandwiches — Music scores and records. son and a number of recordings ! Francis E. Rivers, as Senior As­ 2013 NORTH W ILLIAMS A V E N U E Record concerts, to which every­ made by Paul Robeson and Lead sistant District Attorney, was the first Negro in the history of New one is welcome, are given daily Belly. during the noon hour from 12:30 to The Music Room has many ex- j York City to prosecute murder 2 P. M. and on Monday and Wed­ cellent books on Negro music and cases. Salary, $10,000. nesday evenings from 7:30 to 9 P. musicians from which the follow­ Mrs. Eunice Hunton Carter, as M. Service men, stationed here, or ing list has been selected: Assistant District Attorney, was I CASH FOR YOUR CAR home on furlough, who want to Angel Mo’ and Her Son Roland the first Negro woman in the his­ We Buy, Sell and Trade hear some of their favorites will tory of New York City to be ap-* Hays, by Mackinley Helm GEO. S. KOCH MOTOR COMPANY probably find them in this collec­ pointed to such a position. Salary, Father of the Blues, by William C. 2929 N. E. UNION AVE. Corner Morris Street tion. A cordial invitation is extend­ $ 6 , 000 . Handy ed to individuals, classes and clubs James Yergan, Assistant Di»; to make arrangements for special Marian Anderson, by Kosti Veha- trict Attorney. Salary, $4,00. nen programs. Saturday morning opera as members of the New York State The average age of all cars on While Governor of the The Negro and His Music, Alain. Commission Against Discrimina­ the road is 6.3 years, and, as of State of New York: Locke tion. January 1, that 14,000,000 cars, or Hon. Francis E. Rivers, as Jus­ Dr. Walter N. Beekman, as a over 54 per cent, were seven years Negro Folk Songs as sung by Lead PAY AS LITTLE AS tice of the City Court of the City member of the State War Council’s Belly, by Alan Lomax or older. According to the Society of New York, the highest public’ Negro Musicians and Their Music, office ever held by a Negro. Salary! Committee on Discrimination. of Automobile Engineers, these by Maud Cuney-Hare $17,500. Justice Rivers was subse­ cares, because of age, will require Slave Songs of the Georgia Sea quently elected to a ten-year term. Clark County Sports more than 20 percent more work Islands, by Lydia Parrish Dr. Clilan B. Towell, as a mem­ By James Johnson than the cars of normal years — Swing That Music, by Louis Arm­ ber of the New York State Athletic Vincent Terry, 160 lbs, is going strong. Commission. This is the first time to Boston to continue his fistic 20 hours per year, as contrasted for all your purchases There are thousands of musical a Negro has ever held this posi­ carrer, under his new manager Doc with 16 hours. for your entire family scores of all sorts in the music tion. No salary. Receives $25 for > Avery. Also Jack Porter, English at the E A S T E R N room, and a sound-proof room each meeting he attends. heavyweight champion, Speedy Du- makes it possible for one to t r y 1 Mrs. Bertha J. Diggs, as Secre­ vale, middle weight contender. over a selection on the piano before tary of the Department of Labor. Vincent Terry won 60 out of 65 *BR AB U R Y taking it out. This is the first time a Negro has bouts, and he lives in the Burton SUITS FOR MEN ever held this position. Salary, $5,- Homes. 000 . Leo (the lion) Turner of Ore­ Noah C. A. Walter, as a member gon’s middle weight champ, is ♦ARDLEIGH of the Industrial Board of the State staging a rematch with Joe Kahut- of New York. This is the first time Vern Earling. SUITS FOR WOMEN a Negro has ever held this position, j Turner and his adherent claim Salary, $8,500. that referee Ralph Gruman short­ Richard L. Baltimore, Sr., as changed the lion belter and so Leo +ALPAGORA Workmen’s Compensation Claims is demanding a return match with COATS FOR MEN Referee. This is the first time a the Californian. Turner has been Negro has ever held this position. ;n hard training in Toppenish, Wn. Salary, $5,000. and should be in good condition +CHATHAM for this bout. Assistant Attorney-Generals: BLANKET Conrad A. Johnson, on Corpora- j Joe Waterman, match maker for tions. the national boxing club in Port­ Stanley M. Douglas, on Labor land, says that Kelley Jackson, a And hundreds of Philip Watson, Election Frauds Negro youngster has pleased many nationally known brands Lamar Perkins, on Welfare, Portland fans and that he will have in fine clothing and Salaries range from $3,500 to a spot in a four-rounder soon. Wa­ furnishings. $5,000. terman intends to have boxing Mrs. Mathew V. Boutte, as a shows in the auditorium on Oct. member of the Board of Visitors of 13, 20, and 27. the New York State Training School for Boys at Warwick, N. EASTERN BE AU TY SUPPLIES Bishop D. Ward Nichols, one o f Y. S. W. 10TH & WASHINGTON Dr.Henry O. Harding, as a mem­ the leading churchmen o f the Af­ rican Methodist Episroonl ronrnc. ber of the Board o f Visitors of the Multnomah County and Barber Supplies tion, and presiding bishop o f the Ninth Episcopal District, which em­ New York State Hospital for the ( Efficient— Qualified OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS braces the State o f Alabama, who Treatment of Incipient Pulmonary ; Pd Adv A t Wheelock T r .o . JACOB MILLER is advocating the election o f Gover­ Tuberculosis, Ray Brook, N. Y. Pay Checks Cashed Free BAIN for JUDGE Committ«« nor Thomas E. Dewey as President, 515 S. W. Third Ave. Rev. George H. Sims, Dr. C. B. 6 4 6 Morgan Building - Portland 5. O r e g o n for the best interest o f the country. Powell and Rev. Elijah J. Echols, 1 $l 25aWeek ELECT Ja m e s R. BAIN CIRCUIT JUDGE