Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, October 06, 1944, Image 1

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Club, Fraternal and Social New»
Thia ia YOUR Newspaper . . .
h o help make it yours by send­
ing in these happenings.
Oregon's T^egro Weekly
Published each Friday
nau írer
Bricker’s Record A-l Posthumus Award to Negro Veteran Dewey
Here on Thursday 12th
Ohio Governor Friend oí
Negro for Years
NEW YORK—Governor John W.
Bricker of Ohio, Republican can- |
didate for Vice President, has "been
known to the hundred» of thou­
sands of colored folk» an their I
friend for all these yearn, recently
■aid a recognized political leader
of hi» race, in the Buckeye State.
“ Unterrified and unafraid of the
color question, he haH gone ahead
throuRhout hi« political life in do-
inR all he could for colored people
in a positive, constructive way,” he
"The country, and particularly
our people, have heard of him
Shatter Precedents
N L W YORK— Governor Dewey’s list of apfxiintments of
colored New Yorkers to responsible official positions exceeds
both in quality and quantity all those of his predecessors. The
campaign arguments used by his opponents, that his appoint­
ments of them while Governor, have been made purely for
national campaign purposes, falls flat when his record in
that respect as District Attorney for New York County is
As the gang and racket busting i member of the New York State
District Attorney of New York Athletic Commission. He receives
County, he appointed colored assist- no salary, but *25 for each meet-
ants whose qualifications could not ¡ng of the Commission he attend«,
be questioned. Among those ap- Mrs Bertha J. Diggs, a college
pointments was that of Mrs. Eu­ graduate, was named as Secretary
nice Hunton Carter, a Smith Col­ of the Department of Labor with
lege graduate, as Assistant District more than 2,500 employees subor­
Attorney at a salary of $6,000 per dinate to her. Noah C. A .Walter
year. Mrs. Carter was the first wo­ was named by Governor Dewey as
man of her race in the history of a member of the Industrial Board
New York to be appointed to such a at a salary of $8,500 per year.
position. Francis E Rivers, a Yale This appointment, like all of the
< O I . O K X I M I H I ' K I N O N — M r . a n i l Mr *. C h u rl « « H a n k « r r r r i t i o x a w a r d for
mostly because of the record-mak- I ao n ( n . t r l r « ('. I t a n k * f r o m ( a p t . L. K. H a i l e y , c o m m a n d e r ( 2 n d V e t . Co. | Phi Beta Kappa man, now Justice rest, broke new ground in the of­
i Rivers, was named by the Republi­ ficial recognition of their race in
fOfficial F o t o O W I )
ing appropriations under him for
The Army paid tribute to a hero i in the ceremony. He revealed that can Candidate as a senior District the Empire State.
Wilberforce University, his sub­
from another branch of. the coun- his son had served a hitch in the Attorney at a salary of $10,000 per
Four Assistant Attorney Gene­
stantial ruce appointees like that try’s service recently at Camp Car- Navy in 1935 and had joined the year. He too, was the first of his
rals, Governor Dewey has named in
of Commissioner Lawrence Payne, son in Colorado when Capt. Lee K. merchant marine in March 1942. people to hold such a position in the persons of Conrad A. Johnson,
and his staunch advocacy of a per- Bailey, rommaning officer of the He was serving as chief cook of the New York, and the first of his Stanley M. Douglas, Philip Watson
manent fair employment practices 1 42n<l Veterinary Company at the Minotaur at the time of his death group named to prosecute murder and Lamar Perkins.
, ,
camp, presented the Mariners’
The citation to young Banks, cases. James Yergan was named
Richard L. Baltimore, Sr., was
commission, not only for the Na-
. . .
. .
Medal to the mother of the first signed by Vice Admiral Emory S. Assistant District Attorney at a named by the Governor as a Com-
ti«*n, but for Ohio. Both have h«-ard j Negro youth from Colorado Springs, Land, War Shipping Administrator salary of $4,000 per year. Surely pensation Claims Referee at a sal-
too, what a great governor of Ohio ; Colo., to win a decoration in this and read at the ceremony by Capt. these appointments answer the ary of $5,000 per year. Mr. Balti-
he has been, being elected again war.
Bailey, stated:
more, like Assistant Attorney Gen-
and again with ever increasing
Before a guard of honor and a
“ He was one of these men who
The record of Governor Frank- oral Philip Watson, who it attached
majorities, and h*v he has taken Ico,or 8'uard, Captain Bailey pre- today are so gallantly upholding lin D Roosevelt, now Democratic to the Election Frauds Bureau, had
Rented the medal to Mrs. Frede- the traditions of those hearty ma- Candidate Roosevelt, by compari- no predecessor among his people,
is state ou o
e rc< e
y n
Banks, 314 Willamette Ave , riners who defied anyone to stop son, pales into insignificance.
Mrs. Mathew V. Boutte and Dr.
)i nun rati« pr< < •*< * s h o t s an< pu i Colorado .Springs, as a posthumous the American flag from sailing the
The list of Governor Dewey’s ap- Henry O. Harding have been ap-
in . in« ih . uk in ■- .*1"
’ ,l •irH' award to her son, Charles C. Banks, seas in the early days of this re- pointments to policy-making( gosi- ; pointed, respectively, to the Board
ca».i aurp us nr i»os war » nstru« j 27-year-/>ld mercham satior who public,” said the citation. “ He was tiorts of colored men and women of the New York State Training
, | , |
" Un, 7 W<?.
rrmPm ™ lost his life in the North Atlantic, one of those men upon whom the has reached so high a mark that School for Boys at Warwick, and to
is Hp eni i< vie ory, no, over
«JiocI when his ship, the SS nation now depends to keep our none can question Dewey’s convic- the Board of Visitors o f the New
Roosevelt administration in the
Minotaur, was torpedoed and sunk ships afloat upon perilous seas to tion that colored Americans must York State Hospital for the Treat-
matter of Ohio handling its own
by an enemy submarine on January transport our troops across those be integrated into every branch of ment of Incipient Pulmonary Tu­
relief problems
ll, 1943.
seas; and to carry to them the vi- their government. These appoint- berculosis at Ray Brook, NewYork.
“ But back of all this,” said
Charles Banks, father of the tally needed material to keep them ments reveal his confidence in the Governor Dewey appointed last
Bricker’s admirer, “ is a simple,
maritime hero, accompanied his fighting until victory is certain and character and capacity of his col- April three colored leaders in the
straightforward, born and bred
wife to the camp and participated liberty is secure.”
ored fellow Americans.
persons of the Reverend Elijah H.
Ohioan, with a warm heart and a
He appointed Justice Francis E. Echols, Dr. George H. Sims and
family heritage for friendship to
Rivers to the City Court of the Dr. C. B. Powell to the New York
colored people. Without fuss and
City of New York, the first of his State Commission Against Dis­
feathers he has stood adamant for
rate, at a salary of $17,500 a year, crimination.
the enforcement of law and order,
, 0 .
, , ~ !
, Justice Rivers was subsequently
This is the unparalleled appoint-
The drive which has been con­
of equal civil service opportunity
Several hundred aviators passed elected to a ten-year term. This is ment record of oGvernor Thomas
ducted by the Portland Inquirer to
for all.
through the camp. They were
of the highest paid office to which a E. Dewey. It speaks louder than
Against him is running Senator get all the colored population of ,
. ,
. .
. the most varied races and natioali- colored American has ever been ap­ words. The Dewey record augurs
rrv S. Truman of Missouri, the Multnomah
well for colored Americans when
a close this week. The ties- including Eskimos, Negroes, pointed.
admitted white-haired hoy of Boss : comes
I)r. Clilan B. Powell was the he becomes President.
Tom Pendergast, who, prior to his effort put forth by a very small Maoris, 'Chinese, Argentinians and 1
first of his group to be named a
(Record on Page 2.)
imprisonment for graft, corrupted group of interested Negroes has Brazilians.”
the electorate and helped debauch produced surprising results. Actual
go wrjtes a visitng isecretarv of
Missouri with vice and crime p ro-1 count puts the number registered War p risoners Aid of the y . M. C.
tection for a generation.
well above a thousand with the
final tabulations still to come in. A * from a transit ca,11P through
Starting in Guilds Lake with whkh «■ *■ *• * aviators pass to
The local Democratic adherents,
The stories that appeared in
Sejrator Truman hails from the classes to teach people how to reg- various camps or hospitals in Ger- like all branches of the Democratic
local papers concerning me are
hostile Missouri county where ( leo , ister, the drive seemed to bog down many. The races mentioned are in party does not mind, it seems,
absolutely UNTRUE.
I have triid to locate the
Wright was so savagely lynched a for lack of interest of the people additon to Americans, British,
stooping to anything to fool the
source of these rumors and in­
f,w , , . r . b „ k . Senator Tram.n » „ a . intended to help. Nothin* French> Potes, Serbs, Yugoslavs,
Negro voting public. Stories have
has a record o f complete indiffer­ daunted, the workers went into a
tend to take action against these
. . .
ence to the rights of colored citi- huddle and came up with the sug- and a11 the others caught m the been appearing in local papers that
people for their attempts to
zens. Should Franklin D. Roosevelt i gestion of a house-to-house can- polyglot hopper of thé battlefronts. a Negro minister in Vanport is not
harm my reputation.
be elected and die, Truman would vass. This finally proved to be the
War Prison camps are today only in favor of the Bilbo’s, Ran­
I am taking this method of let­
he president. The country needs best method, but with volunteers so I cross sections of the world and of kin’s and their henchmen, but was
ting the public know that I am
Bricker as Vice President.’
few it was not practical, so* a new most of its nations, and the ne«4s actually trying to persuade other, not taking part in any partisan
idea was forthcoming. This time and desires of prisoners are a di­ Negroes to vote for these thugs.
(Signed) H. C. Cheatham.
somebody suggested going through verse as their races, religions, edu- The Portland Inquirer could not
the project with a Sound Truck, cations, and former occupations.
This is one of the cheap tricks
believe that any Negro of even
This was done and at the same
Visiting secretaries of War Pris- moderate intelligence would try to j used by the Democrats all over the
time, the Registration Trailer mov- oners Aid 0f the Y. M. C. A., a influence other Negroes to vote country to pretend that some Ne-
ed in to Guilds Lake for a two day participating service of the Natio- for a party with people like Bilboa gro leaders are with their party.
stay. Results were fair but nothing nal War Fund, with headquarters' and Truman in it. So we decided to No Negro in the Portland area has
at Genoa, Switzerland, and New ask this Man of God if the reports permitted his name to be publicly
linked with the Democratic Party.
After holding classes in Vanport York offices at 347 Madison AVe., were true.
No Negro anywhere in the country
to instruct the newcomers how to receive and pass on to the organi-
has the interest of his race at
rogister, the original idea of a zation’s nearest centers, requests as
would permit his name to be
Portland, Oregon
house to house canvass was sug- j various as their sources. These in­
linked with a party that has done
October 5, 1944
gested again, but this time w ith , elude books, ranging from the
and is still doing his race untold
trimmings. 1500 forms were print-; ABS’s to abstruse scientific and
ed in duplicate. Each form was J philosophical works, materials for
Let this be a warning to the
P mO
ruled to accommodate 21 names and 1 almost ever> athletic game devised the following statement:
ri n r i
I have authorized no qne to Colored voting public, do not pay
enough of these forms were issued by Man, the media of all of the
h I «H
my name as a campaign­ any attention to rumors that any
to each worker to cover the unit great religious, and every known
Democratic Party or decent Negro is in favor of the
in which he worked. Residents, both musical instrument, from the grand
«« • lO
Democratic Party.
any other party.
piano to the tom tom!
C CO .
(Continued on page 4
Reg i s t r a t i o n Closes Prisoners of War Camp
Local DemocratsTry Old Tricks
<t> -P O
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