P o r t l a n d W A V > K M O K S K for 1 . S. SEN ATOR RVR I'VE BEEN AROUND New York By TED YATES n *' o m v rx * ... « I r * tt . *,> t I«, t r hey know of a a ir i equally a* charm - fly a kite Rnothrr. thin P a rk s g irl If anyone should tell you i tnp as Jean Parks---teN them 4a a ¿re a m * . . . In another A tm time to the public, lead « h t Jeon tf.lt be presented for th e n ow n a d « b i o rch e stra A b on er « i i h • k m « ? of a hand I'm positive that the pres» notices on Jean Park# will surpass those handed down to any other stage, soiecu. radio of nite club personality . Yea in­ deed. tall, tan and exotic Jean will nave the male gentry swooning in the aisles It wouldn't surprise me at all either when many of the gal* in the audi­ ence wail. “ Pinch me, I must be dreaming!" Jean told this writer that she gave up the Idea of studying Journalism to become an artist a and photographer a model What I'd like to know Is how the h -. • 1 did those fellers manage to hide this exquisite package of charm these many moons? I thought I'd been around. Ben Bart, who Is associated with Gale Agency, Jcem Parks has signed Jean Parks to a long -term contract. I also learned first hand that the fruita of many months of training will be ripened when this new band personality makes her initial bow. Theatre owners, promoters and talent scouts can take a tip from me. In Jean they will And THE attraction. Of course, columnists are a presump­ tuous lot. And while I‘ve let myself In for it—1 11 settle for the sus­ tained success of lovely Jean Parks. WAYNE MORSE National leader in Fight For Racial Kaimt‘v> Wayne Morse, who i* the Re­ publican nominee for United States Senator from Oregon, is a man with a national reputation for fair­ ness and impartiality. Before he be- am« a candidate for political o f­ fice, Mr Morse demonstrated that he is a champion of the rights of American minorities and that he refuses to be a party to any action which indicates prejudice based up­ on race, creed or color. This newspaper has recently come across a decision of the War • j Labor Board issued in the South- * port Petroleum case when Wayne Morse was a public member of that governmental agency. The opinion j • GEORGE OLSON’S BROADWILL PHARMACY Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Lunch at Our Fountain N. BROADWAY AND WILLIAMS Closed Sundays Open 9 a, m. to 10 p. m. e Heroes are born— not m ade: By direction c f the President of the I'niled States, under the provisions o f Executive Order No. 9 4 1 9 , Feb­ ruary 4, 1944 (Sec. I I , Bulletin 3, W D» 194 4)a Bronze Star Medal is awarded by the Commanding General, I'niled Stales Army Services o f Supply, Southwest Parifiq Area, to the following named enlisted m an: Technical Ser­ geant Phillip Scott (3 4 0 5 1 0 0 6 ) Corps o f Engineers, United States Army. For meritorious achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy in the Southwest Pari fie Area from May 1942 to February 7, 1944. As heavy equipment mechanic of .th e first engineer unit in New Guinea, Technical Ser­ geant Scott’s energy, initiative and ability were re­ sponsible for maintaining equipment during construe, lion of many airdromes despite enemy aerial attacks and adverse climatic conditions. His skill in improvi* sation when proper tools and spare parts were un- Master-Sgt. availatile was notable. On one occasion to meet a Phillip Scott deadline, he voluntarily worked to devotedly and efficiently to complete an airstrip that aircraft could land eight days after the work began. Technical Sergeant Scott’s exceptional technical ability and devotion to duty contributed materially to the effectiveness o f his organisation . . . He is married to Lillie Bell fro ll. His home address is 2 46 0 Seventh Avenue, Apt. 5 6, New York ( 3 0 ) N. Y. . . . When interviewing T /S g t. Scott (now Master Sergeant) 1 learned that he was born in Lake City, Florida, on June 3 0 , 1910. A modest sort o f fellow, he spoke most of the accomplishments o f the buddies in his outfit. »' V "■ • s s WHERE THE YOUNGER SET GATHERS B IR D ’S Soft Drinks — Ice Cream — Sandwiches — Music 2013 NORTH WILLIAMS AVENUE was written by Frank Graham, an­ other public member, and concurred in by Wayne Morse. The words of Ohese two men will go down in history ,as a " declaration of what CASH FOR YOUR CAR The Service Councils of the National Urban League, a program democracy really means. We Buy, Sell and Trade for local action as part of a national movement to reveal and correct We do not believe that any words weaknesses in our economic and political structure ^ GEO. S. KOCH MOTOR COMPANY of ours could more clearly set and to build for all Americans a larger share of forth the greatness of this docu­ 2929 N. E. UNION AVE. Comer Morris Street democracy, is getting under way. Miss Anne Mather, secretary of the Service Councils staff, Is at present ment than the opinion itself, issued on a sort of fact-finding tour. While Miss Mather June b, 1943, which reads in part: will visit only cities in the Pennsylvania area (Beth­ “ Economic and political discrim­ lehem. Allentown, Reading, Lancaster, York, Wil­ It is a heathy sign for America project. Those living in other cities liamsport, Wilkes-Barre and Scranton) plans call ination on account of race or creed and the freedoms for which it in the county register at their city for a nationwide effort to provide towns and cities is in line with the Nazi program. stands that men like Wayne Morse clerks. Residents of rural areas In which there is no local Urban League with a America, in the days of its infant Service Council charter. are willing to give themselves to may register at the county audit­ * * • m* weakness the haven of heretics and public service. As a candidate for or’s office in the court house or Take It From M e : My friend told me that he the oppressed of all races, must j United States Senator, Wayne with the rural precinct officers. Ann Mather wouldn t sit at the same table with Westbrook Pegler. not in the days of its power be- j Morse seeks a position in which he He rejoiced in the fact that the WORLD-TELEGRAM A person is eligible to register come the stronghold of bigots. The ; had (what he termed) practically cancelled Pegler’s contract and blue- can render great service to all in Washington State if he is 21 pencilled the sagacious columnist in the Scripps-IIoward newspapers world has given America the vigor Americans. years old, is a native or naturalized for all time. My friend doesn't like Pegler because he feels that the and variety of its differences. I newcomer to the Hears! Syndicate shares the same opinion as old Wil­ citizen of the U. S., and has lived America should protect and enrich j liam R. Sr., himself does— that being that Negroes’ newspapers are taboo in the state 11 month and 15 days; . . . Vt ell, 1 personally think Pegler stinks. But 1 don’ t believe in blue- its differences for the sake of in the county 75 days of that time, pencilling a writer because o f his own candid opinion because, actually, America and the world. Under­ and in his present location 15 days. they do not necessarily have to coincide with the publisher's or the standing religious and racial dif­ publication's. The blue pencil often takes on the aspect o f the initial Sixteen registration offices are step in slumping out the Freedom o f the Press . . . Anyway, Pegler ferences make for a better under­ “ open for business” today in the] now is in what may well turn out to be his own stamping ground. Now standing of other differences and it will be a pleasure to read Ernie Pyle, Eleanor Roosevelt, Joe Williams various Vancouver housing projects for an appreciation of the sacred­ and the others. At least we won't have to look at the column or so for the convenience of new citizens above to see the President’s wife being Peglerized! ness of human personality, as a in this area who wish to register basic to human freedom. The for the general election, according American answer to differences in his freedom. This freedom must creed, religion or race, in the world to the Junior Chamber of Com­ color and creed is not a concentra­ give the Negro equal rights to neighborhood of human brother­ merce registration committee. The tion camp but cooperation. The an­ home and health, education and cit­ hood.” list follows: As a result of this decision by swer to human error is not terror izenship, and an equal opportunity McLoughlin Heights — Dorothy but light and liberty under the mo­ to work and fight for our common Mr. Morse and his colleagues, Ne­ • gro workers of this company were Tunstall, 619 E 42nd Loop; Mar­ ral law. By this light and liberty, country. Whether as vigorous fighting granted wage rates equal to those garet Bockstadter, 1006 Brand Rd; the Negro has made a contribution in work and faith, song and story, men or for production of food and of their fellow white workers. In Ruth Fisher, 6119 E 13th; Lois C. laughter and struggle which are an munitions, America needs the Ne­ another case involving the Western Schauman, 817 E 59th Place; Mary enduring part of the spiritual her­ gro; the Negro needs the equal op­ Electric Company, Mr. Morse ruled * A. Yarnell, 506 E 54th Ave.; Ruby portunity to work and fight. The against a demand of striking white Paddock, 7208 E 13th; Beulah itage of America. “ There is no more loyal group of Negro is necessary for winning the workers that separate toilet, wash­ Skaggs, 603 E 65th Ave.; Carrie our fellow citizens than the Amer­ war, and, at the same time, is a room and cafeteria facilities be pro­ Walker, 625-H Garrison Road, ican Negroes, north and south. In test of our sincerity in the cause vided Negro workers. In that fa­ evenings; J. E. Kiemel, 605 E 69th, defense of America from attack for which we are fighting. More mous case Mr. Morse as compliance and Rev. R. P. Criteser, 206 E 57th from without, they spring to arms hundreds of millions of colored peo­ officer of the War Labor Board in­ Ave. Bagley Dawns— Carl A. aCnada, in the spirit of Dorio Miller of Tex­ ple are involved in the outcome of sisted that the Baltimore Maryland sheriff’s office; Trula W. Kendrick, as, the Negro mess boy, who, when this war than the combined popula­ branch plant of the Western Elec­ the machine gunner on the Arizona tions of the Axis powers. Under tric Company be operated by the 193B West Wintler Drive; Moses was killed, jumped to his appoint­ Hitler and his Master Race, their United States Army until such Guy, 127G West Wintler Drive. Ogden Meadows — Community employees ed place and fired the last rounds movement is backward to slavery time as the striking as the ship was sinking in Pearl and despair. In America, the color­ were willing to work in the plant Center. Burton Homes — Rev. J. W. ed people have the freedom to without demanding separate facili­ Harbor. With the ties for Negroes. Throughout his Brown, 263A West Hathaway Dr. “ It is the acknowedged fact that struggle for freedom. Fruit Valley Homes— Hazel Ben­ in spite of all the handicaps of victory of the democracies, the hu­ entinre career this man has been Multnomah County, slavery and discrimination, the Ne­ man destiny is toward freedom, one who recognized that democra­ nett, 3112 West 21st Ave. Persons living inside the city gro in America has compressed hope, equality of opportunity and cies are made up of minorities and E ffic ie n t—Q u a lif ie d more progress in the shortest time the gradual fulfillment for all peo­ their strength lies in the fact that limits register at the city clerk’s Pd A dv A. E. Wheelock. Treat. than any race in human history. ples o f the noblest aspirations of under our form of government all office in the city hall. This also ap­ BAIN for JUDGE Committee Slavery gave the Negro his Christ­ the brothers of men and the sons are supposed to have equal econ­ plies to Fourth Plain Village and 6 4 6 M o r g a n B u i l d i n g - P o r t l a n d 5, O r e g o n most of the Harney Hill housing ianity. Christianity gave the Negro of God, without regard to color or omic and political opportunities. Registration Offices in Clark County, Washington ELEC Jam es R. BAIN CIRCUIT JU D G E