Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, September 08, 1944, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Mrs. Ruth English and Miss
Helen Searcie were the luncheon
guests of Mrs. Fletcher Saturday,
26 th. Mrs. Fletcher is the top lead­
ing woman at a White bag factory.
Her husband is a patrolman.
Mrs. English has been visiting
her husband in Sun Francisco. En-
route home she was royally enter­
tained by Mrs. Ida McBride in Ber­
keley, Calif., and her two sisters
in Oakland.
Mrs. James Bishop is scheduled
to leave this week end to visit her
husband in Klamath Falls. He is a
Steward 1/c in the Navy.
Mrs. Davidson left with relatives
today for an extended vacation
trip to Oakland, Calif., accompany­
ing her was little Phyllis Toson, a
daughter of Belle Dunn.
Miss Lena Hillsman is now visit­
ing friends in the gay city of San
Francisco, Calif
* *
“ Sinclair & Leroy” Colored en­
tertainers, are thrilling the nite
club crowds at the Cloud Room.
They will be here two weeks. Their
This is another red letter week
for Mrs. America. Red stamps E-5
F-5, and G-5 in war ration book
four became valid September 3.
They are worth ten points each for
the purchase of meats, fats, and
cheese, and, as usual, are good in­
Clip and keep for handy reference.
next stop will be Vancouver, Wn., Processed Foods:
at the Palomor Club.
Book 4— Blue stamps A8 through
« • *
F5 valid indefinitely.
Bobby Diez and wife were enter­ Meat, Butter, Fats and Cheeses:
tained by Mrs. Reynolds at the
Book 4— Red stamps A8 through
Fraternity Hall. At the cocktail D5 valid indefinitely.
party, Mrs. Reynolds announced the Sugar: Book 4.
engagement of her son (Bobby) to
Sugar stamps 30-31-32 valid in­
a Seattle girl.
definitely' for 5 pounds each.
* *
Sugar stamp 33 valid Sept. 1 for
A fine time was had by all at 5 pounds.
Mrs. Myrtle Barnes Saturday nite,
Sugar stamp 40 valid through
September 2, where the young so­ Feb. 28, 1945 for 5 pounds home
cial set entertained. Dancing and canning only.
cocktails were enjoyed by the
For more canning sugar apply lo­
crowd. The best part of the even­ cal OPA board.
ing was the tag dance.
Shoes: Loose Stamps invalid.
Book 3— Airplane stamps 1 and 2
Among the popular visitors of valid indefinitely.
the city is Miss Melba Johnson. Gasoline Coupons:
She has been assisting Mr. Ken­
Not valid unless endorsed.
neth F. Smith at the U S. 0.
“ A ” No. 12 valid through Sept.
21, 3 gallons each. Apply by mail
The two Davies brothers, Walter for renewal.
and Malloy left for a two-weeks Fuel Oil:
vacation Sunday, September 3rd.,
Period 4-5 coupons valid through
They are going to Kansas City, Mo. | September 30. New period 1 cou­
to see their mother.
pons valid now.
Tire Inspection Records:
Mrs. Seymour was the honored
Must be presented for gasoline
guest at a reception given by Dr. applications.
and Mrs. Unthank at their home Stoves:
Tuesday, September 5th.
Apply at local OPA board for
purchase certificates.
unfailing masculine favorite—suc-
Wood, Coal, Sawdust:
sulent beef stew. Made from point-
ORDER NOW! Don’t risk short­
free utility beef, simmered long
age next winter.
and slowly with small onions, a
Price Control:
few potatoes and carrots in the
Report overcharges to price clerk
meat juices — there isn’t a surer
at local OPA board.
highway to his heart. And the fact
Rent Control:
that utility grade beef is from 12
Petitions now being received in
to 20 cents a pound less than other
grades is a powerful persuader to all area rent offices under “ pecu­
liar circumstances” amendment.
the budget-wise.
Do you wear .scars from skirm­
ishes with stubborn oyster shells?
(She sells sea shells, etc.) Then
you’ll welcome news that the fish
and wildlife service has been con­
ducting experiments in oyster­
opening. They believe it is possible
that the family oyster opener may
soon be able to drop a tablet in
water that covers the oysters and
in five minutes find them open.
This method calls for getting the
bivalves ‘drunk” on carbonated wa­
ter so that their muscles relax and
the shells open readily.
I f 88 L™n" e, Boy,l|"’ " r a " ‘* “ rs-
The 361st Liberty Ship to be
launched at the Bethlehem-Fair-
field Shipyard in Baltimore, Md.,
was the SS Edward A. Savoy, nam­
ed for the Negro who spent 64
years in government service, and
was chief messenger to 22 Secre­
taries of State. The launching took
place on July 19, the Maritime
Commission announced this week.
Mrs. Edward Savoy Morgan,
daughter of the man for whom the
ship was named, was the sponsor.
How many dagwood sandwich She resides at 503 24th Street,
makers are there in your family? Washington, D. C.
If midnight snacks are the order
Prior to the launching, a delight­
of the day in your house, the an­
ful luncheon was given the spon­
nouncement that Swiss cheese
soring party and friends at the
prices are to be lowered by several
York Hotel in Baltimore. D. B.
cents a pound all over the nation
Purnell, leader in the Labor De­
will be greeted with glad acclaim.
o f the shipyard, acted as
host for the Bethlehem-Fairfield
Remember, Mrs. America, only
Company. At the luncheon mes-
families processing fruit for sale
ages in praise for the useful career
are eligible for extra rations of
of the late Mr. Savoy were read
sugar up to 250 pounds per family
and his life extolled by relatives
unit, OPA emphasizes, thereby
and friends.
spiking the rumor that anyone rpay
He was bom in Washington and
get extra sugar merely for the ask­
attended Howard University. In
1869 he became page boy to Secre­
Housewives will be happy to
tary of State Hamilton Fish, start­
know that the 20 points per pound
ing a career of service which ex­
originally listed on the September
tended over a period o f 64 years.
point charts for creamery butter
President Woodrow Wilson, on
fhas been dropped to the customary
recommendation of William Jen­
16 points due to the quick action
nings Bryan, elévated Savov to the
of OPA when late information re­
rank and salary of clerk His work
vealed an increased quantity avail-
was largely confidential and he
abel to civilians. If your grocer’s
numbered among his contacts many
point chart still lists 20 points for
distinguished and famous person­
creamery butter,it’s just because he
ages. When he retired in 1933, he
hasn’t had time to make the cor­
was called to the White House by
rection — anil the real value is 16
President Roosevelt and thanked
“ faithful and unique service to
the Government and people of the
Have your youngsters balked on
United States.”
eating their Sunday night bowl of
Following the launching, Mrs.
bread and milk? Maybe it’s be­
cause the bread has iacked that old Morgan was presented with a dia­
remembered flavor. If so, your mond and ruby-studded wrist watch
coaxing can cease because War on behalf of the shipyard as a me­
Food Administration says our mento of the occasion.
Among members of the Savoy
bread will soon return to pre-war
to witness the launching
standards of both taste and quality
with the addition of higher milk were: Mrs. Smith Savoy Morgan,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Morgan,
• *
Dr. and Mrs. Sevellon D. Savoy,
When nothing hits the spot and Miss Ruth Edwina Savoy, Mrs Ra­
the dinners you cook for Mr. Amer­ chel S. Wines, Lieut. A. Lawrence
ica fail to bring forth the satis­ Savoy, Mrs. Edna R. Rogers, Miss
fied purr you used to hear, try that Gail Rogers, Mrs. Nettie D. Wave,
uel Jackson, Mrs. Marie E. Pevova,
Mrs. Ida S. Taylor, A. Keiger Sa­
voy and Mr. and Mrs. D. . Purnell.
Other Liberty Ships named for
have been the SS. Booker T. Wash­
ington, George Washington Carver,
John Merrick, Robert L.Vann, Paul
Laurence Dunbar, James Weldon
Johnson, John Hope, John H. Mur­
phy, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Fred­
erick Douglas, Robert S. Abbott,
Harriet Tubman, Bert Williams.
Herbert Lewis and his Colored
Merchants Softball Team left for
an extended tour of twenty days,
this week. It will be a very nice
trip for all the boys, and especially
some of them, who never have been
any farther than the west coast.
Their schedule is as follows:
New York
K tU s ttd » M t h ih t h *» 'h . I N D I P I N D I N T M H J U P r i C t . 4* W , n 4 * ,* Si., V .„ K ..4 19. fc. V.
fro m a Reporter's Typewriter , . .
Physically handicapped veterans of the present war constitute a
group of productive, capable workers at a number of nearby defense
plants . . Despite predicted competition from planes and automobiles,
U. S. railroads hope to attract a large share of postwar passenger
traffic with faster service and lower rates after the war . . . Many
big U. S. corporations already have building contracts from “ occupied”
countries. They await only the armistice to put their plans for recon­
struction and economic expansion to work . . . Belgium plans not only
to mend war damage but to build “ better nation” , and already the
Belgian Commission has tackled the problem of relief, property re­
storation—and, with the help of international cooperation, hopes for
postwar commerce . . . National Urban League for Social Service
Among Negroes is still seeking men and women with training and
experience in various fields of social work to fill positions which are
available in Urban League affiliates and in other social work agencies
throughout the country . . . NAACP cites service of Phila press
stories which were unanimous in their denunciation of the recent
“ Race” strike by PTC workers who bolted against the upgrading of
eight Negroes . . J. Lester Kaufman new chief publicist at Republic
Pics . . . Ninety-two percent of Negroes serving in U. S. Army are
In labor battalions . . . “ After You’re Gone,” the popular tune of the
early Twenties, revived in the film “ Atlantic City” , a Republic musical
comedy smash hit.
Ork leader Eddie Durham seeking talented beauties for his new
band. Aspirants are requested t., forward a typewritten letter to me
stating their age, height and weight; giving their experience. And
don’t forget to enclose a most recent photograph. Act at once . . .
GOOD READING: Celia Dale’s “The Least of These” (The Macmillan
Company) . . . Sotto Voce: LeRoy Collins: We’ve heard from reliable
source that you’ve made a pretty mess of things for Negro newspaper­
men over at Columbia Television. For a guy with such marvelous con­
tacts you should remember that a lotta noise is just a lot of noisel
. . . For at least ten years we have been warned often that there are
forces active in this country bent on upsetting U. S. policies and set
to perform the ill deeds here in America that they succeeded in doing
in the occupied countries. The countless stoppages, strikes, fires ana
subversive acts point to espionage. Negroes who have been the target
in many instances for such un-American acts have been the subject
of these Nazi agents to muddle up an already turbid situation. German
agents are not interested in attacking Negroes but, the acts of these
spys have now turned to Race hatred to cover their deeds, for they
know too well that the determination to keep the Negro in his place
is, for the most part, shared by all Whites.. . . Leander L. Boykin new
dean of students at Hampton Institute . . . Earle Warren, of Count
Basie’s Orchestra, soon to lead his own ork . . . It’s 9-pound boy at
the Odell-Eila Johnsons. She’s the vocalist in Buddy Johnson’s Band
. . . Cozy Cote’s drumming featured in Walt Disney’s technicolor car­
toon “52nd Street” . . . Horace Henderson, the former bandleader,
is now associated with Lena Horne as arranger and music director . . .
Powell Lindsey, man-about-town of New Haven, Richmond, Atlanta
and Pittsburgh, wed Geri Towles (Pittsburgh-Chicago socialite) on
Friday, Aug. 19 . . . Allied soldiers are now linguist “sharks”, accord­
ing to a War Dept, bulletin which states our boys learn to speak,
then write foreign languages almost in less time to “take over” Oc­
cupied Lands.
Consider the Source: Emphasis on police techniques for preventing
riots and improving relations between different racial, religious and
national groups is stressed in a report— “ The Police and Minority
Groups.” issued by the International City Managers Association. 1313
E. 60th St.. Chicago (37) Illinois
Thought you would like to know
Highlights: Sgt. Joe Louis and his wife, marvelous Marva, will
reconcile when they meet in Chicago next month . . . Lt. Rose Lillian
Elliott, of Philadelphia, and Lt. J»mes Hathaway Robinson, Jr., U. S.
Army, tied that knot in Yuba City, Calif., a fortnight ago . . . Farreli’s
Kozy Tavern No. 1 in formal opening last Wednesday nite . . . Recom­
mended: Lovely Lola Hayes, the internationally known mezzo-soprano,
Tuesday nights via W NYC.
Salt Lake Sept. 9, Omaha Sept.
10, Denver Sept. 11, Des Moines
Sept. 12, Topeka Sept. 13, St. Louis BEAUTY OPERATORS WANTED
Sept. 14.
They won the West Coast Tro­
phy, which was $1,000, but expenses
back East amount to $2,200, the Contact Mr a. Cox, 1409 Williams
Colored Businesses donated the dif­ Ave., Phones: MU 3071, YE 9025.
Their tour will end in Cleveland,
Ohio, where they will compete for
the National Softball Tournament.
S. DUKE presents
“ That Musical Novelty of the
The International
Sweethearts of Rhythm
(All Girl Orchestra)
Anna Mae Winbum and
Evelyn McGee
Physician and Surgeon
Offices: 1415 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, Oregon
VErmont 4404 or BEacon 3181
6 N. Tillamook Street
Portland, Oregon
TRinity 46l5
Licensed Funeral Director
Personal Attention at Holman &
Lutz Mortuary
N. E. 14th and Sandy Blvd.
S. W. 5th and Main, Portland,
Thursday, September 14th
523-4 Lumberman’s Bldg.
820 S. W. 5th Ave.—AT. 6871
Portland's only Negro Lawver
Numerous Other Things
Light Express Hauling
Cor. Williams & Russell
Portland, Oregon