Parc 2 PORTLAND INQUIRER CLARK COUNTY NEWS Portland’s Most Modern Restaurant Thos. J. and Nancy R. Hall, 145F Wintler Drive Vancouver and Vicinity By Doris Mae Williams Mrs. Laura juhola, champion wrestler on the ways, Kaiser Co., Vancouver Wash., challenged any­ one in the yard after pinning the shoulders o f a fellow worker to the pavement Tuesday, August 29. A special meeting was called Tuesday, August 29, for the scaler foreman H. Van Allen to determine whether or not he is mean or hard to get along with, the scalers of course did not attend the meeting and it was rumored that he was on the spot for speaking up for a Ne­ gro woman worker who was stepped up to the position of leader. Since being a worker under his supervision I have found him to be ideal to work under. If he had been a slave driver with all the usual I W A R PRISONERS AID EACH OTHER Versatility is nowhere more nec­ essary than in the war prison camps. Practical men who have al­ ways disliked pedagogy have be­ come excellent teachers of their own profession or crades. Since the millions of prisoners include every occupation and skill, there is excel­ lent teacher and leader material to help effectuate the world-wide pro­ grams of education, recreation, re­ ligion and vocational training which War Pnsoners Aid of the V. M. C. A., a participating service of the National War Fund, stim­ ulates and implements. But the presence o f trained men in any camp is determined by chance and not by its needs, and therefore Y. M. C. A. secretaries have had to acquire new abilities in order to serve prisoners. For example, in camps in Ger­ many, theatricals are popular. Am­ ong the prisoners are professional actors, while plays and theatrical supplies are provided by the Y. M. C. A. Make-up materials— lipstick, rouge, mascara, creams—are im­ portant, and the person ordering these for the camps must know his subject intimately. Therefore, one secretary mastered “ make-up” so prejudices, and had followed the old time tradition of segregation and discrimination he probably would have been seen in a different light. But^ thanks to Van Allen there is no segregation or discrimi­ nation in his department, you get what your merit. It would be a better yard if other departments were to pattern their programs after 1dm. I believe I speak for scalers as a whole. I say we want Van Allen. Mrs. Taylor of Bagley Downs. Miss Lee is the fiancee of Mr. Sam Fox of Midland, Texas, a widely known figure in those parts for his talents and business ability. ROYAL PALM CAFE 337 N. W. Third Ave. at Flanders HOME COOKING A SPECIALTY Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Smith, Owners and Proprietors Highly appreciated was the fare­ well gift given Miss Bertha Mayes by her welder workers crew 79, swing shift. The gift was both ex­ pensive and very lovely. The whole crew participated. Miss Mayes has been an employee of Kaiser Co. for the past eight months. GEORGE OLSON’S BROADWILL PHARMACY Mrs. Anna Porter has gone to Chicago to be at the bedside of her mother who is very ill. Mrs. Porter is the wife of Mr. Milton Porter, a welder of the ways grave shift. They presently reside at 4310 Hid­ den Ave., Ogden Meadows. A surprise party was given Mrs. John Menefee on her birthday by her devoted husband, who made his wife the happiest woman in the world with a lovely pair of diamond earrings. There were numerous other presents received from the Miss Virginia Lee of Tucson, guests and friends, as well as rela- Arizona, is here on a visit with I tives of the family. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Lunch at Our Fountain N. B R O A D W A Y A N D W ILLIAM S Closed Sundays Open 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. THE BREM ERTON APOLOGY BACKFIRES (Continued from page 1) Roosevelt’s Bremerton speech exposes an ominous situa- tjpn. In the first place, it leaves no doubt that he is failing rapidly. It leaves no doubt that he is more than ever politic­ ally a blank phonograph record which only plays a good tune when some of the unscrupulous wrho cater to his ego and thus keep on the government payroll, write the music. Picture this aging, sick man surrounded and directed in his mellow senility by such people as Harry Hopkins, Ickes, Rosenman, Wallace, Frankfurter, Hillman, the Prendergast j gang, the Kelly gang, boss Hague, Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Per­ kins and others who have become firm ly entrenched in our government. Picture our president sitting at the head o f the peace table with the foxy Churchill kidding him into thinking he is the greatest man in the world while England takes everything except the bill for winning the war. The subversive element that has succeeded in keeping Roosevelt in office for a third term wants him more than ever now for a fourth term because as he declines he is easier to handle, being increasingly content with the plaudits o f the dregs of our nation and delusions o f grandeur as he dozes in the sunset o f a mania for power and more power even to the point o f hoping to be ruler of the entire world. The Bremerton speech was a God-given disclosure for those capable of looking around and behind it. thoroughly that, while the camps’ I “chorus girls” may not equal those of the Follies, the prisoners will back their experts on theatrical cosmetics against anyone on t"he stage or in Hollywood. This Y. M. C. A. authority on “ make-up” is a clergy man! CLEANING AN D PRESSING ASSOCIATED CLEANERS 2653 N. Williams Ave. WE CALL AND DELIVER W illiam s Avenue Grille Hospitality : Distinctive Atmosphere We specialize in Home-Cooked Meals SOFT DRINKS — MUSIC N. Williams Ave. at Weidler Mrs. M. S. Williams Sammy’s Shine Shop Headquarters for Negro Newspapers Pittsburgh Courier — Chicago Defender Portland Inquirer A ll Brands Hair Dressing — Expert Shoe Cleaning and Dyeing 220 North Broadway » ------ > W H E R E THE YOU N GER SET GATHERS B IR D ’S Soft Drinks — Ice Cream — Sandwiches — Music 2013 NORTH W ILLIAM S A V E N U E PORTLAND’S ONLY STORE SELLING Men’s Full Drape Suits U N I T E D E X C H A N G E STORE 25 S. W. THIRD AVENUE (Corner Ankeny Street) B E A U T Y SUPPLIES REGISTRATION and Barber Supplies CLOSES i # JACOB MILLER 515 S. W. Third *Ave. OCTOBER 6th . . ___ jf Clark County Residents Urged to Register Now -------------- F* ' * ) All Clark County residents of six months pr more are urged to registed in order to vote in the election taking place in November. Clark County includes Barley Downs, Ogden Meadows, Burton Homes, McLoughlin Heights and the Hud­ son House. Each of these projects have their own county ap­ pointed Registrars. Any information desired can be obtained from the Administration Building located in the project P R O T E C T YOUR F U T U R E GO BACK TO SCHOOL! w In Bagley Downs, Mr. T. W . Kendrick is the Registrar. Anyone may register from 9:00 A.M. until 11:00 A.M. and from 3:00 P.M. until 1:00 P.M. ,