Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, September 01, 1944, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Pa«« 7
Story of Mantan Moreland— Ne­
gro. Mantan who ran away at 12,
first appeared in stage shows. At
present he is working in Charlie
Chan’s pictures. Believe it or not,
he is the. only Negr6 that Co.
stats. You may see me for more de­
tails about Mantan. He is now mak­
ing two pictures that will be out
sorryetime in September. Mr. More­
land will be in Portland soon.
George Hill.
Arthur J. Winslow, S2C1 of the
U. S. N. was in Portland from 8:30
a. m. to 10:00 p. m. Arthur who
was stationed at Farragut, Idaho,
is now at Shoemaker, California.
A few of his friends were over at
his home Tuesday night to see him
before he ,eft
Social events in Portland last
Saturday night were highlighted
by a “ jump session” and a card
party given by Miss Lorraine Tay­
lor of New York. The evening be­
gan with the guests playing whist
and black-jack. The “ jump session”
which was enjoyed by all, was giv-
(en by the “ Royal Order of the Pha­
Miss Ernestine Simms, before
returning to her home in Califor­
nia, gave a party last Thursday
night. It was a fine affair with
about thirty or more present. The
pipes were plentiful at the party,
but most of the pipe-smokers had
to hide them in thteir pockets in
disgust. (Are you hip?) There was
plenty of fine food and drink which
ktept pouring in from 9 till 12.
Everyone had a lovely time.
Recently George Hill made a trip
to I xjb Angeles where he had many
experiences and met many people.
Here is Mr. Hill’s report:
I made a trip to California and
met many interesting people that
I would like for you to know. First,
Mr. Willie Coban, a ,'reat Negro
tap dancer, teaches out at M. G.
M., Warner Bros., and 20th Centu­
ry Fox. He has his own tapping
school. Mr. Coban visited Portland
three times, 1916, 1933 and 1934.
Each time he appeared at the May-
fair theatre. Each person who re­
ceived lessons from him has done
.. ...
very well. His wife also teaches
and they are known as the “ Four
Eddie “ Rochester”
just plain Rochester to most of us,
really likes our “ city of roses.” His
tyest dish is fish— no kidding— he
love the nice salmon and smelt of
Oregon. Mr. Anderson is a nice
person to know and so are his wife
and son, Billy.
I can’t forget my Aunt and Un­
cle and Cousins, Mr. and Mrs. O.
S. Lott and family, who showed me
a wondterful time.
What did you *jet Tuesday nite,
J. H ?
2736 N. E. Rodney Avenue
Don’t tell me you’re jealous of
Art, Gene.
Please enter my subscription for... ... ....... — ... -...months and find
enclosed $___________
What’s the matter, Gert, are you
jealous of Ellen?
Name ._____________________
Street Address _____________
Sometimes I wonder why I’m so
. One year $5.00
6 months $2.50
3 months $1.25
For a husband who will not eat
salads, add a few chopped nuts, and
you will find his distate for salads
Raisin-Carrot Salad
*~Gratje 6 carrots, add 1 cup rais­
ins. Chill until ready to serve, then
add your choice of salad dressing.
I prefer to use Thousand Island
dressing, which can be varied ac­
cording to taste.
Serves 8.
No ration points ai|e required for
any of the ingredients, which are
eaten more easily in salad than
Ladies, we can use many more
of your recipes.
Send ttyem in and they will be
printed so that those who do n ot'
have time to select new recipes
themselves, can follow those sent
in by you without having to look
through a cookbook.
This ljecipe was sent to us by
Mrs. M. Bell Dunn,
236 North Page Street.
rhythm is the square and folk danc­
What young man who went horse
back riding last Tuesday and when
he tried to run and jump on his
horse, found that his horse was no
longer there. Cneam-O, the horse
ran back to the stables.
Several of the “ Sapiens” are be­
George, why did you do it?
hind in dues and show a lack of
interest, if this keeps up you will
ble given your chance to withdraw
Now do you understand, Roy,
or be thrown out. This is a special
I didn’t write more than just
mes:age for the members only. In
the near future the “ Sapiens” are
planning several big events so Phone your News to Rich. Winslow,
But Bettie, why did you carry
don’t miss them.
GA. 4978.
that letter around in your book so
This week we have another reci­
pe, sent to us by one of our read­
ers. It is a .4well addition to the
regular meal, and will be easy to
make, as well as delicious. This
recipe will not add weight, so those
who ask for second helpings need
not fear.
Recreation Classes Open ing.
at Y. W . C. A.
Mjdem or interpretive dancing
With participation in the new
Fall activities of the Health Educa-
tional department of the Y. W. C.
A. women in all types of work will
have an opportunity to increase
their vitality and stamina. Regis­
trations are open for the new term
which will begin September 11,
Miss Phyllis Seltenrich, depart­
ment director, has announced.
A well-planned schedule of relax­
ation, recreation and exercise has
been completed. Special relaxation
classes will b|e offered for women
who are too exhausted to exert
any effort after a day’s work.
These classes, although requiring
very little effort, relax tense mus­
cles and result in renewed energy.
To build up reserve, muscle tone,
and greater endurance, the regular
gym classes will be conducted in-
For those who like their exercise
in games and competitive sports,
there will be classes in badminton,
tennis, volley ball and basketball.
Another routine of lively exercise
which is not only amusing but is
excellent in developing a sense of
which adds to poise and grace, will
be offered for both beginning and
advanced students.
Always recognized as the best
form of exercise, swimming classes
will be conducted five days a week
for beginners, intermediate and ad­
vanced pupils. On Saturdays games,
rhythms and swimming classes will
be held for children.
A protective medical examina­
tion is required for participation in
all activities of gym and pool. Fur­
ther information regarding the
new Fall schedule may be obtained
at the Y. W. C. A.
Used Restaurant and
Office Supplies
Refrigerators. Ice Boxes
I. BOXER, Manager
Broadway and N. Williams