Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, September 01, 1944, Page Page 5, Image 5

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P » i* i
PETERSBURG, VA.- National officers of the New Farmer« of America elected at the Tenth
National Convention held at Virginia State College, Petersburg, Virginia, August 3-6.
Left to right! Arehie Dorsey, Hempstead, Texas, Secretary; John William Holmes, In­
stitute, W. Va., Third Vice President; Robert Carolina, Hartsville, S. C., Second Vice-
President; Gllie Hine«, President, Stormy Creek, Va.; James Ray Johnson, Wewoka, Okla.,
First Vice President; Cordell Winn, Greensboro, Ga.; Treasurer; and Eddie Jenkins West­
moreland County; Va., Reporter. (above) some of the Delegates and other participants
attending. (Foto OWI).
now and reserve yo u r tables. There
a re going to be a lot of la st m inute
requests fo r tables th a t it will be
im possible to fill. So if you w ant a
table reserved, your best b est is to
call now and be sure to have one.
(Continued from page 1)
all w orkers w ere urged to sta y on
th e job. I f it w as com pulsory to
leave, the w orkers w ere requested
to sta y a t least until new w orkers
could fill th e ir place. Em ploym ent
was assu red all w orkers until Octo­
ber 1945, but an a tte m p t to set a
record between now and N ovem ber
1st w as planned in o rd er to launch
JO E LOUIS— S /S g t. Joe Louis, w orld’s heavyw eight boxing cham pion, a u to g ra p h in g
“sh o rt s n o rte rs” as he visited F leet W ing 15, som ew here in N orth A frica.
G lasses to Fit YOU
510 S. W. Yamhill St.
Dr. A. W. Sheehan
A nna Mae W inburn and her In-
te fn atio n al S w eeth earts of Rhythm
app earin g a t the M cElroy Ballroom
on T hursday, S eptem ber 14 are
am ong the top flig h t bands of the
pvesent day. S. Duke in his e ffo rts
to b ring th e b est fo r the benefit
of the local dancing public h a s 1
spared no expense to m ake this
dance a huge success.
As the tables are going very j
fast, it is suggested th a t you call in 1
J. and M. B A R - B - Q
Fried Chicken Dinners
522 N. Broadway (near Interstate), at Broadway Bridge
as m any ships as possible from the
three yards in th a t time. This spe­
cial plea to em ployees to stick to
th e ir job was directed to those who
w ere planning to ta k e th e ir vaca­
tion a t this p artic u la r time.
E m phasis w as placed on the fact
th a t as badly as w orkers w ere need­
ed, the com pany did not w an t the
young people of school age to con­
tin u e w orking. They w ere given
cred it for the am ount of work they
had done and praise fo r th e ir p a­
trio tism , but th a t is would be of
m ore benefit to them and th e ir
country fo r them to com plete th e ir