Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, August 18, 1944, Page Page 3, Image 3

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and Vicinitv
By Mr* E. P Mims
Picnics galore, outdoor parties,
Fraternal Hall was jumping!
law-n fetes, everything from a lunch Music played by hrw Burke and
basket to a week at Seaside, in Fraternal Hali Trio ditto fine —
other words, Portlanders are vaca- tap-uancing included in the system,
tiomn*. Ma> or the exuberance of Mary Steen and her Saint Louis
other years ia not present, but the Blues, sends the whole house Jit-
spiht is not lessened. Take the U. ( terbugging is still popular, and
S. 0. picnic, what a nice crowd. 1 little Jim and Jerry lay it.
played every thing from Badminton
Do you believe everything you
to softball. That Softball game was hear? I overheard a conversation
something to remember. Vancouver the other day. A lady said she did
played the Air Base, and the score not want to go to heaven, because
sounded like a license plate from none of her fnends would be there
a New York automobile, you know —wonder how many of mine will
4-2-567, only it was not quite that be present.
bad, but the Air Base did not have
Royal Palm Cafe serves some
to score every inning, but they did. appetising foot!— glamorous sur-
These days a little tact will go roundings— hep cats looking for
a long way—apropos the nervous whatever— have you heard that one
little man who walked into a rail- about the girl with a sack of flour
way depot, looked in vain for a who would LOVE to meet a boy-
seat. Seeing standing room only, with a spaghetti factory ? I thought
he grabbed his bags, rushing out not! Object: Macaroni— I may want
of the station.
to have several drapes cut down or
He accomplished the desired ef- across, and I can not wait for the
feet; the crowd rushed out, the new tailors to open for business,
little man rushed in, picked out a
Lt. Robert Diez has returned
comfortable seat near the fire, set- from Italy on furlough — are we
tied himself to wait thirty minutes proud (A hero returns), watch for
for the train. Try that sometime.
his life’s story in the next issue.
The Vaugetts Club met at the
home of Mrs. Mildred Daus of
10906 “ D " Ave. 10009, with the
president. Mrs. lauru Abel in
charge. After the business session
a social hour followed During the
social hours the visitor for the
evening was presenter!. She was
Mrs. Georgia William*.
Officers of this club are: Mrs.
Laura Abel, president, Mrs. Nan-
nett Buno, vice-president; Mrs.
Ruby Woods, secretary, and Mrs.
Daisy Rivers, treasurer
The next meeting of the Vau­
getts will be at the home of Mrs.
E. P. Mims on Sunday of this week.
Please report all news o f Van-
port and vicinity to your Vanport
representative, Mrs. Elsie P. Mims
of 2410 Cottonwood St., Apt 505.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bums, for­
merly of New York City and Van-
port City, now resides at 4011 N.
E. Garfield Street. Portland, with
their son, Edward Bums Jr., who
is recuperating at Doembecher hos­
pital from a serious operation. Ed­
ward’s many friends are praying
for his speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Huff, of 3920
Victory’ Boulevard, Vanport City,
and formerly of Corpus Christi,
Texas, have bought a beautiful
home at 500 N. Knott Street, Port-
land, Oregon, and their many
friends are now looking forward to
an enjoyable housewarming.
good. So, for the benefit of all, let
us forever be on the alert.
Mrs. Annye Troy of 4302 Cot-
By Doris Mae Williams
tonwood, Vanport, will be leaving
foi Rockford, Illinois, soon. She ob-
A farewell party was given for tained a month’s leave of absence
Mrs. Annye Troy or 4302 Cotton­ from Swan Island shipyard.
wood by Mrs. Ruth Merchant, 1309
Her itinerary includes visits to
Lake Street, Vanport City.
her mother and various relatives.
Reverend and Mrs. Clow spent
Guests were, the W. C. Hayes,
Mrs. Troy was well-liked thruout
Franklin McDay, with the Mrs., the Vanport for her striking personali­ a happy week at Camp Fellowship,
at Arrat Warma, Oregon, in com­
Gene Hamiltons, Miss Gwendolyn ty. Glamour is the word!
pany with the Misses Yeola Wil­
Lena Hillsman, Curline Cox,
Mrs. Merchant was voted an en­
Pvt. James Mitchell, formerly a
chanting hostess, who kept the par­ resident of El Paso, Texas, is here and Mr. Earnest Russell.
Miss Cox is from the East and
ty lively until the wee hours.
on furlough, to visit his wife. Mit­
here spending her vacation with
chell is now stationed at Camp Liv­
The family of Mr. McKinley Wil­ ingston, Louisiana. He was induct­ her parents.
The party enjoyed a glorious
ber, 1484 Cottonwood Street, mourn ed into the army while employed as
at Fellowship Camp, and are
his sudden death, of a heart at­ a welder at Swan Island. Prior to
they had to leave.
coming here, Pvt. Mitchell worked
Pvt. Leroy Woffand of Camp Fo­
Body will be interred in Shady as chair-car porter.
rest, Tennessee, is here on leave,
Grove cemeterV, Monticello, Ark.
Mr. A1 G. Raven, o f El Paso, visiting his wife and two sons, War­
Mr. Wilber is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Exa Wilber, and a niece, Texas, and Mr. Roger Ross, Pull ren and Leroy Woffand, at the
man porters, were in our city last home of their sister and brother,
Miss Dessie Mae Snow.
week. They were guests of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. V. Harris, 2409 Cot­
Mr. Wilber was employed as a
Williams, Mrs. Troy and Mr. Mur­ tonwood, Apt. 1521.
scaler at Oregon shipyard.
Mr. A. L. Dyer, 2410 Cottonwood
ray. After a breakfast and sho-l
discussion of Texas, they went Street, Vanport City, left this
Mr. B. J. Smith, of El Paso, Tex.,
sight-seeing in Vanport, and were morning, August 15, for Denver,
has returned to Portland, after a
delighted at the opportunity. Mr. Colorado, where he will join his
two weeks’ visit in Texas.
Raven formerly served in the army wife and enjoy his home and ,
Smith is a moulder at the Electric
friends. Mr. Dyer, who came to this j
at Fort Bliss, Texas.
Refinery, and has been a resident
Mr. Frank B. McCurdy, of 7008 city two years ago to work in Kai­
of Portland for several months.
East 18th Street, McLoughlin Hts., ser shipyard, Vancouver, as a jour-
His wife, Mrs. Smith, will soon
was victim of a fall in Kaiser yard, neman Electrician, also as a mem­
return to continue working for the
Monday, August 7. Falling approx­ ber o f the police force of Vanport
Southern Pacific Company.
imately thirty feet, he was rushed city for six months.
immediately to Permauente Hospi­
We wish him a happy and safe
Cpl. Julius Williams was visiting tal, where he was pronounced all trip and an early return.
his family in Vanport Sunday, hav­ in one piece and is convalescing.
If you did not have fun on the
ing been stationed in Benecia, Cal.,
13th, it was not an unlucky day.
for the past three months. Williams
Mrs. E. C. Steward, 145-A Wint- At the Vaguettes, there was loads
is now stationed in Ft. Lawton, ler Drive, has been advised by her of fun; their first affair.
Washington. Before being inducted doctor to take a rest cure. Mrs.
They were presented with a beau­
in the armed forces, Williams was Steward has been an employee of tiful bunch of Gladiolus, three do­
employed as a shipfitter for the Kaiser company for six months as zen of each color, by the West
Kaiser company. Prior to his ship­ a scaler, and is greatly missed by
Coast Struggle Club, of which Mr.
yard work, Williams was a chair- her fellow workers.
W. L. Able is president.
car porter for the Southern Pacific,
Mrs. Icola Edwards, 131 A Wint-
Mrs. W. L. Able is president of
of El Paso, Texas.
ler Drive, left for Oklahoma after the Vaguettes’ social club. Her
Maybe my remarks of last week obtaining leave. Employed as a staff wishes to thank the West
did help some, because this week welder, she left to place her small Coast Stragglers for such a beau­
I can comment on the behavior of children in the care o f her mother- tiful gift, also their many friends
the workers on the busses. Let’s in-law. Mrs. Edwards is the wife in making the party a happy one.
keep up the good work, because to of Elbert Edwards, singer in the
Mrs. N. Bunn, Vice President.
be seen is not to be heard. We are Alabama Israelite Quartette.
Mrs.Ruby Wood, Secretary.
fighting for recognition as indi­
viduals, thus establishing the proof
Dances will continue at Burton
that we can be given every privi­ Homes Recreation center for the
lege due a race.
next month, then the project will
As we know, it is a slow hard close and the occupants moved to
pull up a steep grade, but we must Bagley Downs.
never make a back step. Even
though we are at times disgusted
Booker T. Mickles, manager of
at the progress we are making, we the softball league, who had a con­
must at all costs continue.
tract for entertainment of the peo­
We cannot be too careful about ple of Burton Homes, stated the
First Class Service
cur public conduct, for as we all dances were scheduled for the bene­
know, we are being closely scrutin­ fit of all workers, but due to sev­
ized. The least thing done some­ eral skirmishes, the authorities
2274 N. Interstate Ave.
times in all innocence, will be have set the hours earlier for the
Open 7 A. M. to 11 P. M.
made an issue of by the people protection o f persons going long
distances on dark streets. When we
trying to condemn us.
To be placed on the level o f go to places of entertainment, let
others, we will have to be twice as us be on our best behavior.
Vancouver and Vicinity
q A
store is known
by the
company it keeps