BURTON HONES NEWS By HAZEI.I. PRATT C I U ’R C H N E W S The m è n e r a o f the Burton H om es C om m unity Church, their pastor, the R ev. R. L. Johnson, and a host o f other m in isters a t ­ tended the appreciation services o f th e M cLoughlin H eigh ts Com ­ m u n ity Church, w hich w as held Sunday, Ju ly 16, at 3:00 P. M. in b eh alf o f R ev. S. A. P ow ell. The pastor, Rev. Pow ell, took leave M onday, Ju ly 17, for the east, w h ere he w ill be en gaged in a series of E v a n g elistic services. School, is ill w ith pneum onia. We song w riting field. He has just had pianist to collaborate on m usic. hope little Richard a very speedy a son g published by the W right Anyone who is capable of m eetin g recovery. Publishing Com pany, Chicago, 111. the necessary requirem ents please Entitled, "Buy a Bond to Bomb a con tact the Portland Inquirer, A R T S A N D H A N D IC R A F T Bum," his song is on tfce m usic Work is progressing in the A rts This is a chance for sem e P o r t­ stan d s now’. and C rafts cla sses on the Second land m usician to step up the ladder Annual "Vankids C irkus.” The life V acationing at present, Mr. Grey to fam e, and should not be over­ size bear, large enough to enclose w ill soon return, and is seek in g a looked. tw’o boys, has a face and is b egin­ ning to acquire a body. our colored population. There is plenty of undiscovered talent in this com m unity; so m ake yourselves known you boogie beaters, so n g ­ sters and hoofers. We w an t to see a lot of people in these public per­ form ances. The G reater V ancou­ ver R ecreation Com m ission enables Burton H om es special contribu each and every one o f us the op­ tion to the parade is a revue of per portunity to take part in these pub­ son alities w ith fam ous entertain ers lic show s, so lets take advan tage of of sta g e, screen and radio. S p orts­ the chancse. men and other celebrities are being im personated. Papier m ache m ask s M E E T IN G S for the personalities are tak in g Sun day n ig h t at 8:00 P. M. the W ednesday, July 26, there w ill be shape. A ten ta tiv e list of characters Rev. G ilbert M atthew delivered a m eetin g of all P roject Supervisors to be represented has been posted, the serm on. Dr. M. M. Burnes, Jr., from Portland and V ancouver in but is subjected to revision and sup­ rep resen tative o f the N ational Vanport C ity R ecreation Center plem entation. Jack Benny and his B a p tist C onvention of A m erica in No. 1. Thursday, July 27, the m eet­ troupe, w hich includes our fam ous th is area, u rges everyone to look ing will be held in Ogden M eadows. Eddie Anderson (R och ester), Bill forw ard to the N ational B ap tist Som e of the national officers will Robinson, B in g Crosby and sons, C onvention, w hich convenes Sep­ be present. Joe Louis, Lena Horne, and Paul tem ber 6th to 10th, 1944, a t M em­ W hitem an have been chosen, and Mr. J esse B ates, 226-D Ft. phis, Tenn. R ev. B urnes w an ts it costum es have been started. know n to th ose w ho cannot attend George, urges all Burton H om e There is an opening for Dr. in person th a t th ey m ay enroll by youth betw een the a g e s of 16 and sen d in g in the individual enroll­ 30 years to attend the first m eetin g George W ashington Carver to be m ent, w hich is $5.00, or enrolling of the A m erican Y outh for D em oc­ im personated. All children enrolled in the church, w hich is $10.00, racy, F riday evening, Ju ly 21. at who have not as y et m ade their their d istrict A ssociation for $25, 8:00 o’clock in the F ir st C on grega­ choice are urged to sign up. or the S ta ff Convention for $50. tional Church at 14th and Main, for The high point of in terest in the F or further inform ation w rite M. the purpose o f organ izin g a chap­ sew in g classes cam e w ith the in tro­ M. B urnes. Jr., 238-E F t. George ter of the A. Y. D., the first of its duction of k n ittin g needles and cro­ street. kind in the Vancouver area. chet hooks. Ju anita Robinson has already knitted a purse, and any The second g ig a n tic m ass m eet­ num ber of girls have them well SPO RTS NEW S in g of the Vancouver- local of the The Burton H om e A. C.’s lost to started. A m elia Lanier has com ­ N a tio n a l A ssociation for the A d­ Alcoa, 17 to 18, in the league gam e pleted a knitted hat. The girls are van cem en t o f Colored P eople w as on M onday, Ju ly 17th. The A. C.’s also braiding crepe paper raffia held a t the M cLoughlin H eigh ts defeated Mill P lain 21 to 13 at Mill purses. M ill P lain R ecreation Building Plain on Ju ly 19th. The boys have discovered that M ain Auditorium , Tuesday, July H ere’s w hat we have all been w ood-burning is an art th at quickly 25, 1914, at 8:00 P. M. To you who w aitin g for: an announcem ent by gives professional results. Plaques are not m em bers, w e esp ecially are the favorites and are crow ding in vite you, that you m ay learn of the Burton H om es A. C.’s that they the wonderful w ork this grea t or­ will sponsor a tw iligh t dance in the out the form er favorites, plaster gan ization is doing for YOU. Guest Gym on Saturday, July 29, from 7 carving and clay m odeling. Jam es sp eak ers were the Hon. W m. H. o’clock until 1 l o ’elock. Mr. W alter M adison and M oses B arnett have Jones, M ark A. Sm ith, Ralph F. Polluck, head of P roject Services for both m ade plaques that are a credit F au lk and others, including A n­ the V ancouver area and other not only to th em selves but to the colored race. notables will be present. g elo Herndon. R E C R EA TIO N N E W S SOCIAL “Jack Ju st A nybody” is the Are you a stranger in Burton nam e of the current play being re­ H om es? Then join our Y oung Ma- hearsed by the Burton H om es Dra­ tran s S o ciety Club! There w ill be m a tics class w hich assem b les in plenty o f fun a t our Open H ouse to the club room o f the recreation be held in the Club Room of the center every M onday thru F riday R ecreation Center on A u gu st 3rd, a t 9:15 a.m. until 10:00. Mrs. B ar­ Thursday at 6:30 P. M. Mrs. Isadore bara H icks, fam ous radio actress, W elch, President; Mrs. Lorene A n ­ is the D ram atics teacher. P atch es, , derson, Secretary, and Mrs. M attie the patchw ork girl of Oz, is played W right, Treasurer. by a little race girl Juanita R obin­ son. T his play w ill be presented a t BOXING N E W S B urton H om es on A u gu st 28, at B E N SO N TERRY, who has been 8:00 P. M. training a t the Burton H om es Gym, ---------- started boxing in 1937 at the N inth We are proud of the large race s tr e e t B oy’s Club in Cincinnati, O. enrollm ent, children and ad ults in jje w as then a w elterw eigh t, w eig h ­ the piano class a t Burton H om es, in g 147 pounds. Terry, ".till an a m a ­ on W ednesdays and F ridays. The teur, w en t to Cleveland, then to the girls and boys are very cooperative “W indy C ity.” Som e o f his oppo­ due to the fa c t th a t only one piano nents whom he defeated in his rise is available for use. Mrs. N ell Moe, to a professional w ere W illie Gaines, capable and p atien t instructor, has H ubert W infield and Charley P er­ su b stitu ted cardboard keys for the kins, all noted fighters. W hile in the beginners in her classes, and as the service B enson Terry w as under Ai pupils becom e m ore advanced they W iley, who trained R ay Robinson, practice on the regular piano. Buddy Moore and C haulky W right Look! Look! A variety show w ill be presented a t Furt.on H om es F ri­ day n igh t a t 8:00 P. M. under the direction of Mr. Fred O. Bow m an, supervisor of B urton H om es R ec­ reation Center, and Mrs. Josephine H asbrooke, m usical director for the G reater V ancouver R ecreation C om m ission. Come and see the fa ­ m ous ju g g lin g act, the gu itarist, com edy a cts, b allet dancers, s in g ­ ers, a dram atic sk it and also a num ­ ber by the R hythm Band. M any race children w ill be represented on th is program . M argaret R outt, talented colored dancer, w ill giv e a ta p num ­ ber and A m elia Lanier, gifted pian­ ist, w ill also render a number. We don’t w an t to m iss the w ell known “M cGinty" a ct perform ed by Jack B rid ges and Jack Edgar. N e w ta len t is being discovered a t B u rton H om es each day. Edward Scriven, 248-C, F t. G eorge, w ho is a dancer, is as lig h t on his feet as a feath er, also sh ow s a precise co­ ordination o f rhythm in both feet in h is dancing. W e hope to see Mr. S criven in a sh o w soon. N ow Benson is thinking of head­ ing east to B oston. He w ill fig h t under Doc A very, fam ous fig h t pro­ m oter and m anager. Benson is now fig h tin g in the m iddlew eight class and is sh ow in g grea t progress. Look for our featured boxer in your next w eek ’s issue. RADIO L IST E N to 13-year-old A m elia Lanier over radio station K VAN every Sunday afternoon a t 2:45 P . M. M iss Lanier i s ' a talented pianist w ith m ore than her share o f personality w h ich m akes us all very proud of her. M iss Lanier re­ sides at 250-G Ft. George. Our Burton H om es D ram atics teacher Mrs. Barbara H icks is the "Silver Lady” presented over K VAN every F riday a t 1:45 P. M. The m ost versatile and interested pupils in the dram atics class a t Burton H om es w ill be chosen to appear over the air w ith Mrs. H icks in the near future. ILL Richard Sevier, 581-B H athaw ay, W e w a n t m ore ta len t to represent pupil of the Burton H om es N ursery Mrs. M aratha C rockett is the in- j dustrious and inspiring instructor of the A rts and C rafts classes here | at the center. C lasses are from 10:00 i to 4:30 on M ondays through Fri-1 #ays. « i 1 U. S. 0. NEWS Portland's Most Modern Restaurant ROYAL PALM CAFE 337 N. W. 3rd Ave. at Flanders Home Cooking a Specialty MR. AND MRS ANTHONY SMITH . . Owners and P ro p rie to rs George Olson’s BR0ADWILL PHARMACY Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Lunch at our Fountain 0 N. BROADWAY AND WILLIAMS Closed Sundays Open 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. W I L L I A M S AVENUE GRILL Hospitality Distinctive Atmosphere We Specialize in Home-Cooked Meals SOFT DRINKS MUSIC N. Williams Ave. at Weidler Mrs. M. S. Williams Where Cares Are Forgotten THE ACME CLUB 1504 N. Williams Ave., 2nd Floor Sammy's S h in e Shop B y M. B elle Dunn July 27, Thursday. USO m eeting. July 28, Friday. Game night. July 29, Saturday. E n tertainm ent com m ittee. July 30, Sunday. Picnic 8:30 p.m. July 31, M onday. R ecreational activities. HEADQUARTERS FOR NEGRO NEWSPAPERS Pittsburgh Courier :: Chicago Defender Portland Inquirer All Brands Hair Dressing — Expert Shoe Cleaning and Dyeing 220 North Broadway Show World By Vivian W right Two fair visitors from Los An- ' g eles to the C ity of R oses this w eek j are Autum n and A utrina King. | Known to their public as “B illy and F lick .” P ractically born on the stage, these dainty, talented sisters stop show s a t every perform ance. U pon com pletion o f six w eeks a t the Dream land in A laska, headlining the bill in a S e a ttle club for six more, they will open here Monday, in the All-Colored revue, "Rockin’ in R hythm ,” a t P au l’s M usic Hall. Cute as a b u g’s ear, these girls have already upset the m ale popula­ tion no end. Mr. Ophis J. Grey, Southern P a ­ cific Cook, is a new com er in the Where the Younger Set Gather BIRDS Sofe Drinks - Ice Cream - Sandwiches - Music 2013 N. WILLIAMS AVENUE LORRAI NE Bai-Be-Q and Fried DELICIOUSLY COOKED 151-B Wintler Drive, Bagiey Downs. Washington MEDLEY (O UTSIDE OF VANCOUVER) HOTEL CAFE P o r t l a n d ' s On y S t o r e S e l l i n g GOOD FOOD First Class Service 2 2 7 4 N. Interstate Ave. Men's Full Diape Suits UNITED EXCHANGE STORE Open 7 A.M. to 11 P.M. HERBERT LEWIS, Prop. 25 S. W. Third Avenne (corner Ankeny Street)