Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, July 19, 1944, Image 8

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    ^olio wing this issue the Portland Inquirer will be
11 w i SVC* printed on Fri day of each week instead of Tuesday
Rt’aillng from loft to right are: Mrs. Mignon Cabell, Mrs. Jimme
Franklin, and Miss II. M. I.il.v. Miss Lily is tin* “lady of the Ivories”, .Mrs.
Franklin is hcate»* at tin* I Hi) at Vanoonver, end Mrs. Cabt*l! i. former
hostess at tin* 1'AAB, and now enjoying showering folk w ith iior won­
derful personality.
VANPORT INSTALLS NEv* J E P I’TIES— Reading from left to right, are: John N. Ale\ander, Jackie
R. Alexander, John W. Byrd, tlenry Davis, Alex Eurlch, Jr., Manuel <i. Lerma, Simon P«iwell, Norbert
E. R< ich, Chas. R. Stover, Jr., Warren J. Frank, Levi Dyer, and Captain P. V. Rex, who swore deputies
in. On stage, reading from left to right, are: Lt. F. Lucas, Capt. H. H. Hollard, Coroner F. Butler,
Lt. L. R. Peters, 1/Sgt. C. P. Holmes, and Lt. Matt Dishman.
Mrs. Gcnevle London of Oklahoma
City, Oklalionia, who is visiting lief
son and his fam ily of 112 North
Page. She is a well known eluh
woman of Oklahoma.
Ivy Anderson, formerly feat­
ured singer with Duke Elling­
ton's band, is now on the floor
show bill at the Cloud Room.
BAK-R-Q SCENES. Reading from left to right are, Henry Janies and
Frank Miller, who were direetly responsible for the delicious harheque
of the Fourth of July celebration. Others who took part in preparations
are not on the picture.
Wlio would not recognize these scènes ? Of cours« tliis is just a sampie of tfie very swell tim«* that was
enjoyed by e.eryone présent at a reeent dance at * Po tland Vrmy Air Base.
Hot i' ) u ¡.erj will w le une news
from the War Production Board
that a lim ited production of electric
water heaters has been approved.
Further, t^e War Production Board
established a new quota for pro­
duction of non-electric water heat-
ters. Restrictions also were re­
moved from the manufacture or
fabrication of metal jackets for
water heaters. It was pointed out
that metal jackets will be permitted
again because paperboard proved
Port!und Inquirer
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