Mrs. T. Fisher. The Order appreciates the help of all the m em bers and friends who By HAZEI.I. PRATT helped m ake this one-hundred dol­ CH URCH N E W S betw een the Burton H om e's A. C.’s lar goal a success. M ost N oble Gov­ The B urton H om es C om m unity and the P ain ters a t B urton H om es ernor, Mrs. Josephine M orrison. Mrs. A. L. Randolph, reporter. Church serv ices opened a t 9:00 p .m . w _, . T , _ . .. „ __ _ * M onday, Ju ly 10, w e r e : P ain ters 10. The P astor, the R ev. R. L. Johnson, Burton H om es A. C.’s 6. Earl delivered the serm on. The Rev. M. Brow n, new m em ber and second Dentons Entertain M. B urnes, Jr., D. D., spoke on the basem an, h it tw o hom e rim s and Armstrongs and Band subject, “The Church, H er F ounda­ also does a good job of stop pin g the The Cy D entons entertain ed the tion and P ro sp erity .” ball w hen it is hit down second base. Louis A rm strongs and the world f a ­ SO CIAL The A. C.’s third basem an, G eorge m ous A rm strong orchestra a t a The m arriage of M iss E llie H am ­ Chisum , hails from Chicago, is a beautiful buffet dinner M onday ilton to Mr. A aron S tam p s w as so l­ player at heart. Chisum stop s any night, Ju ly 10. The affair w as car­ em nized Sunday, Ju ly 9, a t 4:00 balls that are hit down the third ried out in a m ost unique and in­ P. M. a t the residence of the bride’s base line. The A. C.’s had a little form al w ay. (One, it seem s, that m other, Mrs. E. H am ilton. The Rev. hard luck, Jim B ates, sp righ t field ­ only the C y D entons can put over.) M. M. Burnes, Jr., o fficia tin g . er, A rthur Crump, le ft fielder, who A fter cock tails w ere served, the Mr. and Mrs. W illiam E nglish, is a hard hitter, and F rank P ratt, dinner began w ith Italian sp a g h etti w ho cam e to B urton H om es seven w ho did som e fine p itch in g in the and m eat loaf, green vegetab le s a l­ m on th s ago, have left V ancouver gam e, all received an injury. This ad, strin g beans w ith pickles, relish, for their hom e, Chicago, Illinois; w on ’t hold the boys down though, etc., hot rolls, and then, of course, lea v in g m any old and n ew ly a c­ so w atch out P ainters in the return the dessert (not so very m any ra­ quired friends. The popular couple gam e. tion points, I hope, an yw ay.) resided w ith relatives, Mr. and Mrs. A gam e w as cheduled here at A m ong g u e sts present, other than Leonard E n glish, 234-B Ft. George, Burton H om es by the Ordnance the honored gu ests, Mrs. and Mrs. w ho hope to follow them som etim e Service Command w ith the Burton Louis A rm strong and orchestra, in the near future. Mr. W illiam E n g­ H om es A. C. The gam e w as not were: Mr. and Mrs C. Young, Mr. lish is w ell know n in C hicago for played because the Service Com ­ and Mrs. Charles R aw lins, Mr. and w r e stlin g and w as considered one mand did not get here, another Mrs. Charles P atterson, Mrs. D a isy of the b est and m ost en ergetic chip- gam e will be scheduled at a later W arwick, Mrs. Scru ggs, w ife o f the pers in the V ancouver yards. date. dean of Lincoln U n iversity, Mr. and W ayn e O. Bow m an, son o f Fred The A. C.’s also w ish to inform Mrs. Charles M organ w ith whom O. B ow m an, P roject Service A d­ the public that their dance pre- Louis and w ifie are sta y in g in visor for B urton H om es; le ft Se- viously announced as of July 17, a ttle J u ly 10, for Jacksonville, Flor- wU1 be postponed untiI further nQ_ Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jack M artin, and the v ery charm ing M iss P ricilla ida, to en ter the V-6 N aval Program t j Coleman. A lso Mr. and Mrs. E dgar w h ich includes aerial gunn ery and A ny new s that you w ish to sub­ Slaughter. m echan ics. m it to the P ortland Inquirer for the A fter the m ost delicious and en­ R E C R EA TIO N good of the N egro and also Burton joyable dinner, the gu ests enjoyed M iss M erlene K elly, tap and ballet | Homeg w m be glad ly appreciated a short gam e of bridge. It seem s j teacher, has been pleased w ith the | by your reporter that all g u e sts were reluctant to _ e n th u sia stic response she has been leave the lovely home o f the D en ­ g e ttin g from the race pupils in her f « n n B O f i u m i T Y p c tons, but le ft w ith the desire to re­ classes. M iss K elly is teach in g her I m I B U H d v t l L l / U l i L o turn again soon and enjoy the pupils the essen tia lities in obtain ing COST-OF-LIVING w onderful h ospitality of the Cy tim e, rhythm and grace in dancing. f vf>]VI, I lP F i r f ” declared A yrs, M iss K elly’s able accom pan- Joseph M' C asey- regional labor ad- ist, w ho plays the piano so ligh tly, visor to the O PA a t a m eetin g w ith Vancouver, W ash., July 11— L ast so ftly and w ith such accu rate la^or and ° P A officials Thursday, tem po and cadence. w here final pIans were m ade for the n igh t the Inter-racial Council of Did you parents know th at som e join t "Cost o f L iving C onference” Vancouver and Clark County, W ash­ to be held in Portland all day Sun­ of our future orchestra leaders and ington m et. This organization m et day to enlist labor’s active support band leaders are now learning baton for the purpose of form ulating a in price control. C asey will be prin­ tw irlin g under the com p etent gu id ­ program to prom ote better feelin g cipal speaker a t the conference and ance of M iss H elen Snider, a n ew ­ and understanding betw een the tw o w ill discuss “Labor’s O pportuni­ com er to the G reater V ancouver races. The plans w ere all form u­ tie s.” He w as accom panied to P ort­ R ecreation Com m ission. lated, and will be announced a t a land by Robert B. Parks from the SPO R T S later date. San F rancisco O PA office, w ho set K ayo H ooker, p u gilist of w ide r e - , . ^ . C itizens of Vancouver and Clark , . , . , ; up sim ilar cost o f livin g conferences nown from coast to coast, is t r a i n - 6 county are insisten t that the races .. . . _ , „ «. in California recently. Irvin g Enna m g the hovers of Burton H om es a t i . , ^ . 6 understand each other better, and ° 1 is general chairm an o f the con­ the recreation center. Som e of the feel th a t in order to understand and ference. trainees are Terry Johnson, R ocky have a better feelin g tow ards each H igh ligh ts o f the program follow : j M arbaly and Chet H enderson. We other, there m ust be a com p lete pro­ M orning session — Richard Stein- w ill hear m ore about th ese b o y s . . . . „ „ , ^ gram formed, and carried out as is . . . , , .. er, m inister, U n itarian Church, in- la ter on, and w e hope to see them .. _ ’ . 7 “ form ulated. Leading educators and ,, , . vocation. K eynote speaker, C. L. in action at the recreation center in f H citizen s of this v icin ity are w h at ...... M cKinney, who represents the Rail- an exhibition. „ . , , , r ______ _ , , citizen s of other vicin ities of the T v., ligh V.; ts in the softball 11 H T- igh gam e w ay . Brotherhood . _ on the „ O PA labor w e st coast term “w id e-aw ak e.” b _________________________ ad vistory com m ittee. Com m issioner A nyone interested in the race Wm. A. B ow es w ill extend greetin gs problem s that are confron ting the on behalf of M ayor Earl R iley. • world today are invited in to som e Problem s o f local boards and o f the m eetings, and are urged by l price panels w ili be discussed by Two organizations, the Interna- F ather F ogarty o f the U n iversity all m em bers to becom e a m em ber of tional Red Cross, and the War of Portland. Earl C. Hald, district this inter-racial council. A special m eetin g of th is group P rison ers Aid o f the Y. M. C. A., O PA price officer, will talk on the is scheduled for M onday, Jul y 24th, now serve prisoners throughout the price control program . and all m em bers and anyone inter­ world, under the term s of the Gen­ A fternoon session — A1 L ake of eva Convention of 1929, w hich sp eci­ the A lbina Shipyarus w ill discuss ested are urged to be a t this fies the trea tm en t and righ ts of w ar war w orkers’ problem s in general, m eetin g. prisoners and the duties of their follow ed by Franz W agner, d istrict captors. Such service to prisoners O PA enforcem en t attorney, who is reciprocal, each belligeren t per­ w ill speak b riefly on enforcem ent m ittin g th is so th a t its own n a­ policies under the am ended OPA tion als m ay receive it in the cam ps law. F inal address w ill be m ade by A fter a separation o f tw en ty -six o f the enem y. Joseph M. Casey. years, three o f the form er M ason The Red Cross distrib u tes supp le­ Each local union has been asked sisters are com ing to P ortland to m en tary food, cloth in g and m edical to send tw o official delegates to re­ v isit their sister, Mrs. R h etta Pryor supplies, w h ile W ar P rison ers Aid port back to their m em bers, and as of 2023 N. E. Rodney. T h ey have of the Y. M. C. A. stim u la tes the m any additional delegates as they not all been together in tw en ty -six program s, and provides th e n eces­ wish. All union m em bers are invited years, and that is a m ig h ty lon g sa r y m aterials, for all o f those lei­ to attend. tim e for anyone to be separated, su retim e a c tiv itie s w h ose object is The conference will be held a t the and is an extrem ely rare occasion to m aintain spiritual, m ental and S te a m fitter s’ H all, S. W. Third and for sisters to be apart. Since seein g p h ysical health throughout the Columbia, Portland, beginning at each other, each has m arried and dreary m onth s or years o f cap tivity. 9:45 ▲. M. and w ill close about 4 has her own fam ily. N eu tra l Y. M. C. A. representa­ o’clock. One sister, Mrs. H oward M organ tiv e s v isit prison cam ps, talk in g o f Baltim ore, M aryland, has trav­ w ith both com m andants and the eled w e st to help m ake the reunion e le c te d lead ers of the prisoners Household of Ruth a com plete success. T his is Mrs. th em selv es, to discover the needs of No. 844 Holds Bazaar M organ’s first trip* to an y part of th e m en. N e c e ssa r y m aterials are A m ost enjoyable evening w as the w e st coast, and in her word, “I th en shipped from the organ iza­ spent by m em bers o f the H ouse­ am carried aw ay w ith the natural tio n ’s h eadqu arters a t Geneva, hold o f Ruth, No. 844, on June 30th. Sw itzerlan d , or from one o f its The m ain feature o f the evening m a n y other cen ters. H undreds of w as a lovely hand-em broidered to n s o f ed u cation al, recreational luncheon cloth by Mrs. Clara W ill­ and religiou s su p p lies are thus iams. and won by Mrs. Jessie Floyd, shipped reg u la rly to cam p s all over All m em bers and visitors w ere try- th e world. The W ar P rison ers A id ing for this exq u isitely embroidered o f th e Y. M. C. A. is a p articip atin g cloth, but Mrs. Floyd w as the w in- serv ice o f th e N a tio n a l W ar Fund, j ner. The door prize w as won by ¿ íx J - r L * .v.tar-. BURTON HOMES NEWS Intei-Racial Council Meets at Vancouver Y.M.C.A.-Red Cross Aid Prisoneis beauties of th is great w estern coast countryside.” Two other sisters have arrived from Tacom a. W ashington, to com ­ plete the group. T hey are M esdam es Robert Jones and M organ Jones. The m ain fa m ily reunion dinner and party w ill be held Sunday, July 23rd, a t Mrs. P ryor’s hom e. Portland’s Most Modern Restaurant ROYAL PALM CAFE 337 N. W. 3rd Ave. at Flanders Home Cooking a Specialty MR. AND MRS ANTHONY SMITH . . Owners and Proprietors George Olson’s BROADWILL PHARMACY Prescriptions C a re fu lly Com pounded Lunch at our Fountain N. BROADWAY AND WILLIAMS Closed Sundays r*** Open 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. W I L L I A M S AVENUE GRILL Hospitality Distinctive Atmosphere We Specialize in Home-Cooked Meals SOFT DRINKS N. Williams Ave. at W eidler MUSIC Mrs. M. S. Williams Where Cares Are Forgotten THE ACME CLUB 1504 N. Williams Ave., 2nd Floor Sammy's Shine Shop HEADQUARTERS FOR NEGRO NEWSPAPERS Pittsburgh Courier :: Chicago Defender Portland Inquirer All Brands Hair Dressing — Expert Shoe Cleaning and Dyeing 220 North Broadway W here the Younger Set Gather BIRD'S Sofe Drinks - Ice Cream - Sandwiches - Music 2013 N. WILLIAMS AVENUE Re-United Alter Twenty-six Years h- They are seein g som e o f the sig h ts that Portland affords. Som e o f the places th at th ey have already been seen v isitin g are th e G rotto, the W ashington Park, and the P o rt­ land A rm y A ir Base. Mrs Morgan is a volunteer senior h ostess and nursery school w orker in the city of Baltim ore. LORRAINE Bar-Be-Q and Fried DELICIOUSLY COOKED 151-B W haler Drive, Bagley Downs. Washington (OUTSIDE OF VANCOUVER) Portland's Ony Store Sel l i ng Men's Full Drape Sui UNITED EXCHANGE STORE 25 S. W. Third Avenne (corner Ankeny Street)