& * n r iA H n a u irer P « » r r f W * / ftW m g C ilia r né ,\ «*»« p u p * ' % «] music was furnished hv Miss Rae Hungerford o f the Friendly House and Mias Viola Kimmei, hotel secretary, who presented an arrangement o f violtn and accordion duns The attractive new lime green room, which will be the permanent quarters of the Lunch Box Canteen, was once a part of the old Y W C.A kitchen The story of how »t waa transformed into a beautiful bar- monious room with Its refreshing atmosphere and feeling of quiet re- pose, begins with Mrs. Robert S. Farrell, former member of the Y W. C. A board. P vetland * p q iu ljtlo a >«ty lim.la ia 1 I'd SSI nssAs tbs K L l^dk A wwnpliers o f tbs lb44 INwtbht city d irec to ry sétim a tea Tbs estimate goes by b r higher then Ibal r.ade by tbe l ’ ailed State# ■«nsus bureen on the tiaete of a survey made this spring was as of June It. IM I F ret voiumea of tbe 1944 directory were m e i m l from tbe bindery Thursday Rased on reports fn>m the can- -•ase for names for the directory, first issued since 1941. the estimate showed an mrrraae of over 100.000 in the city's population since the 1040 census report of Ktt,3lM people The census bureau's spot survey «*- limate release June 23. gave l*ort land a population of 3A7.114 The O PA hacks up the Polk eetl- mate with ration book figures of Inter-Racial United Service Clnb Al Vancouver it ash HlMfV i ■■ { is o rim i y iti sens •UHI r baie rei a hi tabe»! i Uli United Sen ne Ciul VI NZG10 N IW SFtfn r * H *: l« r New City Directory leports lacrosse ia New Canteen Opens at Y. W . C. A. *■» C'MtnJ T A* C ■ __ A • l-uru~h Box t 'a n t m or. Fn- day July 14 «nth pntfran'. » err ftttJBj to lurh an •ion T V O u ttm v col tod M m ' firsts CTuhT of Mr* Robert S F m «U by her uaoctatM was srrvod to Its completion by Mr* |'«rrfU si ■ though i V ts not sn offtcnU of th* T W C A just s vtduntrrr work«r it Y O U i MOGIE M MURK « Dr. Robt Joyner Installs New X-Ray Machine In the most ntotfsen «nd rlassieet medlcsi i«fTwe in the tiKieat build- n* m ftvilsm i. l>r Robert N Joy­ ner Jr . tuts now uhh-,1 *r\ \-Kav to operate uniiAt to the famous t'anteens of the Ka«t and further mst bine Tbe addition of ibis costly *p (i*i«tu » mm stkis to tbe string down the Weat v'oaatal Areas H im of descriptive phrases, another the .* s great step forward fur cttiaena of the State of Washington, the city most completely equipped When M R » ROBERT S FERRELL, you enter the oKlce* of this pro­ of Vancouver amt the county of now a Volunteer Worker sms gressive young medico, you meet an d a rk It has been met with great once on the Board of the T W success and enthusiasm from all atm« sphere of quiet efficiency C A . and was chairman of the «idee This forward step ha* been t'ourteoualy greeted by his well Physical Rducatior Program and trained tend beautiful I aides, you in the making for a period of time, also the Lunch Committee She Air Assured immediately that com- hut i* just being brought to com­ has been retired for some tuna, |»etence. Ability And a really human pletion. and realisation Heretofore. having worked with the Commit­ interest Are amihined here to give Vancouver ha* not realise«! a serv­ tees of World War 11, but re­ vou the first that can tie offered in ice club with inter racial hostesses turned to active service when the the world's top-ranking profession and volunteer worker* Now the two need for her special talents arose Hill all the brains ami efficiency of registration s which were 403,4.Mi on races are working in «■omplete har­ the ages would be of no practical Charming, energetic, o f the type mony and appreciation for each June L. that "gets things done," she had value without the right tool* and othei The program ts expected to The Polk figure allows for names everybody glad to help her in this With a perpetual interest in equipment with which to work. worthwhile project, as she puts young business girls. Mrs Farmll received too late for publication, he a permanent movement and to lie Many doctors have *|ient years in it. “ Everybody helped from the noticed, at the beginning of the but does not include names, al­ copied by other state* the practice of their profession The Salvation Army Service Or­ Board Members right down to year that many girls were bringing though listed in the directory, of without ever thinking of going to the Janitor." A half hour spent their lunches and eating them on residents of Vanport, Kellogg Park. ganization i* aiding local citizens the expanse of |>urcht*aing an X-Ray in her company convinced us. stairways, halls, and other unsuit- Parkside homes ant- Rellaira Court and civic organization* in this machine. In most of their offlcea The formal opening of the Lunch able places Due to crowded restau- housing projects outside Portland movement It is felt that when two even today these expensive thing* groups can work together in coni- city limits. . . , ... are left out. It I* to the credit of Dr. Box Canteen’s new room was held rants. long waiting lines, and the plete harmonv and fnendllnes*. , This volume is ten pounds in . . . . , ... Joyner and hi* Interest in the wel- between 11:30 a. m. and 2 p. m. on high cost of meals, an increasing weight, and the alphalietical section ■oms of the major problem* of the | _ fare of hi* fellow man that he ha* the second floor of the Y. W. C. A. number of girls were carrying their contains 232 more pages than the world can be attacked and solved gone to such length* to place this building Special ceremonies were lunches with them to work each day with a minimum of difficulty and very necessary X-Ray at the dis­ Realizing there was a definite 1941 directory, also it lists reaidents broadcast by radio station KOIN, of rural routes and neighboring a maximum of success posal of hf* patients All of oPrt- need for a comfortable place where with Johnnie Carpenter as master The club is under the directorship communities if they are employed girls could eat their lunches. Mrs. land owe* Dr. Joyner a voto of of ceremonies, interviewing the of Mesdames Tula Kenrick of Bag- in Portland. Farrell, with a Y committee, se­ thank* for the steps he la taking business girls who brought their Names of men and women in the ley Downs. Josephine Haabrooke, to help place the Negro in the posi­ lunches as well as visitors and spe­ cur’ d one of the club rooms on the director of music of the Greater second floor of the building tempo­ armed forces and merchant marine cial guests. Recreation Commission and Manle tion he should hold among the high­ are also included. ly respected people of this commu­ Because in 1901, the Y. W. C. A. rarily for the purpose Recruiting A postal guide map has been in­ Stamp of th«- Salvation Army nity. established its first headquarters women volunteers who were willing United Service Organisation. Thia Thoic hgVe bees sevfirsl **r*