Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, July 12, 1944, Image 6

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Rev. C. M. Brown o f Beaumont, of Lincoln University, and son,
Texas, was the house guest o f Mrs. Sherman, are visiting her mother,
Rachel Greene, 1633 N. E. Going, Mrs. Thomas Campbell o f 133 N. E.
for ten days. During his stay in Halsey.
Portland he was royally entertained
Mrs. Lillian Grossiand o f 502 S.
by Mrs. A. Redo and Mr. Lamberth
Seattle, Washington, flew in
by transport for the day in Port­
Mrs. Rachel Greene was a lovely land. Mrs. Crossland is a service
hostess to a dinner party July 2nd. club manager. The owner is Vernon
Guests present were Rev. and Mrs.
Baker, who is a nephew of Johnny
Smith, sister-in-law and others.
Baker o f the Acme Club.
Mrs. Burnetta Byrd spent a de­
Miss Phylis Reynolds o f 427 N. E.
lightful week end in the city of Se­
Street is confined to her
attle, Wash., last week.
home by illness. We hope for her a
Pvt. Bennie Brown, form er edu- very speedy recovery.
cationel leader o f the Albina branch
o f the Communist Political Associa­
tion, and now a new addition to the
armed forces of the United States,
spent the week-end visiting his
charm ing wife, Mrs. Layola I.
Brown. Pvt. Brown is in the Engin­
eers of the U. S. Army, and is sta­
tioned at Fort Lewis, Wash.
Mrs. J. W. Ingersoll (Cleaners
and Dyers) left last Wednesday for
an extended vacation in the South.
Mrs. Ingersoll was accompanied by
her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Hol-
Mrs. Juno Runnels and Mrs. Gen­
eva Roe Savage, school teachers of
and Oklahoma, respectively,
Mr. Genevieve London o f Okla­
in Portland last week. A
homa City, Okla., is in Portland on
addition to the population.
an extended visit to her son and his
family, the popular young Louis
Mrs. Robert N. Joyner Sr. o f Bos­
Johnsons o f 112 N. Page.
ton, Mass., and Mrs. Ruby Adamson
The Angus Joneses o f N. E. o f New York City, mothers o f Dr.
Rodney were lovely host and hostess and Mrs. Robert N. Joyner Jr. re­
at a dinner last Sunday afternoon. spectively, arrived in Portland to­
Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. gether on Saturday.
W illiam (Bill) Bannister, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Blackburn
Mrs. Charlie Morgan, and Cpl. and
Mrs. Eddie Canady. Cpl. Canady has leave for Los Angeles this week to
recently returned from overseas attend the conventions o f their re­
spective lodges. They are both dele­
duty in the Southwest Pacific.
gates, Mrs. Blackburn is delegate
Mrs. M. E. Simmons o f Vanport from Mt. Hood Lodge o f the Order
City was the dinner guest o f Mrs. o f the Eastern Star, and Mr. B lack­
burn is delegate from Excelsior
G. London.
Lodge, F. & A. M., California Juris­
Prof. Scruggs, wife o f the Dean diction.
Henderson Entertained
By Fontane
eva Savage o f that great state of
the Southwest, New Mexico. Each
o* these ladies is a graduate of
Soviet Mother
Wins Revenge
Huftbami, Two Sons Lost
In Battle, She Takes
To Piloting Tank.
MOSCOW, USSR. — “ A Mother’ «
Revenge" might be the title of the
•tory at Maria Vasilyevna Oktya­
brskaya. She 1« a 38-year-old guards
sergeant in the tank corps and has
recently been awarded the order of
j the Patriotic war first degree for
valor in battle.
Maria comes from Sevastopol. In
prewar days she, her husband and
their two sons had a happy home
lift. A chauffeur by profession,
Maria was domestically minded
and gave much time to sewing, em­
broidering and decorating her mod­
est apartment. But like so many
Russian women she was trained for
war. She had received the Voro­
shilov badge for marksmanship and
had mastered the machine gun.
War came. Maria’s husband, Ilya
Fedotovitch, became a regimental
commissar. Her two sons enlisted.
She remained at home. Soon she
received the news that her husband
had died “ the death of the brave."
Her two sons also perished. Her
father and mother found themselves
in German-occupied territory. Se­
vastopol was in fiames and Maria,
alone now, had to abandon her home
and flee eastward. She couldn’t
settle down to any peaceful pursuit.
She wanted to go to work not as
a Red Cross nurse, stretcher bearer,
sniper or infantryman but as a tank
driver. She was consumed with a
passion to avenge the death of her
husband and her two sons.
Writes to Stalin.
She wrote to Premier Marshal
Josef V. Stalin that she was con­
tributing 50,000 rubles for the pur­
chase of a tank which she herself
wanted to drive. “ I want the tank
named Fighting Comrade,” she
wrote. “ I am a chauffeur by profes­
sion and can handle a machine gun
and have also earned the Voro­
shilov badge for marksmanship.”
Stalin replied: “ Your wish shall
be fulfilled.”
Maria went to the front with her
“ Fighting Comrade.” Her crew was
made up of young men and «he
treated them like a mother. She rose
earlier than they, cooked breakfast
for them, washed and mended their
clothes and in the evenings sat up
with them talking ebout their
homes, their families, their plan«,
their future.
Then came the first baptism of
fire. She was sent in to attack ad­
vancing German infantry. She pi­
loted the tank while gunners took
a heavy toll ,of the enemy. This
battle proved a real triumph for
Maria and her crew. Then came
other battles. Maria became a
seasoned soldier. Her “ Fighting
Comrade” went on scouting expedi­
tions, lay in ambush, participated in
frontal attacks and pincer move­
Has Her Revenge.
Maria was having her revenge on
the army that had killed her hus­
band and her sons, that may have
made slaves of her father and moth­
er, might even have ended their
Then a shell struck the “ Fighting
Comrade,” disabled it. There was no
one near to tow it to the rear. Maria
and the crew remained for three
days beside the damaged tank.
Whep it was repaired she once
more went into battle.
Once, after a hard fight, the
“ Fighting Comrade,” together with
other tanks, hid in a forest. Sud­
denly German artillery started
shelling them. The “ Fighting Com­
rade” was hit. Maria and her crew
jumped out and started to repair the
damaged caterpillar. Shelling con­
tinued incessantly. Maria was urged
to leave the repairing to the men.
But she insisted on doing her share.
Two shells exploded nearby and
Maria fell. But she wasn’t dead. She
was taken to a hospital and it was
there that the colonel of her unit
brought her the news that she was
awarded a high decoration for valor.
“ My men must also be deco­
rated,” she said to the colonel.
“ They have been,” he answered.
Although still in the hospital,
Maria is happy. Her one desire is
to recuperate quickly and go back
to the front with her own or
another “ Fighting Comrade.”
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Fontane en­ Langston University. Miss Lily is
tertained in their beautiful home for a composer, by way of introducing
the always popular Fletcher Hen­ her to you o f Portland and vicinity.
derson on Friday evening. An im­ Miss Lily will accom pany Ivy An­
promptu get-together, it was very derson out at the Airbase Monday.
informal and chummy. You know,
the kind of an affair where every­
body really enjoys themselves. No
For the benefit o f housewives,
frills, no fuss, just so home-like that this ration calendar will be pub­
you feel you were meant to have a lished every week in the Portland
good time. A Palsy-W alsy kind of Inquirer. Clip it out and save, or
get-together. Fletcher regaled uc better still, save the whole paper.
with some of his pet anecdotes.
Fontane and he, it seems, were
BOOK 4. Stamps 30, 31 and 32
around little old New York about valid indefinitely. Each stamp good
the same time (when hoop skirts for 5 pounds.
were popular) and they took turns
Sugar stamp 40 valid for 5 pounds
at keeping us roaring with laugh­ canning sugar through February
ter. Some people have a laugh that 28, 1945.
is so infectious, you just have to
Maximum 20 pounds per person
laugh with them, like Cy Benton, additional canning sugar obtained
who was present with Mrs. Benton. with Form R-323 and spare stamp
We got so much fun out of watch­ 37 book No. 4. Send to local ration
ing him laugh as we did from the board for application form
coy, refined little titter o f the glam­
stamps 1 and
orous Mrs. Daisy Warwick.
The party was made up o f sev­
eral Portlanders, including Mr. and
Mrs. Jackson, Mies Martin, Mr. and ■ Blue stamps (worth 10 points
Mrs. Daniels, also a few o f F le t-! each) A8 through VS, valid indefi­
cher’s orchestra members, including nitely.
the assistant manager. Mr. Smith,
stamps (worth ten points
whom Mr. Fontane has known from
each) A8 through W8, valid indefi­
Mr. Fontane is Portland's well i nitely. Beefsteak, roasts only ra­
known painter and interior decora­ tioned meats.
tor, his best known work is the fa ­
good for 3 gallom
mous Blue Room in Fraternal Hall, j
each, through September 21.
Visitors at the Cabells
valid through September 30.
JJrs. Mignon Cabell, charming
No more than 98 per cent o f sea­
young talented matron of 2923 S. E. son’s rations should have been used
35th Avenue, has as her house-j to date.
guests for an indefinite period o f !
time three young ladies whom all i Monday through Friday, 9:15
Portlanders will be happy to meet, j A.M. to 4:30 P.M.; Saturday, 9:15
A djective phrase scannot justly de- j A. M. to noon; Tuesday, 6 to 9 P. M.
scribe these visitors as they really
should be described. We all shall
Order complete winter supply of
have to endeavor to meet them.
solid fuels immediately.
One is the well known talented,
and attractive June Roe Reynuls, of
Housing units rented for first
Paris, Texas. Another is the serene­ time must be registered by land­
ly beautiful and talented “ lady of lords within 30 days.
is the keynote of the Portland In­
the piano keyboard” , lovely iH. M.
Lily o f Tulsa, Oklahoma. Finally
Each pound of waste fat is good quire-*. Phone us that news or bring
the vivaciously talented M!ary Gen- for two meat-ration points.
us that service man's picture.
Last week we had a salad for you, assure you that the kiddies will say
and we told you about the salad’s you’re beautiful every day, and
slenderizing powers. This week, we “ hubby” will never forget to kiss
have just the opposite for you, that you before leaving for the job each
is something to put a few more day. We all will like that, and if the
pounds on, and make your mouth “ w ifie” does not eat too many help­
run water, and your lips go, “ yum, ings of this cake, she will not gain
too many pounds.
o f 2736 N. E. Rodney Ave.
LADIES . .. follow Mrs. Browne's
has sent us in a real recipe that any recipe with more good recipes each
family, or housewife will be proud week. Just put your recipe on a pos­
of, and she calls it “ Surprise Apple tal card and send it to The Portland
sauce Cake.” Incidentally Mrs. Inquirer at 2736 N. E. Rodney, zone
Browne can really cook, and I don’t 12, and we will publish one each
mean try to cook, but COOK, so week. You may send as many as you
let’s try her recipe.
wish to send.
The texture of this cake is much
like that of cheese cake. It’s de­
licious warm or cold, and a wedge
o f it is an excellent lunch box des­
sert. For a special treat, serve it
topped with a little vanilla ice cream
or with cream cheese whipped to a
flu ff with a little milk.
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
2 tablespoons melted butter or
Va teaspoon cinnamon or nutmeg
3 eggs, yolks and whites sepa­
1 can sweetened condensed milk
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Grated rind of 1 lemon
Dash o f salt
2 cups sieved applesauce.
Mix crumbs with butter and cin­
namon; spread half this mixture
over the bottom o f a greased spring
mold (9 in.) or a deep 10-inch layer
cake pan. Beat egg yolks well, add
milk, lemon juice, lemond rind, salt,
and applesauce; fold in stiffly beat­
en egg whites. Pour mixture into
mold, and top with remaining
crumbs. Bake in a moderate oven
(365 degrees) about 50 minutes.
Serves 8 to 10.
Ladies, if you try this “ Babe” can
Cranes Celebrate
8th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crane o f 1228
N. E. First Ave. celebrated their
Eighth anniversary on last Monday
evening. The Cranes had planned to
have a rather quiet affair with just
a few friends in to help them cele­
brate these eight years o f marital
bliss, but, the news .leaked out and
with people as well known as Mr.
and Mrs. Joe well the results were
terrific. The final total of the num­
ber o f guests present was around
two hundred.
Looking over the crowd we were
able to name some of the many
friends present, there were Louis
Arm strong and some of his Ork
members, and Fletcher Henderson
and some of his gang, they
“ Jammed” a little; Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Payne, Mr. Chas. (P at)
Patterson, the Clifford Jacksons,
Mr. Cy Benton, U. S. O. Kenneth
Smith, Mrs. Viola Donnelly, Mrs.
Janice Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Proctor, Sgt. Hubert Lewis, just re­
turned from Australia, Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Lewis o f restaurant fame,
Miss Bobby Patrick o f Vanport and
others too numerous to mention.
I f you are trained and have experience in clerical work, Sten­
ographer, Typist, File Clerk, Comptometer Operator, Billing Ma­
chine or in any Vocation above the position which you now hold
send your name, address and phone number and qualifications to
THE PORTLAND INQUIRER, 2736 N. E. Rodney Ave. Do not
send your name unless you are trained and have had some ex­
perience and, you are not employed in an Essential Industry.
You can purchase
Baigains on Diamonds. Watches
Jeweliy and Luggage
fl o
3 1 2 S. W. 3rd Ave. (near Oak St.)
Do You Need Cash? . . . W e Loan Money
W ith
Let us print your Letter Heads, Cards,
Envelopes, Dance and Baseball Bills,
Tickets and Announcements.