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About Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194? | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1944)
BUHTON HONES NEWS a ri hotuso * LEARN TO SWOT' rim DAUCI REPORTS ■r HA ZELL PH ATT P C h u rch N * t r » TW • U I ié U m H ***** 'l l it - r- o r>iwilr ^ » wm N »fw*»*u»la swtoar» mum •Ayr fc "to «to KiiaM« m s tim m i W »ir»«l will ba h im mmrimm ml tit» («• «» *1 W » raprtr* fcv tfe* hrr«T,t « I M l H wa - 1 aung Aa a remalt at attemdtag the I n e r ir ò r*adar* mm y July X IM < T V rww past«*, H#> R I. JdincM o u I m I a J M by tit» K#i M M Hurt«« IWrrv# M l p n y w M »(:n c v u hvw } ik <»<1 by C W N*W;n* «r> lo N « * t i b i roas fW lM rtni • toni was r»*> l i n i by I V faiMMN Kin*» of Har- many A solo « w glvss by Mr» WUIbiri u>4 R r» Invi* (t v t • Ah<>rt talk Than i m l .m by Mia* inJuniw JufctiA«. • mmg by I V Alabama larasllt# (guarivi and (V n Mr» Kuth Bum** g u v a nc4tn| B ub)*(t 'Problema H hi« h 'b a i m i I ha IM pli at Tu é» y * At » « • T M a ftow aarmoa was fur MSkrto by liar M M Burn** Aitatila Karl ha* retar y Rev fl 1. JokuUKm. past«* HaaoitiUom Wa. the member» of the Burton Huntaa f'hurrh ror«1lally invita you to attend our rhur« h We ara proud of our Past«* He la mat* In our Church a great aurreaa We the member* and frtenda of Burton Homea Church are giving our loyal support n V a n a le Ib a a e b i participate M I f you h a «» a rbame ta learn to the rbonaa will be aek«d to appear u rn the radtn and at anaay public «e lla , you ad be adae ta mahe the gatherings Mr* N ella M • ta the moat at M Thu yaar l ‘«wtiand a arnaapanut under the direction al the S o cia l N o t « Mra and Mr Aaron King were b e t * to a group aI friend* urh» a t tended their third areddiag anniver- eary party at XW H Pt (b a r f* A grand time waa had by ail Mr Ifx ie i Hein tra* k and t«at- ball cuaib at Be now Te* hnua 1 High Hrbuul in Portland, who baa a wide following and acquaintance In the Pacific Marthaaat la handling ath letic* for the Murtun M«*n-t* H e rea ttun Conter during the aummer play ground period Special Services At Barton H ones The Kiret Baptist Church of Burton Homea. Vancouver, Wash, trni|Mirnrlly l<*-«t«-d In the Old Com* imimty A ctivity Building. ftlklB. T u m b lin g a n d W rsa tlm g Claaaea unit !2<ift. Hathaway Drive, in the Rill Edgar, wc eat ling and tum Burton Home», pantor*«1 by the Rev bling t«*H' her at the center, I* In- j J W Brown, held n | m *< im I services vltlng all boya and girla to come to on last Sunday -The program wa* the tumbling clnaaea on Mon . thru a» follow*. Sunday achool, 1:00 P M . Rev. J F r i , from 10:uo to 12:00 W Coleman, superintendent De votional. 2:1ft P. M., led by Dea Sports con Andrew Rollins. Missionary Baglry I »own» aofthall team lost offering Ellld of devotional. to the Burton Homea A C -1 t«> 6 P U L P IT SERVICES A fter the game the A C.’a had a Rev. Bavin In Charge meeting In the club room of the Congregational song, led by Rev. recreation hall Mr Richard AIII»on, I>»ve. Scripture by Rev. Finney. organizer and founder of th«* aoft- Congregational song led by Rev. I m *II team, realgned hi» potutlnn aa manager Mr. Jim Batea wan elected , L. Brown. Prayer by Rev. Gilbert. Solo by Sis. Diggs. preaident of the team, Mr Prank Sermon by Pastor, Rev. J. W Pratt waa reelected captain, Mr. Brown. Sermon subject, "L ove to Lout* Wright, Secretary, Hubert Christ Indtspensihle ” Acceptance Kmtth, Aaat. Secretary, and Hooker of Members. Offertory. Introduc Mickle, Manager tion of Visitors. Comments. Dox- ology. Dancing Class Evening Service* Burton Home* dancing claaa I Rav. Gilbert ¿n Charge. , mein bars are pmmlMng to equal!?.» R Y. P. U. 7:00 P. M until 7:4ft the ramoiia Katherine Dunham P. M Deacon A. Rollins In charge. troops Margaret Routt is excelling Devotional« led by Rev. Dickson in her tap class, also R. D. Adams Amelia I^anier show» grace and pre- i and Rev. Steele. Solo and intro duction of speaker by Rev. J. W. ciso rhythm in ballet, and plays the Brown. Speaker: Rev. Davis. piano very well. In swimming Bur Prayer, Rev. J. W. Coleman. A c ton Homes will be represented at ceptance of members. Offertory. the final swimming tournament Introduction o f visitors. Com by Venneta Richardson. Margaret ments. Doxology. Routt, Amelia l^anier and Otis A large crowd was present at all Gordon. three services and went their way rejoicing after a very beautiful and Recreation News soul lifting time. Rev. J. W. Brown, As busy as little bees, the pupils the pastor, announced that these in the Arts and Handicraft classes services are held every Sunday and at Burton Homes, under the capable extended an invitation to all in the tutorage of Mrs. Martha Crockett, Clarke County as well as Portland are getting ready for the Greater area to come early and stay late. Vancouver Recreation Circus. The He also wants it known that "W e circus will be held August 2ft. appreciate our freinds, you are wel The circus, which will be the sec come with us and if at any time you ond annual circus, includes the arts are in need of assistance, see me or and handiwork of many apt and tal any minister connected with the ented little residents of Burton church. We are willing to serve." Homes. An exhibit will be held here at the Burton Homes Community Center on August 2nd so that the community can see what each in dividual has contributed toward the arts and handicraft class. Burton Homes Recreation Center was the scene of a dance at an un usual hour last Monday morning. Band The rhythm band at Burtons will The dance having started at 1 a.m. soon be playing on programs. and lasted until 4 a. m. Boogie- Mrs. Josephine Hasbrook as the woogie, jitterbug and jive was the Musical Director for the Greater order o f the day as Joe Crane and Vancouver Recreation Commission, his band "sent" the crowd estimated is anxious that all children who at three hundred. Young and old would like to learn rhythm will alike indulged in a bit of rug-cutting come to the recreation hall Wed. that would have done your rugs a and Fri., 10:30, for this class under lot of no good if your rug had been the leadership o f Mrs. Nellie Moe. on the floor. But no rug was on the I t is good for the smaller children floor as the dance was held in the to acquaint themselves with an gymnasium and though it was not McEIroy’s the crowd seemed to be audience and also keep rhythm. doing alright. In fact, the dance was such a huge success and every Chorus Rehearsal Many calls for colored choruses body had such a swell time, that it is have been coming in fiom Van going to be repeated on Monday, couver to sing and offer special ar July 17, and may become a regular rangements, thus Mrs. Hasbrooks is affair. Tlje dances are for the benefit of inviting all the community who is interested in the colored chorus at the baseball team, the money to be Burton Homes to attend rehearsals used to buy uniforms and equip on Monday nights at 7:30 to 9:30 ment. Burton Homes Has Late Dance aafety department at the Red M the recreation department c4 the Puree a of p a rìa and » ashed- a* Ua* m n |e I ) 1 tmmOj at» - ■ vrai y h o f» i * » r Q gram #*nongmr Mad a t a m fw arto atrtsr g? r «a l •tnmgmr Tto l ’ S O AaxtAe « * n cru «- <*g arm rd are» arto ttof* Tu» B) to » 1 » ut d a iiM ha*» aw e ffwra Mtaa Mary St*an our o n tai- •ha «Sana» Mi Thursday n igit at Mr- f3r-«r a waa tha prvear.taUoe aI i»»a i antato and beautiful local girt, g u v a good rendition at ''to tm g Scr.ti < *M n tM * and th» q a rta l B k a mer. ral Ctor Too." Sha g u v it her Tab*# It asrtna tt « Ua* e v t oep ta all with FWtrhar l i .udai cow* Or- timmm pan * to h a «» a cartata *-gr tft- rheetra lu-crwn pan ping She wa* a c a w * attadMd I* a »»ry affair • dream in a beautiful while formal v r y gond tn t a* It turn» out. and aad flower» in her hair, looking «aia that na rr fatto to draw atten more like a South Sen Islander than tion. At tha totani danra it arma thu [terothy I .am our «That really aay* something | Hats o ff to Mary "Ole Elk* Table tlw uled tor t e « day*, ta twslsa of oar G irl * I f at tim ram «tou t succeed, Farming at 76 Called *Easy- by Montana Man try. try again, and remember you've got something there Improve It, dear, aad dos t stop UU you'v* reached the top Sammy Altoton. another loco... waa his own self, as usual up there chiding that "Mike He made every Portlander ptoud of him. and I know Joe Crane was thrilled- What about it Joe? Sammy’s song waa "Body and Soul " Our very popular Pat Patterson and wife were having a fine time. She was as cute as could be in baby blue, and he as usual was the per fect host. % Mrs. M B. Dunn and Cpl. Perkins had a nice little table for two. She was in her traditional black and white. One of the boys in Fletcher Henderson's orchestra was one of Cpl. Perkins' former schoolmates. Mrs. Unthank seemed to be en joying herself as usual. Mrs. Pauline WilMnson and party was the envy of any crowd. Guests o f Mrs* Lula Lee were Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Turner. The dance was quite a success, what with such people present as Mrs. Anna Morrison, Mrs. Fontaine, Mrs. Cleo Cooper, Mrs. Evans. Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Nikbe II. Mrs. Shire, and the Angus Joneses and their party. I think that about rounds up everyone, and if I missed you. please remember that even though I talk a lot, "P oor” Belle just can’t see EVERYO NE. nalebntlee from the largest at Master n atalee were present Among municipal ponte. July >0 to 14. Jtdy I them wee* none other than the 17 to XI “Hie tannona are not onlv songbird. |»y Anderaun. who was for boy* and girla, they are f >i presented quite a few times hare adulta, too Knowing bow- to ewtm with Duke Elllngtaa. and bey , . runy i*w day aa vg your air or th a t, waa aha hot. or wasn’t she . . She of another. B e el «Va swimming la nang two numbers, the best waa the flnggl aad uuat epjopnhle of "Recks In M r Bed “ And did the •■xerciaan. In Ulta atate. of many "hep-kata" jump I ’ll any they lakea and rivers, and fronting the did . She t* now singing at the <« ean It to the duty of everyone to Cloud R«iom for one month Other* know bow to iwim pAsent were Mr and Mrs Laver- A grim reminder of this necessity ■ ette. the h«wt and hostess were a m m « home to ua from foreign bet- j lovely dream in their outfits of lat tie front* Tina I* an amphiotou* j est creations. Mrs Austin was here, war, vet many <>f the men of «mr and there were Mr Wilbur, Mrs. >w rn«*<l forces d«> not know how to Hall and Prince Spencer, and the *wtm We arc told that nearly ftO Steppe Brothers, who are movie per cent of our war ranualtie» may stars, and verey unique in their be attributed to drowning Many of work. I do mean they art- "hot step these < aanaltw-s never would have pers," or have you already heard . . . occurred if the victims had known Prince Spencer was married two at least the rudiments of caring for weeks ago to Miss Myrtle McVeigh, themselves In «Jeep water Indeed daughter of Mrs. Catherine Mc to th«* swimmer, the capsizing of a Veigh. who resides at 117 N. Halsey. boat in any ordinary water presents They are a very charming couple. no personal peril whatever, and may I heard Miss Myrtle McVeigh had a even be regarded as an amusing a d -, screen test while in California. Re venture. Yet such a mishap, when member though. I only heard, but it befalls one who cannot swim, i with her looks, personality, and often becomes stark tragedy. That charms, she should succeed. What is why the Red Cross and bureau about it, Portlanders ? . . . The o f parks are sponsoring the sum couple spent their honeymoon in mer swimming school for everyone. Yuma. Arizona. One of our top celebrities, Louis Armstrong and his very talented wife were in as our honored guests of the evening. They will be home to the public at Mrs. Morgan’s, 4105 SWEET GRASS. MONT.-Operat- N. Commercial Ave He is still the ing a Montana farm these days is same old "Louie," only he is a bit "the easiest Job in the world." ac cording to'7ti-year-old George Jef thinner, but good as ever, if not bet ter. I f you don’t believe me, please fries. Jeffries, who can remember the take a little time o ff from your hard toil of pioneer days in this un work, and cruise out to Jantzen explored and uncultivated state a Beach, where he has an engagement half-century ago. explains that with there every night for a while. YOU all the modern equipment and con W ON T REGRET IT. veniences, farming now is "a good Another important table was the way to retire.” "All you do,” he says, "is ride Elks. Billy Webb. 1050, Dahlia Tem around a field <>n a rubber-tired ple, 202. Members present were W. tractor all day. If you get tired, L. Shine, Tobber Allen, Lillard you can always go into the house Evans, Jason Fontaine, L. Countee, and talk to your wife or listen to A. A. Jones, Charley Morgan, Thos. the radio.” and Matthew Bills. Ladies present As the season progresses, the were Mrs. Letha Peck, L. Martin. work gets easier — especially in Montana, according to the aging The table was every inch a success. farmer. “ When the wheat comes up. What with all members looking all you have to do is sit and watch their best in the latest fashions, it grow up or burn up,” he says with especially the ladies. They would be all the knowledge of 50 years spent the envy of any wardrobe . . . but on Montana’s prairieland. should I say as Ben Bernie’s Roch ester says, “ Yousah, yousah.” In English, brother that means, you’re tops and can’t be beat. I must pause to say that the Elks is a top Fra WASHINGTON—Declaring that ternal organization, and represents several hoaxes already have been detected, the war department re the leading men in our city. And Public Warned on Fund For Blinded Veterans cently w'amed the public to guard against fraudulent solicitation of funds supposedly for aid to blinded soldiers. Although the army medical de partment has stated publicly that only 73 men have suffered total blindness in this war, the war de partment has discovered circula tion of m;«information and rumors of "thousands’ ’ of blind casualties. The army emphasized that it will give complete care and training to any blinded soldiers, and that it will even furnish them with guide dogs if the blinded veterans need or request them. ----------- -------- .— Western Union Knows Gustav Line ‘Secret* NAPLES.—The Germans’ Gus tav line originally was known only as the “ G” series of for tifications and, when telephoning, the Nazis referred to it as "G " for Gustav, an AUied staff offi cer said. Eventually the line became designated as Gustav by both the enemy and the Allies. FDR ¿ayl: O r i g i n a l l y we asked for 10 percent in bonds; now we need considerably more. DO Y O U H A V E a ROOM or An APARTMENT That You Want to Rent? Advertise It in the PORTLAND INQUIRER Port l and' s Ony Store S e l l i n g Mens Full Drape Suits U N H I D EXCHANGE STORE 25 S. W. Third Avenue (corner Ankeny Street) LORRAINS Bai-Be-Q aw) Fried Chicken DELICIOUSLY COOKED 151-B W intlei Drive. Bagley Dovrai», Washington (OUTSIDE OF VANCOUVER)