Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194?, July 12, 1944, Image 1

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Club, Fraternal i
Social News
This is Y O U R N e w s p a p e r . . . so
help m a ke it y o u rs b y se n d in g
______in these h a p p e n in g s.
Portland's Leading Colored Newspaper
Negro Dentist
In Portland
JU LY 12. 1944
S tr*
WAC Lieutenant
Donates To
Portland Lounge
The Portland Inquirer made an attempt to bring to its readers results
of the great catastrophe that occurred in Hartford, Connecticut, and
wired Chief of Police Charles J. Halliffey for information concerning the
number o f Negroes killed and injured. Our inability to publish for you a
We are proud to be first to an- i complete story on this fire is no fault of ours. For the public's benefit,
nounce the arrival in Portland of we reprint for you a telegram received from the chief of police.
Portland Inquirer (Mr. Ralph H. Faulk, Editor),
Dr. Carl Vickers, Portland s first
2736 N. E. Rodney Ave.,
Negro Dentist. Dr. Vickers’ arrival
Portland 12, Ore.
in Portland heralded a new era in l All bodies not identified. Many mutilated beyond recognition. Unable
the life of the colored people and to tell number of Negroes.
CH ARLES J. H A L L IF F E Y , Cliief of Pottce,
citizens of Portland who are hoping; I
Hartford, Conn.
for and looking; forward to the j
Negro taking his rightful place in j
Cab Driver
Portland, Ore.— Recently W AC
Liteutenant Blanche Scott stopped
over here in the city of Portland,
Oregon, while enroute to Walla
Walla, Wash. While here she visited
in the Troop-Lounge of the Travel­
ers’ Aid Society, where thousands
of members of the armed forces of
all branches of the service stop, of
all colors, races, creeds, and reliious
denominations. Presuming that she,
Lieut. Scott, might receive a similar
reception to that afforded Negroes
in most of the “ solid southern”
cities, she was agreeably surprised
at her reception here in Portland,
especially when she and other N e­
gro members of the armed forces
were treated with such humane cor­
diality. She could not detect any d if­
ferences shown between Negroee
and whites in any form of service
and receptiveness.
Upon preparations for her depar­
ture, this very stunning and attrac­
tive W AC Lieutenant, who exempli­
fied such cha-m and intelligence
that workers in the Lounge re­
marked about it, made a farewell
remark. This remark is as follow s:
“ In all my travels, and I have done
quite a lot of traveling, I have never
seen such humane kindness shown
in any troop-lounge. Other Negro
members of the armed forces and I
have been given such a warm and
kind reception that I wish to leave
a little token of appreciation to
further this great work that la be­
ing lone here In ,T»r\r*jnn^' a.
with that she handed the worker an
envelope. Upon opening the en­
velope after the departure o f H a
lieutenant the hostess of the Troop
Lounge, who was in charge at that
time, was to say the least “ sur­
It is not customary at any time
for a member of the armed forces
to pay for any service received in
the Troop Lounge. The workers do
not tender service with any thought
of monetary gain. Occassionally a
soldier will leave a dollar (maybe)
or so, or he or she may go to the
limit with a five dollar bill, but
that's that. So the worker is excused
for being “ surprised” when she
opened the envelope left by W A C
Lieutenant Blanche Scott. (In ci­
dentally she is a graduate of Vassar
College for Women), for it con­
tained a twenty-dollar bill. Lieuten­
ant Scott is a Negro.
No further action was taken in
matter and all parties concerned
of this area.
left the police station, some mum­
It is altogether fitting and right
bling words that sounded like law j
that Negroes should begin to take j
Zelma M iddelton, songstress, a p ­
an active part in not only the health |
Ed’s note: Watch the Inquirer;
g here with Louie Arm strong s
and well-being of their cnmmu“'ity.
I if it goes to court, we will be the
but the economic welfare as well.
The driver of a Broadway cab in - 1 first to bring you the news.
A business of any kind, regardless suited and threatened a rider Sun- j
------------—— ■—
of the type, be it tailorshop, boot- day, it was learned by The Portland
black stand, barber shop, or what Inquirer, when the rider objected to
have you, if conducted correctly, it an overcharge on his fare. The
lends its little bit towards adding driver of the cab, William N. Eher-
prestige to the position Negroes ington. No. 17600, went so far as to
hold in the business world. There­ threaten to slit the throat o f the
It has been announced by Gordon
G. Steele, president of the Portland
fore all of Portland is happy to wel­ rider. Even then the passenger re­
come Dr. Vickers here as Portland’s fused to pay any more than what
Washington, July S— H alf a mil­ Traction company, that a new mo­
first NegTo dentist.
the meter registered, except that he lion GI babies are expected to make tor coach service to East Vanport
from downtown Portland has been
We hope he is the forerunner of had already given the driver a tip,
inaugurated. The terminals will be
more professionally trained Ne­ and all parties concerned went to
320 S. W. Oak street in Portland and
groes to come. He was invited to the 2nd and Oak Street Police Sta­ months at Uncle Sam's expense.
Katherine F. Lenroot, chief of the at Messina and Makin avenues in
become one of us by some really tion.
children’s bureau, estimated last East Vanport.
progressive Negroes of Portland
A t the police station it was
Saturday, that many babies and
Cash fare will be 10 cents. Chil­
who have the welfare of the race at
learned that the cab had picked up j
dren under 7, when accompanying
heart and no ulterior or hidden mo­ the passenger at the eastern end of 1
tives behind their invitation. His Victory Boulevard in Vanport. der the emergency maternity and a fare-paying passenger and not oc­
acceptance and decision to stay Having another passenger in the ini ant care program for which con­ cupying a seat needed for a fare­
proves that he can see a future here, cab at the time, the driver continued gress has appropriated 942,800.000. paying passenger, may ride free.
There will be no embarrassment Children alone must pay full fare.
not only for himself, but for the on to the west end of Victory Boule­
to this service in that the
right thinking progressive people of vard where he discharged his other
appror>-i*tion. pro-
our race that setUs here.
pwee.tncM'- Without turning back vt
servicemen’s wives | C lfC t J O II D î l V Ô
Dr. Vickers is at present taking ms meter, which at that time reg­
no questions asked
his State Board Examinations in istered 9100, he returned to Port­
status of
preparation to open an office and land. When the rider got out of the
has been granted the use of space cab. the meter registered 92 30. He
Oregon kept its promise to the
in the Dental School until such time gave the driver 91.50, thinking at
F e s le v a l F i n m I a v a a
nation by going more than one hun-
as he has a location.
the time, he says, that he was “ tip­ I e a e i d l Lmpioyee
died per cent in the fifth war loan
ping" the driver. The driver imme­ I n c r e a s e N o t e d
drive. It over-subscribed up to Sat-
diately got boisterous and demand­
Washington July 9—An 8978 In- ! urday by a volume of 9148,309,092
ed 92.00, because as he said, that is crease during May in the number against a quota of 9125,000,000
A fter the Fletcher Henderaon the fare from Vanport regardless of of paid federal employees in the con- \ which was announced by C. E. Sam-
dance on Thursday night, the local what was on the meter. The rider tinent&l United r ta tes was reported mons, state chairman, Oregon War
Elks, Billy Webb Lodge, No. 1050, refused to pay any more and that is Wednesday by the civil service com­ finance committee. The drive o ffi­
held open house The large crowd when the threats along with a few mission.
cially ended Saturday.
that attended was evidence that the choice names were passed out by
It was the fifth consecutive
The slate also has a chance to
news of the open house had received the driver. He continued to use monthly increase and brought th e, pass its E bond quota of 938,000,000
wide circulation. Celebrities in large these names at the police station.
total to 2.862,449. In June of last as a result of a treasury ruling that
The officer at the desk after get­ year federal employment reached j all bonds issued by the Federal Re­
numbers rubbed elbows with the lo­
cal population in the kind of an af­ ting some advice from his col­ a record peak of 3,002,453.
serve bank by 3 p.m. July 31, may be
fair that the Elk Lodges all over leagues told the driver that under
In addition to employeea on regu­ counted against the E bond quota,
the country are famous for. Free the law. since he did not turn back lar wage or salary foils, the federal which was 44.1 per cent.
drinks and food everywhere, the j his meter, the passenger really owed government had 8508 91-a-year em­
free and easy comradie of the as­ him nothing. That legally he would ployeea in May and 283,660 who
sociation making it an evening that have to ride the same route, clock were serving without compensation,
all who were present will remember it and send a bill for the fare.
the commission reported.
pleasantly for a long, long time.
Washington, July 9 --Bond sub­
Among those present were the U.
scribers in the fifth war loan have
S. O. Smiths, Mrs. Cox, Mr. and Mrs.
gone over the top. and now total
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Martin, Van-
Cy Denton, Mrs. Shelton and charm­
916.650,000,000, Secretary of the port City, a son, Joseph L., bom
ing daughter. Mrs. Janice Lewis,
Treasury Henry Morganthau an­ June 24.
Joe Williams, W. W. Shine, Mrs.
nounced in a statement of mid­
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Belcher, Van-
Marion Brown, C. Countee, Mrs. W.
port City,.a son, Douglas, July 7.
On Monday afternoon, Ivy An­ 3he sang with such beauty and feel­
B. Dunn, Mrs. Peck, Mr. and Mrs.
The fifth war loan drive ended
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Blakeney,
Fontaine and others. Military per­ derson, accompanied at the piano ing that the men of the air-base Saturday, and the total as taken up Vanport City, a girl, Sandra Sus­
sonnel were T/Sgt. Donald Hep­ by Miss H. M. Lily, gave a perform­ could not seem to hear her sing to Saturday was 916,000,000.000.
anna. July 7
ance that ia always as only Iv y An­ I enough. They called her again and
burn, and Cpl. Eddie Perkins.
Members of the Lodge made derson can put before her public. I again for more songs.
Miss L ily accompanied Iv y Anderson at the Portland Army A ir Base
speeches, celebrities were intro­
duced and an announcement was on Monday. She is visiting her sister, Mrs. Cabell, on 2923 S. E. 35th
ter W. L. Shine at his Barber Shop, Ave. Miss Lily is a very talented pianist, and she and her sisters. Mrs.
membership campaign. During this Franklin and Mrs. Cabell, appeared as radio arHsts in the rtate of Okla­
Membership Campalfu a special homa. She and her sisters are all three members of the Delta Sigma
Joining Fee rate is offered to en­ Theta Sorority, and the entire group is unusually talented.
Miss L ily is a graduate of W iley College and a teacher in Oklahoma, j
courage new members to find out
P o rtlan d Inquirer
just what makes an Eik click. The One should hear her own compositkm of “ Won’t You Please Take My
2 7 3 6 N. E. R o d n e y A v e n u e
fees are for new memberships Five Application", of whigh Mrs Franklin of the U. S. O. at Camp Hathaway,
Dollars, for reinstatements, Two Vancouver, Washington, is the composer of the words. It is what the
Please enter my subscription fo r................ months and find
Dollars f.nd Fifty cents. Applica­ jive talkers consider a “ solid sender” .
Miss Anderson is now appearing, ance at the Portland Army Air Base
tions will be received by Mr. Allen
enc'osed $ .....................
at 1031 N. Larrabee, Worthy Mas­ at the Cloud-room, and was for- was a complete success in every
ter W. L. Shine at his Barber Shop, merly with that band of national way. And we muHt say that Miss
N am e .............................................................
or Mr. Lillard Evans, 1429 N E. and internati nal fame, Duke El­ H. M. L ily completely won the
First Avenue, EAst 9541.
lington. Miss Anderson has an in hearts of all service men present
Street Address.................................................
The bar was efficiently handled imltable style of her own, that can- with her style of piano playing, and
C ity...................................... ........................
by Jason Fontaine and Eddie not be copied by anyone, no matter each service man wanted more
how hard one may try. Her appear - music.
the business and professional world j
Unde Sam
To iPay For
New Bailies
Goes Over Tcp
Elks Hold Opec House
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