PAGE A16, KEIZERTIMES, MARCH 11, 2022 All Center 50+ Volunteers volunteer recognition April 17-23rd is National Volunteer Week. The theme this year is "Shining A Light on the people that inspire us to serve". We are excited to celebrate the impact your volunteer service has made in our community- not just last year, or the year before, but for many years! You have made a difference. You have made Salem a great place to live. In the face of challenges, and obstacles you continued to help in every way possible. Together we have fought loneliness and isolation, made sure seniors had food and supplies, supported people staying healthy and connected and let the community know that Salem's seniors are important and NOT FORGOTTEN. We want to celebrate you! Join us on Wednesday, April 20th for an outdoor/indoor bbq. Food and special entertainment, and announcement of our Volunteer of the Year. Please let us know you are coming so we don't run out of food-that is NEVER FUN! On Behalf of the seniors we serve and the staff of Center 50+ I want to thank you for your year's of service. We would not and could not exist without the hundreds of volunteers, and 1,000's of donated hours of support. Join us April 20th where we will shine a light on your service for all to see! Sincerely, Marilyn | 503-588-6303 | 2615 Portland Road NE A Advantage Does your HVAC System need a SPRING CLEANING? “For most homes, this should be done once every 3-5 years. (Equipment tune ups anually)” offer expires 5/15/2022 * Basic clean Starting at $450 Full Duct Cleaning and Complete Tune up * Deep Clean Starting at $525 Full DUCT CLEANING and DUCT FOGGING to kill bacteria and viruses, Complete Tune up * Ultra Clean Starting at $795 Full Duct Cleaning, Duct Fogging, and UV light protecton, Complete Tune up 503-393-5315 Call to schedule now! CCB #174260 *Up to 10 ducts. $35 per each additional duct.