PAGE A18, KEIZERTIMES, JANUARY 21, 2022 Public Notices SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JOSEPHINE COUNTY Juvenile Department PUBLISHED SUMMONS Case No. 19JU08788 In the Matter of JANETTE SOPOHIA GONZALES, Child. TO: Shawn K Gonzales IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: A petition has been filed asking the court to enter a Judgment Establishing the Parentage of the above- named child. YOU ARE DIRECTED TO FILE A WRITTEN ANSWER to the petition NO LATER THAN 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF FINAL PUBLICATION OF THIS SUMMONS, specified herein, consenting to or objecting to the establishment of the child’s parentage and informing the court of your current residence address, mailing address and telephone number. YOUR ANSWER SHOULD BE MAILED TO Josephine County Courthouse, 301 NW F St, Grants Pass, OR 97526 and DHS’ attorney, AAG J. Adam Peterson, 1555 E McAndrews Rd, Suite 200, Medford, OR 97504. This summons is published pursuant to the order of the circuit court judge of the above-entitled court, December 27, 2021. The order directs that this summons be published once each week for four consecutive weeks, making four publications in all, in a published newspaper of general circulation in Marion County. Date of first publication: 01- 07-2022 Date of last publication:01-28-2022 NOTICE READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY IF YOU DO NOT FILE A WRITTEN ANSWER AS DIRECTED ABOVE, the court may proceed in your absence without further notice and issue a judgment establishing the parentage of the above-named child either ON THE DATE AN ANSWER IS REQUIRED BY THIS SUMMONS OR ON A FUTURE DATE and may make such orders and take such action as authorized by law. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS (1) YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY IN THIS MATTER. If you are currently represented by an attorney, CONTACT YOUR ATTORNEY IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIVING THIS NOTICE. Your previous attorney may not be representing you in this matter. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY and you meet the state’s financial guidelines, you are entitled to have an attorney appointed for you at state expense. TO REQUEST APPOINTMENT OF AN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU AT STATE EXPENSE, YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY CONTACT the Josephine County Juvenile Court 301 NW F St, Grants Pass Oregon 97526 phone number (541) 476-2309, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for further information. IF YOU WISH TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY, please retain one as soon as possible. If you need help finding an attorney, you may call the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service at (503) 684-3763 or toll free in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. IF YOU ARE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN CONTACT WITH YOUR ATTORNEY AND TO KEEP YOUR ATTORNEY ADVISED OF YOUR WHEREABOUTS. (2) If you contest the petition, the court will schedule a hearing on the allegations of the petition and order you to appear personally and may schedule other hearings related to thepetition and order you to appear personally. IF YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR, YOU MUST APPEAR PERSONALLY IN THE COURTROOM, UNLESS THE COURT HAS GRANTED YOU AN EXCEPTION IN ADVANCE UNDER ORS 419B.918 TO APPEAR BY OTHER MEANS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TELEPHONIC OR OTHER ELECTRONIC MEANS. AN ATTORNEY MAY NOT ATTEND THE HEARING(S) IN YOUR PLACE. PETITIONER’S ATTORNEY J. Adam Peterson Senior Assistant Attorney General Department of Justice 1555 E McAndrews Rd, Suite 200 Medford, OR 97504 Phone: (541) 414 1030 ISSUED this 29th day of December, 2021. Issued by: J. Adam Peterson, OSB# 064671 Senior Assistant Attorney General 01/07, 01/14, 01/21, 01/28 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION PROBATE DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Case No. 21PB10919 In the Matter of the Estate of AUGUST J. KUBISHTA, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JANET LOISELLE- MANNING and MICHAEL A. KUBISHTA have been appointed Personal Representatives of the above-captioned Estate. All persons having claims against the Estate are required to present them to the Personal Representatives at the addresses shown below within four months after the date of first publication of this Notice. All persons whose rights may be affected by the probate proceeding may obtain additional information from the court records, the Personal Representatives, or the attorney for the Personal Representatives. DATED AND FIRST PUBLISHED this 7th day of January, 2022 Monica D. #064600 Pacheco, Albany, OR 97321 (541) 974-1012 ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: RUSSELL L. GETCHELL, OSB #103904 Evans Batlan Getchell LLC Attorneys at Law 969 - 13th Street S.E. Salem, OR 97302-2504 (503) 588-5670/(503) 588- 5673 - Fax 01/07, 01/14, 01/21 OSB NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES Janet Loiselle-Manning 410 Apple Blossom Ave N Salem, OR 97303 (503) 390-0719 Michael A. Kubishta 4720 12th Ave NE Keizer, OR 97303 (208) 982-0027 ATTORNEY Monica D. Pacheco, OSB #064600 DOUGLAS, CONROYD, GIBB & PACHECO, P.C. 528 Cottage Street NE, Suite 200 PO Box: 469 Salem, OR 97308-0469 Telephone: (503) 364-7000 Facsimile: (503) 585-0699 Email: 01/07, 01/14, 01/21 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Probate Department NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS No. 21PB10724 In the Matter of the Estate of: RAY KEITH PETERSON, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them with proper vouchers to the undersigned Personal Representative at Evans Batlan Getchell LLC, Attorneys at Law, 969 - 13th Street S.E., Salem, Oregon 97302, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings hereby are advised that additional information may be obtained from the records of the above entitled court, the Personal Representative or the attorney for the Personal Representative. Dated and first published January 07, 2022. JACOB LEVI PETERSON, Personal Representative P E R S O N A L REPRESENTATIVE: JACOB LEVI PETERSON 736 NE South Nebergall Lp IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Probate Department NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS No. 21PB11033 In the Matter of the Estate of DONALD LEE RENO, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the personal representative of said estate. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the personal representative at: Garrett Hemann Robertson P.C., PO Box 749 Salem, Oregon 97308-0749 or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of this court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative. DATED and first published this 7th day of January, 2022. Craig Alan Reno, Personal Representative J. Kevin Shuba, Attorney at Law OSB No. 914263 Garrett Hemann Robertson P.C. PO Box 749 Salem, OR 97308-0749 01/07, 01/14, 01/21 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Probate Department NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Case No. 21PB10961 In the Matter of the Estate of DONALD WAYNE CONVERSE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, has appointed the undersigned, Donnette C. Brown, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Donald Wayne Converse, on December 28, 2021. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same, with proper vouchers to the Personal Representative by directing said claims to Roger K. Evans, Law Office of Roger K. Evans, P.C., 675 Church Street NE, Salem, OR 97301, within four months from the date of first publication of this notice as stated below, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by this proceeding may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative, or the Attorney for the Personal Representative. Dated and first published January 07, 2022. /s/ Donnette C. Brown Donnette C. Brown, Personal Representative PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Donnette C. Brown 1943 Eola Drive NW Salem, OR 97304 Phone: 503 871-6424 ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Roger K. Evans, OSB #812170 Law Office of Roger K. Evans, P.C. 675 Church St NE Salem, OR 97301 Phone: (503) 585-2121 Fax: (503) 364-7689 Email: roger@rogerkevans. com 01/07, 01/14, 01/21 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Probate Department NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Case No.: 22PB00035 In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES GILBERT TATE, Decedent. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Randy Tate has been appointed personal representative of the estate of Charles Gilbert Tate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached to the undersigned personal representative at: Parker & Griffith, P.C. PO Box 13006 Salem, Oregon 97309 within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorneys for the personal representative, Parker & Griffith, P.C. PO Box 13006 Salem, Oregon 97309. Dated and first published: January 14, 2022. 1/14, 1/21, 1/28 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON