DECEMBER 31, 2021, KEIZERTIMES, PAGE A3 MCNARY PRINCIPAL ERIK JESPERSEN My hope for McNary is to have a special place for every student to con- nect with one of our clubs, sports or McNary/Keizer community activities. This isn’t a new wish for our students as we’ve been preaching this initiative for several years now, but for 2022, it is a major point of re-emphasis. This coming year we all need to work hard at coming together, seeking common ground and focusing our energies on building positive connections that are fun and constructive. It’s both amaz- ing and inspiring what McNary and the city of Keizer can accomplish when we put our minds and spirit together. community as a whole. Professionally, my goal is to lead our CASA organization through a suc- cessful re-accreditation process early in 2022 and grow our volunteer base for both CASA and Safe Families for Children, as well as grow the number of our Foster Parent Night Out sites. All of these together will help us serve more children and families in a holistic manner. Personally, I need to eat more veggies and walk more. KEIZER CITY COUNCILOR SHANEY STARR I am hopeful that as a commu- nity we can set aside the divisive dia- logue. I am hopeful that we can begin to engage again in civil discussion and not hide behind the veil of social media. It is great to have our individual opinions, but when we don’t agree with someone we need to set aside the name calling and insults. What happened to seeking to understand by asking ques- tions? What happened to asking how we get to yes? What happened to com- promise? We still don’t have to agree, but at least we will have made an ear- nest attempt at understanding each other and fi nding a win-win for the KEIZER CITY COUNCILOR DAN KOHLER At this time of year, it is customary to look ahead and consider what we would like to accomplish this next year. I have been asked to do so as a mem- ber of the Keizer City Council, so, here goes. Of course, there are the well-known items that could use attention: parks, public safety for all, homelessness and our water system will always rank high on the list of matters that need our vig- ilance and attention. If I were to look out a number of years and identify the one thing I would wish for, it would be an orderly expansion of our Urban Growth Boundary. Why? Well, people will continue to move here for all the reasons we like being here, we don’t need to elaborate on them, let’s just say there is a character and feeling and attitude in our community that says we are proud and happy to live here. We know that people will come and as of now we have very little land left to accommodate them. Land for homes and stores and perhaps even manufac- turing-like businesses so we can have jobs for us all. If we fail to accommodate them, there will be repercussions. Home Start the New Year With a Home-fi eld advantage. Cat of the Week Name: MAGNOLIA Age: 1.5 HISTORY: Black female domestic shorthair, stray. PREFERRED HOME: Talkative, aff ectionate, likes to be held, good with anyone, not sure how she will be with other animals. WE HAVE MOVED >>> Our new location is 4157 Cherry Avenue, Keizer <<< 503-362-5611 Joe Guerra Ins Agcy Inc Joe Guerra, Agent 3791 River Road N Keizer, OR 97303 Bus: 503 - 463 -1388 o o b os bo pen hap When They Do, Call Us 503.884.9681 prices will rise (not a good thing if we want our kids to be able to stay here) and eventually state land use regula- tors will insist we do something; and that something could change the very character of the city we love by trying to jam more people into the present boundary. We can’t ignore the issue and pre- tend it won’t create bad choices later. I’m reminded of the answer to a ques- tion I asked one of Keizer’s fi rst city councilors, Phil Bay. I asked what he regretted not doing? He said he regret- ted not getting the third bridge built. I don’t want to look back and know I could have done something to help insure a better future of Keizer. So, my wish for 2022 is that we apply our full attention and put into action a plan to expand our Urban Growth Boundary to get ready for the popula- tion growth we know will come. My biggest goal is for everyone to know and feel someone loves you. I understand you work really hard for your home and car, and I’m here to help protect them. Stop in or call me today.