PAGE A6, KEIZERTIMES, DECEMBER 24, 2021 2021: Top stories of the year Continued from page A1 of River Road and Cummings. Beck con- tinued driving until Salem police were able to use a tactical maneuver to stop the vehicle near Home Depot on Cherry Avenue. At that location police fi red a single shot and, after a standoff , Beck eventu- ally surrendered and was transported to Salem Hospital due to multiple gunshot wounds. No police offi cers were injured during the extended confrontation with Beck. A Marion County Grand Jury unani- mously found that Keizer police offi cers Jeremy Darst, Scott Keniston, Chad Fahey, Cody Stupfel, Michael Kowash and Sergeant Kevin DeMarco were justi- fi ed in their use of deadly force against Beck on July 28. The same grand jury indicted Beck for: • Attempted Aggravated Murder with a Firearm (two counts) • Manslaughter in the First Degree sudoku • Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle • Failure to Perform the Duties of a Driver • Attempt to Elude a Police Offi cer • DUII 'Every time we fi nd a home they kick us out': The story of a sweep at an Indian School Road camp Less than a half-mile east of Keizer Station, on the outskirts of Salem, sat a homeless camp. The camp, located along Indian School Road, was one of eight homeless camps dispersed by the Oregon Department of Education (ODOT) from Nov. 2 to Nov. 17. ODOT calls these sweeps of camps “site restorations.” At 8 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 15, residents at the camp were told that they had until 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 16 to vacate the premises and fi nd a new place to live. In the hours before tow trucks were set to begin removing vehicles, campers scrambled to pack their belongings and get their cars and RVs started. “We just need more time. We will move, we just need more time. I can’t lose my RV,” said one female camper at the time. “It seems like every time we fi nd a home they want to kick us out,” said Tim, a man staying at the camp. By Monday, Nov. 22, the area where the Indian School Camp once sat was now completely “restored.” About a half- mile north of where the camp used to be located, 18 cars and RVs sat parked along Indian School Road. Many of them were the same ones who had been scrambling to fi nd a new place to live just a week before. brainfood sudoku answers pg A9 Man charged for rampage through Keizer; pedestrian killed On Wednesday, July 28, at approx- imately 8:40 p.m.., Keizer Police Department Offi cers responded to a sus- picious vehicle call behind a business at the corner of River Rd. and Dearborn Rd. Upon arriving at the scene, offi cers confi rmed that the suspicious vehicle had been reported stolen earlier that day. Additionally, the offi cers were able to observe that a man standing next to the vehicle, later identifi ed as Sean Beck, had a gun on his left hip. As police approached the vehicle Beck got into the driver’s seat. He failed to comply with commands and began shooting at the offi cers, who returned fi re. Beck then drove away from the scene, going south on River Road, while police pursued him. During the pursuit, Becky Dietzel, was struck and killed as she attempted to walk across River Road at the intersection • Unlawful Use of a Weapon with a Firearm (fi ve counts) • Theft in the First Degree (three counts) • Felon in Possession of a Firearm (three counts) Enter digits 1-9 into blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, & every 3x3 square. maze by Jonathan Graf of Keizer Your Neighbor Your Realtor Start a Conversation with Keizer’s own Go-To-REALTOR for Buying & Selling 3975 River Rd N, Suite 3, Keizer call or text 503-983-4086 email Bob Shackelford is a licensed real estate broker in Oregon. CURRENT PRESIDENT K EIZER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Bob SHACKELFORD Broker