PAGE A10, KEIZERTIMES, DECEMBER 10, 2021 BUSINESS AND Services Phone & Video Conferencing Available 503-371-9636 Protecting You and the Ones You Love Kathy Belcher Attorney at Law McGinty Belcher & Hamilton, PC 694 High Street NE, Salem • Estate Planning • Elder Law • Probate Social Security • Wills & Trusts Asset Protection • Medical Directives Guardian & Conservatorships CR CR D I R E C T O R Y Come in & receive a FREE Light Check & Bulb Replacement 3353 Silverton Road NE Salem ◆ 503-363-1990 See BEFORE & AFTER photos at Give Us Your Keys, & You’ll be Pleased! CR SPOTLIGHT A t every stage in life there are chal- lenges, some anticipated and some not. Seniors have unique legal needs and challenges that are best served by an attorney with extensive knowledge and experience in the fi eld of Elder law. Kathy Belcher, a Keizer resident for over 25 years, and an active participant in the com- munity, is an Elder law attorney that has been serving the needs of Salem-Keizer’s elderly population for over two decades. Kathy is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), and Oregon State Bar’s Elder Law & Estate Planning sections. She has written a number of articles on elder law topics and is a frequent speaker on estate planning, Medicaid, and elder law topics, reg- ularly presenting free educational seminars for public and private groups. Kathy and the attorneys at McGinty Belcher & Hamilton, Attorneys, PC are dedi- cated to helping the elderly, disabled, persons with special needs and those suff ering from Alzheimer’s and other dementias, handling the needs of their clients with profession- alism, compassion and understanding. In a time of crisis, they bring comfort and clarity. The quality of their legal work and the trust McGinty Belcher & Hamilton, PC 694 High Street NE, Salem • • 503.371.9636 and respect from their clients has earned them outstanding reviews and recognition as one of Salem-Keizer’s leading elder law fi rms. Whether you need to draft a will, a power of attorney, a medical directive, establish a trust, buy or sell your home, arrange for long term care, establish a guardianship or conservatorship, protect assets or resolve some tough issues related to these areas, Kathy and the attorneys at McGinty Belcher & Hamilton, PC are here for you. We are proud to off er prompt, individual- ized attention and elder law services to help you realize your personal and fi nancial goals.