DECEMBER 03, 2021, KEIZERTIMES, PAGE A23 Sim with his mother after a Volcanoes game in 2015. JUCO, Continued from page A15 University, where he became a fan favorite. In 2010, he was selected as a catcher by the San Francisco Giants in the 27th round of the MLB Draft. Sim spent fi ve years in the Giants system, never advancing past Single-A ball and struggling at the plate. In 2015, when Sim spent the season with the Volcanoes, he was convinced by Matt Yourkin, the Volcanoes pitch- ing coach, to make the transition from Submitted photo catcher to pitcher. “I had never pitched in my life. But I was struggling in low A-ball so I decided to give it a try. I was pitching 95 percent fastballs, but I was throw- ing 90 (MPH),” Sim said. “I had a great time in Keizer. Those memories will never leave.” Sim made 26 appearances as a relief pitcher in 2015, throwing 32 innings and posting a 2.53 ERA with 32 strikeouts. Along with having some moder- ate success on the mound, Sim says becoming a pitcher gave him a new- found swagger on the fi eld. “Pitching is a whole other ball game. You start the game with the ball. You have to have this attitude that you are the best in the world,” Sim said. “There has to be a dog mentality there. You need to be the hunter and have to be able to fl ip the switch.” Sim played one season of indepen- dent ball before offi cially retiring. He returned home to Canada as a 27-year old with only $500 in his checking account. He worked as a bartender for a few years before his itch to train again was overwhelming. After minimal exercise since his playing days ended, Sim only hit 77 MPH on the radar gun while throwing at a park. He was incredibly displeased with the result, and over the next year, Sim began training in a cement facility he called “the prison cage” to get back into shape. “I wasn't doing it for anyone. I was just having fun with it,” Sim said. “I was training for myself and my enjoyment.” Partnered with a no-nonsense atti- tude and NSFW commentary, Sim began to gain a substantial amount of viewers. But his following went through the roof when he started, and completed, the 95-or-die challenge. In June of last year, Sim began his quest to throw 95 MPH. After clocking in at 87 MPH, Sim worked tirelessly through a weight lift- ing regimen and throwing program to try and hit 95 MPH — harder than he ever threw as a player. In November 2020, Sim reached his mark, and celebrated accordingly. “I was so psyched. It took me 151 days to get to 95 and I enjoyed every single day,” Sim said. “I wanted to do whatever it took to be the best version of myself in baseball. I didn't want to throw 77 just like everyone else. I felt like I had a unique mentality and I wasn't afraid to speak up. And I felt like people started taking notice.” Over the last several months, Sim has created a variety of popular vid- eos, ranging from velocity challenges with college baseball players, to try- ing to out-bench press a professional shot-putter — most of his videos receive tens of thousands of views. Sim didn't even realize how popu- lar he had become until he went to a Chicago White Sox game with former big leaguer Jonny Gomes. Gomes played for eight teams over his 13-year career, but went unrecog- nized when he and Sim walked into the stadium. However, when Sim was spotted, dozens of youngsters fl ocked to him asking for an autograph. “It was pretty crazy. No one recog- nized him. But so many kids came up to me and I was giving them signa- tures,” Sim said. Since rising to fame, Sim has used his platform to be an advocate for minor league baseball players receiv- ing better pay. When he was a player, Sim shared stories of living in a three-bedroom house with seven other players and often eating peanut butter sandwiches for dinner. “Stuff like that shouldn't happen. They need to be paid a livable wage so they can focus on baseball and produce for their organizations,” Sim said. With Major League Baseball announcing that they would pay for minor league players' housing, along with salary increases, starting next sea- son, Sim is encouraged that the trend is heading in the right direction, but says there is still work to be done. “I'm so glad it's changing but we still have a long way to go. I am going to keep speaking up for them. They need to at least be making minimum wage,” Sim said. Sim says that he has found his pas- sion as a content creator, and he isn't planning on slowing down any time soon. “With content, the sky's the limit,” Sim said. “I'm going to do this until I can't anymore.” brainfood ANSWERS Sam Goesch Ins Agcy Inc Sam Goesch CLU, Agent sudoku crossword 3975 River Road N - Keizer, OR Bus: 503-393-6252 - Web: State Farm , Bloomington, IL (1211999)