PAGE A20, KEIZERTIMES, DECEMBER 03, 2021 McNary swim will rely on seniors to lead small roster IN THE Zander Rhoades is expected to be one of the leaders for the McNary swim team this season FILE PHOTO, Keizertimes NEWS TIPS? Pet P e e hap pens Pool BY MATT RAWLINGS Of the Keizertimes With more than 70 student-ath- letes on the roster, the McNary swim program was beginning to build on a solid foundation after the 2020 season. But when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, head coach Casey Lewin felt that the squad lost some of their momentum. “That was defi nitely hard to swal- low. We were really making strides as a program. Our girls relay team could have been a district champion, top fi ve in state, type of team. But that’s the way it shook out. It wasn’t just us that was aff ected by it. We’re all in the boat together,” Lewin said. With the entire 2021 spring short- ened season featuring just exhibition races, several McNary upperclassmen elected to not participate last season. Although the swim team has about 30 less athletes in the program, Lewin thinks having a smaller crew will help his kids develop faster in the 2021-22 campaign. “When you have that big of a team practicing on six lanes, it can be hard to get things done. It's much more If it's happening in Keizer, or to someone from Keizer — WE WANT TO KNOW. When It Does, Call Us 503.884.9681