DECEMBER 03, 2021, KEIZERTIMES, PAGE A11 Keizer kids disguise the turkey in school contest Students from Keizer Elementary took part in a Disguise the Turkey contest, in hopes that their turkey would not get eaten for Thanksgiving. Below are some favor- ites, selected by librarian Tracy Peterson. Santa will to make an appearance at the Keizer Holiday Lights Parade. FILE PHOTO, Keizertimes Travel impact of parade If you are planning to leave Keizer the evening of Saturday, Dec. 11, make sure you have an alternate travel route planned. That night Keizer is host of the Holiday Lights Parade, meaning there will be road impacts. The parade travels southbound on River Road starting at Lockhaven Drive at 7 p.m. Dec. 11, and disbands at the intersection of River Road and Glynbrook Street North. The Keizer Police Department will have two areas closed for the parade and other activities. The impact starts at 3:30 p.m., when Lockhaven Drive N. is closed to all traffic between River and McClure Street N. to establish a parade staging area. River Road will be closed to all northbound and southbound traffic around 6 p.m. from Plymouth Drive to Lockhaven. Northbound River Road traffic will be diverted to Cherry Avenue Northeast via Plymouth Drive while southbound River Road traffic will be diverted eastbound on Lockhaven. Prior to the parade and other events, traffic will periodically be allowed to cross River Road at Chemawa Road, Dearborn Avenue and Manbrin Drive. River Road is expected to re-open around 9 p.m. as the parade continues southbound. Signs advising of street closures are expected to be placed leading up to the day of the parade. Police are asking for sidewalks along River Road to be kept clear of chairs until the parade starts so that disabled citizens can travel on them. Tick, Tick...BOOM! is successful adaptation BY T.J REID For the Keizertimes As Homer Simpson once said, “Trying is the first step towards failure… the lesson is, never try.” As a flawless human being, I am not personally famil- iar with the concept of failing, but every- one else in the world would do well to not heed this fatherly bit of advice. I am told that a much healthier way of looking at things was expressed by Thomas Edison when he insisted that he “(had) not failed (to make the lightbulb). (He) had just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Broadway legend Jonathan Larson did not have to write 10,000 musicals before figuring things out, but he did need at least one failure before he hit the big time. That failure and the story behind it is explored in Tick, Tick… BOOM!, a Netflix adaptation of the off-Broadway show of the same name that beautifully celebrates the creative process, art, and the people who make it. The structure of tick, tick… BOOM! was a bit confusing to me at first. Originally a stage show, BOOM! is about the failure of another stage show entitled Superbia. This is the film adap- tation of BOOM! that includes bits as they would have been seen on stage in the original production (ie. with a three-person cast, band, and no sets to speak of), but the majority of the film dramatizes the story as what you as an audience member of the play are supposed to be imagining while watch- ing the actual minimalistic show. That’s how I, as a Broadway neophyte, inter- preted things, anyway. While initially puzzled, I really grew to appreciate the creativity and authen- ticity of this approach over time. Those two adjectives are perfect descriptors of the entire experience, in fact. You would never guess that this was Lin-Manuel Miranda’s first time directing a feature film if you didn’t know that fact going in, as he seems to fit as naturally behind a camera as he does composing behind a piano. Buoying Miranda’s freshman out- ing is a screenplay that cleverly adapts the small and personal play in a way that actually works on screen and still man- ages to convey the intimacy of the orig- inal venue, as well as Andrew Garfield’s stunning performance as Jonathan Larson himself. Who knew that guy could sing? I didn’t. Nowhere is the creativity of Tick, Tick… BOOM! more apparent than in the musical numbers, however. For those who don’t know (I didn’t), Jonathan Larson would later go on to write the smash-hit Rent and get that one string of numbers stuck in everybody’s heads for all of eternity, and a song or two in BOOM! might have the same result on audiences as well (there are also some “talky” songs that basically amount to people randomly moving their voices up and down while talking, however, which I must admit I am not a fan of). The music, choreography, and camera work of the diner number makes that scene a particular stand out, and if you don’t have the time (or patience) to watch the entire movie you should at least look up that bit on YouTube (the cameos in this scene alone are enough to thrill committed theater goers). Andrew Garfield stars in Tick, Tick...Boom! If failure is an excellent teacher, then the people behind Tick, Tick… BOOM! probably didn’t learn much. But that’s what happens when you success- fully create the lightbulb on your first try. Tick, Tick… BOOM! is now available on Netflix. Netflix