PAGE A8, KEIZERTIMES, NOVEMBER 26, 2021 BUSINESS AND Services Phone & Video Conferencing Available 503-371-9636 Protecting You and the Ones You Love Kathy Belcher Attorney at Law McGinty Belcher & Hamilton, PC 694 High Street NE, Salem • Estate Planning • Elder Law • Probate Social Security • Wills & Trusts Asset Protection • Medical Directives Guardian & Conservatorships CR D I R E C T O R Y Come in & receive a FREE Light Check & Bulb Replacement 3353 Silverton Road NE Salem ◆ 503-363-1990 See BEFORE & AFTER photos at Give Us Your Keys, & You’ll be Pleased! CR CR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT T he ground you walk on tells a lot about you. The fl ooring in your home and offi ce express so much and visitors will have an impression imme- diately. That’s why what is on your fl oors is as import- ant as your furnishings and the exterior of the home or offi ce building. Jason purchased the business in 2018 and moved the store location from west Salem to Keizer Plaza. When fl ooring is on your shopping list for a total make-over, a remodel or a new construction, Valley Flooring Center needs to be on your list of stops. Jason Wick and Valley Flooring Center in Keizer have the selection to help your fl oors make the impression you want. Carpet, vinyl, hardwood, lux- ury vinyl tile/plank and laminate fl ooring — in other words, fl ooring for all walks of life. “When people come in, they deal with the owner,” Valley Flooring Center 4930 River Road N • Keizer • 503-371-8188 • CCB #222960 A customer will fi nd low prices (not cheap, but low prices). With low overhead, Jason is able to pass the savings on to his customers. said Jason Wick, “we are a small, family business. It’s “We hold true to our word,” Jason added. “We a friendly way to get things done — dealing with one are an honest business. Our installers arrive when person through the whole purchase and installation promised.” process.” Aside from fl oor coverings the store also off ers carpet and vinyl remnants at huge savings. They also have formica for countertops and carpet cleaning. When your fl oor needs to make a statement, see Jason Wick and his team. Valley Flooring Center is located at 4930 River Road N. The phone number is 503-371-8188. The CCB number is 222960.