PAGE A4, KEIZERTIMES, NOVEMBER 12, 2021 CONCERNS: ‘ Only 12% of fifth graders were listed as being on track in math.’ Continued from page A1 Board Chair Osvaldo Avila said the board would meet again in person when it is safe to do so and “a couple members of the board meet with district leadership to determine how to have in-person board meetings in the safest way possible.” Salem-Keizer, which had to cancel a meeting in August due to safety con- cerns as well, isn’t the only Oregon school board where meetings have turned into political battlegrounds. The Newberg school board unexpectedly voted Tuesday night to fire their super- intendent after members of the conser- vative majority felt he wasn’t enforcing a ban on political symbols in classrooms that they had passed, as reported by The Oregonian/OregonLive. Public comments were limited to 45 minutes at Tuesday’s meeting, with each speaker being given three minutes to speak. In addition to discussing areas they would like to see school funds go in the future, multiple speakers expressed upset that several board members voted against the resolution outlining the board's commitment to equity and anti- racism at last month’s meeting. “When you talk about diversity and inclusion, I really think we should also welcome diverse perspective. Otherwise if all of us have to work the same way, that’s not truly diversity in my opinion,” Board member Satya Chandragiri, who voted against the resolution last month, said later in the meeting. “We shouldn’t misunderstand each other, we shouldn’t blame each other or shame each other but listen to the argument or discussion that we have. Because only then can we have the good policy come out.” Board member Marty Heyen turned her camera off for the entirety of public comment. Following public comment, the board began discussions on the upcoming school board zone redistricting. The redistricting aims to ensure the number of people in each school zone are close to equal. The board currently has two redistricting proposals and is seeking public feedback on the maps, which will be available on their website. The board plans to review the maps and public feed- back at a Dec. 7 meeting. Assistant Superintendent Olga Cobb then presented key performance indica- tors that show how students are doing this year in comparison to years past. Two of those indicators, second grade reading and fifth grade math, showed a much higher percentage of students in the “high risk” category compared to years past. Only 12% of fifth graders were obituary listed as being on track in math. Cobb When you talk about emphasized how much the pandemic diversity and inclusion, affected the normal I really think we should learning process for these students. also welcome diverse Another category perspective. Otherwise if all on which Cobb pre- sented was student’s of us have to work the same sense of belonging in schools in the way, that’s not truly diversity year 2019. While the in my opinion. sense of belonging in Salem-Keizer elementary schools was in the 70th percen- Board Member, SALEM-KEIZER SCHOOL DISTRICT tile compared to schools through- out the country with similar demo- of spending for the nearly $150 mil- graphics, the sense of belonging in mid- lion they received in Elementary and dle and high school in the district was in Secondary School Emergency Relief the 20th percentile. (ESSER). Suzanne West, the district’s The second half of the meeting was director of strategic initiatives, said that dominated by presentations on budgets almost $45 million has already been allo- and upcoming funding. The Student cated to address the unfinished learning, Investment Account, which aims to or learning loss, that occurred during the improve equity for students that have pandemic. historically experienced academic dis- parities, had its funding in the district cut last year from $36 million to $11 mil- Questions or concerns? Contact the lion. The district said it hopes to receive reporter via email: the normal amount of funding this year and outlined areas the money will go towards, such as the hiring and retention of a diverse staff. Finally, the board outlined a timeline — SATYA CHANDRAGIRI Harry James Tlusty Dec. 29, 1940 – Oct. 23, 2021 Harry was born to John and Anna Tlusty in Molalla, Ore. He is survived by his sons Terry Tlusty and Michael Tlusty; daughters Anna Ownby, Kelly Tlusty, Michelle Gibbons and Becky Begley. He also leaves behind 10 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his wife Cheryl Tlusty. HARRY JAMES TLUSTY The full obituary can be found at Margaret McDaniel May 23, 1920 – Oct. 26, 2021 Margaret McDaniel of Dallas, Ore. passed on Oct. 26, 2021 at the age of 101. brainfood sudoku answers pg A8 sudoku death notice Enter digits 1-9 into blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, & every 3x3 square. maze by Jonathan Graf of Keizer