PAGE A12, KEIZERTIMES, NOVEMBER 12, 2021 BUSINESS AND Services Phone & Video Conferencing Available 503-371-9636 Protecting You and the Ones You Love Kathy Belcher Attorney at Law D I R E C T O R Y Come in & receive a FREE Light Check & Bulb Replacement McGinty Belcher & Hamilton, PC 3353 Silverton Road NE Salem ◆ 503-363-1990 694 High Street NE, Salem • Estate Planning • Elder Law • Probate Social Security • Wills & Trusts Asset Protection • Medical Directives Guardian & Conservatorships CR See BEFORE & AFTER photos at Give Us Your Keys, & You’ll be Pleased! CR BUSINESS AND CR Services D I R E C T O R Y SPOTLIGHT E ggert & Associates is a Keizer law fi rm representing clients in divorce and family law, criminal defense and DUI, and bankruptcy cases. Our signature services are family law and criminal defense. Our attorneys have spent most of their careers handling all aspects of family law, including divorce, child custody, child support, modifi cations Eggert & Associates PC 3855 River Road N, Keizer • • 503.837.6111 We listen to what our If you have a budget (and Our offi ce is located at clients have to say, and help most people do!), chances 3855 River Rd N, in Keizer. to guide clients to their best are we can fi nd a way to possible outcome. and restraining orders. Mr. Eggert has over 20 years of We’re fl exible in our experience. approach to your issues. Our telephone number is work with you and keep it (503) 837-6111. For more aff ordable. information see us online at